Uncharted 4 has bad gameplay

>Uncharted 4 has bad gameplay

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All their effort to make melee/climbing/mantling/etc animations look 'visceral' (read:cinematic) and it looks so jerky and awkard. How?


Yeah it does
>That gravity-shifting homing punch
>The second guy just stood still from :12-:16
>Third guy fires a single three shot burst
>Every other enemy doing everything possible to do chip damage while saying out of cover and exposing themselves
>Your dumbass still dies

Seems to suit you though

Alright...you've convinced me to buy a cheap copy, I hope Mr Cohen is pleased with you.

This gameplay is fucking horrible and you know it. Literally a corridor and you basically auto target those things you hook onto.

It's Wind Waker deku island in fast but retarded and unsatisfying.

>those right dude's animations around 10 seconds

It has good gameplay but not enough of it.

>>That gravity-shifting homing punch
>>The second guy just stood still from :12-:16
>>Third guy fires a single three shot burst
>>Every other enemy doing everything possible to do chip damage while saying out of cover and exposing themselves

All modern action games are like that, even Crysis 1 had "mercy time" in which the enemies stop shooting for 1.5-3 seconds to give the player time to recover.

Here come the webms again.
Pressing a button to throw an autoaimed hook, or a button so the character floats into a climbing point isn't really good gameplay. It barely qualifies as gameplay at all.

Are those the most retarded cops in the universe?

>Tries to make the game more interesting

I'd like to see how well you could do at it friendo. I should have just shot them both as soon as I was detected at 0:12, then jumped back down

instead I went all rambo with the melee and had to hide on the left side to heal, where I was trapped by the enemies who'd rapidly surrounded me. It's just like a fatal error in judgement. I couldn't pull that guy off because it takes too long, and the guy who wasnt shooting for 3 seconds was waiting for his turn to melee

You can stand still in sections there and they will just look at you.


plus terrible and unlikable new characters

I still can't believe how good the animations of this game is.

The animations make me feel nauseous. There's something wrong with them, maybe the FPS is too low.

>press x to play pre-rendered animation where you hookshot and beat up a guy

These are just intended to make game appear to have gameplay in trailers but it actually doesn't

Indeed. It's witchcraft. Especially the right guy around 0:11

This game is not fucking fun at all. The shootouts are boring, I mean its a movie when your watching the scripted events but during normal gunplay its repetitive nonactiony shit.

Thanks for refuting only one of my points with a horrible example. Crysis is NOT known for having good AI, in fact almost all Crytek games have garbage AI. But even then Crysis is a game where you can't just fucking Rambo it without serious skill and expect to come out alive. Uncharted is a third-person cover style shooter, so if you have a brain-stem you're just jumping from cover to cover shooting baddies once you exit stealth mode but I can see how simple strategy can be hard for retards.

that's not an animation glitch, its an engine glitch
he's falling off the cliff because his feet are 90% off it, but the AI scripting wont let him

>and the guy who wasn't shooting for 3 seconds was waiting for his turn to melee
Waiting to melee you from 20 feet away? Apparently the AI is even worse than I thought. Seriously how did you even die?

I was being honest, i actually like Uncharted 4's animations.

I actually like Uncharted but even on Crushing it's not that hard. If you're not a total retard it's just about finding cover and not worrying about recording your spectacularly uninteresting deaths in .webm format so you can waste people's bandwidth and time.

>20 feet
more like 6 feet?
they do it because they dont want to shoot their buddies when they are grappling with you

Played through it just today. I am statisfied. The Graphics are pretty good, the gameplay is okay.

The world was made beautiful and diverse. But I had the feeling, that you aren´t doing much in the game except for the firefights, which weren´t a lot tbqh.

I don´t know it was okay but it really wasn´t anything special.It really felt like a walking and climbing simulator at times. And that just by prssing x all the time.

It´s okay I was happy finishing it, I liked the charackters, nate is cool and shit. Don´t know man. It just felt like there was something holding your hand all the damn time except for the firefights, which again weren´t many.


>even on Crushing it's not that hard
its pretty unforgiving. Even if you are really good, one mistake / error in judgement and its back to the beginning of the fight.

And the fights at the end of the game are objectively hard as fuck. If you can beat the encounter at the ship graveyard on crushing in a single try I commend you

Rise of the Tomb Raider looks 10x better than this shit.

Not just graphically but gameplay wise.

>they do it because they don't want to shoot their buddies when they are grappling with you
Then why don't they help their so called buddies when someone who is apparently "6" feet away (just so you know 6ft is about the height of an average male, just letting you know because your speculative judgement of imperial measurement seems off)
Just face it, you don't have a leg to stand on here, the gameplay sucks and is limited as fuck, deal with it.

lol how does that make the gameplay suck? It's just not realistic

Is it even possible to fall off while swinging/climbing? I know it's often not, every scene I watch from this game is so devoid of tension.

this one looks pretty good

probably why its got no quotes

>Is it even possible to fall off while swinging/climbing? I know it's often not, every scene I watch from this game is so devoid of tension.

I've played most of 1 and all of 2&3, the only time I died in the platforming sections was mistaking where i was supposed to leap, and asecret running-jump in 2 - all the other running-jumps automatically succeed as long as you tap the action button more or less at the edge of the platform.

>its pretty unforgiving.
Maybe try taking less time aiming, also try hitting things when you shoot them, if that's you playing, you missed over 50% of your shots. Those are not good stats.

what do you mean, can you fall randomly? No. And I don't understand how that would make it more fun either.
You can jump in the wrong direction or attempt a jump you cant make and you will fall, and there are sometimes cliffs you dont hang off of when you walk off (you just die)

yes the gameplay is bad.

it has a good engine but the way they envisioned the combat ruined it.

basically it's centered around taking cover and auto regen. certain attacks will always hit regardless of where you are and whether you are in a line of fire unless you are ducked behind a cover and that makes the combat incredibly lame and frustrating. I finished the game on the hardest difficulty but honestly I felt like it was balanced like shit and I should have just played on easy to avoid all the lame retries.

>fast paced press x to knockdown
>not shit gameplay

>certain attacks will always hit regardless of where you are and whether you are in a line of fire unless you are ducked behind a cover and that makes the combat incredibly lame and frustrating

what attacks? explosives? git gud

I always liked Uncharted games. I'm not sure why they get so much hate. Sure they aren't masterpieces but who didn't want to be Indiana Jones growing up?

Why the does Cred Forums hate uncharted so much? My first guess is because it's a Sony Exclusive which triggers nintenyearolds and PCucks.

I was just trying to discredit your justification because it was full of shit. The game is too easy to have good gameplay, good gameplay is meant to be challenging but achievable, completing the level should give you some feeling of accomplishment. This just looks like
>kill these mooks so you can get to another cutscene.
There's no kind of incentive not to just hide behind cover and headshot everyone/play defensively. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of a glorified "whack-a-mole".

>it looks so jerky and awkard
best ive seen

You can't discuss many console exclusives without shitposting.

You can't even discuss Nintendo exclusives without spergs talking about censorship all thread.


Essentially a Spider-Man game with guns based on that webm.

Go with Occam's razor on this one. It's just a shit game, well it's a mediocre game, but 4 fucking installments later we're all getting a bit tired.

Nothing on the PC or Bone is as photoreal and visceral as this

>There's no kind of incentive not to just hide behind cover and headshot everyone/play defensively
The incentive is not getting blown the fuck up by explosives as you are getting flanked from behind. You know nothing

>All modern action games are like that
Well most modern action games suck too

OP why did you spend your time making these webms? They're extremely unimpressive and only demonstrate the shittiness of the game.

My guess is: gameplay

Because the """"game"""" has many oportunities to be open of what you want to do that it falls into a silly "to much"

I bought the first three on release at full price and played them to completion and even I can admit they're terrible "games" with cookie cutter design and dull, repetitive gameplay interspersed between sessions of B-movie tier dialog from a host of characters seemingly thought up by somebody's thirteen-year-old son or retarded dog

>press a single button and the game does the rest of the work for you
sounds fun

Because rather than letting people actually play everything needs to be contextually animated and have the character snap around

Gameplay is shallow lads.

Good graphics, good story, but shower depth gameplay.

Naughty Dog's idea of difficulty is retarded to boot. On moderate enemies have a firing accuracy of around 93%, but Nate has so much health it doesn't matter. Final boss is literally a QTE, a tricky one, but still it lacks a requirement for any skills that you have built up throughout the game's core combat; which happens to be spread so thin anyway.

>press a button to do an animation = bad
what do you want? QWOP controls?

I made them for myself because I wanted to

>dumb ai
>shit player gets killed by dumb ai

10/10 better than ninja gaiden

Problem is bullet spray from enemies on Crushing is basically random and unpredictable, it's far safer to stay behind cover.

>what do you want? QWOP controls?
No I want a game that actually asks of some skill from the player and doesn't do all the legwork itself

>There's no kind of incentive not to just hide behind cover and headshot everyone/play defensively
>proceeds to prove my point by popping his head out like an idiot, firing his gun willy nilly and getting killed like the trash he is

You should quit video games, you're shit at them.

>>press a button to do an animation = bad
>what do you want? QWOP controls?

What the fuck is the point of playing a game instead of watching an LP on youtube if the game is doing all the work for you ?

>0 actual gameplay
>infinite scripts
>no fear of failure
>no skill or strategy
>those god awful textures
>that framerate
>those models
>those firearms
>that ps2 tier geometry
>those bugged animations
>awful animation clipping
>teleporting all over the place

It's like I'm playing some low budget korean knock off with mcdonalds internet
Where is the gameplay Sonyggers?

Wow. that guy is really bad at that game.

>didn't get killed
whoops, I closed that webm too soon. turns out grenade to the face isn't one hit kill. Holy shit, how can you even say that doesn't incentivise cover usage? Are you actually retarded?



>Are you actually retarded?
He thinks that uncharted poses any kind of difficulty, I think that question answers itself.

>it's far safer to stay behind cover.
That will not work though (as your strategy) because of aforementioned explosives and flanking. You have to move around the map. You avoid being shot by rolling / using cover transitions, killing everyone you see as soon as you see them (if they're within close-medium range) and by using walls, cliffs and obstacles to block the enemy's line of sight

except I wasn't killed, and I only managed to escape by vacating my cover and moving to a different part of the map. The only reason I survived is because I was *not* camping behind cover and playing defensively.



>dat slide
gets me everytime

I should probably play the multiplayer a bit more before my PS+ expires.

>this is considered good gameplay by some nigger in the year of our lord 2016
shiggy diggy

It has great gameplay.

>You avoid being shot by rolling
But you can't roll away from hitscan bullets that you can't see coming

But it's really not doing all the work for you. You have to climb up to some high ground to get a jump kill, and the enemy has to be in the correct position for whatever reason. It doesn't just teleport you unharmed and undetected to positions where you can do sequences of takedowns like that, you have to get there yourself

having camera control alone is a big enough reason to pay for the game over watching a lets play

>except I wasn't killed
exactly, you took a direct grenade hit and survived (lol 2 ez gg) long enough to play defensively like I said and survived. You literally proved my point.

>rope just magically throws itself to the nearest tree

So much for those amazing ND animations, huh

Is this Just Cause 2 on medium settings?

The best part is that it plays super janky too.

Like if you hang on ledge turning on corner is way harder than it should be and for some reason you have to have camera behind you to climb up.

Somehow Uncharted 4 manages to fuck up basic things that were solved in last generation.

Those have to be the worst cops in existence. Initially it looked cool, you were surrounded, but then he hops something and just...where are the cops?

show a pc game with better animations


playing whack-a-mole / defensively from cover like I did there was what almost got me killed. I should have moved to the right side under the ramp as soon as I started healing from the first grenade

Everything in videogames is scripted user. You can't control anything. You're just hitting buttons to trigger scripted code that pulls animations in and plays them on screen with variables of interruptible frames that allow you to pull in another scripted sequence.

You've never played videogames in your life because there is no such thing.

The biggest issue I had was that playing Uncharted 4 like cover shootter is bad idea.
It's best to ignore the enemies in front of you and just look around to see where someone is flanking you or appearing behind you because there is always someone coming at your booty.

And when you are forced out of cover finding new one in time was often case of trial and error as enemies were in 260 arc around you.

that's a gameplay mechanic fucktard

>"""visceral""" and """cinematic""" gameplay
videogames were a mistake

DMC3 has 0 scripts. It is raw gameplay 100% of the time.
I press a button and I always know exactly what will come out.

Uncharted is just contexual memes everywhere. I could press X and jump or press X and teleport up a wall or press X and magnetically attach myself to a rope.
I could press square and punch or press square and randomly do a slower animation where I grab an AI for some over the top garbage.

Contexual memes are not gameplay.

If i wanted good swinging, gunplay and gameplay id play bionic commando, not watch a movie

The game provides you a path from which you cannot stray, then places guards on it that don't guard the areas they should be guarding for the sole purpose of being taken down by you.

>It doesn't just teleport you unharmed and undetected to positions where you can do sequences of takedowns like that, you have to get there yourself

You have to get there yourself by activating scripts that don't put you in any danger until you come face to face with a guard. Same shit. It's not tomb raider.


Reminder that Rafe did nothing wrong.

That's just pedantic. Uncharted goes the extra mile in having every melee attack snap you to an enemy, fucking jumps correcting themselves, entire long sequences of unfailable ledging where the game just waits for you to press the right direction and jump, and setpieces that hold your hand. You're deluded if you think Uncharted is as interactive as most games.

Sorry to break it to you but DMC3 is scripted too. All videogames are. You're just watching movies that you have to press buttons to make continue.

Enjoy your linear hallways with canned animations and pre-programmed sequences that never deviate from the script.

Uncharted 4 is pretty open. There's a single place you need to go but there are usually different paths to get there. The script meme doesn't apply here because most areas can be played stealthily.

that's not how it is in Uncharted 4. The combat areas are like arenas / playgrounds, and the "guards" patrol-paths become dynamic as soon as they get suspicious that you are around

>gets shot at least 10 times
>dies because falls off the cliff
Thank you for showing me how shit this game is.

are you retarded?

>button you press activates mechanic that always has the same property

>button you press varies what the fuck Nate does depending on the scene he's in

How are all video games as scripted as Uncharted?

I laugh my ass off everytime a Sony fanboy comes in with webm's of his new movie showing off how "i-it's s-such a good game you g-guys!!" and it always looks like total fucking ASS.

Holy shit.
That may actually be the greatest reach I've ever seen on this board.

Are you actually implying that, say, an ingame cutscene from a Battlefield solo mode is akin to pulling off a 30 hit combo in Bayonetta ?

Are you actually that whacked, user ?

Tell me it's bait. I'm confused.

No, playing like a retard almost got you killed. Playing defensively means moving from cover that has been compromised, also if you could actually aim and shoot with some level of competence you wouldn't have even had to move. case fucking closed.

>that one cop who literally just stands there and lets the first guy run past and continues to do nothing while the kid jumps around him
come on game.

melee is powerful because it is risky; you will often get shot to death by other enemies for trying it. See the OP webm for an example

>i dont know what "scripted" means

user. It's the same game. You move from arena to arena on a linear path, and use the mechanics of the game, all of which are limited by animations and code, to defeat the enemies in there.

How are you this blind?

You're still pressing X X Square Triangle Square R1 R2.

Or are you saying Metroid isn't a game because there are contextual uses for things in it?

>this is Cred Forums in 2016

Anyone who thinks this isn't awesome great gameplay is a tard as far as i'm concerned

>b-but game plays itself for you forced meme!

This is why you don't design games Anons. People actually criticizing the amazingly fun aerial punches are pathetic. What do you want to physically control his fist's position and his direction of descent? That would just ruin the action flow dummy.

Stop trying to make yourself feel better at buying a no games 4. I bought it too it's okay buddy.

That's right.

Holy shit, user, get help. You can't seriously be this deluded.

What's the big deal about the Uncharted. Some say it's a movie, others say that it's a great game. All I'm seeing from the webms is that it's just another third person action-adventure something. Isn't there a billion of these games already? The only remotely interesting thing I'm seeing is that jump-punch.
Whoever is playing here is retarded.

>Carpentry and painting are literally the same ! You use tools with your hands to create something, therefore they are 100% the same !
>(Nevermind the fact that you don't use the same tools in different ways to create different things because that doesn't play in my narrrative !)

What the fuck is your damage ?

You may as well say

>it's the same game! you put in the disc and play it!

>posts video proving his greentext is correct
What did he mean by that?


>Playing defensively means moving from cover that has been compromised
didn't you just say this:
>There's no kind of incentive not to just hide behind cover and headshot everyone/play defensively. I guess I just don't understand the appeal of a glorified "whack-a-mole".
It's not whack-a-mole if you are always being forced to move

and I never said I was good, faggot. I suck at aiming with analog sticks and I dont like aim assist

Those animations are like twice as good as Uncharted 4's jesus christ. Clean, crisp, no clipping, realistic, react to specific targeted areas.

PS4 fans are just starving and love to parade around showing off whatever new scrap they got.

Are you implying Crysis 1 was good? It was mediocre gameplay wise just with amazing graphics and physics at the time.

hes a british cop duh

user, thanks for proving that you're retarded. You might as well have made a food analogy with how stupid that comparison was.

Zelda is a bad franchise because there are things changed by context too. So is Monster Hunter. Doom is also bad because it aimed for you vertically.

So was Half-Life 2 but people but that game on a petal stool

>Those animations are like twice as good as Uncharted 4's jesus christ. Clean, crisp, no clipping, realistic, react to specific targeted areas.

>guy reacts to being shot in the arm
better than uncharted 4 at least

I wouldn't understand the difference, he's never gotten anything beyond a Crazy! in DMC4.

not enough magnets, sliding and clipping for you?
>uncharted cucks

>implying there are no localized damage animations in UC4

>being this buttblasted and desperate

Anyone have the webm where the conker developers are talking about walking into walls animations and it's making fun of Ryse Son of Rome?

Check em. Naughty Dog are hacks.

if you knew anything about game design, you'd know he's right.

What's it like being unable to determine subtlety or nuance? The world ain't black and white.

> You might as well have made a food analogy with how stupid that comparison was.
Almost as stupid as you putting every element of every game in the same basket.

Fucking stop reaching so far, I feel like I'm reading a nihilist emo teen on twitter that claimls life and death are exactly the same.

People think it killed Jak and Daxter and that its existence served as the breaking point with Naughty Dog now going for cinematic experiences in their video games.

>as he posts a webm without a single one
just scripted ""combat"" and generic reactions as he soaks up bullets like a sponge

there's nothing new or impressive about any of that

If staying behind the cover is so bad then why are you always killed/almost killed when you get out?

they are always a single type of animation there. I don't see anything like this

>X X Square Triangle Square R1 R2
That's DMC. Uncharted 4 is X X X X X

>It's not whack-a-mole if you are always being forced to move
It is a glorified whack-a-mole because all you're doing is hitting a series of targets that pop out of cover, move, rinse and repeat.

This. It's like you can't lose.

The Sony marketing department is spinning up for the Holidays it looks like

why don't you just leave to neogaf?
\the gameplay is boring as shit and horribly unbalanced. as proven by everyone not liking the first uncharted game. you defending its gameplay and the franchise in general just proves how shit your tastes are and that you're a sonygger.

Almost getting killed (it's not really as close as it seems in these webms) doesn't matter because you have regenerating health. The rule of thumb is to go aggro on anyone nearby if you're detected and have full health. Otherwise, they will have time to surround you and attack you all at once. You push it to the limit every time, until you start getting pretty hurt. That's when you move away from the enemies, take cover, regen and repeat the whole process again in a new position.

>its like its impossible to loose
>OP still does
like pottery

>Triangle press leads to a disguised loading screen with no player control
>Can even see the framerate drop in the webm

>stand behind cover
>shoot at targets
>getting flanked doesn't even matter because you now have fucking bodyguards
Wow, what great gameplay...

>Literally like Call Of Duty

Casualpleb game detected

HP regen was pretty much the nail in the coffin for AAA shooters not being garbage.

This is some next level shitposting. Goldeneye looks great for its time, but stop disregarding almost 20 years of technology advancement. Goldeneye has nothing like the way Drake will adjust his center of gravity after landing from a high place and causes rocks to scatter and slide down a hill, the way an enemies careens and spin off balance after being shot in the process of running , zero contextual interactions with the environment, no motion capture, etc. The characters in GE move very slowly to compensate for the N64 controller and there's no melee combat, or anything to do besides move around and shoot for that matter. Maybe when your game is so simplistic in comparison you can add a lot of stilted (by today's standards) animations on enemies depending on where you shoot them. It's a fucking N64 game for christ sake

People lose all the time. Why do you think so many people raged over crushing mode? Chapter 20?

there is literally nothing wrong with HP regen you fucking manchildren. Just because it's different from what we had growing up doesn't mean it is inherently bad


Uncharted gameplay is standard tps with stealth. Nothing to write home about but its servicabke and not horrible. If you like Third Person Shooters you'll like uncharted.

Except this never happens on your webms.

>being that much of a pleb

Wow, look at it play itself. Even the slightest hint of danger and the game is like NOPE GOTTA SAVE THIS POOR INNOCENT PLAYER, they might have to actually REACT

>It's a fucking N64 game for christ sake
And it still has more gameplay, smoother animations and less choppy visuals than Uncharted. Astonishing.

>Just because it's different from what we had growing up doesn't mean it is inherently bad
No, making the game piss easy and insuring the developers don't have to put health items in their on rails levels is what makes it shit.

Compare the technology on display here to Uncharted 4, graphics aside obviously U4 is a joke.

>and now he's comparing scripted events with player controlled ones
You're right this is some next level shitposting

What scripted event did I bring up in my post, huh?

he fucking clips through a CLOSED door, this whole thin doesn't feel realistic at all. Now I know this is bait

You want some good action adventure gameplay?


>there is literally nothing wrong with HP regen you fucking manchildren. Just because it's different from what we had growing up doesn't mean it is inherently bad

With hp regen you have zero pressure. You know that pooping behind an invulnerable wooden crate will get you back to 100%. If you die, you're a colossal idiot.
Automatic hp regen also means more action for far less skill involved. You never have to worry about your health because your dozens of bullet wounds will close on their own if you just tell the guys shooting at you to not flank you for three seconds.

Hp regen is a mechanic that almost single-handedly annihilated difficulty in every modern fps and tps that have it.

But this is perfect dark, not goldeneye :^)

>muh realism
I said the technology, the small details like the animations and the way he tried to ruse me. You won't see anything like that in scripted movie games.

>implying consoles could EVER do that
lol uncharted is the best they can manage

Does anyone else restart a section over and over and over in every game until the stealth it? I can do shooty shooties fine, but I find it much more pleasant to play that way.

nearly everything
it's easier to point out what is isn't which is the part of you talking about GoldenEye

>That little hop of guy on right
It's so adorable

>zero pressure
how is it zero pressure? it the player stood up in this webm (before the grab) he would've been killed almost immediately. Just because your HP regenerates doesn't mean you can survive all this damage
not to mention that regen balances out the fact that you have to fight like 16 fucking enemies at the same time

>dumbass AI partner blindly runs out into the open in the face of 10 enemies
>gets captured and held up by a guy facing him the entire wrong way and is in no actual danger as nothing is happening to him
technology... only on.... the PLAYSTATION... FOUR

How is that any worse than a normal loading screen that takes you out of the action?

There was that one guy there, you could've just go back behind that column. Also it would be much easier if you tried to actually hit something when you shoot.

>not to mention that regen balances out the fact that you have to fight like 16 fucking enemies at the same time
If the game wasn't a piece of shit and had an enemy type that wasn't "guy with hitscan gun" this wouldn't be an issue. Or you know if the game required a modicum of skill and wasn't a really generic cover shooter that was done better on the N64.

that actually helps you, because it makes it so it only takes a single bullet anywhere in the body to kill the guy who grabbed him. And after you do it he sometimes rewards you by finishing off an enemy you had previously damaged

This webm looked cool for a couple seconds, but then the gameplay ends up being just snapping into cinematic take-downs, tanking damage, and having your screen turn black-and-white. Truly revolutionary.

>Also it would be much easier if you tried to actually hit something when you shoot.
I agree, last time I checked the main purpose of having guns in uncharted is to shoot people. In my experience doing so makes the game remarkably easier.

>that screen shake when he punches somebody to make the player feel powerful

Have the people that criticized Uncharted even played the games?

Do they even play shooters? Because Uncharted is a damn well made series.

I seriously got in an argument with a dude saying that Uncharted would work better if it was an on-rails shooter like Time Crisis.

Why doesn't Gears of War ever get this criticism?

almost every bullet hit fools, that is what the white X's signify. Also that webm is from a let's play.

He stood up though. The enemies didn't seem to interested.
In fact, I bet you that he could've stood there doing nothing for 3-4 seconds more and all he would've gotten is a grey screen, that wouldve turned back to normal within 3 seconds anyway.

The only pressure I got from this webm is the player's abysmal aiming.

Goes to show that even when your AI partner going into the open like an idiot and you being against a wall perpendicular to the enemies' point of entry behind some flimsy table, there's actually zero pressure because even though the enemies will always focus the allies and not you, he won't ever die, and the table is almost impermeable to bullets fired from an assault rifle.

Also hp regen.

Z e r o p r e s s u r e.

>Or you know if the game required a modicum of skill and wasn't a really generic cover shooter that was done better on the N64.
Might as well say that about most rpg's then.

>Y'know it would be better if it was Zork instead of a generic animu copycat rpg

Yeah, I didn't realize that for some reason you just stopped shooting the guy who was going in your direction and who's grab had but you "under pressure".

are you fucking retarded? he was out of bullets

>most every bullet hit fools, that is what the white X's signify.

Out of the 28 bullets he fired, 9 or 10 actually hit. that's close to a 30% hit ratio.
>almost every bullet hit

Hey user, you should play DMC3 its a really good game.

because it's a good game. Shit, if I recall correctly there are still people playing GoW1 multiplayer (the skill ceiling in this game is fucking quake tier). For all its faults, it had good aiming decent range of weaponry and well scripted AI, things uncharted severely lacks.

I miss Crash-era ND. Just some solid traditional platforman even if the levels were still linear hallways. None of this cinematic shit.


>swinging away from enemy
>oh wait, I want to punch that guy
>good thing nathan drake can control gravity in order to make the game easier for me
>*punches guy*

Why don't you stop comparing different genre's and compare Uncharted to other third person shooters.

There's not much to fault Uncharted at all when it comes to its combat. You got smart a.i., you got a varied set of moves and options, you got an emphasis on traversal, you got strong melee, you got dynamic teammate assist, you got situations where you get in holds by enemies and are still exposed. You got weight and diversity to guns, you got guns that serve different combat purposes from different lengths. To add, you also have the best animations in the business and the best graphics.

>context-sensitive "press button to win" moments and a tiny bit of third person gunplay


I count 14 hits, and all 27 of those 28 bullets were blind-fired

>that animation

why is this a problem? it makes the game more fun

Do you really think that UC4 animations are realistic? they look like actors making a pretend fight for kids or something, it looksfake and cartoony, Perfect Dark looks more realistic animation-wise.
Aslo what the fuck is the deal with the screen being greyscale 90% of the time ffs.

You only want that because you only get an emotional response from cartoon characters.

Your most-played games are probably flamboyant platformers, jrpg's, and action games.

You don't watch movies or tv like a regular person, you probably watch let's plays and cartoons and own multiple nintendo consoles.

You are quite frankly autistic.


Just telling you that DMC3 its worth a play, It's an old game so I'm sure your PC will handle it with no problem, and you don't even need a controller to play, try it.

>imagine being so angry at someone not liking a game from a company that doesn't know you

Check out this projecting retard, lol.

>the best animations in the business and the best graphics.
Animations look like fake wrestling and please don't talk about graphics, the game looks good for a console, it's true but dont fool yourself.

I don't give a shit about your dumb buttonmash game with shit a.i. and low skill ceiling.

It doesn't matter how many button combinations are available, if you're not incentivized or punished for not utilizing them, they're quite frankly useless fluff. Might as well be considered a Musou with extra moves.

Now Uncharted on the other hand, on harder difficulties, actually incentivizes you to mix up your playstyle as does pic-related.

The game that invented cover mechanics has better gameplay.

i feel like this is the easiest difficulty.


Because you are snapping to mocap animations that require models move into position in an instant

>and low skill ceiling.

You can bet your ass this guy won't ever get past Cerberus.

I'm gonna give you a D for that bait and thats the best I can do

Locks on to the chest of the nearest enemy when first aiming, which is less auto aim than Uncharted 4 and most shooters with regen health.

You can bet your ass you won't ever beat Uncharted 4 last 2 chapters on Crushing.

goddamn those animations are spectacular

Anybody who's first console wasn't the 360 could do that with ease, its a cover based shooter with auto aim and HP regen.

What said, plus your actions don't really correspond to your inputs. That's a recurring problem with AAA these days.

>Locks on to the chest of the nearest enemy when first aiming
That's fucking lock on, you fucking tard.

Uncharted 4 has no auto aim. There's a setting for retards, but there's a setting in Max Payne 3 and Gears of War as well.

Yeah ok, buddy. Go do it then and show us your trophy.



That would require playing a bad game.
You won't bait me into that you shill.

>He stood up though. The enemies didn't seem to interested.
there were only two enemies looking at him when he stood up for that split second, and the one who actually shot only had a pistol. And it helps that the' player had already killed a bunch of them as they rushed through the doors
And they literally didn't shoot him while he was grabbed because one of their buddies walked through the door and got in their line of fire right at that moment

>because even though the enemies will always focus the allies and not you
this is utterly false and if you knew anything about the game at all you would understand this

>the table is almost impermeable to bullets fired from an assault rifle.
it takes a while for it to get destroyed with bullets, but not if there is a shotgun. The shotgun guy he killed with his final pistol bullet, right before he would've blown the cover away (which stuns you for a split second).

Unless you're just complaining about realism, in which case who fucking cares

>Uncharted 4 has no auto aim
Bullshit. Also Winback's aiming just centers it on the enemy, if they move it stays where they were and you can freely aim at any time.

>Instead of ever playing the game once, I'm just going to shit on it and talk out of my ass
Hmm, I think you just solved Cred Forums's problem, guy.

>Also Winback's aiming just centers it on the enemy
Can you function in society? Because it doesn't seem you understand words.

There is no difference between watching and playing when the game is so visibly devoid of gameplay, skill, strategy, depth and mechanics.

>Uncharted 4 is my goty

What did he mean by this?

Auto aim would be keeping it locked on, like a targeting system or in every console shooter after Halo including Uncharted's case some sort of soft lock-on system where the game helps keep the crosshair on the enemy.

>you have beaten dmc 3 on dante must die and heaven or hell multiple times but i bet you won't beat babby's first cinematic third person shooter on the pee eyss four !

Yes, I won't ever, ever beat it. If only the game had automatic health regeneration, stupid enemy ai and bodyguards, I would've at least a chance !

Good lord.

it can be fast, but is nowhere near instantaneous. It just looks like he is diving for cover. He actually does shuffle his feet for every step - he just does it really fast

Dr. Tre, you're a fool lol


>You can bet your ass you won't ever beat Uncharted 4 last 2 chapters on Crushing.

go play any 3d ys on inferno and get back to me faggot

uncharted 4 has a lock-on aim option in the game options, and it has an aim-assist slider that you can adjust from 0 to 10

Go beat Mushihimesama then get back to me, you Dork Souls faggots!!

ys is actually fun

generic shmup #324237567 isn't


get out

Uncharted is fun.

Slashing shit with a sword isn't

You're not good at games unless you can beat Saidaioujou on expert faggot

>it makes the game more fun
Only if you suck at games, landing an aerial attack in good games takes skill and precision timing, making it a high risk high reward option of combat. Whereas uncharted is more:
>do this super sick kill move!
>who cares about being precise, just have him lock on from wherever and have the animation team pick up the slack!

>Uncharted is fun.
If you are insanely casual maybe.

i prefer to actually play my games though

Yep it does all flash no substance like asscreed, good at making you feel like a bad ass but nothing challenging and is shallow at its core. I have a ps4 and am not even interested in this shit.
The Last of us has pretty good game play though especially multiplayer, im actually anticipating the sequel to that and will probably buy day one.

>Zook camera in so you can see legs

it's crushing, actually

you sometimes survive in UC4 due to random circumstances turning out in your favor (especially when meleeing or when allies are involved), see:

it's fun if you aren't jaded as fuck and can respect more than a just a handful of videogame genres

I actually play every game genre except MMOs and its largely for that reason I hate Uncharted so much. Its just so generic and boring.

Woah.. it's like i'm watching a movie!

it's easy because you're already giving up your high ground when you do it and again because you have to fight like 16 guys at once

I genuinely thought this was one of the best boss fights ever made. The timing of it, the mechanics and how they're told, everything. I couldn't believe what I was playing. Compare Asteroids to this and see how far the medium's come. This alone made this game game of the year in my opinion.

You don't know what generic is.

You are this type of person. See here

You don't know what a good game is.

>press x to awesome

It looks like it but you're actually playing. Maybe if you played it you would know.

after reading this thread I can honestly say I've never seen so much biased criticism against a game in my entire life. If this was any other game I don't think people would be looking so deep between the lines to give it shit.

Yeah I can see those awesome points in the animation where he presses square to carry on the cutscene.. It's just so... Next gen.

Nah I do. I can guarantee I've played more games in my lifetime than you, guy.

Uncharted is top-tier.

I'm with ya. I can't understand all the hate it gets. The fight is cinematic as fuck and is still fun in and of itself; you can use the walls, your distance from him and the timing of your attacks to successfully strike him and beat him (besides using the normal parrying-and-punches way of beating him.)

I guess the same type of person to enjoy cinematic trash like Uncharted would know a thing or two about wasting money.

that's called a gameplay animation buddy

>square square square x infinity
Woah dude, such deep combat.

Woah.. That's fucking epic. I just pressed square and the game.. played itself!

People hate on it because in image, it looks like it's a cutscene just because of how top-echelon the animations and graphics are, but it definitely isn't and I can guarantee most people that criticize it couldn't even beat it on the hardest difficulty.

You only strengthen his point. You have shit taste.

I'm assuming the audio version has the cops going, "OOH I'LL GET YOU, YOU ROTTEN KIDS!" followed by wacky chase music and one of the kids shouting, "Geepers! Let's get outta here!"

your """game""" is designed around entertaining normalfags and children
it isn't challenging in the slightest

are characters that terrible?

Seen this argument trown a lot but i find it hard to belive since tlou had such nice and nuanced characters.

>I can guarantee most people that criticize it couldn't even beat it on the hardest difficulty.
You say that like it's some kind of challenge, I did it in less than a day at a friends place, it's garbage. Even call of duty is harder.

he got like five one hit KOs in a row because specifically targeted enemies who were stunned or next to Sam (for the double-team attacks). Also he had to roll out of the way of enemy punches

the melee mechanics are just a small part of the gameplay anyway

its a cool game if you're a casual dudebro, be sure you buy it along with the latest CoD and PES

Do you think that webm does anything beyond making Uncharted 4 look like a shit game?

I'm not a casual but I try not to be an elitist either. I give every game a chance

Those rolls weren't even necessary, not that pressing circle once in the middle of mashing is any better.

>that friendly AI girl spawning out of nowhere
nice, epic, i like it

But PES is the best football simulation ever.

You do care about gameplay don't you?

Uncharted 4's multiplayer is the most fun i've had playing an online game in years, anyone else here feel the same? and the way they're handling DLC is excellent as well, playing on Village from U2's multiplayer again in this game is especially a treat

the second one was necessary; you can see the enemy swinging on the right edge of the screen. The first roll was a precautionary measure because player couldn't see one guy behind the camera

Agreed. I've been having fun with my friends and all the updates have kept me hooked.

You accidentally put a meme arrow in front of your post, OP.

Neither of which would harm the player because the bodyguard AI would prevent that from ever happening.

they only help avoid damage is when they are closeby and the enemy grabs you. They will kick them off you before you mash them off with triangle. They dont help you avoid melee strikes

but it looks great though

>holy shit there are people in this thread who legit think uncharted 4 has good mechanics and a deep combat system
>people who actually think mashing the melee button when you're in range or popping out of cover to headshot a guy once in a while is top notch
>people who think it doesn't play like every other third person shooter on the market

only Nadine

>plus your actions don't really correspond to your inputs
how so?

Too many contextualized actions with too little button presses or control.

Who are you quoting?

Nah, I'm a neutral party in this. I just dislike games with quick time events and flashy action finishers (where you press 1 button that starts a 10 second animation) and games that try to whore out their graphics.

The mature dudebro trash like Uncharted and Halo and Bayonetta need to go.

If you press a button you have a list of like 8 animations of different lengths and if you press it again afterwards it does some other dumb animation
Unlike a proper game where you will do one regular attack which is a swing nothing else

square is strike, x is jump, circle is roll/take cover. Combine pressing those buttons with the direction you point the left stick (****relative to the camera****) and that is all the input you need to do things like jump on people or punch them. If they are near a ledge he will kick them off. If he is in tall grass he will pull them into it and hide their body. You control the actions you can perform not through complex button combinations (how would that be more fun, anyway?) but through how you position yourself relative to the enemy you're attacking

>50% of the shots are missing even though the player is standing still
>not a single attempt to flank
>health regenerates even when not standing still

>Uncharted 4 is X X X X X
So you're constantly jumping in place?

>50% of the shots are missing even though the player is standing still
they are using MAC-10s. They are inaccurate as fuck

>not a single attempt to flank
so what were they doing when they rushed the left side then?

>health regenerates even when not standing still
I don't see why that's a problem considering the number of people you have to fight simultaneously

>You control the actions you can perform not through complex button combinations (how would that be more fun, anyway?)
It wouldn't. It would just give you more sense of control over your unexpectedly elaborated actions.

Laughing my balls off at the level of shitposting and -10/10 bait arguments in this thread.

If any of you are serious in your arguments I feel sorry for you as apparently no game on this earth will satisfy your "skill" hunger.

I bet pretty much everyone shitting on the game in here hasn't even played it cause they are too "edgy" to play AAA games.

Oh wait I forgot...I'm on Cred Forums

There already was a webm showing flanking and they clearly tried doing so in that webm as well

>I genuinely thought this was one of the best boss fights ever made

umm what game are you talking about i only see clips from a movie here

Or they have taste.

Nigga if you unironically play almost any of the latest AAA games and you think they are good then you have shit taste

I love Uncharted and I love every game people have used so far to say why it is shit, what a horrible person I must be.

It might almost suggest that I like playing video games of all kinds and only call out games which are actually made poorly instead of nitpicking games which don't interest me on the internet so I can make myself feel better and noticed.

I guess plenty of people here have succeeded in that last point so they can tick that off their daily social interaction

You are allowed to like the game, it's nice sometimes having something to do where you can just turn your brain off and have "fun", but saying it has great gameplay is retarded

oops guys i think i like goldeneye and uncharted as well, can such a being exist in this world and enjoy life?

Yes, I much prefer muh superior press to X win Nip trash folded over 1000 times

And if you unironically use that word, you don't fucking belong here.

I can use whatever the fuck word I want

But it does though


Back to Cred Forums, kid.

Not trying to be a shitter because the first part of your sentence is what most people here are missing but what defines "great gameplay" is so variable I'd like to know what makes you say a game has great gameplay?

Is that supposed to be gameplay? Is that literally the best gameplay you could find?

not moviegames

Have you beaten it on the hardest difficulty?

If so, I demand a picture of trophy with timestamp.

You can't criticize a game you have not played, and you can't say a game is easy if you haven't beaten it on the hardest difficulty.

I'm not going to bother repeating shit that's already in the thread, basically I don't want a cutscene to play everytime I press square, whether it is attacking or climbing, that's all Uncharted has, everytime you are next to an enemy and press square to "attack", it plays a cutscene

Uncharted BTFO

Dude. Well done loading screens are an artform. Get over yourself.

Would you rather it pause at the fucking window?

But every game must be Battletoads on co-op levels of hard by default or these people just can't enjoy a game.

thats a fallacy bro I'm not going to bother with you

So what makes the likes of Goldeneye's, for example, hand chop model moving across the screen better for gameplay over character interactions?

>Game is such a button masher, the player keeps swinging after that one hit KO.



How has this not been posted yet?

>how can you even say that doesn't incentivise cover usage?
That wasn't what I was saying at all. I was talking about how you should be moving around the map and how staying in cover in the same place can get you in a sticky situation. In the short term, yes, staying in the same piece of cover will protect you from imminent death. But inevitably, you will be forced to move or you will die, so you might as well move early and move often. If you bump into some grunt on the way (happens all the time) you kill them out in the open. And you can easily use something as cover wthout actually attaching to it. Just back away from it and aim over it; you can slowly creep around behind it to let you can see more/less of the other side and isolate targets without getting shot at by others right near them. This is what good players often do in MP because you so frequently will get pulled off ledges if you use the sticky-cover

ps4 slim bundle im about to buy somes with uncharted.

should i just sell it?

don't even buy a ps4

I love DMC3, it's one of my favorite games ever, but you're a fucking faggot.

>muh contextual animations
So why does that make it bad again? What is so hard about changing the context so you get the animation you want? Personally I think mastering the contextual combat animations is half the fun. Like look how he killed that guy in this webm here: one hip-fire shot from the AK47 immediately followed by pressing square to strike and you get a fast, one-hit-KO (which is essential, because another soldier was about the shoot from the left side)

>It's a PC cuck and Xbot fanbase nose dives into and Uncharted thread to unload mountains of shitposting again

How do they not realize how toxic their posting is?

Why cant they let others enjoy their game?

Nobody is invading your Warhammer or gears threads so why do you invade Uncharted threads you toxic faggots

I loved playing every Uncharted game, I loved the big moments, the shooting, the melee, I loved DMC3, I loved Goldeneye, I feel blessed that I can enjoy games of all genres.

Uncharted did what it set out to do and it has done it better than any other game that has tried to do what it does.

Guess I'll go continue being a horrible monster who likes lots of things.It's been fun saying all this stuff to piss off people who have to be right cause I actually don't give a damn what they think as it doesn't affect me at all and I'm glad it means they won't experience certain things ever because it doesn't fit their quotas.


This game looks so clunky.

I know this has always been the case in the series, but that dyno at :10 just rubs your face in the whole "Nathan Drake, just your regular everyday superhumanly competent rockclimbing spiderman."

he's a natural at literally everything he tries

stupid sexy nathan

It utterly pissed me off how every enemy immediately learned exactly where you were once one guy was alerted. No matter how much fucking foilage there was, no matter where you sat on a cliff, the enemy just straight up homed in on you with perfect accuracy until you sat somewhere they couldn't reach for 30 seconds, in which case they automatically reset.

The game enforces camping in one spot during shootouts on higher difficulties.

Who the fuck has time to think about gameplay design you idiot?
Focus on our movies! Feel like an epic badass!
Look you pressed the button and we did the work for you!

>he's a natural at literally everything he tries
kinda like James Bond

I have seen all 26 movies and JB can do fucking *anything* and do it skillfully

So you actually have to aim for those things you hook onto? No, you don't.

>Sonyfags literally have shown all the "gameplay" in uncharted 4
>Half the "gameplay" is just generic shit that involves a grapple hook so now its Kool!
Why do you sonyfags try so hard to defend your game? Not even witcherbros try this hard and the witcher 3 is a good game, unlike uncharted 4 which is a movie with QTE's and "interactive cutscenes".

I actually died in Uncharted 3 literally hundreds of times because I'm a very stubborn player and kept trying to do the shit that felt natural to me, climbing and hiding and doing acrobatic shit.

What the game wants you to do:
>Sit in one spot furthest away from enemy spawns
>tap L2 and spam fire
>If you don't hit try again in a second
>If you hit finish them off why they're stumbled

Nothing else works or is fun.

Just watch this cutscene like a good goyim.

*Uncharted 4.

I seriously had a harder time with this game than I did System Shock or any other sort of "hardcore" titles, it baffled me.

how would having to aim the rope make gameplay more fun? I don't mean making it "more rewarding" for players for when they pull it off; I mean how would that make for more enjoyable combat in general? It's hard enough to use the rope effectively in single player combat without going on easy mode.

>until you sat somewhere they couldn't reach for 30 seconds, in which case they automatically reset.
You didn't play the game. They don't reset. This isn't Metal Gear.

>those stupid animations

Christ, this shit looks so forced.

I feel genuinely bad for people who can't seem to play games without picking apart the design and can't switch off and play. If you keep worrying about what every line of code is doing or where every polygon is placed no wonder 90% of the shitters on here are unhappy

sounds like you just suck. My regular play-style involves opportunistically doing all of those things and I usually play on crushing. Only in the last few fights of the game are you so overwhelmed that it really gets hard to move around. But even then it becomes easy to move again after you kill a bunch of them off

I can play good games without picking apart the design. Uncharted 4 had big issues that pissed me off during play.

The climbing is just the same thing over and over again, and it gets boring.

The shooting is annoying, and the AI are just robots that run straight at you and fire without any higher thoughts or choices beyond that.

No matter what crazy shit you're doing, the enemy will shoot you with perfect accuracy. The best thing to do during a gunfight is hide behind cover and take potshots and that's just kind of boring.

what are you even complaining about? I pressed L1 to tug on the rope; that wasn't an automatic anmation. Then I walked off the ledge while reeling it in. Pulling the rope while standing is a mechanic for when you want to pull around crates and tear down boarded up windows

>No matter what crazy shit you're doing, the enemy will shoot you with perfect accuracy. The best thing to do during a gunfight is hide behind cover and take potshots and that's just kind of boring.
Then you just suck. How come BG is able to do this on Crushing, but you can't step out of cover without dying? Is it perhaps that...you fucking suck at shooters?


>and the AI are just robots that run straight at you and fire without any higher thoughts or choices beyond that.
they outsmarted you that much eh
This game is known to have really good AI. Go ahead and try to find a video of the AI being retarded during active combat. I bet you can't

>skip partway through the video
"Tedious... Meticulous... Repetitive process but this is the only way to do it without dyin'."

>Automatic rope-swinging and auto-locking onto enemies
Jesus, I can't even watch past the first 5 seconds. I want viral marketers to leave forever.

>The climbing is just the same thing over and over again, and it gets boring.
You're supposed to explore, you tard. If you're not looking for the treasures you're doing it wrong.

>The shooting is annoying, and the AI are just robots that run straight at you and fire without any higher thoughts or choices beyond that.
What are they supposed to do? Talk about their feelings? They're armored goons. They throw grenades and gunfire at you. They occasionally catch you in choke holds when they get close to you.

You're not even trying.

stockholm syndrome

they also choose their paths based on player visibility. It's why the kevlar-armored machine gunner guy in ran behind the ramp to flank from the right side, instead of just attacking from the left - because the player's camera was watching more of the left side

Oh yeah, there's another thing. No matter where you, are, Nate can't lean sideways out of cover. He always leans over and props himself up, any it's the most annoying thing in the world. If you get flanked and you aim, you're exposing yourself to the guys in front of you. It sucks.

Also on his good run, he's basically doing what I did. He sits in a good place, only moves when there's no alternative, hides underwater for free health when he gets damaged.

The way to win on crushing is fucking boring.

>You're supposed to explore
It's still fucking boring, my dude. The platforming is dull as bricks. Mash X. Mash X. Mash X. Somthing broke, Drake's like WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH, press X at the right time. No way forward. Look for convenient branch to press L1.

In mirror's edge there's a sort of flow to it, Uncharted literally automatically platforms.

so play on hard and turn off the prompts, then you have to react to the direction of the swing like bushido blade

>that guy in this thread who keeps saying uncharted 4 on crushing is difficult
>uncharted 4 has deeper combat than dmc

every part of uncharted 4 that isn't a shooting section is basically a cut scene. there's no exploring at all. the path forward is clear unless you are profoundly stupid, and all the climbing sections are literally holding a direction on the stick and sometimes pressing x. fuck, sometimes you dont even need to press x.

and the shooting sections are shit because console frame rate.

i played uncharted 4 on crushing up to that long driving section over rocks (chapter 10 or 11, i think) before i stopped playing. it was the most boring game i've played in the last five years, easily. absolutely terrible game. terrible.

>you have 2 move around!!!!

Every bout of success I had I got by just sticking behind cover, making slight movements sometimes for grenades and doing exactly the same thing. Flanking doesn't really beat bullets.

The shooting gameplay in UC4 on hard difficulties rewards boring play. The platforming is incredibly dull. The stealth is easy on the flipside, but it's also really, really boring.

>No matter where you, are, Nate can't lean sideways out of cover. He always leans over and props himself up, any it's the most annoying thing in the world. If you get flanked and you aim, you're exposing yourself to the guys in front.

Just press circle to detach from the cover and aim like this. The only time its an issue is when you are hiding behind waist high cover and all the enemies are on the same level as you or above you

>The only time this is an issue is when you are hiding behind waist high cover and enemies are on the same level or above you

This is not an insignificant portion of the game.

Fucking Division did this, but the greatest game of all time, UC4 can't?

>This is not an insignificant portion of the game.
depends on how you play it. You should probably reposition yourself if you find that kind of thing happpening to you a lot. I cant think of any shootouts in the game where everything is on one level / there is no high ground, where there is no way to creep your aim around obstacles

>Sony Exclusive
Nobody plays exclusives anymore

Cred Forums can say what they want about u1-u3 but they had real boss fights at least.

U4 looks like garbage

the gunplay in this game looks fucking top notch

>Nobody plays exclusives anymore
4 million people would like a word with you

Why do you take shitposting webm's at face value?

Due was playing on lowest difficulty. You can tell by the prompts. I played on Crushing. Only prompts I remember were the ones explaining the controls i the beginning since you had to learn completely new mechanics. And it was a damn hard fight. I doubt most of the people shitting on the game in this thread could beat it. Not a single one has managed to show proof they beat the game on Crushing

>it was the most boring game i've played in the last five years, easily.
Then why does everyone hype it up?

U2 was the best game in the series for me

It's alright.

Enemies are all bullet sponges unless you hit them in the head.

I beat it on Crushing but I definitely don't care enough to go and get it for a thread on the internet

I thought the final boss was... Interesting. It beat my ass for awhile, but that tends to happen when the game teaches you new and difficult game mechanics at the literal last second with no tutorial. Didn't love it, didn't hate it.

I have a question, Cred Forums?

How come the highest selling western console game in japan was Uncharted 4 for this year?

I maintain that this game isn't very good but I would consider playing it again in a speedrun/race environment just to satisfy my competitive impulses

it'd fucking suck to do all the slow cinematic bullshit again

>Enemies are all bullet sponges unless you hit them in the head.
What are the enemies in Gears of War or nuDoom?

>Not a single one has shown proof
I don't think most people here are capable of posting proof

Because they don't have PS4s and aren't interested in playing through a mediocre game for eight hours or so just to get to a boss that might be challenging if some random user is to be believed

>The biggest issue I had was that playing Uncharted 4 like a cover shootter is a bad idea.
why was this an issue? I thought Cred Forums hated the standard whack-a-mole gameplay featured in most every other cover shooter

I've never played Gears of War and don't think I'd like it. DOOM is an entirely different kind of game than Uncharted, don't even pretend.

they don't realize that they're supposed to hate it if they want to be cool

>They just hate it because it's cool!

This is genuinely a problem on Cred Forums but I think there's genuine things to be said about Uncharted 4. Moviegames aren't for everyone.

>I've never played Gears of War and don't think I'd like it
Then why is Uncharted shit then if you haven't even played the best third person shooter series?

I seriously want to know what makes Uncharted significantly wore than Gears in terms of mechanics

And I compared both nuDoom and Gears because that's just what happens with shooters on higher difficulties. Why is it a problem with Uncharted? The enemies die slower, ai gets smarter, and you die faster.

DOOM you have movement for days, you can dodge basically every attack in the game with proper movement. Uncharted has hitscan if you're ever forced out of cover. You can get fucked by luck of the draw.

>console with 60 million console sales
>game with the biggest marketing campaign ever for ever and ever still sells less than Splatoon, a game on a console with 10 million sales

Consoles were reduced to western game machines in Japan, look up weekly sales.

enemy accuracy is contextual. It goes up the longer you are clearly in their line of sight, and goes down the faster you are moving across their field of view. Things like melee animations, rolling, and cover transitions make them miss, too. And of course distance is a factor

How do you know all this shit nigg

are you actually a developer for the game

this would be a cool concept for a real game

You have strafing and moonjumping in nuDoom.

In Uncharted you have sliding, swimming, ledgegrabbing, ropeswinging, and covervaulting. What do you mean Doom has more movement? If you're getting hit in Uncharted on Crushing and "only staying in cover" then you just fucking suck plain and simple. I already posted BG's video of his Crushing playthrough. Why is he able to move all around the map and you're not? BECAUSE YOU FUCKING SUCK

Man that is one specific diss.

>an entire decade has passed and soniggers are still shilling for cgi movies

>How do you know all this shit nigg
He's smarter than you, you dumb nigger.

He didn't move all around the map at all though he mostly stayed still and shot mans

>Uncharted has more movement than DOOM
Oh jeez you got me good. See you later, man.

just observations from playing the game a lot on crushing

In this webm, rolling/transitioning to cover makes the enemy miss. The player is hit mostly while he is shooting, because that requires the player to stand up straight.

And in this one: ...some melee cover transitions and immenant melee attacks seemed to significantly reduce the damage of the guy on the left's AK bullets. Same goes for the bullets they were shooting at the very start of the webm, which were reduced in damage because the player was breaking someone's neck

Maybe if you opened your eyes you would see he was using every form of traversal in the book.

Even here look here dumb nigger youtube.com/watch?v=4mrqjSWCcPY

How come he's proving you wrong with video evidence? How come he's better at games than you? Why do you fucking suck? Why are you so shit? You're a dumb fucking retard.

>In Uncharted you have sliding, swimming, ledgegrabbing, ropeswinging, and covervaulting
All but one of which are done in scripted non-gameplay set pieces.

This. Everything else was just sub-par but after this boss fight i fell in love with the game again and just restarted the whole thing. the multiplayer is fun as fuck too

Don't appease these retards by talking softly to them. Call them the dumb niggers like they are.

You don't have to prove anything to these monkeys. We both know for a fact, Uncharted is objectively a top-tier series. These baboons are just clowns leeching for giggles.

the only thing I liked in the uncharted series was Chloe's ass.Does this game still have it?

Every combat in this game is a series of shit animations and clusterfucks

>swings right by 5 guards
>nobody notices him, this is the stealth approach
>kills 2 guys with one button each
>takes some damage
>imedietley devolves into cover-based shooting
>infact, why even both with melee, now our hero is fucked because he didn't do this whole thing from cover
Uncharted always had bad gameplay, you hide behind the nearest stump or box and ace everyone then move on like seal team 6 or you're just wasting time and dying.

there's literally nothing wrong with clusterfucks. In fact they are quite enjoyable.

and the animation looks gorgeous, even if you sometimes get a wonky animation

Literally Shadow of Mordor with guns.


>Tfw read thread and realise the only complaints are from the game not being literally absolutely perfect.

You're not even trying to make an argument anymore. Just baseless insults to make yourself feel superior. Go play in traffic if you want entertainment so badly.

My argument was in my sentence. It looks like a clusterfuck.

>pc cucks and xbones literally can't find any thing wrong with framerates or graphics which is their usual complaint so they blame 'muh swinging too easy'

>Cred Forums conveniently forgets all of this cool shit is in MP too

they noticed. The game just gives you a second chance if they only see you for a split second; then they come over and investigate where they saw you. If you expose yourself to them the slightest bit while they are looking you get detected by everyone

Also, the OP could have survived if he just shimmeyed away from the shotgun guy and hung on the left side of that ledge. I'm assuming he panicked and forgot it was there because the black & white makes it hard to discern the terrain. No matter how fucked you seem to be there's almost always a way out - sometimes it's just really difficult to pull off

PC or Xbox fans could just play the new TR games, same boring shit.

>muh stealth

>anything close to uncharted

looks flashy but there's literally nothing to it

Its the same exact game structure, """platforming""" you have to try to fail and cover based third person shooting with HP regen.

So getting into cover and shooting from said cover?

it's the exact same

>Its the same exact game structure, """platforming""" you have to try to fail and cover based third person shooting with HP regen.
>Uncharted 4
>Witcher is the same as dark souls
>Watch dogs is just another GTA

So is this the new gimick? Everything has to have bows?
Worst part is none of these games have remotely decent arrow physics.

>Cinematic combat means the gameplay is good


um, the new tr games are exactly the same as uncharted games.

>pc cucks cant find anything wrong with frame rate on this 30fps tps

uncharted 4 is such a piece of shit. it's just so profoundly dull and uninspired. just played six hours of rise of the tomb raider. pretty boring, but there's more to do than uncharted 4, where you just hold forward and watch a movie.

Both games play exactly the same.

>Both games play exactly the same.

Please explain what sets them apart.

>It looks like a clusterfuck.
So? There can be a lot going on. How is that bad?

No, it looks bad clusterfuck.

well for one Tomb Raider doesnt have a sticky cover system, which is a fundamental gameplay mechanic of Uncharted. Also, Uncharted has you swapping guns out constantly and there are many guns to use; TR has 4 weapons total and you carry all of them all the time. Uncharted gives you a ton more control of the camera than TR does (TR is always pointing your cam forward and not letting you move it)

Uncharted 4 actually kind of feels like Batman Arkham Asylum with regards to stealth and how you kind of stalk / hunt your enemies

the cover system, for one

how's that?

you are the only person in history to have ever made that comparison

>bionic commando
literal garbage

Regardless of its overall quality it had better swinging.

Please don't tell me you're the same guy posting the shitty gameplay webms from before. Because if so, you have no leg to stand on.

P.S. Nobody is saying the game is hard, just that its gameplay mechanics facilitate a really boring gamestyle. This is even mentioned in the video you linked.

Bionic Commando absolutely had to get the swinging mechanic perfectly right, though; it was the central mechanic (gimmick) of the whole game. In UC4, it's there and its something cool you can do, but it isn't the heart of the gameplay. Especially in combat. It's just another way to move around

>tomb raider doesnt have a cover system

you people are such fucking imbeciles. as soon as you approach cover, lara takes cover behind it. it's almost conveniently waist high too, just like... what's that game? oh yeah, uncharted.

>hits wall travelling at 40mph
>hits another at 30mph
>(laughs) all right

how the fuck is it boring? Maybe it can be if you are waiting around for minutes at a time trying to stick to stealth only, but if you are running around the map leading the enemies into traps as you melee, shoot, jump kill and grenade them - it's like non-stop action

>how's that?

>enemy AI doesnt know what to do
>cover left right
>jump over obstacle twice
>buggy animation takedown
>shoot over cover while stupid dumb ai stands behind you doing nothing

>I don't see why that's a problem considering the number of people you have to fight simultaneously
It's because you're shit at games mate, these games are made for you.

>le nitpick because i am total retard
i hope you get to play uncharted someday when it comes out on the PC.. oh wait

I said the cover system was different, not that Tomb Raider didn't have one. Uncharted has sticky cover like Gears of War. You press circle and you stick to the wall.
Tomb Raider has passive cover like TLOU. Passive cover does not have cover-transitions, which is a central mechanic in games like Uncharted and Gears

It's not a simulator.



>watch youtube videos of other people enjoying a game
>proceed to complain about gameplay you've never experienced
mustard race, when will they learn

i have a pc and a ps4 because i am an adult with money to spend at my discretion.

i played uncharted 4. i finished it. it's fucking garbage. positively spellbinding that it received the attention it got. it's so slow and simplistic and filled with cutscenes. it's just a movie.

This. Uncharted does nothing no other game already did or does. It's just a mediocre movie you can watch instead of playing and you don't miss out on anything.

Why would you have a ps4?

i have a pc and a ps4 because i am an adult with money to spend at my discretion.
>browses Cred Forums

The "platforming" segments are so linear it literally doesn't even matter if you play it or watch it. Not that I would want to watch something so insanely boring, let alone play it. And before you post another le goldman face my favorite game of 2015 was Bloodborne.

if you think the AI is stupid you are a fucking moron. They aren't supposed to be as fast, unrelenting or dangerous as the player because that would make the game fucking impossibly hard. Complaining that they are not perfect killers is nonsense.

And the friendly AI is not there to babysit you. They can help you out sometimes, but you cannot count on them to do it so you really just have to rely on yourself as a general rule. Nobody wants a fucking AI companion stealing all your kills in single player. Then the game really IS playing itself

>this post

Having camera control alone makes it a *completely* different experience from just watching someone else play

it's a joke, you half wit. he's saying that the game is a movie so you may as well just watch someone else play it.

They never will. They will continue to bitch and scream and beg and cry for all eternity, occasionally being allowed to enjoy others scrapings and excrement.

Sorry, no.

So this is how far we've come huh? The bare minimum of interactivity.

>but if you are running around the map leading the enemies into traps as you melee, shoot, jump kill and grenade them - it's like non-stop action
Sure, but the game design actively discourages this playstyle and encourages one of methodical cover changing and occasionally popping out for a headshot or two.

Maybe if you suck.

ITT: cancer

And I thought Sonyggers were bad, holy shit. Nintenoddlers and Xbots truly are the worst.

Ya'll should think of joining me to the PC master race than maybe your console woes wouldn't cause you to troll eachother into the dust.

>uncharted: hold sideways and press circle to go to the cover which is to your side
>tombraider:hold sideways to go to the cover which is to your side
>both games:hold a button to pop up from behind cover to shoot things

>sonyggers are this desperate to shill for exclusives other than Bloodborne

then why does nate get beat up by a black girl

holy shit, get this guy a nobel prize, discovery of the century here!
Sure suspension of disbelief and all that, but there is a line at some points where you just throw up your hands and say "well that was bullshit."

not if you're good with your movements and using walls/obstacles to block the enemy's line of sight. Even on crushing

If you want to play it where you aren't pinned down so often and you suck at moving around on hard or above, then play it on moderate or light difficulty, like in these webms:

this post is so inane that i can guarantee it is not bait.

Because it has passive cover, tomb raider doesn't have blindfiring. Blind firing saves your life all the fucking time in UC4; just look at some of these webms

>The "platforming" segments are so linear it literally doesn't even matter if you play it or watch it
I guess Mario is a movie game, too. The fact of the matter there is literally nothing wrong with linearity in video games and in Uncharted it's done amazingly well. If you can't at least acknowledge that, you don't belong here.

The main issue was that the platforming itself in this series takes a lot of control from the player without really requiring a lot of skill to begin with and the shooting is subpar. The whole series is pretty dry on gameplay.

>"playing a game is a completely different experience from watching it"
>that's so inane

fuck off retard

Well can you show me an example of this "non-stop action" because I've yet to see an example of it.

(laughs) alright

I bet you're the kind that advocates fall damage in platformers

>I guess Mario is a movie game, too.
Holy shit, this nigga aint even played mario. HAHAHA

You don't belong here, nigger

In Mario (a video game) you have full control of Mario at all times and never does it simply require you to hold forward and press X (or A) in order to advance a predetermined cutscene. It has actual depth and its possible to fail, you know a video game.

well you must be blind then, because all the following webms feature non-stop action:

Sure, you can do that stuff sometimes. but even doing it perfectly leaves room for some random hitscan burst to fuck you up. I don't know about you, but having RNG fuck with a perfect run is a massive downer for me. Not to mention that's just poor game design.

>play uncharted 4
>every climbing section is literally holding a direction and mashing x
>can literally do most of it with your eyes closed, it's so simplistic and funneled

>using nigger unironically
get the fuck out, newfag.

Uncharted's not a platformer in the traditional sense.

their accuracy is contextual, not fully random. See what was said in

>saving ACfag images and posting them to defend a cinematic shooter
What the fuck?

>never does it simply require you to hold forward and press X (or A) in order to advance
That is exactly what mario is, you retard.

Niggers aren't welcome here. Back to where you came from

>not using nigger unironically

You're the newfag, nigger.

>moving from cover to cover so you can shoot things is non-stop action
You must be very easily excited, I mean, I just finished vanquish (my first on god hard) so my expectations might be a bit high, but holy shit these webms seem so fucking slow and dull.

How is Heart of Darkness a game but Uncharted is not?

Or better yet how is Heart of Darkness a "good" game but Uncharted is not?

it's like when they were planning Uncharted they said "How could we make Heart of Darkness into a 3D adventure game?

Point still stands

Doug go home, you're drunk.

Uncharted IS a good game. It's just not an amazing one.

You should go there too, seeing as you can't read.
>getting called newfag by a newfag
Its an oldy, but a goody. Still gets me everytime.

Its not that its bad, its that there isnt much of it.


Answer the question. Why is Uncharted bad but Heart of Darkness is "good"?

>I didn't watch any of the webms but I'm going to pretend like I did and make a guess as to what's in them:
>"you're just moving from cover to cover so you can shoot things!"

I like UC. But lets be honest its a movie and the gameplay is only there so it can be called a game. Gameplay wise Its mediocre at best.

Its a really enjoyable indiana-jones esque movie though.

Spiderman has better gameplay than U4

Doug Harris, its your name on Youtube and Skype. Nobody is arguing that as usual, you lunatic.

The original UC4 complaints are not that the gameplay is bad, persay, but that's there's not enough of it. This is countered by raging fanboys (like yourself, OP) who post the same handful of webms and imply that Bamham+third-person cover shooting is god's gift to vidya. Which in turn leads to people melodramatically shitting on UC4's flaws.

The combat's all right. It's carried pretty fucking hard by the set pieces and the graphix, because it's a fusion of the two most stale, skill-less, and overdone combat systems in modern vidya. It's representative of the series of a whole: it does nothing poorly, but does nothing extraordinarily well and provides nothing new for the player.

If UC4 had come out last gen, the series would be forgotten already.

>Gameplay wise Its mediocre at best.
the gameplay is exceptional

Shit, those webms are like 30 seconds long at max. How poor is your attention span that you can't watch a few of those?
>you're just moving from cover to cover so you can shoot things!
Actually, nevermind. Looks like you got the gist of it.

Better platforming, at the very least

Well then why don't you show us some of that "exceptional gameplay"? I still don't see any in this thread.

>Gameplay wise Its mediocre at best.
How? Have you read this entire thread? Some guy has spent literal hours defending it with accurate examples with every webm for every situation and reasons of why every mechanic works so well together. How is it mediocre? Why is Gears of War or Max Payne or (suggested earlier) fucking WinBack considered lightyears ahead of Uncharted but Uncharted is shit? There's always a couple more of you assholes that join the conversation and say Uncharted is shit, so and so is better but never explain why.

I'm not seeing anything exceptional in this webm from a gameplay standpoint

>"I know you are but what am I: The Post"

>literally just swimming up

RE4 will never be topped by westerners.

Cover shooting and enemy slotting is inherently bad game design. Other aspects of the game are decent, but to call it exceptional overall is bullshit.

because I have run out of combat webms

>How? Have you read this entire thread? Some guy has spent literal hours defending it with accurate examples with every webm for every situation and reasons of why every mechanic works so well together.
That doesn't mean uncharted is great, it just means that you are wrong.
>but never explain why
explanations have been given, its your reading comprehension that is lacking.

Gears of War already surpassed it, weeb.

>gameplay is exceptional
>posts webm of glorified cutscene

>Cover shooting and enemy slotting is inherently bad game design
that's just, like, your opinion man

and how is slotting bad? Do you want to fail every time? People complain that the game is hard enough as it is

Absolute shit taste.

>Implying RE4 ever topped Brood War.

no valid explanations have been given. People ITT have just been totally generalizing about why the game is "bad", mostly saying they only hate it because its a cover shooter

>I don't know how to Cred Forums: the post
protip: if you want to quote a post. You have to click the number post you are quoting, not the previous one in the chain.

>that's just, like, your opinion man
It really isn't. It's factually shit.

meant to quote

you need to re-read the thread, because that simply isn't the case.

Oh look! The fucking nintoddler yootoobers playing/hating a Sony game! What a surprise...

you knew who I was referring to. Don't act like you've never accidentally quoted the wrong post in a big expanded in-line reply chain

That source port is fucking disgusting. Romero is 100% correct here though.


Rich is PC player and Bald guy is a playstation dude.

I read it in full and I really cant find any good reasons why you faggots rag on this game. You just nitpick that it isn't literally a perfect game, or say you dont like it because you think these kind of games are shit no matter what

Based Romero

>Game developer who was a big deal 20 years ago says games were better back when times were good to him


>john romero talking shit about daikatana
this grin could not get any cheesier.

>implying he isnt right

>when times were good to him
You mean when he became the laughing stock of video games and his company went under?

no he isn't. He's generalizing against an entire industry.

His generalization is accurate.

I guess I was right in the first instance. Stay in school, buddy. Reading comprehension is a big part of the world we live in.

I said 20 years ago

Daikatana came out 16 years ago

So you mean when he left id after Quake came out and started development on the game that would ruin his reputation for years to come.

Don't project your mistakes on to me, loser. Just because you're a retarded fucking newfag doesn't mean we all are.

nice argument. Oh wait, yet again you didn't say anything of substance. Nevermind

Yep. And everyone was hyped as fuck for it because he hadn't fucked up yet

I wouldn't waste anything of substance on you. You clearly wouldn't understand it.