What's stopping you from giving up video games?

What's stopping you from giving up video games?

No better use of my time.
No friends.
Crippling depression.

Sweater paizuri

I want to rub her belly.


Why would I need to give them up?

The real world is getting awefully oppressive for a white man..
I rather stay inside my computer, thank you.

>haha made you look at these anime tiddies bait
Sgood tiddy tho.

boredom mostly. I usually only play them during my downtime at work. Even then not much, can't get with the pay 2 win of phone games.

giving up blowjobs.

I never stopped enjoying videogames

I just have a harder time starting them up due to lack of youthful energy

I gave up video games years ago. I just come here to shitpost.

They're fun?

Crippling depression and the thought of killing myself because nothing will actually get better.

Lack of friends, other interests.

Was that meant to be a question?

Social anxiety that keeps me mostly housebound

Way too much time, and nothing to do with that time


The fact that as I have less free time in my adult life means I get to enjoy the shorter time I have to play them more. Also, the fact that the selection of games to play nowadays has never been better, and is constantly improving.

I still enjoy rubbing down nude lolis.

I'm scared of reprisals for the coup too, my friend.

This desu

I don't stop doing things I enjoy. It's why I still wank even though I have a girlfriend.

It's the only thing that keeps me distracted from thinking about how much of an useless fuckup I am

I still enjoy them.

Without them, I would have literally no reason to live.

Nigga you best post the unfucked image of that.

Anyone have sauce?

Dragon Quest and Civilization are still fun. Once those die, I'll probably give up on games.

Uh, nothing, I guess. I'm not going to, though.

I love giving my bf blowjobs while he plays video games though

>What's stopping you from giving up video games?
Too much of a backlog to get through.

>giving up video games
I'm not a faggot

Found it. Thought it looked familiar, it's a Matsu piece.

Pretty much nothing. I don't really play then anymore.

now you've done it

you fool you've doomed us all

I can enjoy the classics over and over again while searching for some games I've not played yet so I'm never stopping user

Based, i'll be blowing my load in your name user.


It's a healtier escape of reality than drugs or alcohol. My life sucks

I'll be your friend user

They're fun

I salute thee

But I have already given up on them. If I ever do play, it's older games from before 2005. Or with friends.

No problem. Fair warning for context: that's a dude whose body is in some weird "gender disassociative" state or some shit, so he flips between male, female, and futa.

This mostly. I'm slowly joining the number of my friends so disgruntled by the industry that they stopped playing video games altogether and switched back to full table top gaming.

The message has been clear: those people don't want my money.

Kickstarting proved a fruitless endeavor in the end. I have no hope left.

Because when I'm playing video games I forget how much I hate myself.

it's already part of my daily routine
>wake up
>go to job
>go home
>play vydia

>giving up video games?


Why should I? I like playing them.

Actually being good at them and always having lots of fun, playing with the best players the game has to offer.

I did give up singleplayer games though.

Cred Forumsposting

there is nothing better than smoking a big ol bowl and playing some game. I love video games so much even though my reactions are like a snail.

They help me forget I'm all alone due to my own mistakes.

Plus thy are fun and longer than a movie.

dude weed lol

Dragon Quest

Real life is just a pile of shit, powered by adrenaline and some other chemicals. Instead of it, I choosed something more, something different... I choosed videogames.

Because I still enjoy them.

Fewer than in the past, but still enjoy them.

You'll never get away from video games. Even if you finally get tired of all the AAA games, you'll just end up playing Solitaire all day. Like all the old men.

because i hate video games

But you are both furries, which puts you in your stratosphere of bad.

Im not a furry. Im just sexually attracted to 2d anthropomorphic animals.


you fool
what have you done

What's stopping you from sucking my dick?



What else can I do

I need hobbies

These past two weeks I've abandoned playing video games in favor of trying to learn how to art.

I'm still terrible but I hope one day I will git gud and be able to draw things that are pretty.

Things will probably change and I'll go back to playing video games once the NX is announced, depending on whether it's actually worth buying.

Except Marty.

Escapism. I'd fucking kill myself without vidya

what hobby can even compare to vidya though?

>What's stopping you from giving up video games?
What the fuck, why would I give up on a hobby?

underrated kek

a lot I'm sure

Learn to draw and jew furries out of cash. Then you can make a rope out of money and hang yourself for becoming cancer

There's nothing wrong with marty

that doesn't sound very fun though
more like a job

That one was so fucking hot and I'm not a furry.
I mean, Kemono is just another kind of degeneracy and i'm a total degenerate.

There are still a lot of fun gems every year though it does feel harder to find them

Seeing vidya constantly decline is fuckin sad tho, even imagining there's an entire generation now that's had to pay for their cheat codes rather than finding them out through magazines/easter egg hunting


>Implying married couples with kids are that happy
Oh I'm laffin. It's what middle aged fat ladies tell people to make them as unhappy as they are.

Considering the one getting fucked doesn't even look like a furry 90% of the time, it makes sense

the boy was super cute too

Hes a freak human with a dog nose.

Im actually not a big Lucario fan either but hes better than Marty.

smoking pot and feeling things around you.

don't bully marty!

Your post.

That's what.

Yeah that too, he seemed to have smooth skin all the time.
Yeah I agree.

No homo though.

He who shall not be named only derails threads he makes.

pretty much this


You know what, most anthros with human hair are crap.

A. Past overwhelming fun I've had with friends. So even if the present is weak as fuck, I'm not going to say The Future is Doomed, because that's just ridiculous given our advancements and forward progress.

B. How much I like the story and settings of Nintendo's franchises. They're fun to follow (although not so much as of late).

stop with these stealth /soc/ threads you double fucking niggers

>blocked for not vidya

Really? In a thread thats basically just for blogging about your life?

start playing video games with timmy

>double fucking Googles


this, why would I need to stop?

The occasional good one still gets made, like brigador, starsector, and battlerite.

Actually enjoying them? I've got a fuckhuge backlog of shit I never touched for 3 years of college so it's interesting to see shit after all the shitposting has cleared.

nothing. i haven't played a game in over 3 months.

Sometimes games are fun, and I always have games I want to play or get gud at (specifically, multiplayer online games).

However, with Nintendo changing the way it is, I don't see myself buying anymore consoles. I still enjoy my PC though, and smash.

>all your friends have became normies
>you haven't
where did it all go so wrong Cred Forums?

>mfw my name is Taylor too

never would call myself Tay, no matter how much of a faggot I might be, though.

I've had people try to call me Tay, but I won't let them. It's not a fucking name.

before the thread gets pruned, what is this body type called, so I can find more?

we all gave up video games, that's why we post on Cred Forums

I enjoy games, unlike (you), faggot.

shut up tay and suck my cock

more of this

it's time to stop videogames user

Only if you're cute

I still enjoy them. About to unlock class change in Dragon Quest 7 after 20 hours. With how much they advertised the feature I expected it earlier.

>thicc OP pic
>no more thiccs in the thread

come the fuck on Cred Forums


It's literally fat, blubberlord

this is how cute i am

i don't even play that much
mostly just watching tv series and anime

Thats not that cute.

stop anime

try this then!

That's pretty cute, user.

This thread.

Hey look it's a TF2 player! It's rare to see your kind these days.

Find your own.

i havent played anything truly in like a few months now

now i just buy records and do music

school is taking up my time

i don't miss vidya that much tho

other things take up my time so it feels strange to even boot up steam or battle.net at this point



New Nier.

If you don't have a willy, how would I be able to suck your cock?

but it's fun

Got anything fuzzier?


You mean Blizzard.net?

>Hi! I like videogames

Surely he can agree that the art posted is particularly fappable

Why would I do that? I like video games. I play them with my girlfriend and we have fun. I like being lost in other worlds and having the power fantasy of being the strongest guy in that world.

I see your shit taste in fetishes are contributing to the lack of friends.

I want to grasp lucario's soft, pillowy pants.

Lucario isnt bad but theres a lot of other Pokemon Id rather fug first.

Posting sleepy baby animals is unfair.

>succubus (male)
>shit taste

>That disgusting ass mole there for no reason

It's not even a cute one.

That taste is pretty shit actually.
It's only not shit as a self-insert on female.
And if you're self-inserting as them, this qualifies as avatarfagging and is more shit taste than if you wank to male succubi traps.