What games did you play today Cred Forums? Did you have phun?

What games did you play today Cred Forums? Did you have phun?

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dumb himouto poster

Buy me geim cora chippu and jumpu

About to play some FFTA 2 fampai.

Have fun

Playing Mario Maker, doing the blind kaizo race. I'm about to give up but at least I'm learning some new shit.

Going to (hopefully) play Worms WMD but the guys I play with haven't shown up yet

You know that show is garbage.

Did a fluffy pony artist make this? Because it looks too much like fluffy ponies.

i played color splash and got the first big star... it's not as bad as i thought, and this is coming from a guy who's favourite game is ttyd.


I swear to god, if you summon him with this post, I'll ignore it.

i unironically enjoy it



Check the poster count newfag


This gamr is hard and unfair af

i dont think so.

Summon who?


Why does anyone like this bitch?

She acts all high and mighty and makes her brother who works constantly stand in lines for her and waste money on bullshit, She treats him like shit and is just a fucking brat.

Fucking degenerate.

In the manga she gets over it and it becomes about her friendships with Kirie, Ebina, and Sylphin.

It's their last year in high school and Kirie has promised Ebina to help hook her up with Taihei, while she pursues her dream of being a children's book writer/illustrator. And Umaru is dealing with Christmas Cake Boss' little sister encroaching on her territory.

Despite all this, Umaru has not yet revealed her identity to anybody.

I bought Street Fighter V this evening and have been playing that. I also finished Nier this afternoon.
I'm not sure how I feel about SF; I'm worried that I won't like it and will have wasted my money.

>What games did you play today Cred Forums?
Moon Dwellers
FF Brave Exodus
Fox Animation Throw Down: The Quest For Cards

>Did you have phun?
yes for the mobage, no for Moon Dwellers since I am on Ex-Hard

Played SMT IV for about 20 minutes.

I'm back in that mood where I don't feel like playing anything. Yet here I am on Cred Forums.

whole lotta dead space cuz it's so gosh darn spoopy that i figured it would put me in a great mood for all hallow's eve

no, I worked and got my paycheck. Now im gonna spend the rest of my night playing vidya.

a lot of times i think the idea of playing is more appealing to me than actually playing cuz when i finally sit down i don't feel like playing anything

Just a few matches of hearthstone


I've had Bioshock Infinite sitting in my steam library for a while, decided I'd give it a go and skip straight to hard difficulty, I'm really enjoying it and end up fawning over Elizabeth every time she finds me salts/ammo

I didn't play any games today. I was out looking at owls.

Left 4 Dead 2 with a friend, it's been fun.
he's been gone for an hour and a half though, should I be worried?

it's called the game of life Cred Forums

and i failed it

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

I'm playing this game too. I'm running low on credits. Send help.

SMT IV and Azure Striker Gunvolt 2.

I did have fun, yes. Feel sick as shit though and have to drag my ass to work tomorrow.

Is this hamster a Sonygger? I only ever see her with Sony shit

Yes, she has good taste.


Not yet. i was going to watch the cutscenes from KH final mix then play the other games on Final mix II

Started playing Dying Light: Enhanced Edition.

I was buttblasted about how Dead Island wasn't a realistic zombie sim and ruined myself so I couldn't have any fun or finish it. Now I'm less of a shitter and enjoying Dying Light.

I don't really understand the repair system, you can only repair any given weapon 3 times or what? Need to find more alcohol, made 3 molotovs and have been running around for hours with only the HP you get from sleeping.

Wish you didn't have to unlock basic melee shit, I hope I can eventually block because the fighting is getting really annoying when I have to face NPC bandits...

only watched a few eps, but that brother deserves some sweet tappings for all the shit he goes through

>tfw I can relate to this anime by being a handsome man who loves vidya

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada

Tau masterrace for eternity.

devil daggers, got it for a buck in the current humble bundle and I haven't been able to put it down since then

my personal best is currently just under five minutes, really want to claw my way to the top 100 but it seems hard as fuck

I played DDR A at dave and busters for 5 hours then came home to play Warhammer 40k Spess mahrine on PC.

This thread is garbage, but Super Mario Sunshine. Fuck the Pachinko level.
also HOLY SHIT, after years of playing this game I finally saw that it does keep track of how many blue coins you got on each level, I collected all 120 sprites for the first time, I was only missing two blue coins

played a little rainbow six siege and a lotta neptunia rebirth 3
had a lot of fun

So hows that backlog coming?

I'm playing this. I think I'm in my third hour, now. Of this one particular level.

This game has ruined fun for me. But I will beat it.

Umaru is shit
Aoba is far cuter

Oh shit, Gunvolt 2's been out for a while, hasn't it. I need to get on that.

I fucking LOVE Umaru.

Much more than NFS Hot Pursuit, which I just beat. The driver AI and damage system are both annoying. Nice graphics for a 2010 game though.

Onto ClaireB now.

I glad umaru vita game flopped and the publisher cancelled new season forever.

DELETE THIS. Umaru WILL get a second season.

Dumb cockroachposters

SFV. i had phun. i beat a shitty super silver ryu player, he was no match for my chun. ryu is babys first character

I got a 1cc for Touhou: Shining Shooting Star.

But it doesn't count because my game started lagging like shit during some of the spellcards on Stage 5 and 6, giving me a slowdown rate of 2.7%. I don't think I'm going to be able to play the game lag-free until I replace my computer so I'll call it a victory for now.

I doubt it.

I didn't play anything today.


She's just stretching.


I tried to.

how hasn't this been deleted?

No she's not.

Mario Kart 8

Also umaru is a dumb rat

Sin and Punishment: Star Successor.

S'okay. A little slower and overall less hype than the N64 but the new FoV is welcome.

I've been playing through RE4. I never finished it back on the GC. I'm having fun with it.

briefly tried Duelyst, looks positively gorgeous but its just hearthstone on a grid

gonna do daily chores in FFXI and i'm trying to figure out out to to spend my >free steam money on. i can't decide.

I played GTA 4 for a while.
Do you guys think I'm pathetic? I had a bad day.

>Do you guys think I'm pathetic? I had a bad day.
Not until you said this.

oh thanks

Umaru is not dumb!
She's at the top of her class!

Umaru is shit. Tomoko for life.

Anyways I played Overwatch , csgo and FF Möbius. I had fun.

SMT 4 Final. And I'm having fun with it. Played every other SMT out there except Raidou and it's decent.

>he doesn't know how to check IP counts

I played edf 2025, it's the best game to turn on and turn off your brain


I don't want to "switch off" when I play games. If I wanted to do that, I'd watch television.

Fuck off