Ace Attorney Thread

Sebastian for AA7's prosecutor.

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You smart, you Dabeste, I appreciate that

It's not fair

Jove died thinking his son perished in the fire

What's with ace attorney and terrible parents?

>Good parents
>Man who left his infant son in a burning building
>Man who sent his adopted son to America and then died

The Thalassa plotpoint is unresolved and has been lingering for 2 games now while Kirstoph's story finished with AA4. I wouldn't mind Kristoph being mentioned in passing but he probably shouldn't have a large focus again.

>Man who left his infant son in a burning building
Death makes it kind of hard to take care of your kids.

>Man who sent his adopted son to America and then died
Keeping a kid around when you're starting a revolution sure seems like a good idea.

How long is Lana gonna be in prison?

>Death makes it kind of hard to take care of your kids.
>When Dhurke literally saved Apollo from drowning despite being dead

How long is Godot going to be in prison?

I wish they'd give some updates/closure to some of these characters. AA6 was the first game in awhile that didn't feel like it was afraid to flaunt the series's continuity, but they should take it a step further.

>When Dhurke literally saved Apollo from drowning despite being dead
With the help of a spirit medium.
The only spirit medium around when Jove died was unconscious.

Godot is dead, m8. He all but admitted to premeditated murder.

Did you just forget that nobody knew Jove's full name besides maybe Dhurke, and even then nobody really knew what he looked like.

So many years passed, I wish some likable culprits from trilogy returned. Would be cool to see reformed Diego or Gant

Isn't Diego pretty much confirmed dead? I am pretty sure that the only thing still keeping him alive after the accident was his strong desire for revenge towards Wright.
Also there's death penalty for murderers.

My name's Sebastian. This freaked me out.

New Prosecutor should be a spacey autist who seems apathetic but then uses psychology to fucking destroy the defense's theories in like two sentences

I will never be able to trust

>Also there's death penalty for murderers.
There is, but that's for the most fucked up cases, like Dahlia who ruined so many lives. In AAI2 we saw Sawhit working for his exemption, and Dogen is known hitman yet he was alive in his comfy cell.

sounds like blackquill without the fun edge

It has to be a woman and Athena's Edgeworth. Love me some girl-on-girl courtroom action.

Someone similar to Aura

Do DS flashcards work on 3DS?

Or do I have to buy a 3DS flashcard to play AAI2

>3DS flashcards when CFW exists

Any good DS flashcard will work fine on a 3DS, just look it up before you buy one.

Yeah my 3DS has CFW, but apparently it's not able to play NDS files natively without a card.

No CFW can play DS games natively yet, but it's something the homebrew scene is actively working on. I would expect them to crack it this year.

Maybe we'll get cake Kay

Who is current Chief Detective?

Not Gumshoe

I wanna see DA Kay so she can complete the new Yatagarasu with Gumshoe and Edgeworth.

And then subsequently be upset because Edgeworth went on to become chief prosecutor and won't do cases anymore.

But that's ridiculous. You'd never be able to beat him.

Or maybe Athena could be the DA to her Yatgarasu trio and Kay could be the prosecutor like Edgeworth and her father.


grown-up Debeste?

I want to fuck like every single character under the age of 40 in this series

There would be more pottery in it if she becomes the opposite of her father, like Edgeworth.

That would require her to have been influenced by a prosecutor after her father's de-

>he doesn't want to fuck both queens of Khura'in and Dhurke

>He doesn't want to fuck Datz
Get this man out of here

>he doesn't want to fuck both queens of Khura'in
>one has the tits
>other one has the ass and hips

Threesome is the only option.

Oh fuck I didn't even think of them

>that panning shot on the courtroom while Amara was on the witness stand

Reminder that Blackquill is objectively the best prosecutor in the series next to Edgeworth.

He was the only good thing about 6-4 desu.


I wanna fuck Hisekage!


>queer power
Top tier choice of words, Capcom.

You faggots have faggot now. Let us take queer back.

I'm not homo. But why is he sooooooo cute?~

>Zak abandons Trucy on Phoenix's doorstep, also damn nearly ruins Phoenix's life
>Trucy still idolizes this objectively mad monster of a man
Pearl is the superior daughterfu for Phoenix, honestly.

AAI2 especially was "terrible parenting: the game"

>Athena's role in 6-DLC.
It's shit. Larry doesn't hit on her. She barely interacts with Maya. No mood matrix in court which could actually be useful.
Why'd they do this to us?

Why doesn't Apollo just ask Maya for a solid and get her to channel him?

Drunk Kisegawa a best

>There's a picture of Zak hanging in the WAA office.
Desu it's probably Phoenix that's spinning him in a good light. It would break her heart if she knew what a piece of shit her entire family is.

Do you want Trucy to cry again? Apollo won't be able to save her smile if she finds out.

Where do I find the black and white art so I can update my tier lists?

Because who knows what will happen. The man died being burned alive while also thinking his son died in the fire. He may not be in the best emotional state right now

>it's probably Phoenix that's spinning him in a good light

it could also be the office dartboard

Just telling her the truth about her and Apollo is going to involve half of the terrible shit the Gramaryes are involved in. It's inevitable, famalam.

I don't think trucy cares about her parents that much if not at all

>decide to not set foot on Cred Forums until I beat AA6
>Youtube keeps suggesting me playthrough videos in the sidebar
>try to hide all of these suggestions, in fear that someday, the very thumbnail could spoil anything to me
I finally beat it, and it was hard not to be spoiled

Calm down user.
Athena in a dress.
Just remember that.
Athena in a dress.

I got away relatively scot-free. The only thing I got spoiled about was that Apollo and Nahyuta were siblings but that turned out to be only partially true, and also wasn't nearly as big a reveal as I thought. They just casually drop it during case 3.

It's inevitable, sure, but it's better to keep her happy until she's old enough to understand.

Hope you enjoyed the show!

I had to avoid Cred Forums for the last three weeks leading up to the game's launch. also for persona 5 spoilers.

Worked out well though, didn't get spoiled about jack shit. Although I had most of the returning characters spoiled leading up to the game's Japanese launch,

>No mood matrix in court

Content that's revealed officially really shouldn't count as spoilers. I don't understand why people are so anal about that in particular.

>They just casually drop it during case 3.
Yeah, I was surprised when Is aw that picture, I don't know what to feel about it really, it sounds like they were asspulling Apollo's past out of nowhere

I forgive them for finally hinting at Lamiroir telling Justice and Trucy she's their mother. It's done in a very indirect way, but we can't expect any better since the policy the developers have about not spoiling previous games (which is retarded to me).

She's 18 now, user. Thalassa thinks that it's time to tell them.


It's okay user. Athena in a dress is all you need.

>search Ga'ran in Google images
>only get fried chicken

Larry's like 34 at this point, why would he go after a 17 year old?
He never even hit on Kay in the Investigations games, and that was when he was younger.

Personal preference but I like to go into games knowing as little as possible, lets me enjoy them more. For instance when I played AA4 originally I had no idea Ema was returning as the lead detective, so it was a great surprise that enhanced my enjoyment of the game. Apply that scenario to rest of the series now and you can see why someone would be anal about pre-release info.

Not to mention Capcom revealed a shitton of AA6 prior to launch, like the Apollo-Phoenix face off in 6-5 which is pretty major desu. I flipped my shit when I figured out that was the direction the case was going and would have been pissed if I found that out prior to playing the game.

From the makers of Dracula Final Boss, here comes Evil Queen of the Underworld Final Boss

>I'm Owen... and I'm five
post yfw

She's pretty jacked for a Queen

Age is not an issue for the Butz.

>17 year old
Athena is 19 user.

Hinting at shit like that is hyping people up and enticing them to buy the game.
Be happy this isn't Pokemon, where they pretty much spoil everything about the highly-anticipated remakes before they even release.

nope, he admitted he might have not done it solely to save maya, making it murder instead of defense, but still not premeditated

To be fair, the trilogy is lewd as fuck and they significantly toned it down later in the series. Or did you forget the penis lobster?

Could've sworn she was 17 in Dual Destinies but I looked it up and it turns out she was 18 then too. My bad.


who cares

Yeah it make sense, but it does nothing for me as someone who's going to buy the game regardless.

Episode Delta, which was nowhere to be found in the originals, was completely given away before the game came out.

Was he the smartest villain in the entire series?


Well, yeah, they could show a video of Phoenix taking a shit on the floor and most of us would still buy AA7 day-one.

I want the new prosecutor to be Brenda Payne, Winston's granddaughter and rookie prosecutor. Became a prosecutor because she kept hearing stories all her life about how great her grandpa and great-uncle were, and how the evil Phoenix Wright destroyed their careers. She wants to take him down. She'll make rookie mistakes like bungling her statements, present wrong evidence, and earn the judge's wrath. However, she will grow as the story goes on to become a competent prosecutor, learn to respect Phoenix's undying loyalty to his clients, and win the final case, as the defendant is actually guilty.

Now that Phoenix is a certified big deal and promoted to oldguard status, it's only natural that his opponent be someone struggling through the ranks instead.

no, Ga'ran's plan was really fucking good

>when Trucy won't give you the succ but then you find out she's your half-sister

No, that's the mastermind

>you'll never have AAI3
>you'll never see Kay, Lang or Debeste in the main series

>reusing plot points again
>making a Payne the main prosecutor

He would've gotten away with everything if it wasn't for Bonny's mistake

>you'll never see Kay, Lang or Debeste in the main series
There is literally no good reason as to why this hasn't happened yet.

At least the main series acknowledged its existence. That barely ever happens.

If Edgeworth wasn't so autistic, would he have fucked Justine?

How? Aside from the Legal Academy uniform?

Ga'ran's plan was a clusterfuck, I'd love to see someone try to describe it in its entirety,

>Brenda Payne
>Breng da Payne
>Bring the Pain

I like it

Human error is always a problem.
Why doesn't anyone that wants to murder someone and blame someone else just use robots to carry out their plans? Much less room for error.

But she'll be cute. Also it's not reusing, it's rebooting nostalgia.

Considering that his entire plan relied on Trucy not noticing that the wound wasn't there initially or that there was no blood on her sword, no.

...have you played AA6 yet?

Remainder that not a single Ace Attorney game is bad and even the worst game is still decent.

>"the Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo-Olde Tokyo is filmed on-location in Los Angeles!"
When will the localisation meme end?

>beat Paul Atishon
>SiIvaGunner posts this later that day

Besides the fact that they want to keep the series seperate:
Is definitely irrelevant, possibly even arrested.
Was an international agent in the first place. Don't remember what happened to him at the end of AAI2 but I don't think he hangs around in the current AA world.
Yeah, no fucking reason. He and Edgeworth should be good pals. I'd guess he either moved or was killed.
Pretty sure Kay was referenced in DD but I don't remember.

>the trilogy is lewd as fuck and they significantly toned it down later in the series

SoJ is pretty lewd, though. They were discussing Rayfa's tits in 6-5, for one.

wording this

She is the only female in the series that is almost as smart as Edgy and she also gets wet over the truth at the end of the game
If they wanted to force Edgy to have a love interest she would probably be the most fitting one

Maya being kidnapped again was bad enough. I don't want nostalgia. I never want to see anything trilogy-related besides returning characters ever again, and even that's still trying my patience.

Maybe it's like Power Rangers where they American-ize a Japanese toku show by renting their costumes and set pieces and splicing original footage into the remake.

Burn down her sister's house to make it look like she was killed, but abduct her and keep her in secret. That way, she can be queen while her sister performs the duties she cannot (spirit channel)
Enforce the DC act. This ensures people don't try to reopen Amara's murder case and find out who really burned the house down.
Unlock the secret of the founder's orb. Once she does, she can channel spirits on her own and can safely kill her sister.
Kill her husband. He was competing with her to unlock the secret of the orb, since he wanted to stage a coup and get her off the throne.
Pin the blame on the rebel, Dhurke. This would make people less inclined to rebel, as he always said his was a peaceful rebellion and killing the husband of the queen is not peaceful.

Don't be silly, she's set up as prime /ss/ material.

>DD above AJ:AA
>DD above AAI

Even if he didn't get the death penalty, the poison on his body should have killed him by now.

As much I'd love to see him run a coffee shop, now he is in the afterlife with Mia, so I am totally okay with this.

Yes, did i miss something on that regard?

>AJ above anything

Case 5, present something random to Edgeworth.

t. Aura

>Is definitely irrelevant, possibly even arrested.
She's no less irrelevant than any other old character they bring back. They could easily have a thievery case with the "Yatagarasu" as the accused. Boom, easy filler case.

>Was an international agent in the first place. Don't remember what happened to him at the end of AAI2 but I don't think he hangs around in the current AA world.
They could make up some bullshit to explain his appearance. Just say the victim was a Zheng Fa national or some shit, it's not complicated.

Yes, so? AJ is easily the worst game in the entire franchise and AAI1 has a lot of flaws.



Just when i thought they couldn't come up with more retarded ways of wearing jackets.

Additionally, she raised Rayfa as her own daughter. This allowed her to use her to control Nahyuta, one of the biggest threats to expose the truth, and Amara, who she obviously needed to control as much as she could.
She could also then groom Rayfa to become a queen with similar ideals to her own, and allow Rayfa to succeed the throne to continue her legacy.

Why didn't Manov let out a scream when he got impaled?


Why did they kill him?

So how much until the honeymoon fase stops and people start tearing Spirit of Justice a new asshole?

Because I just finished a couple days ago and is not as good as people say (comparing it with T&T and AAI2, seriously?). DLC is total trash too.

I never made out what Prosecutor Pooinloo's squiggle-objection meant so I just read it as ABAJ

t. Ga'ran

no witnesses

Am I retarded? Not seeing anything lewd with this dialog.

Funny, why didn't Ga'ran consider post-mortem besides "Rayfa takes the throne"?
After that Nahyuta no longer has anything to be blackmailed with. It might be a little hard to convince Rayfa that she was lied to but it could still happen.

Kay and Lang might be a possibility, but they never officially localized the game Debeste is in. Hell that might not even be the name they'd have given him. There's no way any of the AAI2 characters will appear in a mainline game. If they do, the game won't be localized because Capcom logic.

Satorha, basically means "Wake up"

I think that's just some Japanese warrior meme pose.

He probably did, too bad the whole Audience was screaming as well

You're a fucking slut who holds anyones hands, don't you?

Oh, you sweet, newfag soul.

Makes sense

He might have died instantly, or Retinz set up the sword to sever his spine upon impact, paralyzing him for the rest of his time alive.


You're disgusting.

TFW whenever I play Judge in AAO people love me for most of the trial but always think I get the wrong verdict

>I'm going to kill my apprendice that studied everything from me and my magic and ruin a teenager's life
>Because of a guy that is 9 years dead

6-2 was such a waste of time and stupid as fuck.

Why would the Japanese devs give a shit about English players potentially not knowing about AAI2 characters? I doubt they'd consider that a major factor in their decision to include them or not. It's not like there's any major plotlines from AAI2 they'd have to carry over, they're just characters who can introduce themselves and say "oh yeah me and Edgeworth know each other from awhile back."

That's just a Gumshoe reference.

Apparently it's a meme from back in the days of the samurai. Ronin did it to signify they were masterless. Now people do it as a way to signify they're atoning or fighting for something once lost. Auron is atoning for failing his former master, and Dhurke is fighting for lost freedom in his country. Also Japan just thinks it looks badass.

There are actual sluts in THIS thread right now

Did you not get the part about "investigating"?

Because she knew Rayfa would trust her own mother over the son of a rebel. Especially with Khura'in's "The sins of a father are passed onto the child".

Gramaryes are fucking psychopaths

We need to put down Trucy before she murders someone for real

They'll still make the game obviously, they'll just use it as an excuse not to localize it. Like I said, capcom logic. This is the same people who scrapped MML3 for non-reasons and didn't include Phoenix Wright in vanilla MVC3 because his english OBJECTION text would unbalance the game.

Read the last line of his post.

Missile: Pooping Pupper

You have a list of food that Missile ate.

You have to examine Missile's poop to find contradictions between its contents and the list.


Kys gramarye apologist

It's just a reference to AAI as a whole. It's the only game where you get to present irrelevant evidence as Edgeworth while not in court.

But if Rayfa finds out that she's Dhurke's daughter too, then what happens?


Wow I'm retarded. I only just now made the connection to AA5's Punished Apollo.

Read that entire post.

The mainline series is too successful in the West to not localize, at least I hope so. Regardless they wouldn't not localize a game solely because some characters might be unfamiliar to casuals.

Huh, the more you know.

>too successful
The fuck?

Oh fuck indeed

But who will be the detective and prosecutor in her trio? She did say she wanted girls in her team so Edgeworth and Gumshoe are out.

Dis nigga aint played 3-5?

You truly underestimate the level of bullshit Capcom is capable of spewing. However I share your enthusiasm. Obviously if they make a mainline game with AAI characters in it, I'd be throwing them money, too.

You mean if Rayfa actually believes it? Ga'ran laughs it off and says they're simply trying to shake up the royal princess so she's unable to do her duties.
Which is also why she told Rayfa the truth before the trial. Which paints her in a good light, because she's protecting Rayfa from her father's sins by pretending she and Inga are her parents, which makes Rayfa indebted to her.

>ga'ran calls rayfa in for punishment
>later shown to be a paddle weilding dominatrix

What kind of punishment do you think happened?

I love how they aren't trying anymore in 6-4. They didn't pull anything like "japanese immigrants" and just went on with a case with japanese culture, japanese architecture and japanese people in America just like it's normal.

Eat your soba, Athena


With Athena having studied abroad, they could have easily said she and BQ flew to Nihon so BQ could eat some noodles.

>scrapped MML3 for non-reasons
Inafune was on his way out. This was nothing but spite.

Re: Konami turning MGS into procedurally generated zombie survival after Kojima bailed on them

>yfw THIS happened

And you truly are an idiot if you think they won't localize a main series game just because it has characters we supposedly haven't seen.

she was told about her real mother, obviously

Drink your rice wine, Blackquill.

What's the best breakdown in the series? My vote goes for 6-2 but it was pretty recent so I may be biased. 4-4 had a good one too.

>They didn't pull anything like "japanese immigrants"

they actually do mention this, though

>AAI2 at highest tier
Now I wish I wasn't so burned out by literally years of waiting for localization. By the time it came aout I've lost all hope and completely forgot it existed.


I want a chunni Prosectuor

Ema is a detective now. We just need a new female prosecutor. Here's hoping we get Sarge, the Raider of Truth as the next child genius. We could use a /k/ommando prosecutor.

They wouldn't localize the mainline games if they weren't successful in the West. It's the main reason why AAI2 didn't get localized, the first game didn't sell that well overseas. And from my understand AA5 sold fairly well in the West and I imagine AA6 won't be too far behind. Hence why I said the mainline series, is hopefully, too successful over here for them to no localize future installments.


It's just characters we haven't seen, it's characters that have appeared in a past series that we supposedly haven't seen. Like I said, I admire your enthusiasm.

They could always officially localize AAI2 on a new system as well.

>Karuta cards adapted for the west

>Who are you?
>I'm... miss Chickadee

>I imagine AA6 won't be too far behind

I thought I read somewhere that sales were disappointing

His Objection! and his Silence! sound like two different people and it bothers me

Same with Ga'ran's voice clips too actually

This was heartbreaking.

Can't decide on the best but this is fucking god tier.

We already have Blackquill.

>These chains... they are cold, like my HEART
>Literally cried so hard in jail his eyes are permanently scarred
>Unsheathes his katana and slashes you faster than the eye can see multiple times per trial

And Punished Apollo pretty much wore bandages on his un-injured face to contain the overwhelming POWER OF HIS MYSTICAL GRAMAR-EYE.


That part totally caught me off guard. Does he have no sense of personal space?

I feel kind of bad for him, he was just a pretty dumb pawn


It's not rape if she's not real.




Breakdowns like this that are so over-the-top just don't do for me. They don't give that rewarding schadenfreude that they should.


Nah, this was

Rub a dub dub

Aristotle Means is my favorite breakdown by far. It works so well with the 3D animations. I actually think the mo-cap stuff don't work so well with the cartoony graphics of PW.

The photo, user. If Nahyuta got his hands on the photo it's all over for Ga'ran even in the afterlife.

HEHEHE, are you blinded by my majesty?

Nahyuta thinks it's a photo of himself. It took Apollo mentioning it twice for people to figure out the dragon on the law book makes it impossible for the kid to be Nahyuta


I know it's unpopular but I think Gavin is one of the most hilarious villains in the series and I hope he returns one day. He's gotta have the most petty reasons ever

Kristoph is great, its Klavier thats shit.

He would've figured it out at some point. Like almost everything in this series, it's rather obvious.

How is Maya still so cheerful? Her life has been absolutely terrible and she has both seen and been through some major shit.

Have you noticed that EVERY single case takes place in one day? Episode 3 taking place in 2 days revolves around two cases, even if they are related and the second case overturns the verdict of the first. And Episode 5 has also 2 cases in two days that are related to each other, but the first one could perfectly work as a stand-alone if you take out the importance of the orb and the relation of Paul Atishon and his "benefactor".

>When the putrid-minded defense says some absurd shit and doesn't just let it go and move on

No-one dislikes Kristoph as a villain, he's good

Man, Dhurke's 'SERIOUS MODE' animation was so fucking cool. When he used it on Atishon for the first time I was hype as fuck. I'm sad they didn't use it more.

>one day?
user, an investigation and a trial are separate days

You mean his death stare? He's famous for it. And he still managed to do it to Inga even after being shot three times. Nigga's inhuman.

I think one of my favorite moments in SoJ was when Maya gets real for a little bit in the detention center and says something like: "I'm sorry, I guess I can't have that stupid stepladder argument with you any more...".


Well, you're right, let me re-phrase that:
All trials take place in one day.

>How is Maya still so cheerful?
She's being strong for Pearl.

Yeah that shit was the coolest. Although the entire last case was giving me some serious 999 vibes.

Why didn't they try to have a divination seance 23 years ago in Amara's assassination trial that would have instantly proven she was still alive?

His "a dragon never yields" cheesy voice line was so cool too.

The worst part about AA6 is that when Apollo says it, he doesn't get voice acting when Nahyuta and Dhurke do.

No one to give Divination Seances.

I dunno, let me just ask the justice minister at the time why they made such a mistake.

There was no one around to perform it.

Igna being foolish enough to think that a dragon will ever yield

Did you not read the next line, where Phoenix says:

"You mean ladder?"

I'm stuck on 6-3. It's the start of the trial and I've shown that the victim ran towards the killer and was stabbed in the pool, but now I can't spot the next contradiction. I've been trying for 20 minutes now and can't find the answer online. Please help

Ga'ran, in the public's eye, since they've always thought she was also a medium. It would prove either Ga'ran had no claim to the throne, or that Amara was still alive. Or both.

Embers coming out of the lanterns. It's finicky.

I would have liked if he had said something like that to try and cheer her up. It was still a great sendoff to the running joke though, gave a concerning sense of finality/closure to it though.

Edgeworth nerding about Steel Samurai will also never stop being funny.

On the Seance? Yeah, But for some bumfuck retarded reason, it doesn't work if you point out the embers themselves. You have to point at the lamp.

I think it was Amara who performed Seances 23 years ago, and yes she was presumably dead.

3rd statement, 4th frame, lantern blowing in the wind

It really was. Hopefully we have another AAI2-2 type case where we go to prison and see her about to get out early for good behavior.

I think the next one is choosing one of the lanterns that look broken, it was hard to tell at first but it's the first one he sees on his left if I remember right

She could've just made the excuse that she didn't fully develop her powers at the time.

Last episode of the anime, possibly ever, is out boys

thank you anons

I made a thing.

Yes, so presumably Ga'ran would have made up some sort of excuse as to why it didn't have to be performed. "It's blasphemy to summon the reincarnation of the holy mother" or some shit. It turns out that the people of Khura'ain are sheeple who believe whatever you tell them.

Which falls under "no claim to the throne". Until she can channel a spirit properly, which takes much more spiritual power than a simple divination seance, the ruler of Khura'in would be... possibly Dhurke, since he's the husband of the former queen. Possibly Nahyuta.

psst, hey

not everyone

Well Rayfa is the queen and she still hasn't fully developed her powers. I think they would make an exception if the queen was murdered

>Can't find the answer

Kek. Fucken saved.


Rayfa has shown she has powers to develop.

I want to fill his manhole

haven't watched the anime, but does every fucking Maya line involve food?

bloody hell that quality

Yeah, and I'm sure Ga'ran constantly deflected the issue, and when it came time for her to show her powers she just used Amara

Did Gumshoe ever get THAT injured in 2-4?

Didn't watch anime, but this looks really cheap

Not really.

It's A-1 Pictures, which is apparently infamously so.

They actually did the anime cutscenes for SoJ too, difference is it's not serialized TV so they can actually put more time and effort into it.

>that bit where Maya tells everyone about his last moments

Jesus christ, I know he wanted a non violent revolution but you can see why it was so easy to make him out to be some form of scary bogey man

Holy shit, the nailing Gant in RFTA is so fucking satisfying. Phoenix becoming a mastermind chess player during the final trial

Meanwhile the pachinko machine gets this

>that'll never be accepted as evidence
>you just accepted it as evidence

How are you guys getting those high-res images of the game? Is it some CFW app?

As much as no one in America (and possibly some gamers in Japan) likes to admit it, pachinko makes money, so it needs quality to attract people.

It's Cred Forums, old, unfunny meme about holding hands.

those pictures look like a hi-res upscaler like waifu2x to me.

Just happened to be there.

t. A newfag that creams his pants over Pepe and Wojack

I just got mines from the wiki

Where the tier lists at?

Are the Asinine Attorney DLC's worth it?

If you don't want the themes, not really.

Nobody's made any updates for SoJ yet. Unless you mean the old ones, in which case pic related

But I've seen SoJ tier lists posted before.

Impossible. Unless you mean tier lists of just SoJ, which I wouldn't know of but assume exist.

Why is it impossible? Game's been out for over 2 weeks now.

He wasn't really a pawn, he was just making a deal. Get the orb, get assistance winning the election.

>murdering Archie
>orphaning Armie
>complicit in the kidnapping of Maya
>almost killed Apollo and Dhurke Maya
>blackmailed phoenix
>tried to frame based Datz

Yeah, I feel really bad for him.

What the fuck were Gant's motives though? He had no reason to murder Marshall back then, he was already gonna be the next Chief no matter what

Don't Doubt the Dick

Blackmail Lana?

He did it because he would have the chief prosecutor under his control

>"when" memes

AJ literally only has a single good case and it's the tutorial. There's no way it isn't the worst game in the franchise.

4-4 is great. AAI is worse since it drags and only the last two cases are good.

Jesus Christ that art

>not posting them ironically to bait autists
smdh tbqh fampai

ironic shitposting is still shitposting newfriend.

>Trucy is the same age as when Thalassa got pregnant with Apollo

She's going to whip something out of her magic panties real soon and claim its Apollo's if Phoenix doesn't hurry up.


Detective Skye! How sure are you that the body's been dead for several days?

Best part of the game

>4-4 is great
>Zak's motivations make no sense
>Kristoph's motivations make no sense
>no satisfying resolution because Kristoph had no motive and it was all meaningless
>Apollo does nothing, it's all Phoenix stealing the spotlight
>time travelling evidence nonsense
>Nick doesn't tell anyone about Thalassa because reasons

It has a good breakdown and Vera is cute. That's about the only redeeming parts of 4-4.

Why else do you think Phoenix accepted Apollo's departure so easily?

to be honest i was expecting Ga'ran not having any powers since Inga was revealed to be the kidnapper
I just assumed Inga and Ga'ran were working together

>replying to shitposts

I love Thought Route, it's a great addition. The big letters slamming down at the end always hype me up.

It was still extremely satisfying to prove her guilty. Up there with Gant, Engarde, and Dhalia

That was dumb, but for some reason I also found it hilarious.

Yeah, okay, that one was an exception, because it was way too obvious.

That's not the mechanic's fault though, that case was just shitty.

>Kristoph's motivations make no sense
Zak's trial was his ticket to fame, but it got taken away by Zak and Phoenix, so he took revenge.

>Case 3's thought route

And he was so fucking mad about it that when Zak came back he decided to beat him to death even though he was at this point a succesful attorney while Phoenix was a dirty hobo and Zak was a wanderer with no identity.

Maybe it's not so much nonsensical as it is hard to accept.

>it's a Nahyuta objects and you have to wait for the fucking butterfly to land on his finger episode

What was that again?

It was extreme pettiness. Maybe not the best motivation in the entire series but I thought it was solid enough and it fit his character.

It was a suicide

There was no murderer because it was a suicide.

You need to understand, his motives are complex.

Reply to this post with your favourite witness.

Engarde "Please Wait" in the anime was pretty great.
You could feel the despair

The case was actually pretty fun, but I just couldn't take it seriously at all.

Wind Tornado
Politician is a runner up

It would've been fine if it was a first case, or maybe a small DLC case, I think it was just disappointing since case 4 (out of 5) is usually a short but important case.

paul atishan simply because of how he walks away from the stand when he doesn't like a question

>the way he just walks away when he's in a difficult situation
>"As many great politicians have said before me: no comment!"
What a guy.

Not sure if they're my favorite witness ever but Bonny and Betty were fucking amazing. Cosmos is also up there.

Where's the threesome porn?

Bunnys and Reustinz
A'nohn Ihmus
Sergeant Loli
Trump Nixon

Oh, just one? Probably Retinz.

So how popular was the Ace Attorney anime in the old country?


It ran on the kids slot, and it's pretty doubtful that they'll do T&T

>That cute wave

>tfw the Fujos will never draw Kisegawa and Patches being fucked

4-4 feels like it's dragging on way too long, but when it does end it feels so sudden and unsatisfying, because so little was actually explained and the way Kristoph is defeated is such an asspull. If they'd doubled the amount of things that actually happen in the case, while keeping it the same size, and did the ending completely differently, it'd be good. But as it is, it's definitely the worst final case in the franchise.

Ah that's a shame

For all its problems once they got through the first cases i ended up enjoying the anime a lot.

>and it's pretty doubtful that they'll do T&T
Why's that? Was it not successful?

The anime got pretty swell by the time they did the circus case. The way they handled Engarde makes me think they will handle T&T's main villain super well.

>>Kristoph's motivations make no sense


>Spent like 100k on a forgery that he didn't get to use
>Has to keep Vera quiet so she doesn't tell who requested the diary page
>Assumed Drew was going to die by the poisoned stamp, Vera probably would've died shortly after because of trauma and chewed on her poisoned nails (but it never happened)
>Zak humiliated him, made him waste his own money, took away the fame that he wanted
>Phoenix, an admittedly luck-based lawyer takes his case instead because of a dumb poker game, puts him in his place
>Had to kill Zak just in case he told Phoenix who his previous lawyer was and put 2+2 together
>stalked everyone for years because he was so fucking paranoid because his plans didn't work as was intended

Honestly Kristoph did nothing wrong. The Mishams were crooks, Wright is just a a bumbling idiot in court, Zak is a jerk like the rest of the Gramaryes. He did the world a favour.

In SoJ; Armie is crazy cute. Rayfa is better but never acted as a witness.

In the entire series though, I think April May had the best jokes in her testimony; Violetta is the waifu-est; Luke Atmey is the best shallow character; and Gumshoe is the best complex character.
I liked it better in DD, where you got the cheesy anime line passing through the face or however you'd describe it.

I love when they make this kind of stuff they couldn't do before because of GBA/DS limitations, and I still wodner why don't they do more of this and forget about shit like people fading out as a metaphore of leaving.

I'm still waiting on that P-E-E-K

It would be better if they added a time limit

Who here got all DLC working through Freeshop? I need help.

>I liked it better in DD
Same, I miss the cool silhouette in the background.

>Rayfa is better but never acted as a witness.

Yes she did.

Only liars, I'm presuming.



Right right, when she testified about seeing her father in 6-5, I had forgotten. Okay she's my favorite witness in the game then.

A lot of SoJ feels like fixing parts of other games that didn't quite work. Apollo's entire story, but especially 6-2 feels like what AJ should have been about; Rayfa feels like what Franziska should have been; and the difficulty is a nice step up from the handholding of DD.

What's with Japan and disabled blond long haired girls?



Yeah, what?

But he asked for just a peek.

>it's a Nahyuta has no evidence and the judge asks you to prove him wrong episode

It's funny how we saw a guy running for mayor of Kurain Village but we've never even seen the incumbent.

If you fags haven't already I recommend checking out the development blogs for AA6. Lots of interesting insight into how the game was made from various devs.

Just download the cia off of 3DSISO and install it that way

Post your favorite culprit and favorite breakdown

Holy fuck you are right.


Betty amuses but disturbs me

Man the Queen turned into some DBZ villain why couldn't they make her hot

She was pretty hot to me dude, you have shit taste.

6-2 was basically REEEEEEE: the case. Although it turns out that Betty is just a veeery peculiar case of tsundere.

>Yamazaki: I don’t know yet. That’s what I have to figure out!
>“You talentless hack! I’ll revolutionize your face!” one of the team members yelled


cherry picking
post SEVEN examples of this

Just finished the game. I think I like AA5's finale a bit better just because the elaborate space center was cooler than street shitter drama but boy they had some good stuff this round, no lie.

So the DLC cases are all bad? Do people have pics of the Asinine themes?

I can't wait until AA7 where the Bun twins are working for WAA.

>So the DLC cases are all bad?
The Asinine ones are short (like 30 mins at max) and don't really offer anyhing special aside from a few laughs.
The actual DLC case seems to get mixed opinions.

No, Turnabout Time Traveler is an amazing case. Larry, Maya, Edgeworth as the prosecutor. It almost feels like an OG trilogy case, except for nick overreacting every time he gets refuted.
Here are EXACTLY seven

>thinking the queen wasn't hot
I wanted to fuck her all case.

Is it worse than the whale DLC?

According to piratefags, yes.
The rest of us will have to wait until 29th.

the dlc was the best part of dual destinies

the whale dlc was good, and this case was also good. haven't completed it yet but i'd say it'd be about equal without larry, but larry makes it god tier.

Some quick issues I had were

>Maya was basically useless throughout the whole case aside from snarking at Nick only notable thing was a mention of resembling Mia
>Killer was way too obvious once certain evidence comes into play
>ANOTHER fucking witness with mental disorders
>It was just love bro


Apollo was pretty fucking brutal in this game wasn't he?

Jesus Christ that made me chuckle when I read it. Apollo has no chill

>no, I can't say to the court that Bonny made a mistake in her life choices
>I can't say to the court
>to the court
Apollo probably straight up told her a few days after the case

He better not have. If he hurts my waifu I'll hurt his lifeu.

Apollo only has one woman's smile to protect and that's Trucy's. He could care less about anyone else

Trucy is a slut that shows her panties to anyone who will watch. Apollo has shit taste in women.


Apollo has the best harem

It just keeps growing

People keep pushing this, and yet they had like zero interaction. Even in Asinine Attorney they had no chemistry. Rayfa belongs to Phoenix.

I got a little annoyed at the stream of consciousness parts, it felt like even if I didn't know the answer, it would still be obvious because the other two were always retarded

Is there any Phoenix x Maya in this game

I mean come on, she's 28 now the age difference isn't weird anymore

Maya is barely in the game.

lol no

>yaoi shit

Of course

Good, because she a shit. Phoenix can keep her

She was all over Horned head in Case 5 part 2. I think you meant to say Sarge.

>Phoenix x Maya

Let it go, and move on.

Implying she isn't at Horn Head's office right now trying to get his third horn

The only ones who actually want Apollo's horns are Juniper and Vera.

>Phoenix actually references innocent until proven guilty in SoJ

I get Khura'in is an untterly corrupt shithole but come on



yes some are listed twice deliberately

Oh boo hoo, my brother is in a coma. I better murder the girl that put him in it accidentally because she has a very childlike concept of death and is happy about it.

Why is Blackquill on here? He literally did nothing.


>Von Karma
Let me just go and murder a man who called me out on my forged evidence

Valant IS a douche.

What language is it?

>That texture was Mr. Ueda’s idea of a placeholder – just a little something to remind himself to come back and redo the model and textures for this particular, um, vehicle. Some people on the dev team actually thought this was the real, finalized localized version for a while.


>Sympathetic Murderer


How? He did nothing wrong, just got fucked over by Magnifi.

>Did nothing wrong
Fuck that, and fuck Godot. He did everything wrong

Dude was shot himself and could have died from that gunshot. He also didn't know who shot him except that it was somebody in that elevator. The murder itself was not premeditated. He literally thought it was some kind of gift from God that events unfolded as they did.

What he did was wrong, which is why he's not in the DINDU NUFFIN category, but I had some sympathy for him.

>Why is Blackquill on here? He literally did nothing.


What I'm getting is this is a very shit opinions chart. Please delet this and never post again.

Made up language, Khura'inese. The devs said what it meant in a blog

He could have said Magnifi committed suicide, asked for a Divination Seance and that would of proved it, rather than the shit about switching Magnifi's IV with his own piss and writing a fake page in his diary

>It is a Khura'inese mantra that is meant to awaken those lost in their daydreams.[2] It comes from the Japanese "satori" (悟り), which means "enlighten".

He framed Zak for the death of Magnifi.
Zak was an asshole too, but still.

>asked for a Divination Seance and that would of proved it
>in Japanifornia

>asked for a Divination Seance
Yes, those Divination Seances that take place right here in the good ol' U S of A.

no, Simon is

>asked for a Divination Seance

>implying Phoenix wouldn't ask Maya to do a seance that she no doubt learned how to do in Khura'in

Please explain?

>Yuri Cosmos

that's why he >Did nothing wrong

"Hold up judge, give us 20 minutes to fill up this pool with holy water so we can dance."

No use trying to back peddle now, just admit you were wrong

*voice of grown up woman*

Considering it would stop all circular logic and assumptions by showing Magnifying's last moments, the judge would allow it.

>she no doubt learned how to do in Khura'in
Seems unlikely.

Maya is far too clumsy to complete the Dance of Devotion. It'd be worth it to see her fall face first into the pool though.

>Mastermind God

To be honest, while I liked the supernatural shit in Spirit of Justice, I hope they never do it again in future games. The channeling and Divination Seances felt way too OP to me. At this point it doesn't seem like much is stopping Maya from just channeling victims in every case. The only downside would be the possibility of the victims not knowing their real killer ala what got Misty Fey in trouble in DL-6. However, the thing is that the Fey clan barely even exists anymore so even if Maya fucked up, nobody would really care.

Investigations 1 wasn't a great game, but she was by far the best villain in it as well as likeable in her own right. She was my favorite character in that game tbqh senpai. I wish she had been the final antagonist instead of diplomatic immunitree.

What's weird to me is that if Maya only went to Khuri'an two years ago, that means she was with Nick during the whole hobo fiasco.

They really should just pretend Aj never happened.

She was training in Kurain. Sitting under waterfalls and the like.

>von Karma

The dude was mad he got a penalty in a case that he fixed to convict an innocent man and in a fit of rage after being hit with a stray bullet killed the defense attorney and brainwashed his recently orphaned son. He also tazed Maya and Phoenix. Also who knows how many innocent people he has wrongly and knowingly convicted over the years.

Also how is Reus a 'mastermind god' when he got caught 1 day after his crime? His crime was intricate, sure, but he's nowhere near Simon or Gant.

Where can I get a .cia of Turnabout Time Traveler?

Was she even mentioned at all in AJ? I felt like they tried pretending that none of Phoenix's friends existed anymore in that game.

Eldoon mentioned that Phoenix and Maya visited his stand all the time back in his lawyer days (though never said Maya's name)

She was the "kid" that send all that Steel Samurai stuff to Phoenix when he was in the hospital in 4-2.

She's the one that sent Phoenix all those tapes

Right, I forgot about that. Still, I couldn't help but thinking that Phoenix was abandoned by everyone in AJ.
I thought that he was referring to Cody because Maya definitely wasn't a kid anymore.

>Also who knows how many innocent people he has wrongly and knowingly convicted over the years.

It's called "doing his job", a job he did extremely well for over 40 years.

von Karma admittedly probably belongs in douche as well because of his history of forging evidence.

However, I have some sympathy for him during that crime, specifically regard to the stray bullet. He was basically just walking around and out of nowhere was shot in the shoulder. For one thing, that could have actually killed him and made him the victim. For another, he did not know who shot him except that it was somebody in that elevator. It was actually Miles himself iirc. If you were just walking around and suddenly got shot, wouldn't you be pissed off?

I don't agree with your characterization of him brainwashing Miles either. To me it's more like he took Miles in and raised him as his own kin. While yes this was probably done out of guilt to atone for his sins, he didn't have to do it. He could have easily shot Miles dead as well. Instead he took care of him for his entire life.

I'm not saying he did nothing wrong, but I think there were nuances to von Karma's character. He wasn't just entirely a despicable scumbag imo.

>doing his job
>forging evidence
user, most of the shit he did was illegal

He got shot, then saw it as his golden opportunity to get rid of Gregory for good. He raised Miles because he didn't want more competition like his father.

>Instead he took care of him for his entire life.
He was planning to ruin Miles from the start.

IIRC she was still sending him stuff when she was in Kurain.

Incidentally, how rich are the Feys?

>doing his job
>forging evidence to send countless innocent people to jail to keep an autistic 40 year record

Again though, he could have just killed Miles. He raised him like he was his own son, and ultimately Miles ended up becoming a successful prosecutor as a result.

Another option would have just been to do nothing with Miles. He could have just left Miles completely alone and orphaned, and then who knows what might have happened? Miles might have been unable to make it on his own. It was pretty generous to raise him, even if there were ulterior motives behind it.

She is the head of the Kurain village. How rich are normal Mayors?

Dude, no, he raised Miles to be the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of Gregory and then maneuvered Miles to take the blame for Gregory's death.

It was a COMPLETE pissing on the Edgeworth family tree.

von Karma can be excused for being in a total rage after getting shot. But he went on to do everything he could to destroy Edgeworth's legacy.

>he could have just killed Miles
He also could have killed the Judge. He could have killed his mailman. There would no point in killing Miles.

>If you were just walking around and suddenly got shot, wouldn't you be pissed off?

Of course, but as you said, he didn't know who shot him. There were 3 people in the elevator and he just wanted to shoot Gregory because 'muh record'.

A prosecutor has only one thing to do: Get defendants declared guilty. If this needs to be done by bending the rules a tad, then so be it.

t. Winston Payne

How do you go from a quality anime like Magic kaito.. to this shit drawn anime like ace attorney?


So if Datz was so based, can you explain why he was literally going to kill Phoenix if he was in cahoots with the crown?

Completely different studio

All he was going to do was peel some more apples. But this time he wouldn't share.

He still raised Miles, which is something he didn't have to do. The point of killing Miles would have been to completely annihilate the Edgeworths. Alternatively, as stated, he could have simply left Miles Edgeworth orphaned and alone. Either would have destroyed his rival and his rival's family in a much more sinister way.

I'm not saying Manfred was guiltless. What he did was absolutely wrong. I put him in a category of killers who did something clearly wrong but whom I felt some sympathy for. In his case, I felt sympathy for the fact that he was willing to raise Miles as his own and the fact that he had gotten shot right before the murder in an area which could have killed him. The accidental shooting made him a victim as well as a killer in the incident.

>killing anything but flies

Not the only tapes she sent

You see a small, small bit of that in AAI2. One part has you go to the prison, but the only returning character in there is frank sahwit.

>The point of killing Miles would have been to completely annihilate the Edgeworths
Which he has literally ZERO reason to do.

>start finding out there's a super bad guy prisoner who might be responsible for everything
>oh boy oh boy is it manfred
>it's frieza

someone post the webm of her hand shaking while saying P-E-E-K


His time in prison significantly reduced his personal space bubble.

It also significantly expanded his anus.

You also see Yanni Yogi's parrot

I disagree.

1.) eliminate a possible eyewitness. As it turns out, edgeworth did hear his scream which could have made him a very dangerous witness to murder if he was able to recognize the voice.

2.) It's not uncommon at all for murderers to take out their rage on not only their intended targets, but also their families.

3.) He could have killed Miles as insurance in case he thought Miles would one day learn the truth and seek revenge. Again, this is not an implausible motive.

Another option, as stated, would have been to simply leave Miles to fend for himself after the incident. No matter how you slice it, it was generous of him to raise Miles as his protege.

>Always hangs out in his office.

>"Don't get any wrong ideas, I'm just making sure you're honoring the original owner of this Law Office!"

>"I will retroactively accept the offer you made for a picnic back when I met you. Make preparations at once."

>"Hmph. Even if I recognize the necessity of defense attorneys, it is merely prudent to oversee your investigations. Besides, making sure you miss nothing will make the interpretation of my Insights easier."

>"Falling asleep on the job? How hopeless! ...I suppose you really have been pushing yourself too hard...I'll reward you with a shoulder massage when you wake up, but in exchange...*smooch*"

>"Oh, I have the most splendid idea. How about officially becoming part of our family? All you'd have to do is become king."


I wanna writefag something related to that, but make it heartbreaking. She's a kid who's gone through too much. Apollo wants to help and tries his best. He feels like shit for having to break Dhurke's daughter's heart, though, but it was the only choice he had as a proper adult.

Punished Franny.

>No matter how you slice it, it was generous of him to raise Miles as his protege.
How about the canon slice where he raises Miles to be a prosecutor to spite Greg?

>Nick is an eastern dragon in Japan, a Greek firebird in Japan
>is the boss of two Greek gods

Could someone post the newest popularity poll results? I saw them here once but forgot to save.

Blackquill lost his edge without the chains. The forehead tapping is nothing without the clank sounds.

I think there are far more sinister ways to take revenge upon somebody than raising their child to be a legendary and successful prosecutor.

I maintain that killing Miles or simply leaving him to fend for his own would have been much worse ways of spiting his father. His decision to raise Miles was really not so bad, and I would even say it was a positive aspect of his character. Hence my argument.

With regard to raising Miles, he could have been significantly worse as well. He could have taken him in but then been abusive to Miles while raising him, though there isn't any indication of that. He could have treated him like dirt and raised him to be a menial servant rather than his protege. At worst, Manfred was a strict parental figure. Franziska probably abused MIles more if anything.

He doesn't need his edge anymore, now that he's a free man he can shittalk people and act all cool without the angst attached

I'm still upset the defiant dragons weren't the defiant phoenixes. Rising from the ashes makes makes a lot of sense for the rebel movement.

Yeah but "A Phoenix never writes" is a lame slogan

>"Falling asleep on the job? How hopeless! ...I suppose you really have been pushing yourself too hard...I'll reward you with a shoulder massage when you wake up, but in exchange...*smooch*"

>No matter how you slice it, it was generous of him to raise Miles as his protege.

He did all that to damage Edgeworth as much as possible with his eventual plan in Turnabout Goodbyes.
>people remember you as a Demon Attorney who killed his father and Yanni Yogi
How generous of him.

He's dead Jim.

Not from being executed or anything, he just died from the poison Dahlia gave him. The only reason he was able to live through T&T was due to his desire to get revenge on the person he blamed for his helping Dahlia and not stopping Mia's death. Phoenix.

When he realized Phoenix wasn't to blame for anything and it was just himself he couldn't forgive, he literally gave up the ghost.

He should cut his hair and wash his eyes out then

The slogan wasn't "A Dragon never Oh I see's" in Japan, you know.

I feel like that'd be a bit too on the nose, doesn't sound as good and how lucky that phoenix finds a rebel faction with his name

no because that would be stupid. It would of been "A Phoenix never Oh I sees" in Japan.

8 years of edgy doesn't just disappear in a couple of months.

AA7 leaks, don't read if you don't want to be spoilt.

That's her grandfather Magnifi in that picture.

> AA7 leaks
I believe you, user.

Godot escaped prison and became the international spy known as "the phantom"

kek I still remember the AA6 "leaks" with "Turnabout Mother" and shit

She idolizes her grandfather

At least as a magician.

I agree. Such a shame that they never really used his younger self's design.

Except this time it comes from a reliable source, someone who worked on AA6 and is trying to get DGS2 in the states as well as a third GK game so we can get a GK Trilogy

Why, did this anonymous person tell you so

Is it just me or are the animations in SoJ greatly improved from DD?

keep going, I want to know how far ahead you thought this up

It's not just you

Check the previous /aog/ threads, he talks about how he incorporated aog memes like Just a prank, Apollo, winged Khura'inian lions, and some other stuff into AA6. He also stated that DGS2 is 4/5 cases done and will be released soon, which was a while before DGS2 was announced on TGS. One of the characters is a plague doctor.

I think they finally figured out the 3D models.

I love Ahlbi's "falling over" animation.

>he actually believes this person
>he actually believes AA6 had "AAO memes"

you're pretty dense aren't you

The models have a lot more joints this time

>he incorporated aog memes like ... Apollo
Apollo is a meme now?

>Warba'ad is the national animal of Khura'in
>It sounds like a lion but has wings
>Is a literal winged lion
>Not a reference to Names's winged lion asspull


Jesus christ that phoenix is cracking me up. He looks like he came out from some hannah barbera cartoon

Not really, no

Who is this supposed person on the credits reel? We can look them up, surely?


Yes, the Japanese made a lion bird because some retards in an autistic lawyer simulator made a joke.

How many memes do you think ace attorney has, it would take quite little luck to have the game tangentially mention something related to one of the memes and then pose as the guy who "hinted" at them being part of /vg/

No, "Just a prank, Apollo" is a meme. There was a case back in January where Larry Butz and Matt Engarde said "It was just a prank bro" to lead DA Apollo, who got really well into character and got really nervous whenever someone said "prank". That case has gone down in history for being one of the best cases due to cross-examining satan and god and giving humanity free will.

By that point, Phoenix has acknowledged Apollo as an attorney who can stand on his own two feet. He understands how things are in the country and that he can trust Apollo to make things right there.

This is some "trust me my uncle works at Nintendo Goku is in Smash" levels of retardation

There are actually articles about ostriches that can roar like a lion.

>AAO autists projecting this much
"Just a prank" has been a popular normalfag meme for the last year, it's not surprising it wound up in AA6's localization.

>just a prank is a meme now
where did it all go wrong

or are you actually the person who wrote the leak, and are trying to make yourself more credible by pretending to be other people that believe it

fuck if he was actually using her as his blackmailed sex slave as well, it makes this case much more erotic

>pranks are an AAO meme

you are so far up your ass you can't see anything beyond, holy shit

Where does that pic come from anyway?

>Just a prank was totally started by AO
>They used one of the main characters as the DA of this case, it must be a reference to when we did it
Jesus Christ, my man.

>literally no replies except "nice OC" in the /vg/ thread

Nice OC, bro, you kept us going for a while

>In SoJ; Armie is crazy cute.

Too damn cute. Would adopt.

>AO shitting up threads as usual
Glad I got out of there when I did.


Didn't the devs say they didn't know where to go next with the plot after SoJ? You really expect people to believe they have full characters written already?

I would give her a good home on my dick

Gustavia was a bastard, but I couldn't help but feel a little sympathy towards him
>has a super rare disease that just so happens to fuck over his career and greatest passion
>best friend back stabbed him out of greed
>a series of events unknown to him kept his son away, leading him to think his son abandoned him when he needed him the most

that's pretty fuckin shitty, and he didn't seem to be as much of a prick before the murder

Alba should be in mastermind

Why does every single case end in murder. Even the civil case wasn't free from the murder curse.

Speaking of the civil case, I totally thought they would pull a Founders Orb is also the Fey orb twist so neither apollo or phoenix would win.