New Danganronpa V3


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whens the pc release?

Cred Forums will spoil it before it gets released in english

Drop the gun before you get hurt

Vita piracy is a thing so no

As long as assholes don't intentionally put shit in the OPs it's easy. I still don't know jack shit about Persona 5. DR threads typically know how to use spoiler tags so it'll probably be fine but it'd be best to just ignore DR threads altogether after it comes out.

goro is the traitor

Best girl coming through!

She's gonna be the mastermind, isn't she?

I'm getting it on PS4, Kaede-chan

>pirating vita games that need 3.61 or higher





>My truth bullets are a tool of hope.But these aren't my truth bullets anyways
Plot twist where he is the mastermind

Can I screencap this so I can put my own meme smug when its pirateable within the week of release?


He wants the world to be rid of despair, so why not infiltrate a school for criminals and have them take themselves all out.


wtf i love hope now

wtf I don't feel pain now

wtf i realized that Mitarai did nothing wrong

How long until he dies? We've already had the super detective who solves everything for you in this series.

he dies first

The twist will be, he's lying about his talent.

He ''dies'' just like junko in the beggining
The plot is literally just DR1 but everyone is the opposite genders now

>Bug Catcher=Sakura
This makes too much sense.

Time traveler here. Twintails is the new Weedman and the first culprit.

That was in the demo you dummy.

I'll pirate it when it comes to PC.

I have no money, and I haven't played Danganronpa 2. Goddammit, orenronen, why the fuck did you stop translating that game?!

Should i watch the anime?

No. It's just Mirai Nikki all over again.

In fact, don't play the VNs, either.

"I also have a sound recording system so if you say anything offensive im gonna sue you later"
Kek I wonder what she said to him

She probably asked him if he was a robot or a person.

Just watch the hope arc episode. Nothing else is important and all you'll miss out on is not knowing who Mtarai and Munakata are.

No, Kodaka is a hack

What about piracy? Can you not run the PC port?

here's hoping brown titty monster survives


She isnt a titty monster.


>tfw just installed dr1 again
not sure if is it worth it, i dont even like dr1 cast

How will I get my fanservice nude image if I am playing as her?

I've been in the dark about Dangan3, does it still have best?

wtf I hate despair now

I love how sadly true this statement is. I'm just glad they managed to not really fuck the established canon too hard.

no monster tits, no guaranteed survival

She's only important in one episode. And makes a short appearance at the end.

I love these, where do they come from?

Worked for VLR

Yep. I suppose I don't mind since I really like the hope arc episode.

Danganronpa 3 in a nutshell

One episode of the anime is literally Ultra Despair Girls 2, like a direct continuation of the game.

But only one episode, after that she and Toko don't really do anything before showing up one more time at the end.

A lot of these are dumb as shit, but there's a couple decent jokes.


She is, but that picture was poorly drawn.

Draw a line from the top of her ass to the bottom


God I hate Junko, she's such a cringe character.

>PS4 games
>coming on PC
Should I laugh or cry?

You know wide.

This Todd meme doesn't work with Dangan Ronpa, people are obviously going to play it unless they really hated that shit show DR3 that much and want nothing to do with the series anymore.


You guys think Tincan's FTE's will be cute? I feel like he's already going to be paired up with the inventor somehow

Friendly reminder that Iruma is the best V3 girl

You'll have to wait 4 years again for the Steam port.

Danganronpa 2 is on Steam.
Steam games can be pirated.

You can play Danganronpa on a toaster.


kill yourself

Not my toaster, but that's why I got a PSTV. Plenty of other neat titles too. Why would anyone buy a Vita when this thing exists?

I only played it in Japanese. Junko was cool. Psycho bitch but cool.

Maybe he hates the English VA?

Why is she so happy?

She hasn't been raped yet.

why would anyone play anime japanese games with english audio? who would torture themselves like this?

t. mad chiakifag


I'm so glad people love this as much as I do

>Nursury school teacher
>in prison
shotacon or trying to beat Chisa's high score?


I will only but it if mein Führer says so.

But it.

>i dont even like dr1 cast

I don't think anyone does. A couple individual characters were good but as a whole they kinda sucked.

Don't forget to pre-order the deluxe edition for the Nagito OVA and limited edition Kaede poster!

She doesn't know that Detective doesn't have the D



In the first game his only lucky moments were surviving the game and surviving the execution, right? You could say he didn't even have any luck.

I want a new doujin of brainwash

Oh cool, they're making a third one? I kinda liked the the first 2 actually.
When is it out?

It's up on amazon now isn't it?

She's introducing herself.
What's with the fist though?

his luck is different from Nagito's

The door to his bathroom was fucked, causing Leon to go back for his tool kit to kill Sayaka and prove his guilt.
Kyouko saved him when Junko tried to kill him in his sleep.

January in Japan.

January in Japanese
??? in English

>Hopeman got a robotic arm
>He will get more bodyparts replaced with bionic bodyparts
>Slowly loses his memory and gets nicknamed after the one thing he truly loved

>armor expands
Is there anyone who can even remotely stop our boy Kiibo?

I see this pic in the catalog for weeks now and I just need to confirm this. Does this chick have fucking man shoulders or what? Why is she so wide?

Can't wait for kaede shitters to get BTFO

V3 isn't about Hope and Despair, though

Kodaka likes his girls painfully think

You always need hope in a situation like this
>kaede shitters
>being anti-hope
kill yourselves now

I think now I know why it looks fucked up. The neck is painfully thin. The body is as wide as 7 necks.

So what is the new MC's talent?

Semen demon

Pianist, all the cast talents have been revealed already

Will Mikan be in it?

>lying mechanic in trial
>pianist with a pink sweater lying in trial


>there are Robofags that still believe that he will be MC

What's the difference between the Amazon edition and the one without the Amazon shit?

Is it just the extra theme?

Kaede, kill your ahoge my man.

No. ;_;

Then no buy. She's the only reason I'm even putting up with that shitshow they call DR3.

get a better waifu
used goods

Nope. Episode 2 proved she was pure and that only Sonia has a questionable virginity status.

Why danganronpa memeposting is so funny?

It just is.

>Horny as fuck when she went full zetsubo
Nah shes used goods


You've never had sex, and you're always horny as fuck. What's your excuse? You wanna go there?

Oh yeah, she was so pure when she was about to suck Mitarai's dick. She couldn't even stay loyal to Junko.

>Ibuki had the highest killcount

T-That hurt user

You know why.


But the despair arc gets really bad at the end. Like so bad it rectoactively ruins part of the games.
Future drops off at the very end as well, but it doesn't fuck any established canon anyway.
Both start out really good.

>Brings back Hope's Peak
>Not just in name, which might have made some sense
>He reopened the motherfucking killing game building

What the hell, Naegi? Erect a new school building, man.

I want to, but it's like a year away from being released.


>so bad it rectoactively ruins part of the games
No, stop. Don't go full retard. I can't stand when people say this about a new entry in anything. It flares my autism that they think bad stories somehow have the power to go back in time and change good ones for the worse.


It's probably just so he can make sarcastic quips about his dead friends when showing the new students around. And hold detentions in the class trial room.

But it did
It made Junko fucking lame as a villian
Instead of her making each student fall to despair through their own lives, she just mindhaccs them it's lame as shit

because despair is literally desseminated by memes

I mean, pretending something doesn't exist is pretty fucking dumb but that's now the only way to claim Junko was able to change a group of fine upstanding young men and women into depraved mass murderers just through precise psychological manipulation, which IMO is more interesting and makes a better story than simply brainwashing some people. So the anime did destroy that possibility; I'd argue that counts as "retroactively ruining part of the games".

Is that the Exalt's brand in Mitarai's eye?

DR 1/2 are unchanged. What has changed is your perspective.

The games are just as good, but you like them less now because of a bad future plot point? It's a retarded way to view fiction and seeing it makes me legit upset, like I'm dealing with children and incompetents. Many of the Cred Forums threads on DR3 were a special Hell for me.

but it totally does user. With some mystery around junko and the event/remnants of despair it seemed like she was some super powerful genius, who did terrible things, and had a great way of fucking up their lives. Instead she just "brainwashed the whole world" with anime. And watched thr class watch a single punishment video. Now when i replay the games, and uncover the story behind the event/the remants of despair, it'll seem totally fucking stupid. Like if they put in the game. " and then junko made them watch this one punishment just like you watches 50 of this thread and they totally just became brainwashed, the rest of the event was just caused by some anime, and even hopeman was so easily swayed, not a Junko hating crazy wildcard"

she looks cute when she's flustered!

It's a prequel retard.
If future fucked it, it'd just be like ME3, leaving a bad taste and my mouth amd discouraging me from playing the series. But this is the most talked about event in the games, and it's totally ruined.


The ending of 2 feels a bit worse considering how easy the crew will have it from this point on. Like, they just woke up and regained there memories, but they're totally mentally stable and most don't even have serious injuries or body modifications.

It would feel a little bit nicer if Hope didn't end all sunshine and rainbows for them. You could've brought them back, but still made their position feel like a struggle or burden.

its a Geass

What is she into Cred Forums?

I meant real world "future", but whatever. I can't argue over this. You can't enjoy shit on its own without thinking about other entries and I can, fine.

If I get into arguments over your stupid worldview then I'm going to have a fucking ulcer.

>your stupid world view.
Jesus man. Why are you so angry?
Are you just trying to deny it yourself.

>That sonia w/ gun
Can someone post it

You'd maybe have a point if it all wasn't one story, world, and interconnecting plot/characters.

But every entry in the canon affects the quality of the others as long as they're connected, because together they form one cohesive storyline. That's literally just the way it is, if you choose to ignore that so be it but don't act like everybody else is in the wrong when you're blatantly in denial about simple fact.


Gothic lolita? vampires? European castles? harems?

Thanks my brother from another mother

In a sexual term

Not to be rude but you got to be joking. Every time something happened in the anime people were posting spoilers directly after it happened every week. It got to popular.

what about that ???

>Oh hey, her's this great book that I loved!
>But the newest entry revealed a stupid plot point that ruins it retroactively
>0/10 throw it in a fire

It feels wrong to me somehow, like throwing away food. A piece of entertainment is no longer good enough in your eyes based on something that is not its own.

I'm not even gonna deny brainwashing is lamer than manipulation, of course it is.

Same thing

Fucking people spamming threads of Chiaka dyingwere a shit.


I'm not saying that.
I'll still replay them, but with a bad taste in my mouth. Cause as user said
It's all one giant story canon, not to be seperared as standalone stories. and it's the very first events that cause the events of all three games that is shit.

He even waits in the exact same damn seat where he woke up after getting his brain probed in DR1. He's got some serious fucking Stockholm Syndrome for the institution.

Higher resolution pics

>going to Cred Forums before watching a new series
Your fault.

Munakata being the principal would have made way more sense. This ending was all kinds of cheesy and not in the good way. Episode should have just ended with that one shot where Kirigiri's boot comes onscreen.

It was everything every episode. I truly think that when a fan base gets to be a certain size it attracts those kinds of people. Same thing happened with zero escape. It makes me want to leave this shit hole.

Fine, I suppose. I think my mistake is getting mad about other people's views. Very bad habit I need to drop in order to live

I think it's more related to the survivor's guilt. If the victims can't ever leave that school, neither can he.



It was Cred Forums

Well outside Japan the Vita wasn't a success, so basically only Nipponese bought it.

angie a cute

Saying that you didn't get spoiled on Persona 5 is just asking to get spoiled here
Reminds me of the time I asked for DR2 spoilers, but had no intentions of reading, but I did so by mistake (yeah I was stupid) and someone spoiled me the true nature of the island
To be honest, I don't think it ruined anything for me though, stuff like who the traitor is, the truth about Nagito wild ride or the remnats of despair would be much worse spoilers

Turning law abiding, decent, sane people into murderers is pretty easy. Armies have been doing it for thousands of years.

Put people in a enclosed space and apply enough pressure and they'll snap. Guaranteed. Even highly trained astronauts are not immune to this.

There's really nothing in Danganronpa that is unrealistic in that sense.

Brainwashing however IS bullshit.

Yes, I stayed clear off Cred Forums a week before and a week after ZTD release
First thread I came upon when I returned, was of course a Delta meme picture because why not?

Worst spoiler though? when Life is Strange episode 4 was released
It ruined the best twist for me and that was 3 months before I even decided to play it

So.... is this going to get the PC port treatment as well?

I want to play it, but I don't want to buy a Vita for one fucking game.

You know, it's also on the PS4, dude. And with the PS4 Pro coming out, there's literally no reason to have a PC.

It's on the PS4

I don't have a PS4, and nor do I plan to get one since the console-exclusive games are blase, and the console is far too expensive relative to the games that I am interested in. It's not even backwards compatible with PS3 games either, truly a trash console.

> And with the PS4 Pro coming out, there's literally no reason to have a PC.
> No reason to have a PC.

Oh right, you're a shill.

dumb bot poster
how did you get past the captcha

For what it's worth, I'd imagine that the game would also be coming to PC, since the first two games were relatively successful. The problem is how timely the release will be, and given that they're dragging their feet on the AE port - a game that would work a lot better on the PC than it did on the fucking Vita - I'm not sure it will be even remotely timely.

Yes, that's right. You're expected to actually pay for your games instead of stealing them and wasting money on another animu figurine to hot glue. No one's forcing you to buy them. It just depends on how much you really care to play the game.

>recording system
Either he will die or kill someone else and the recording system will be used.

Just get a PSTV. They're like $15 every two months or so.

Prepare to get sued.

AE was literally made for the twin stick layout though. I can't imagine how the sensitivity locks would be received with a mouse.

>ultimate robot having trouble with the captcha

> You're expected to pay $400 US + tax for a PS4 console so that you can play a few exclusive games.
> Like 2 that you're interested in.
> Not even free online like the PS3.
> People think that this is a good usage of their money for entertainment value.

Anyone who propones this shit and isn't being paid has lost their mind. Heck, once you throw the possibility Vita or Vita TV into the mix, suddenly all reasons to actually get a PS4 disappear because like half of their exclusives (and most of the interesting ones) are on the Vita as well.

It's not as simple to port since it's a shooter. It was still a tad awkward to move the camera in DR1/SDR2 on PC, but that same system definitely wouldn't work in a shooter.

Getting mouse functionality to work in a game that wasn't built for it takes more knowhow and effort than they might see profit, especially with other stuff going on. V3 would probably hit Steam before AE, honestly.


Only if I can fuck this girl.

>It's not as simple to port since it's a shooter. It was still a tad awkward to move the camera in DR1/SDR2 on PC, but that same system definitely wouldn't work in a shooter.

>Getting mouse functionality to work in a game that wasn't built for it takes more knowhow and effort than they might see profit, especially with other stuff going on. V3 would probably hit Steam before AE, honestly.

I suppose that makes sense. I haven't actually played the PC ports, as I'm going to get all of the use out of my Vita I can get, so I don't know if they were actually competent or not, and how capable the team is of porting things.

You are the girl,user.

She's already taken

Get this filth off my Cred Forums

Kaede loves girls

I... dont know how to feel about that.

fucking disgusting.

The Steam port sold pretty badly and Japan will never ever PC.

So yes it may just take 2 years again.

If you really like Japanese games you have a PlayStation or Vita. If not wait in line.

Most PC gamers use controllers these days anyway.

I prefer the 360 controller but dualshock4 is win10 compatible.

So who's the MC?

OK did the steam ports sell like shit or not
Any source?

> Like 2 that you're interested in

Subjective. And a lot of people don't have gaming capable PCs anymore since its 2016.

> The Steam port sold pretty badly

Nigga you high.

Since when was 84k DR1 and 72k SDR2 sales 'bad' for a port? It's literally free money, and clearly they thought that 84k was enough to greenlight a second port, so I'd presupposed that 72k should be enough to greenlight a third. V3 should be programmed from the start with a PC port in mind, so costs would be even lower.

Free money doesn't exist.

>It's literally free money
No it's not, but yes it still sold well.

>As long as assholes don't intentionally put shit in the OPs it's easy. I still don't know jack shit about Persona 5

They always do. Cred Forums was covered with opening posts with a very spoilerific image for Persona 5 right before it came out and a few days after. Just because you got lucky and didn't see it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

I meant the ''shit'' part
But thanks for the effort

Ibuki is the cutest

>She's alive

The girl in OP pic, Kaede. Ultimate Pianist.

you're correct, user!

What happened when she saw Mikan after waking up?

That Mikan is much cuter.


I think the ova with nagito will explain the waking up

>She can kills entire crowds instantly with the power of music

>weeb shit
no thanks.

Fixed that shit photoshop for you

I kinda prefer not to know, because I can imagine something that makes sense to me and wouldn't want bad canon overwriting that.

>Impostor's a cool dude, so he ain't mad. He just has Teruteru make it up to him by cooking him an awesome meal
>Fuyuhiko gets on his hands and knees and apologizes to Mahiru on behalf of Peko. Then he apologizes to Peko as well
>Nekomaru and Gundam: see pic

>giving HOPE a double chin

English release when, I'll buy a fucking vita or ps4 for this game I don't give a fuck.

Fine, hopeman has an healthy diet of HOPE now

Q1 2018 ;_;

Good job

You know what would be cool for him
SHSL comedian

This is a joke right.
You're trying to spread false info to create despair, right?

How i feel about entire despair arc desu desu

I'm not entirely sure what to make of the waking up situation, probably because my mindset is too different. If I were given some time to think about it, I'm sure I wouldn't blame somebody for killing me in a life-or-death scenario. I probably would have done the same, had I felt that I could have gotten away with it. I have this silent understanding that this "we'll all stick together and get through this without killing anyone" bullcrap was never going to work out in any scenario. People are going to die, that's just being human.

The only one to truly blame is the one that orchestrated it all. Which in this case would be... well, Hajizuru, the one that introduced the Junko virus to the simulation., guess I'd actually be quite mad at him.

A guess, since AE took one year to localize.

>If I were given some time to think about it, I'm sure I wouldn't blame somebody for killing me in a life-or-death scenario. I probably would have done the same, had I felt that I could have gotten away with it. I have this silent understanding that this "we'll all stick together and get through this without killing anyone" bullcrap was never going to work out in any scenario. People are going to die, that's just being human.

>The only one to truly blame is the one that orchestrated it all

This is literally how Naegi feels about the killing game, isn't it? The only one he blames is Junko.


Naegi probably did actually believe that the "we'll all stick together" thing had a chance of working, and I don't think he would ever have been capable of killing somebody. But otherwise, yeah.

this series went full retard i don't even care any more
phoenix wright sucks now too god damn it why does everything i love wither and die and then turn into a shambling zombie of its former self

>being gay
>not self-inserting as a girl

Since Kaede is MC, you might get to flirt with some girls in school mode. Canonically, there may a love interest or not. Naegi had one but Hajime didn't.

>Hajime didn't have a love interest

Well even then, I bet Naegi probably believed that Junko wasn't completely irredeemable. Like he could have negotiated with her or something.

In DR2 he didn't see her in that way. DR3 sort of pushed that angle and even there it was more "she was a good friend" tier than anything romantic on his side of things.

He tried to talk her out of killing herself at the end. Didn't work.

Correction, Hajime didn't have a "real" love interest. And He doesn't have a living wither way.

I sure hope this doesn't come out in February. There's way too many games packed in that month already.

>Hajime has to live with the ghost of his dead AI-reconstructed waifu occuping his head for the rest of his life

It took 1 year for the game to go from the Vita to PC, and this was before Spike Chunsoft was even doing PC releases.
Zero Time Dilemma was a dual release.
I fully expect this to wind up being a dual release or at least very close a well.


Fuck, I'd take a constant comforting presence in the form of what essentially boils down to an autonomous imaginary friend any day of the week.

The world would probably be a better place if everybody had a Chiaki inside their head.

>You will have to avoid Cred Forums for over 5 months because of spoilers

who cares, the spoilers aren't that bad for danganronpon

Imagine avoiding Cred Forums for both Persona 5 and V3. They won't be back here until a year later.

I know very little about Danganropa

It's about solving murder mysteries in an edgy high school setting, right? And it has a black and white bear.

Sell me on it

But she'd be watching him every time he masturbates... and commenting too.

Not to mention she'll tell him what to do whenever he's playing a video game.

If Kirigiri is the ultimate detective then why isn't Toko in prison?


she is the ultimate detective, not the most active

The mysteries are fun and the characters are charming

Because Touko is innocent.

Okay then I guess I won't buy it like OP asked.

Will Aunt Komaru tell her nieces and nephews to call Touko "Aunt" too, or will she tell them Touko is her "special friend"?

>Sell me on it
It has an AWESOME black and white bear

>autonomous imaginary friend
You mean a living constant reminder of your apathy as you watched her real body turn into swiss cheese

Do people with ahoges become protagonists or do protagonists grow ahoges?

All the relatives of Syo's victims are dead anyway.

Chiaki knows better than to backseat game. Allowing people to develop their own enjoyment of a game is important.

As for the masturbation thing... well, I'd say the positive factors make that worth is. Suppose it'd be a plus if you got off to exhibitionism. If not, well, I'm sure she'd be willing to respect your privacy.

Basically, what I'm getting at is that if you gave me a choice between having a Chihiro in my head as a calming presence and motivator to get off my lazy ass and finally start that game idea I've been wanting to do all this time or not having a Chihiro in my head, I'd take the former.

He wasn't apathetic though. That was the entire point of the whole thing. Besides, he seems to have gotten over it pretty well, given that he doesn't break down with flashbacks when she shows up. He's got his eyes fixed on the FUTURE.

Touko didn't have an ahoge in DR1, they gave her one for UDG.

Both Toko and Komaru prove the latter.


But they have them before the game starts. If you grow an ahoge, does that mean you're gonna be a protagonist?

The English V. of ZTD and Jap version got released at the same time?

If it was a dual release, they would have said something by now.

He's going to die first, and then the Newmokumas are gonna make some meta joke about "Do you really think a writer would let the detective survive in a murder mystery game!?" just like all the other meta references in Danganronpa.

C'mon guys, you know it's true.

who is canonically the strongest character? Genocider after getting magic bullshit?


Izuru/Post-DR2 Hajime

He is literally bullshit incarnate.

Sato-san, she destroyed the world after all.

only when your ahoge is mature will you turn into a protag, removing the ahoge removes protag syndrome

> A representative for NIS America has said that they would like to publish the game in the West if they are given the opportunity to do so.[13]

It looks as if they haven't even been approached on the matter at this time. You're right, it won't be a dual release.

Alive? Probably Akane followed by Nekomaru

Ascended Hajime is basically just a fire-forged Mary Sue with every talent combined.

He manhandled the Ultimate Soldier fresh out of the box before he even restored his personality.

>tennis player
Tennis for kids?

The correct translation of his talent is actually SHSL Tennis Racket. Basically the joke is that players use him to hit the ball


What would you do to her?

Kill her in chapter one.

ask her to remove her spikes so she doesn't hurt herself

Kill the despair slut.

Ask her who the fuck was crazy enough to impregnate her mom

>post yfw Junko somehow comes back to life for the nth time and starts raping the world again


>DR fags

cant wait for the inevitable threesome/spitroast fan pic


user, junko was a shit villain all the time, her despair reason was retarded since the first game, great character however