Space Hulk: Deathwing

What do you guys think about this so far?

That it is a 40k game I haven't seen much of to even be able to form a perspective on. To put it short, nothing.

WAIT this is out? since when?

Its not out. Comes out november. Op is just dumb.

Since yesterday, user. We've all been playing it. Where have you been?

living under a rock

wasnt this delayed or something? feels too soon

Steam still says November release date and it's always been November since the time I started following it so idk.

I feel like GW's secrecy about their additions to the IP is going to fuck over the variety of enemies in this game.

the suicide-demo-hybrid and the chainsaw fucker could have been fun.

As long as I can:

1) Assault cannon the fuck out of genestealers


2) Smash a big meaty power fist into a genestealer's face

It'll be good.

Hand over the fucking trailer

Looks good but none of my friends are getting it so I won't be buying it until they do.

My legs are OK


Cant wait, too bad my friends are not gonna buy it.

I think the backlash will be funny when people go in expecting a L4D clone and then getting a modern version of the dos space hulk

Its getting delayed 100%

Make new friends through the game.

Having no gameplay trailers this close to release seems like either bad marketing planning or they're trying to hide it away.

If they actually show something that looks good then maybe but there's no reason there should be barely any gameplay videos this close to its release.

EYE was fun. EYE but slower, with less enemy variation, none of the fun spells like "replace enemy with werewolf", and a fanbase of fa/tg/uys who get autistic about pauldrons sounds terrible.

I really want to assume it'll be fun because of the devs, but I can't hold out hope when it's this property. Throw in how little we've seen of the gameplay and yeah, it looks like there's nothing going for it.

It had one gameplay trailer, only 1

and there was this german preview of the gameplay

which isn't much though

Will this be similar in style to the DOS Blood Angel game?