Blizzard stole from Starcraft!

In the original Starcraft, there is a character called Archon, and every once in a while, they will say, "Power Overwhelming!" I don't know if you have made the connection yourself at this point, but you'll notice that that is very close to the character, Zarya's, line from Blizzards new game, Overwatch.

Look, I hope this doesn't get too far into the court system, I mean, I love Overwatch and Starcraft, but the creators of each game need to see this and work something out before it gets out of hand. Personally, I feel that because Starcraft is older, Overwatch is the game that should change, but that is just my opinion. Please everyone, tell me if you have ever seen anything about this before, I would love to know of any previous fights between the developers of each game.

Way to post a thumbnail you fucking mongoloid.

damn i hope the creators of starcraft sue the creators of overwatch.

KYS yourself this is a serious thread, you spum!

op doesn't even deserve a (you) for this.

heres a (you) for the effort

fuck you man overwatch was first and starcraft copied them

I don't know if it should go that far, my hope is that they can settle it without the need of a judge...

Because OP is such a massive dickhead, this is now a Zarya thread. Post Zarya.

This is serious! Don't mess this up on me! I will call the Cred Forums police on you!



Okay, so now we know when Overwatch was released, does anyone know when Starcraft came out?


check and mate, overwatch wins


Okay, so now we know, Starcraft is the one that lied. Starcraft is the one that needs to change!

Wow this thread is really fucking bad.

Uninstalling starcraft now


damn, this was really underwhelming

so much this is the funniest part of the thread



Underwhelming in what way? This is a serious threat to the gaming community, imagine if Overwatch got taken down for robbery?

ZaryaXGenji is my OTP



Why are you trying so hard? Is this the highlight of your Friday night?

Never was one for pairings. I've read too many bad fanfics in my youth to care. But this perfectly acceptable


Why are you trying so hard to ruin my perfect friday night, you black!

I fixed it.


No, for real, now.

Name ONE thing Blizzard has produced that isn't blatantly copying something else.

Games Workshop, Westwood, SOE, Wizards of the Coast, Valve- who else did they tailcoat off of and somehow become a giant?

WTF I hate Blizzard now

Let's contact the owners of Starcraft on twitter and let them know Blizzard stole one of their ideas

>like Zarya a lot
>cant play her well and I hate playing against her
what do?

THANK YOU I hate it when big wig companies think that they can steal from whoever they want thinking that they are invinsible! Its time they fall, once and for all!

>mfw there is an overwatch achievement LITERALLY called power overwhelming

Hey man, I don't know about the rest, I am just here to ask if anyone else has noticed this yet..

git gud, shitter

git gud.


holy shit kill yourself

>kys yourself
>mfw when

plese sotp trolin


Has anybody ever made an original work of art?

Why do you post? This is a Zarya/Starcraft specific thread, no racing allowed!

I'm a 3400~ Zarya main. Your number one priority should be staying charged up which means knowing how to use bubbles. Know how to bait out attacks and when to bubble teammates. You more or less want to play moving in front of your Rein to take damage and build charge and then behind to get back to safety. If you play right Zarya is hard as fuck to kill and does insane damage plus has one of the most gamechanging ults in the game.

Also, spam right clicks any time there is no one in beam range.



Dunno about the rest, but Valve just hired other teams and WotC (or rather Garfield) stole from D&D.


i think its right if overwatch devs sue starcraft devs

i means it cant be homage or any nod to fans or anything.

None of us invented the wheel user, we all just made our own versions.


hey guys, you ever use mcafee? great service


Well, the only problem I have is that I think suing would take it too far. I believe that they just need to sort it out within themselves without bringing the dirty jewish court system into it!


Jesus, I had no idea it had gotten this bad! Ok, now i think something really does need to happen!


1964, just after Half Life

>no zarya futa on male porn
fuck everyone


know who you shouldn't sue? mcafee for being too good.

>nipples piercing

Way to ruin a perfectly fine body


daily reminder that Zarya is, unsurprisingly, one of the least popular OW characters.

>can easily be removed

>you can remove pierced holes from your nipples

True, despite being played very often she doesn't have much of a following aside from muscle girl fetishists like me to speak of. It hurts.

She's on of the least played, though. Just an overall unpopular character. Which again, isn't surprising. Pretty much no one but tumblr likes crappy feminist power fantasy: the character.

I can't remember the last Zarya-less match I played. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>least played

I want to make love to zarya

>She's on of the least played
That's cute. Zarya is fucking everywhere right now, even in my shitty QP matches.

I was talking about in my mind.

Tfw all sci fi stole from Dune.



This is a perfectly natural response.

Zarya's existence is everlasting proof that god did not intend for people to have fun while playing Overwatch.


what about Mei??

Fucking newfag redditors, man.

it's a reference

>degenerate whore hair

>Draws Zarya in a realistic manner.
>Keeps the goofy anime "scar"

She totally pull it off tho.


Mei would be perfectly fine if some of her self-freeze and ult had just a bit more setup time, and can at least be fun to play as.
Zarya is always miserable to play against, in addition to being the least fun tank in the game.

Also Mei's design isn't a complete fucking eyesore.

I can't believe Blizzard would do something to ruin the integrity of a great game like Starcraft. Whoever made Starcraft needs to sue the pants off them.

As much as I love Zarya I do have to say her design always felt scatterbrained.

Thank you man, I have been saying things like this all day, however I think suing them would be taking it too far.

They heal fuckface... Its why women sometimes need to go get their ears pierced again if they hadn't worn earrings in a long time.

thanks doc

>Also Mei's design isn't a complete fucking eyesore.
Not that Zarya looks any better but let's not kid ourselves here

>Mei's design isn't a complete fucking eyesore.