Name one video game that has a useless mechanic

Name one video game that has a useless mechanic

Deus Ex swimming.

The portal minigame on the ds version of shattered dimensions

kinect games.

Fable II's pure/corruption mechanic

Not useless, you can use it to get to hidden areas with augmentation upgrades and shit.



The whole healing and bandaging and shit like that in MGS3.

Oh yeah I'm burning, let me pause this combat menu and watch a 15 second pre recorded cutscene of snake applying some fucking lotion to his wounds or build a tourniquet or some other stupid shit because "it's realistic to stop combat and do this stuff".

By the time any augments are underwater you can get a rebreather or have the healing aug which heals faster than drowning damages.

Swimming is worthless

Danger Time

car wash in GTA IV

Water drinking in Fallout New Vegas

Chaos Frame in the Ogre Battle series.

Sleep Copy Ability in Kirby

What do you think about the injuries in MGS:V then?
>Hold X to relocate shoulder
While it's just s stupid QTE, it at least adds some risk to taking big falls or making bad decisions in combat, leaving you a sitting duck to enemy fire.

what are these hats?

Ds3: poise

shot critically in the chest, better spray my first aid spray on it to automatically heal myself.

Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed MGS:V but the healing was retarded

>being a newfag

this for sure. Used in one mission and going to the pay and spray made car's clean anyway

super metroid's moonwalk

>with extremely slim (one in thousands) odds, a non-boss enemy in Ring Runner wave mode will be able to use Sage powers, which at the very most will allow it to survive a few seconds longer
for what purpose

traps in shin megami tensei 4a
they appear randomly, and you gotta mash the attack button to get them off you
if you don't do it in time it teleports you to a random area, but it's hard to fail and they only serve to break the flow of the game

I could never manage to keep a car in one piece long enough for it to use it even once out of choice.

New Vegas Barter

Well in Ratchet & Clank 3 there was this gadget that teleported you between pads or something and it's only used twice in the entire game. And you can skip the second time easily with the rocket boots boost thing so it's only used once.

It's not so bad for completing some quests and making the Euclid's C-finder much cheaper
The Pack Rat skill is pretty nifty, though the requirement is too high, frankly.

Luigi's Mansion, you can press the button to call "mario".

This horseshit in Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow. There's literally no reason for it to exist other than to piss off the player.

every mini game in any open world game

I bet there is some instance where this could help, but I can't remember it.
Ducking in Shovel Knight

V-System in Street Fighter V. If I wanted to play BlazBlue, I'd play BlazBlue.

would you be interested in buying one of these keyboards, sir?

Cred Forums's birthday, it's, 12 or 13 idk

Any game with durability systems for equipment.

It's always pointless and it's always obnoxious.

the part mixing to create stuff in megaman zero 4, shit can be missed entirely and you wouldn't even notice it

Especially the case in Dark Souls 3 since resting at a bonfire restores weapon condition completely.

Nah, you're just a casual

More like it just never works in a good way, I would love to see a weapon degrading system where the weapon chips/blunts in places most used making those parts weaker as time goes on but other parts of the weapon would remain useful.

That mechanic popped up so rarely I thought you were talking about a scrapped feature for a minute.

But you need water to stay alive.

There are plenty of other things to drink. You can carry drinks, too

Bravely Default, that system where you could buy drinks to stop time or some shit.

Game was balanced without them and it's clearly just there as a cheap microtransaction for shitters


I always just cheat or mod my way around it.

It's especially bad when it's like Fallout 3 where you have to fix a baseball bat with another baseball bat.

What good does
>game arbitrarily decides you can't use this weapon any more until you travel to an NPC and spend gold to repair it or take 2 seconds to use an item you may or may not have prepared

add to a game? In it's best case it's something that never really impacts how you play the game because of things like , in the worst case you're constantly swapping to a weaker weapon mid combat because shit degrades to quickly (witcher 3) or you're stuck not being able to use all of your best equipment during an instance in an MMO because you just so happened to forget to check your gear which all gets repaired and degrades at the same damn rate (FF14)

At it's best it's completely irrelevant, at it's worst it's obtrusive and annoying.

hunger too
It was just cursory item management. At least make it have some repercussions.

but it practically works as a speech alternative

It works in rogue-lites like One Way Heroics where pretty much every item is meant to be disposable.

Every game that uses it I think would work better if it was just a solid, unchanging condition that's bound to the individual item.

That gun you find sitting in a collapsed house for 10 years would barely be able to function thanks to reduced damage and constant jams, but the one you buy at a premium weapons dealer would be in perfect condition.

Skyrim Pickpocketing

git gud

I've long learned to not give serious responses because they either get ignored, or you get a stupid response like "nice meme" "fucking autist" or "back to plebbit" so i'm just gonna give you one of those stupid responses instead!

How bad are you to fuck up seals?

It makes you think. It prevents over reliance on the same gear.
It's immersive

I really like this idea, has any game ever done it?

Plunge attacks in DaS1.
Asylum Demon, Taurus Demon and the boar in the Parish are like the only times I can think of where they come in handy.

EXP in FF8.

What's the point if everything scales to your level (which the game doesn't warn you about)

That's obviously there to let you dance to the music user.

Weapon durability in Soulsborne.

Correction; durability systems are shit when they're resolved by a trip to a repair npc or something similar. Durability is fine when it's essentially a limited amount of uses out of your items.

Borderlands 2
Does Ellie do ANYTHING worth notice?

Plenty of spare mooks to one shot as well through out the game.

Then there's getting the drop of players in pvp.

>draw seal perfectly
>doesn't work
>draw it again perfectly
>still doesn't work
>do the exact same thing I did the previous two times
>this time it works
The DS was a mistake.

>Durability system for armor
>No visible clothing damage

Except I am constantly just using the same gear. I'm just constantly stopping to get new versions of it.

And when it comes to firearms a dirt system would make more sense then a durability systems if you want immersion.

You're telling me that wadding through a swamp for hours won't negatively effect my gun in any way, but firing a few shots will?

>Makes you think
It really fucking doesn't, if remembering to repair your armor requires significant or noteworthy thought on your part then good grief you're pitiful.
>Prevents over reliance on the same gear
Except it never actually does this, and a system like used in Transistor is way better at forcing the player to switch things up.
How is being able to infinitely repair the same object any bit immersive?

No, it can be handy anywhere you can get a high enough height advantage, especially in PVP because plunges do huge damage.

Also, there's another use for it, you can jump all the way down to the lower tar pit in Sen's from the level you find the notThief Ring, if you aim it right you can jump down and land on top of one of the titanite demons below with a plunge attack and have it break your fall

From a game design standpoint its a really hood thing to have, even if it doesn't do anything - It purely feedback for the down button since that button is used when bouncing on enemies, and just allows the player to affirm that their down button is still registering.

It's not really good in Transistor since save points are generous and there's no penalty for restarting at them

If you were having your swords break on you in Witcher 3 you are literally retarded. I constantly had like 20 repair kits on me at all times and rarely had to use them. Swords stayed useful for a while.

A real example would have been dark souls 2, those weapons actually degraded too fast and ruined the experience

Fire Emblem? Minecraft?

Granted removing durability in Fates hardly changed the how things worked too much. Since everyone still usually uses iron/steel. Only instead of cost and durability it's because the downsides to stronger weapons usually aren't worth it anyway. And bronze will never be good.

Bloodborne invasions

It means you can opt out if you really want to be a faggot about it, or you could carry on and the game is designed around letting you do so, but requiring you to rethink your strategies.

Even restarting at a previous point might have you reconsidering your loadout.

Great post dude.
How about you just don't post at all in the future.


I liked it in System Shock 2 because it added a lot of tension early game and I can see where they were going with it in Dark Souls since it allows the devs to punish the player with something other than damage.

Solatorobo. There's a lot.

>Fighting revolves around grappling and throwing your foe, or throwing projectiles back
>There's all sorts of extra attacks, abilities, and so on that alter how you fight
>The default moveset is more than enough, and almost always more effective
>The special moves don't even have iframes, so you're vulnerable to damage and knockback/stuns.

I cleared the game without using the extra moves since they always left me vulnerable against enemies that are slower than grannies trying to cross an uphill street in the dead of winter while wading through molasses. You can't get hit when fighting UNLESS you try these silly moves, making them entirely pointless and detrimental to you.

Witcher 3

Anything besides basic swordplay was just inefficient in combat.

Almost all RPGs have useless oils and poisons and stuff that nobody bothers with because it gives like a 3% combat boost for minutes of planning


The INT stat in Final Fantasy 1 literally does nothing.

I coulf have liked it in soulsborne if they gave me more upgrade materials and made repairing more expensive so that i would have to try out different weapons.

>Admitting to playing furfag games
This used to be a permabannable offense, why did we ever stop permabanning furfags?

Im not sure if it counts as a mechanic but any Civ 5 difficulty between 2-4. After you play a match on 1 and learn the mechanics of the game you should be able to play on 5 no problem at all.

A lot of RPGs fail to make their buff items worth wasting a turn using them.
DaS2 then? Slabs rain from the sky in that game.

Really makes you think

Dark souls resistance.
Dark souls 3 Poise.

Choices in the Mass Effect series.

In the end they all boiled down to a different colored lightshow.

The one frame that can block is really nice and it has passive regen, I used that one to cheese the post-game boss rush

oh another one from Civ 5 is using great Writers to make those social documents or whatever they're called. It's completely pointless since making great works is the objectively superior choice

making great works is useless if you arent going for a culture victory, just take the instant culture boost

It does have repercussions. Your aim gets less accurate and your weapon sway is more intense, plus you heal slower.

Devil May Cry items.

I guess they're only there for mega babby casuals who are literally so shit they use extra lives because they negatively affect your rank.

riding a dragon in Skyrim

So you fucking suck?

Ni No Kuni has this tiny baby jump as an optional mechanic that is not only useless (you never need to jump across anything) but it actually costs you quest reward stamps to get that you could otherwise spend on much more useful things like stat boosts.

but it makes you seem like you're going faster

Weapon degrading at its worst was in Divinity Original Sin

you basically just had to give one character of your party the repairing skill which is available at the very beginning of the game and then you give them a repair hammer which is cheap as fuck, early available and infinite, it never degrades. and it doesn't weight anything to make up for it

now the actual repairing was the biggest chore, you had to unequip all broken / damaged items from each character individually, drag them one by one into the inventory of the repairing character, right click on each one to repair them and wait for a progress bar to fill up. then put all gear back to the original wearer's inventory one item at a time

such a good game, such a shitty mechanic

Max Payne 3 Single Player Sprint Button.

The camera zooms in, you go into a running animation but you move at the same speed as your regular speed.

forgot to add, that weapons were degrading very fast, so you were doing that a lot

>Water drinking in Fallout 3
This is actually what you meant

Not the same user but Gothic 3 had it
Every weapon found on enemies somehow had only half damage and was labelled as "worn"
This was to prevent that players could exploit good weapons early by killing the right NPCs but this also meant that you had no incentive to kill any NPC ever because their gear was vastly inferior to your own, especially since damage was calculated with protection as threshold, making most weapons useless pretty quickly as you'd have to update constantly.
It also didn't help that loot was mostly junk so you had no incentive to search for stuff or kill NPCs and the arsenal of weapons was limited.

It doesn't though, serious injuries put you into reflex mode until you fix the injury. You can cheese that downed helicopter gank by jumping off a building and fighting them all in slow motion instead of healing

If you heavily invest into Alchemy you could jug 5 potions prolonging each one with every enemy you hit and they last three times as long
It makes everything piss easy.
Strong Attack is basically useless there are like 3 enemies in the game who have a damage threshold and can only be damaged by strong attacks.

If I recall, in pic related, there is a button you can press to put your hood on.

Literally a useless mechanic. No meme about it.

In enhanced as long as you were portrait chain linked to someone you could right click and have them repair your armour while you're still wearing it

Dark Souls 2 had a good breaking system on consoles but with 60fps weapons took double damage AND treated corpses as weapon damaging. Swinging my crypt blacksword twice at three enemies immediately breaks it wtf

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
being able to steal enemy helmets if you're above them

>the difference between falling to death and sticking the landing is about two feet
That game had problems man

Doom 2016

Elemental Resistance and which God you follow.



The crouching itself was useless as fuck.


Only the special animation for it is rare, but it's still useful attack other times when you have the high ground.

Nah mang you had to duck under one of the final boss' attacks IIRC to avoid it and you could also duck under the Cyberdemon's rockets.

Oh. I just strafed out of the way or jumped up twice.

The gods are wasted potential

Fallout 4 settlement building

Not "useless" but rather WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT

Dark Souls bottomless box

fracture's terraforming. You literally can't use it in over 85% of the game's locations, including singleplayer AND multiplayer. It's the fucking core, selling point feature, and it's unusable for a majority of the game, and the parts it IS useful, you have a handful of abilities. You can raise and lower dirt, and then for the last 2 missions you can do stuff like cause quakes to split the earth and suck enemies in, and cause spikes of earth and rock to jut out and hit enemies.

I was so disappointed. And I got the game for free.

You could break tons of the story missions if you outlawed certain techs. I'm trying to remember which, I remember there being a bunch of crystals sitting in a map, I think, and if you outlawed one skill they'd just sit there and not do anything.

90% of Dishonored magic and gadgets.

There's no point in using them if you want the good ending.

>Being this much of a pleb
>not realizing any tank worth their shit stacks Lightning Resistance Materia for a free constant 15% damage boost, negating the need for their tank stance on top of occasionally completely nullifying a lightning attack which is like the majority of everything in Alexander and Sophia.

I'm just being a cunt right now, it's really fucked how besides this one extremely niche use, Elemental Materia is just garbage.

It's a QoL thing. You don't "need" it, but it sure is nice to keep all of my unupgraded shit that I'm not using out of my immediate inventory. Also makes it so you can switch weapons on the fly if you need to, very useful especially for Nito.

The Ultima fight, outlawing Charm made the boss fight piss easy since it's the gimmick of it

yeah, that was it. I just couldn't remember the name. Man that was laughable.

Forces you to have a big clan in case the daily laws ban the use of one ability. I think is fair because it affects the enemy too. What the enemy can't do is use antilaws wich you can easily obtain, you can also use your own laws to fuck with the enemy, like in those missions were you know you are going to fight a team of Viera banning bows would make thing easier.
Only law I don't like is the ban in crits since is RNg and thus bullshit.

Reluctantly, this. You can argue whether or not poise is good for the game or if it was "broken" (not working properly) but at the end of the day, From deciding to disable it but leaving the stat in the menus was just dumb.

The last of us and it's stupid "Shake your light to fix it" bullshit.

They have actually placed it in auto scrolling areas were you might be tempted to eat him either because it's your first time with a kirby game, or he's in an area that's inconvenient to not suck him up.
I don't remember if any of the games force you to take his power (even if you don't swallow) but if that's not the case that would be a good way to improve it.

In Champions: Return to Arms, you can sometimes find items with Health+ and Mana+. These abilities do not actually function. They're supposed to raise your health or mana, but instead they just... don't. So while it's not -entirely- a game mechanic, it is literally useless.

turn your contrast/brightness up then grandpa, you won't have to shake your controller once every 2 hours that way.

>How is being able to infinitely repair the same object any bit immersive?
It would be nice if a game would realistically limit how much you can repair items,
but only if they had a realistic representation on how fast certain item degrade,
how much the degradation would actually effect the item you are using,
and how effective repairing the item would be by what type of item you are trying to fix compared with how much damage it already took before you fixed it..

Overlord 2 has a tutorial about boats which can ram into enemies

it's like the only instance where you get to use such a boat