Have you ever not bought a sequel because they got rid of a certain thing? Game mechanic, setting, character, etc

Have you ever not bought a sequel because they got rid of a certain thing? Game mechanic, setting, character, etc.

More Hex

Guarantee that Sun and Moon will have a Hex Maniac trainer class again, since GameFreak are fully aware about her massive popularity.

Hex Maniac a shit

no u

I hope they didn't get rid of her.

Fuck yes hex thread.

She'll be back. Her family will have dragged her along on vacation to Alola. She'll still be wearing her heavy black dress and refuses to take it off. She'll say it doesn't bother her but you can tell she's dying of the heat.

>No segment where you can convince Hex to try on a bathing suit, all black and then slowly work her out of her shell until her Alola trip is over, then she goes back and turns into a ball of nothing, remembering you fondly

>Gen 8
>Hex Maniac is your friendly rival who follows you everywhere

>beat the elite four
>there's no champion
>you are the new champion
>suddenly hex maniac comes into the room
>you're the champion and she's the challenger
>she's been following right behind you the whole game
>you sometimes can see this during the game if you backtrack to a previous area and find her looking at you from behind a tree

They didn't got rid of her in ORAS and we stilk don't know about SM, maybe they gaver a 3d model...

Full image, faggot.

>Beat the big bad enemy team
>As you're walking back out, Hex is there behind a pillar and jumps when you walk past her
>If you defeat the story Legendary, she catches it soon after you
>And it will be level 100 when she challenges you because she ground the fuck out of it to earn your love
>Is the most brutal Pokemon battle in history

Hey, there is a new doujin of hex maniac in the panda...

RSE had hex maniacs originally.

Thanks I didn't know there was a full version.

I mean they didn't got rid of her popular design from XY, every other npc trainer that existed originally in rse got redesign...except her.

don't you do this to me user

mfw that doujin got a sequel

I liked creepy face girls long before Tomoko made them cool and trendy...

Why is Hex + big tiddies such a great combo

Why is like 90% of Hex Maniac fanart horribly off-model?

I haven't purchased a Fire Emblem that has the retarded class switching mechanic. It's garbage. Classes are part of a character and it's idiotic that a Fire Emblem game would let you change it.

And I loved it too. English when?

>you find her swimming in the middle of the night when no one's around
>she sees you and runs away embarrassed
>next day she's mad at you
>she still goes swimming the next night and expected you to come
>she fights you
>after beating her she says you can come watch her anytime

Are Mega Evolutions gone?

So the salmon gengar wanted her to get pregnant so he could reincarnate?

Creepy loner girls are usually depicted as flat chested, it's a nice change of pace.

RebelTaxi pls go

I'd mega evolve hex, if you know what I mean

>The night before she leaves, she kisses you once on the cheek before fleeing, leaving behind a gift on the ground
>It's just a glass of milk

What doujin?

>her tits are gigantic
This is how Hex Maniac is supposed to be depicted. Very good.

I want to cuddle the horny hex


Lost Planet 3.

>she brings her old one piece swimsuit she had when she was a kid because she hasn't been swimming in years
>her figure is practically bursting out of it
>she straightens herself out and causes it to rip open
>she hides in the water and sends you on a sidequest to get her something to cover herself with
>you can see her model's bare shoulders

>mfw that one doujin where Gengar mind controls her and turns her into a prostitute after which she publicly gives birth to its child.


The one with a guy in a drag, but make no mistake, he like girls and know how fuck them hard...

Hiw you know the gengar mindcontrolled her? Is not tranlasted.

Probably. If they were still in they would have announced new ones or at least shown an old one. The only sign of them returning is from a third party magazine talking about an ability that has been around since gen 3.

>bare shoulders
Why do you have to be so lewd user

Still pissed we got no old lady shoulders in ORAS.

What if.. We combined Hex Maniac with Centorea from Monster Masume into one jumbo-tittied centaur Goth?

i got dark souls 3 because they removed all the dumb shit in 2 and reverted back to dark souls 1

Neck yourself, closet furry.

She's so impure. I bet she doesn't wear a bra.

Just found it on hitomi.la
It was ok. Not a fan.
I don't particularly like any of her doujins right now.

Please keep Cerea shit in Cred Forums

I can't believe it took them 6 generations to get an NPC trainer class so right but damn did they get her right.

Bras would put unnecessary pressure on the goods, squeezing and wasting milk every time she swung around, adjusted the straps, or bent over.

Stars raft Starcraft2
Diablo 3
Duke nukem forever
Fallout 4
Morrowind, oblivion, skyrim

Raiden 3, 4, 5
Grandia 2
Crazy taxi 2
Warlords battle cry 3
Age of empires 2 HD

Xcom, xcom2, dlc/expansions (firaxis version; apocalypse was the last xcom game)

Jagged alliance online
Jagged alliance reloaded

Mechwarrior 4 and it's sewuels, but I eventually played them out of desperation for mech gsmes.

Armored core 5.dynastywarriors 3+.

I could go on forever.

I didn't get ORAS because of no customization and Hoenn a shit.

I want a hex maniac gf. I want to be the first person who's talked to her regularly since she was a kid. I want her to be utterly obsessed with me and get concerned whenever she thinks she's losing me. I want her to feel like she has to please me sexually to keep me interested without me having to explicitly pressure her into it. I want to move into a small apartment with her and skip classes to have sweaty sex all day.

Reminds me of this one doujin where a kid in school gets a stalker, and eventually she rapes him and he accepts to be her boyfriend.

The lack of Dive in a Pokemon game didn't deter me to buying it, but it sure was not a motivated journey either.

Gen 6 was amazing with the quality of girls.
>that lass in ORAS that bathes with her Pokémon
Fucking diamonds.

Don't simplify, there are plenty more reasons to not get ORAS.

>That face
What the fuck?

These are your daughters for tonight.



I want to marry Hex Maniac

Did I fuck a witch or something?
>tfw no Witch MILF waifu to have demonic sex, over covers, lights on, in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreating qt daughteru Hellspawn

>Did I fuck a witch or something?

what made you not get starcraft 2

Looks like I'm delaying my suicide for at least another 18 years.

I want to open up her dress and take a big whiff of her musty scent. Her underwear's scent is much stronger.

>tfw you will never take off her still damp milk soaked bra

>Age of empires 2 HD

is it because the stupid fucks got rid of LAN?

How'd I do?

Gengar Kid is a miracle of the universe.

She's cute! I bet she has a cute butt!

This from Honey Select?
Pretty good in all honesty.
Bigger tits.

She has a cute dick.


Who did I fuck?
Actually, can one be my wife instead? I can't handle being a single parent.

You fucked the Dragon's Crown Witch.

Flat all the way through, user. She's like 14, and probably is lacking a lot of nutrients. Luckily for you and me, she's especially lacking protein.

You are stuck with them as your daughters. You are limited to family bathing, taking them to the swimming pool/beach and buying them clothes.

Oh, yes. Do we keep in touch or did she die after the second birth?

And I still need a wife.

Fallout 4

not even heat pats huh

Shit. Am I at least a DILF?

I'm pretty sure Hex would have some level of daddy issues. I wouldn't act on them, but I know they would be there.

She has legal custody of the children. You're a total fucking bum and get to see them every other weekend. She's a single mother, but she has plenty of bones in her life to hold her up and doesn't need you.

Oh you can pat their heads, hug them and hold their hands when crossing the street. Just normal family stuff.

You look how you do now.

>she has plenty of bones in her life
>getting cucked by a skeleton

So the best years of my life are behind me, I only get to see the best thing I have left twice every 14 days, and I'm worthless?

Fuck, I just need to sell my life story to somebody and I'll be rich.

Seriously, though. That's sad as fuck. Is there any way I can repair my fake life?

It's more like she went on a short flick with you and bore 2 children.
The bones were always there, before and after you. Chilling in the closet while you were with her.

I'm guess I'd be hot if I went to the gym.
Fuck, daddy's getting swole to find a new mommy. My fake daughters deserve that.

Yes, when your children are both grown up and out of college, they set you back up with Mom who unknowingly of the kids felt sorry for you after a conversation via text and Skype mixed cause she's too busy to answer you on one medium, sets you up with a friend of hers.
You end up dead that night choking to death on Amazon pussy, your head in a leg-lock as she orgasms from your desperate attempt to escape and breathe.

Do I have any skeletons in my closet worthy of being a stepmom?

At least I die happy.
How are the kids? Do they grow up happy without me?

They grow up as social outcasts.

As is tradition. They'll find enough happiness, just like everyone else in the family.

All in all, I'd say it's a pretty good life. I hope the Amazonness remembers that night for years to come. Plus, I fucked a tittymonster at least twice.

Don't worry, user. When she dies of a heart attack upon discovering your blissful yet dead corpse between her thighs, you both end up together in death.

The Amazon never really cared, just did a favor for a friend.
She didn't mean to kill you and helped bury you.
Your ex-wife turned you into a skeleton about 4 years later, but you remember nothing, you are merely a skeleton forced to wear a tuxedo for your mistress and gallivant about killing shit.

I liked the other user's version better :(.

C'mon user. Let him at least be happy in death.

what kind of loot will he drop

He is. Killing shit is all a skeleton lives for. The attire is a bit awkward and his mistress never explains why he wears it, but he lives to serve and serves to live.
His daughters never figure it out.

I want to be a Hex Maniac and have an awkward lesbian relationship with another Hex Maniac

Does his mistress at least stroke his skeletal bone once in a while? Even skeletons need love.

I don't want to die alone, and I don't want anyone else to, either.

His top hat and three piece suit of course.
Good luck though, he's been on a strict milk diet for at least 20 years of unlife.

Yeah, mate, I'll fuck you up.

Are there any female skeletons I can rattle my bones at? Shipping mooks together is cute.

I think you guys are putting way too much focus on the father.

Sonic. Chao gardens

>two duskull
>no sableye

>Centaur goth

You've got some advanced ideas man

Ahead of our time

He's a stand-in for us, user. We don't want to live horrible imaginary lives! If I get another go at this I want to make it a good one.

i want to read hex a bedtime story after giving her warm milk

All of you RPfags are wrong.
Their true mother is Tomoko Kuroki

and I am the father.

Now that's lewd.

I want to read hex a bedtime story after drinking her warm milk

I refuse to buy another Halo game thanks to 343i's removal of splitscreen from Halo 5.

Like what the fuck. It's like that one scene from Indiana Jones where they pluck the still-beating heart of the dude while he's still alive. 343 has ripped the heart and soul of this franchise and defecated all over its corpse. Fuck them.

>He's a stand-in for us
Which is why it's silly to characterise him, he is you and his story is whatever you wish it to be.

See Tomoko is your niece who sometimes stays overnight at your house.

If you want a happy ending, here.
After four hundred years in service to your Mistress, she sends you on one final task before your spirit may pass on to the afterlife and live in bounty and pleasure all millennia.
You must hunt down her ultimate rival and defeat her, you are told her name is Hex Maniac and are to rid the world of her so that your Mistress may reign supreme as the high Necromancer of the land.
>You do indeed hunt down this woman
>She's quite lithe for a four hundred and thirty year old, makes you wonder what magicks she's using
>You enter her hut in the middle of the dark forest, having slaughtered thousands of shambling dead, ghosts, skeletons, and spiders to reach her
>She looks up from the book she is reading and stops dead, seeing the look in your eye, a gift your Mistress had given you
>"N-no way..."
>With no wait, you cut her down with your corsair sword, a tool from a dead in the forest, the sucking chest wound across her sizable bust billowing blood like a fire hydrant as she falls back over her chair
>"B-but.. you died..."
>You stand above her, raising your sword for a finishing blow
>"I don't understand... dad, why?"
>Your blade stops as it taps her nose, held tight at her words
>You cock your skull to the side and draw your blade back, indicating you are confused
>"I.. Mom didn't know..."
>And before she can say another word, she collapses upon the ground, dead
>A duty fulfilled, you too collapse atop this Hex Maniac and pass on
>As you rise into the heavens, you see a really angry woman with purple hair similar to the one you just slew sitting atop a cloud
>And it all comes flooding back to you
>You are about to get your ear chewed off for all millennia, it seems

I can't tell how much I like her

I want to watch Hex play a role in the school play and record her on tape while she flubs her line and gets flustered and runs off stage where I go to hold her while she cries!

At least we're together again.

Thank you, I specialize in short stories and plot advancement.

Ok, well I've got a Hex Momniac waiting to chew me out.

I wonder if the Mistress was really Ashley.

Huh. Not too shabby.

This shit was fucking amazing.
it reminds me of happier times

Now we're talking.
>going to her parent-teacher meeting and her teacher tells you she eats lunch alone and never talks to anyone
>walking past her room at night and hearing her softly cry
>letting her take a day off school even though you know she isn't really sick

>Official art shows her flat as fuck
>Faggots give her cow tits

>Drag her to the arcade at the Mall and teach her to play arcade games
>When you head off to let her enjoy yourself shopping for Christmas gifts unbeknownst to her, she is alone and keeps enjoying herself
>Someone joins her at the DDR station and she immediately flees
>When you return to pick her up, she's cowering in the alcove between the entrance and the prize counter
>Have a long talk about what happened and decide arcades aren't the best place to keep her
>Buy her a plush Gengar to cheer her up


go be a google someplace else


I like her with big tits (not horrible Monster tits like that doujin). But it's true that we need more fanart on-model


>ywn help her with her homework
>ywn watch cartoons with her
>she will never give you a handmade birthday card
>ywn bring her lunch to school when she forgot it in the morning
>ywn stay up watching TV on the couch with her and fall asleep


One random Hex sell moo moo milk in the game, she isn't near a farm of something, you know what this leads to.


Is the fact that she looks like a hot Tomoko the only reason anyone likes her?

I want to scold Hex when she gets a bad report card! I want to take away her library card when I learn she messes up group work!

Probably helps.

>not ignoring the tripfag
B-but then she can't have any fun!

I want to help her pick out and wrap Christmas presents!

I honestly didn't notice.

Not necessarily, one major factor is that she's so much more different than the rather normal, preppy, or cute-ish female trainers, another thing is that one easter egg that stars a Hex Maniac, which got some popularity in an attempt to solve it

>Thread goes horribly offtopic
>All the actual on topic responses get ignored
>Mods dont do shit about it

Theyre so worthless.

>you'll never stumble into her secret hideaway while chasing a Pokemon
>you will chase after Hex trying to calm her down and explain the situation
>you will never have her try to shoo you away
>you will never earn her permission to visit again because she wants to see more of your ghost pokemon
>you will never eventually have her hang out with you on ab awkward first date
>you will never get it right the second time by taking her to a haunted mansion to check out ghost pokemon

I really hate Tomoko. But I love Hex. I think that Hex Maniac is the good version of Tomoko... The "correct" version.

Serious Question: How do I find girls like Hex? Like emotionally damaged, yandere type chicks?

But she can't improve if she can't go to the library!

This was a Hex Maniac thread from the start. You don't start a thread with an image more interesting than the topic unless you want it to be about that image.

True Hex lovers love her A-Cup tits as they are. Cowtit Hex is casual-tier.

Elder-God Hex lovers like her old design more.

>posting loli porn to try to derail a thread that's not bothering people at all

Enjoy your ban

go to an all woman prison?
i don't fucking know, most guys who meet chicks like that usually die so

No, but I did stop buying Assassin Creeds after Revelations. In fact, I never even beat Revelations.

Check abuse-help places, the backgrounds of class photos, and other places where miserable people love to hang out.

>getting one of your ghostbros to unhook her bra while she's with you

Anime conventions. Honestly if I knew I'd have one by now.

I like all Hex.

It bothers me that the mods are so shit. Good luck with the ban thing though.

I want to hold a drunk, sobbing Hex who nearly drank herself to sleep after discovering alcohol and trying to drink away the feelings of loneliness and sadness that have emotionally scarred her for life!

Man, I love Hex, but she is just a character. People who are near to be like her are trash. Well, I dislike everybody anyway...


I want to kiss an attractive girl.
I want to fall in love mutually.
I want to be happy.

>implying the scat won't be his end
>implying normal Hex isn't best Hex

You're the only cancer in this thread shit poster.

Normal hex is A-Cup hex.
Look at those nubs.

Those are cowtits, casualfriend.

I want to hold her hair back while she's throwing up in the bushes outside!
I want to console her and say I did the same thing when I first drank!
I want to help her to bed and leave a towel beside her in case she needs to throw up again during the night!

>there is only one hex girl

I want to have to send Hex to rehab after learning she nearly OD'd on crack she got from a from a friend, and going back to my home and wanting to blow my brains out!

Delete this.

i swear to christ if that top is actually a leotard, i will break the table woth my cock


They all use the same model.
They're also 14-16.

What is the fucking APPEAL of this dumpy looking character??????

Is it me? Or is this guy's artstyle just really fucking off putting?