Browsing a scholastic book order some kid left at my dentist's waiting room because I felt nostalgic

>browsing a scholastic book order some kid left at my dentist's waiting room because I felt nostalgic
>see this shit
What the hell?

Other urls found in this thread: Evans&searchAlias=digital-text&asin=B01CO8N4OO

As someone who got the game when it was still in alpha, I want to personally apologize for ruining an entire generation of children.

What I wanna know is how an innocent survival game released 6 years ago even got to this point. How?

See? This is what happens when you enjoy video games. I hope you've learned your lesson.

Jack Thompson was right. Remove videogames.

Lets players

What's wrong with this exactly? How is it any different than a sonic or mario book from when we were kids? Mario taught typing in schools don't forget.

Because that was an official educational game. This is just fucking fanfiction that sonehow got published.

it's just virgins bitter at someone's commercial success/ muh nostalgia is superior etc. etc.

sour grapes basically

I'm not too familiar with Minecraft lore, but isn't he supposed to be a creepy pasta badass?

Back then, he was just a spoopy urban legend. Now he's just become a fucking fanfic character since he's Steve's "counterpart" or something.

That's shitty.

You're just jealous that you arent making money selling shitty fan fiction to kids

sour grapes means you really want something but can't have it so you say you don't want it.

Man alpha minecraft was amazing. I remember loading it up on their website. Then throughout high-school all people played on their computers during class was minecraft. Game was fun to begin with though

>its real
What the fuck

>Minecraft Student Gaming Exchange Program
This is what kids are into nowadays?

Why the fuck do kids like creepypasta so much? slenderman, freddy, scp, and minecraft bullshit.
Just fucking WHY?

kids are stupid

what the actual fuck

The fact that it's a basic game enjoyable by children, but was spoon-fed to the bastards by Meme-Spouting let's players.

Can you imagine the bittersweet writer who landed this contract? Probably never set out to become a writer to write that. But a paycheque is a paycheque.

Because kids don't know dick about good kids books.

Back in the early days of Minecraft's release on the 360 because my computer was shitty I thought Herobrine was real, and that he was an actual boss enemy or something of that extent. I remember playing with a few friends, and one of them was like "oh fuck, dudes, I just saw herobrine" and I practically shit myself. that day, we completely rebuilt our entire base as a floating castle with traps all around.
Now, Herobrine is just a fucking joke. Kids will never know the mortal panic I experienced, thinking my entire base/character/world was at rick of being destroyed at any given second.

The writing is abhorrent

Too bad the market for Minecraft fanfiction you can buy is surprisingly over saturated nowadays.

>they didn't know about Minecraft books
I saw these at my local Walmart two weeks ago

From left to right
>Haunting the Griefer
>The battle of Zombie Hill
>Quest for the diamond sword

>this utter lack of quality control
Poor kids don't know the good shit they're missing out on.

how does this not break copyright law? They're using the likenesses of the default character, minecraft's name, and most of the imagery from the game.

Because they technically count as parodies and fall under fair use laws.

I thought Herobrine was supposed to be "le evil ghost man who haunts your game" or at least that's what I remember he was supposed to be, and now he has children's books?

can't believe a video game creepypasta from 2010 turned into this autistic mess

Found the underage
go back to club penguin

I don't want to be that cranky old man but everything revolving around minecraft seems so trashy compared to typical fad stuff I was into back in the day. These unofficial novels, especially that one that is about Steve farting. The fact they idolize a character like Steve at all. The convention, that Telltale game, that youtube channel where the guy animates himself fucking creepers. The block person look was sort of charming in the alpha and now that people are polishing those models and making them more expressive they look annoying as hell.

In Minecraft Alpha it was common to get a "feeling watched" vibe because the world was so empty but so big.

Someone decided to play off this fear and invented a guy who stalks you from a distance and manipulates the world when you aren't around.

I'm glad Sonic has been becoming redeemed again while FNAF and Mineshaft plummet.

Im pretty sure Notch put the dude in for one update.

Nope. Notch didn't even start acknowledging him till late beta when he would joke about adding or removing him.

But Creepypastas have never not been autistic.
>tfw was able to rescue my friends from the Minecraft hell
Feels great

>fucking fanfiction

kid me thought this was tight, I wonder how bad it really is

It's great because Sonic basically shits on his own fans now. The autism is still there but now it's acknowledged. Minecraft just lets it run rampant which is why it's so bad.

>literally stealing MM artwork


At least they picked best Link for it.

Oh the horror a liscesned video game childrens book!

>playing minecraft 4 years ago and not understanding that a myth is a myth means you're underage
can you not count? i'm dumb, not young.

yea, every update says "removed herobrine" IIRC

>See what happens in the wonderful world of Minecraft when Steve can’t stop farting. Are the Creepers and Zombies terrified – or attracted – to Steve’s toxic smell? Can Steve find a way to overcome his flatulence issues, or will they get the best of him? Find out in this fun new superhero series by PT Evans and Illustrated by Jake Tashjian.

>or attracted
Well it's nice that the fart indoctrination has begun.

Its the same idea as the early stealth recon planes: be so fucking tiny and pathetic that the radar cant see you.

this is going to inspire a fart fetish for some kid

You're kidding, right?

It's the Sonic of Gen Z.

How could a parent buy this for their kid


Because of Minecraft's art style that was supposed to emulate DF, many parents thought it was a game for young kids like Mario.


fucking end this planet

I wish I was, lad Evans&searchAlias=digital-text&asin=B01CO8N4OO

I'm pretty sure this guy's a shit fetishist already

This is tier bad


There really isn't anything wrong with it.

I'm sure that for people in their 40's or older now had similar reactions to shit that was made and sold to kids now as the result of popular culture when we were kids. To the kids it's just a shitty minecraft book, you're into it or you're not. It's not the "fall of western civilization" or anything, we just like to be overdramatic here

I'm at a loss for words.

>Stinky Steve: Book Two - A Minecraft Superhero by PT Evans is the second in a series. Stinky Steve has learned how to control his flatulence problem and use his farts to help others. There are lots of characters called Steve in Minecraft and they are all facing the same fights against zombies, spider jockeys, and Creepers. Stinky Steve can help them in their fight by using his farts to produce fart bombs and a suit of armor. But, there's a new villain on the block, one that might be harder to fight off. Can Stinky Steve transform himself into Superhero Steve and can he overcome the new villain and triumph in the world of Minecraft?
>These are books that children will love to read over and over again and that's a great thing because too many push reading aside in favor of computer games these days. You don't have to read book one to get to grips with this one, but it does help. I'm guessing that there could be a book 3 in the offing, at least I hope so. I would urge anyone with kids, who is looking for something different to read their kids, to give this book a go.


This is the future. The internet has allowed anyone to publish anything, unrestricted by large publishing houses or editors with their own agenda. But instead of a flow of exciting, unfiltered new ideas pushing the boundaries of literature, all we got was people with a barely coherent fanwank of an idea cashing in on it.

Just when you thought this year couldnt get any worse

A post-modern masterpiece.

Maybe this is just a dark age and someday there will be a Renaissance where people actually produce interesting, new, and innovative content.

I know this sounds really cliche, but I feel so bad for this generation of kids.
I can't imagine what it would be like looking back on your childhood and remembering reading minecraft fart fetish fanfictions and other bullshit like this.

I honestly can't handle this shit anymore

It's hard to scrape by with only 10k a month, Cred Forums.

You are out of touch with reality.
Everyone sees weird shit growing up stop being a nostalgiafag.

Truly we live on the darkest timeline

We should start a non profit that puts all the coolest shit kids have ever had back into production. All those books we read as kids and reminisce about sometimes go back into production, pay Cartoon Network to show the good old stuff, get a Chinese plastic factory to make thousands of those plastic castles, all to stop fucking youtube.

"I dont want to work I just want to watch videos."

meh, when I was a kid I found digimon unbirthing fanfiction and icecream lactation hentai

>icecream lactation hentai
This sounds more amazing than it probably is.

W-What's that

trust me, it's better you don't know

Because most kids thinks that "gross" bodily functions like piss, shit, vomiting, farts, and fucking fucking is real fucking funny to them. Immature little shits.

>- or attracted -

Kill me, Pete.

you poor naive soul

I remember a children's book about stinky sneakers or some shit like that.
I'm pretty sure it didn't provoke a massive foot fetish or reeking body fetish.

It's just that scatological humor is a bit more explicit nowadays, but nothing else. Besides, if the author sucks at writing, the book will get old, fast. Even a child can get fed up with so many jokes of one kind.

Oh you have fun day of googling ahead of you my friend
Try not to think about it too much

>emoji adventures
Why are these now becoming popular now? emoticons have been around almost since computers existed

Emojis are a specific set of apple created little ugly jpeg faces

I've ERP'd scat scenes less shitty than this

WhatsApp happened. Even the poorest areas have access to a smartphone, and everyone uses that shit.



sure, you could google it, but if you're too lazy to do even that...

it's basically reverse birth, instead of a thing to come out of the female's womb, a thing goes inside the womb, it can be objects, people, animals, tentacle monsters...

Emojis are a specific bunch of icons that were originally for some Japanese mobile phone carrier. Or at least had their origins from Japan.

From the thumbnail I thought that was Snoop Dogg with a weed sword.


As if minions weren't cancerous enough already...

The ifunny really makes the image

I can't tell what's funnier, that it's either a chinese bootleg or there's official merch that probably doesn't pay royalties

what happened to the miner that got too close to the creeper?

he exploded!!

Picked it up in alpha myself and moved on within a month or something.

>feeling watched

Fuck. Fuck I've never been able to describe this feeling before, but that's it. Large open, empty areas in games have always made me extraordinarily, even obnoxiously uneasy, and I think that's the way to put it.

Mario Teaches Typing was actually a good game for kids and a good way to learn how to type.

>you will never get an action figure of yourself just because you make mediocre videos of you playing games

I honestly don't know how kids are dumb enough to watch this shit 24/7

Nobody's watching you user, they're just trees.

What happened to the user who had no gf?

He died alone!!

God I hate your fucking generation so much.

You mean the Millennial generation that you're probably a part of too? Because Millennials were born starting in the mid to late 80s despite what 4channers tell you.

We're both lumped into the same steaming pile of shit. Just be thankful we aren't Gen Z.

>everything just blows up in the end
I don't get it

That happens to me, but only when the game starts to break down and the things you've internalized as normal dont show up. Like when all the NPC's in the first Ass Creed stopped spawning, or that area up in the north east of the Witcher 3 map they reserved for DLC where there was literally nothing, no plants or animals.

It makes them feel like they have friends.

>Wandering around Walgreens
>Walk down the toy isle because I'm a massive man child
>See this

Of all the franchises to make for children, and of all the types of products for this franchise, why the fuck would they be dog tags?

Usually expanse of empty ocean for me, or when I get near the map borders and they aren't blocked my cliffs or something. Exploring the ocean in Xenoblade X makes me really uncomfortable.

Imagine having your kid grow up in the prime Minecraft phase and there'd be little you could do to shield them because of all the social pressure they undoubtedly would be exposed to at elementary school.

All their friends would have tablets with Minecraft, all the stupid fucking peripheral books and backpacks and shit, they'd BEG and SCREAM for you to let them install it on your home PC. There'd be no way to avoid it.

We have strayed from God's light

Cause the chinks can run out five thousand of those things for about a hundred bucks.

Kids will buy ANYTHING with a franchise they like printed on it, dude.

Especially something they can print out over in China for like 2 cents apiece, and then ship to america to mark it up to 5 bucks.


Kids will probably pester their parents for it and since it's probably cheap parents will just cave and buy it rather than actually say no deal with the tantrum.

It prints money.

>Tell child no
>Problem solved

They do that with all those franchises.

*Your wife's kid

Mistype, sorry.

>they go and play it at a friend's house instead

They can do what they want as long as it's not under my roof

except drugs

>*Record screech*
>Zooms in
>"Yea that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. Well it goes waaaaay back"


i'd rather somehow tie minecraft into some kind of educational package. teach my kid how circuit logic works, how to set up basic mods, handle internet protocol.

maybe love for minecraft could lead to some genuine interest in how it works.

That finger. How much do you weigh?

>scene switched to hospital room
>crying baby, just born, being held by a woman
>"Kids in America" starts playing over a montage of the baby growing up


Some other user had the same idea but with minerals and geology.
It didn't work at all.
You have a good idea, but you can't use it to teach. It's the same with garry's mod and physics. Plenty of potential, but near impossible to pull off properly.

>So, the kids like this one thing, right?
>And they also like this other thing, right?
>But we can't do either of those things now, as they've been done before and we're too late to the party.
>So what if we, say with me here,
>What if we COMBINE those two things and try selling cheep figures of it?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Yes that is clearly me, I bought the book to take a picture and then patiently waited from someone to make a Minecraft thread so I could post it.

>30 bongs

>All these people that treat Notch as a fucking deity and not the jaded creator now trying to wash his hands of it

You don't know fear in minecraft until you meet the fucking horsemen

As far as I know, they're just fanfiction that nintendo/scholastic commisions and publishes as official products.

Where'd you find this pic of me?


Get off my Cred Forums mom REEEEEEEE


>Metal Gear
Now I'm curious.


Keep our shit in our board.

You have to get a job, John.

>Back in the early days of Minecraft's release
>on the 360
You tried

go to /lit/

Someone bought this for their child.

fucking exposed

It sucks but it's just a way to help nerdy kids cope with the change from elementary to middle school. He's brave, you can be too.

>Keep our shit in our board.

I remember some dude back in the 1.12 days playing minecraft with his kid. They made some goddamn enormous cathedral together. Was quite touching.

Fuck off 190kg. Or Manica. Or Shitzien. Or Algerianfaggot. Or any of the other shitposters. Though I'm going with Manica, you used *tips* a lot.

It really is terrible, every fucking shop have something minecraft related, everytime I see it it just kills me inside, I mean when there were only few lego sets it was alright, but since then there is a shitton of this stuff and the worst part is that kids don't care about the game itself but about the fucking youtubers.
I had to live in my grandma's house for 2 months recently recently beacuse I had renovations in mine and had to leave it so I took my computer with me beacuse I had to take most of my stuff anyway, my uncle and my cousin live very close to her so they were there pretty often, the point of this story is: everytime my cousin was there he wanted to play games on my computer but not any game, he wanted to play games that his favourite youtubers' played like GTA V and minecraft, what's worse is that he actually wanted me to play Dark Souls III while he watches beacuse it was that le super hard game every youtuber screams at and dies billion times, he didn't even bothered to touch it beacuse he instantly assumed it would be too hard for him, also when he wasn't playing video games he was watching some minecraft playthrough with pokemon mod and begged me to install mods on his computer beacuse he didn't knew how and he didn't even knew how to get what he wants using google.
Youtube was a mistake. Just end this suffering.

Also this, the only reason I even have minecraft still installed after it all went to shit with updates is that I love doing some stuff with redstone from time to time, someone could just make a version of minecraft with way more advanced redstone (machinecraft is kinda like it but not quite the same as you can only build vehicles in it) it would be a pretty good educational tool desu.

why dont the terrorists just fucking shoot them

why don't you two just stay there then

>no humans wanted to be exchange students in the minecraft world


Post GOAT kid's books

Because liberals have no idea how terrorists tick


Anyone ever get those little animal heads with the zippers, and you open up their mouths and there was a bunch of info on the animal itself on the inside? I loved those.

I mean jeez user, you could fill an entire thread of the top shit.

I also find it kind of funny that their hearts symbolize a machinegun mowing the sandies down.

Kill me, Pete

> Implying liberals know anything about a criminal's mindset beyond what they see on cheap srama TVs and theor tumblr philosophies.

They do it because they are assholes and it's fun. Literal psychos. Try to shower that with love.

Okay. Which of you motherfuckers got the Tiger poster?

>this entire fucking thread
just nuke it, let the cockroaches have their turn

Kill me, Pete

I fucking love it when Cred Forums reminisces about their favourite books from when they were kids.

Do you really think Nintendo is just frothing at the mouth seeing any kind of fanfiction or use of their brands?
Given previous behaviour, they probably are, but the time and resources it would require of them just so they can run some small insignificant business into the fucking ground is both a bad investment and terrible for their image.

Just look at the Let's Play debacle. Of course if becomes a popular nation-wide fan fic Nintendo will C&D, but it'a literally not worth it otherwise.

>minecraft on the 360
>4 years ago
Hah, that's bullshit. Minecraft on the Xbox 360 released only two, maybe three years ag-
>It was announced at the 2011 E3 conference by Notch and Microsoft, and was released alongside a free trial version on May 9, 2012 on Xbox Live Arcade.
What the fuck

This is as easy as nuking the liberals, user.

oh shit i remember those books that's aesthetic as fuck

The xbox version of minecraft is actually what made minecraft so popular with very young children.

It used shitty graphics like most kids games so parents thought it was for young children.

I don't even get what people like about it so much.

Sure,I played it for a fair bit, it had some novelty. Ran a server with some buddies,all good fun.

But this, this is just wrong. It's fanservice with absolutely no quality control, pure autism left unchecked, nay, fucking endorsed.

I can't even stand looking at a voxel-looking game now. It's worse than MLP trash, worse than Sonic, worse than fucking 2008 NewGrounds.

Just.. Kill it. This is your fault Notch, you destroyed a generation of kids with this autism. ISIS won.

This isn't even exclusive to stuff like FNAF and Minecraft.
I can walk down to Target right now and buy Star Wars TFA Dogtags.

>or attracted

>pumping terrorists with so much determination they fuse into amalgamates

What could possibly go wrong


No clue user. Slenderman is a decent creepy concept at the beginning, but oversaturation and dumb pastas ruined it. It was cool back when it was only a Marble Hornets thing

I had this book. It was always right next to me whenever I was playing RS.

Do you just type whatever the fuck comes out and post it without a second thought?

That picture is on point made me kek out loud

>book three in the gameknight999 series

My god, this is just sad. Where did it all go so wrong?

It's really bad.

There's a superbunnyhop video about in on youtube if you're curious.

Reminder that the author of these books has a master's degree in physics and turned down a career in scientific research to write minecraft fanfiction for his son.

Well he fucked up then because as soon as that kid hits puberty he's gonna grow out of the game and think his dad's a fucking faggot.

Good on him. I wish my dad cared about me.

Kill me, Pete

Kill me, Pete.

This thread again?

I'm sure that when his son hit the teens, he'll probably cringe. Then when he gets out of the teen years he'll probably at least appreciate the fact that his father spent time caring about his past-time.

Who knows?

What the fuck

>bought minecraft when it was still 8$ or whatever the fuck it was
>it's fucking 35$ now

No thanks, Pete. Wizard Cat has me covered.

How new are you? never read Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"?

>You know whats buuuulllshit?

>never read Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"?
Am I getting too tired for this shit or does this not make any sense to anyone else?
I mean, not the pounded in the butt etc. part, but just that sentence in of itself doesn't seem to make sense to me.

>Dilbert TV Show
good taste

>that youtube channel where the guy animates himself fucking creepers.
Wait, what?

Who the fuck is even TDM? From what I can guess he makes Minecraft videos but is he really THAT popular?

He's being pounded in the butt by his book, which is titled "Pounded in the Butt by my own Butt."


Oh, okay, I get it now.
So it was just me getting too tired for this shit.

I used to ghostwrite licensed shit like this for years. Kids (and a shocking amount of adults) love reading unedited shit.

>paid 26 for it
>35 now
This is a joke right? It's not really 35 right?

>minecraft was still semi-obscure
>tfw you where there for the first half dozen or so big minecraft "let's players"
>thought it was kind of neat to see how other people built, but it wouldn't catch on much
>no idea the hell that would be unleashed in the following years
I just want to go back, to a simpler time

he does all the lets play bandwagon games. he's basically a slightly less annoying pewdiepie.

Kill me, Pete

I was around for X plays minecraft

delet this
delet everything

yep, that's the one
shit how many years has it been?

6 years

>Played a bit of alpha and beta
>Notch posting in Cred Forums before he sold out to reddit and got lazy
>Enjoyed it for 3-4 hours
>See some youtube channels that plays this shit daily since beta, and kids playing this game all the time
>Most of them out themselves as libcucks during the videos
So this is what playing the same damn fucking boring game for 4+ years do to you

This reminds me of a book i wrote, more of a short story but we got to make an actual book. I couldn't have been more than eight years old. It was about a kid who's rich parents disowned him and kept their wealth to themselves. He felt entitled to an inheritance and they left him out of their will. He snuck into their mansion on an obvious dark and stormy night where her brutally murdered his mother in her favorite chair. Bound in her chair with barbed wire and killed with an axe, her husband discovered her mangled body at which point he died from an apparent heart attack while the protagonist watched from the shadows.

Got that as well

>people like nerdcubed who rode the minecraft train to youtube stardom and never fucking played the game again after that

some people sure did it right, fuck. I think back on my early minecraft worlds and i think "at the right time, the simple act of making this and chatting to myself while doing it could have landed me a fucking career"

>a wiki about a facility that contains monsters is a creepypasta
what did he mean by this

>the time in fourth grade that the librarian caught me playing the OG "orgasm girl" flash game on a school computer over in the corner during lunch
>i had checked out headphones and everything

i had forgotten about that, user; i wish i was dead

I think you're overestimating how much those cost to make.


Kill me, Pete


The difference is that this is being sold as a children's book and not just some random autist fapfic on the internet.
I'm just surprised by the lack of quality control.
This is an actual page from the book.


We are clearly living in the "bad ending" of the world. Not only this but everything else too. Why weren't we warned. Why weren't we prepared.

>heard about minecraft while playing on a gmod sassilization server
>"yeah, from what I hear, it's just an infiniminer rip off"
>check out infiniminer, it's just digging
>wow, what a shit game, what's minecraft like?
>building with multiple colored blocks
>hey, that's pretty good
>oh, it's online? what's that like?
>see a "Cred Forums Cred Forums" server
>4chenz eh? bet these guys are total assholes, but it's pretty populated, i'll check it out
>meet regular people who make crude jokes occasionally
>that's when I started browsing Cred Forums
minecraft is cancer, it carried me here and now I can't leave.

Eeeyup. That's how these things work

Point of living is now based around praising kek

So this is what the kids are into these days


is it the 90s again?
what the fuck is with this WICKED SUPER GROSS shit coming back nowadays

He was destroyed!


It was around in the 00's. It never really went away.

Kids love that shit.


I don't know what this is, but just looking at it makes me angry

Some Gen Z shit.

Jesus Christ

Is this litkino?

I just wanted screwy dumb elementary school kids doing screwy dumb elementary school pranks on screwy dumb elementary school teachers.

Where the hell did it go wrong?

>Harold and his husband

Captain Underpants is still unironically good though.

>tfw i have a fart fetish

>buying shonen jump from these things
wonder if they knew the content in there


How is it that everything manages to continually get worse, all the time? Surely it can't just be nostalgia at this point.

do you have autism?

>harold is gay.
It all makes sense. those books turned me queer.

God damn, the author did not pull punches.

The diary of an ISIS member

stop poisoning our children with your literal shit fetish
You're welcome


>Niece is homeschooled
>still ends up obsessed with minecraft
>except she likes to play either the prebuilt areas or flatlands only, and only on creative



>Sarah, Plain and Tall


lol they banned this book from my school :^)

But that was never the full point of the books, not even the first one was just pulling pranks on teachers. It was always about some wacky shit happening and then Captain Underpants trying to fix it/fucking something up and then George and Harold having to fix it.


>making my way through butts road

Damn, fucking savage callouts for a children's book.


Mario teaches typing was fucking off the wall lit as fuck tho homeboy

Those ytps used to crack me up


It's just Diary of a Wimpy Kid

>tfw your mom threw away the tiger poster

>Le astrology meemee
Gee wilikers


It can't possibly live up to the official MGS1 novel with Snake's "Christmas came early this year." one liners.

Top tier kids book coming through.
If you don't want kids reading stuff like what's in this thread, just hand them a good book.

I read through these books like crack when I was a kid.


animorphs fucking scarred me as a kid
I was scared of yerks invading my ears for such a long time as a wee lad
It also gave me a paranoia that everyone I knew was actually infested with yerks
good books tho, I never found out how they ended though

user, I need this.


My mother is a primary school teacher, despite the game being released five years ago, and reaching the mainstream even earlier, the Minecraft club is one of the most popular clubs.
My old compsci teacher tells me the Minecraft club he runs at secondary school is quite popular
How has this game managed to stay relevant for so long?

Trying to remember a book I read as a kid. The cover was a purple-tinged extreme close up photo of some kid's face with a mustache crudely drawn on it. Anyone know?

Kill me, Pete

You better stop making fun of my fetish or i'll kick your ass.

>How has this game managed to stay relevant for so long?
lets players

>That book where David betrays them and they tie him down in animal form to trap him in it permanently

I had to read this for school and thought it was dumb. Don't really remember lots about it though.

On the other hand, this was my shit. The way the gems got added on the spines of each book was fucking tight.

You got off easy, Captain Underpants gave me a fucking diaper fetish


Why though? What do you find so sexy about farts, honestly curious.

I'm pretty sure the author has some vendetta against teachers or something.

>that one where Jake or Jack or whatever his name was gets a yerk in his ear
>that book where it shows his brother begging and screaming at the yerk in his brain to not hurt his brother

The school I assistant teach at has a meme club.

>love the animorphs books
>my parents noticed
>they get me the animorphs game for the gbc
>boot it up
>get fucked up and never pass the first level
>years later
>try it again
>still can't beat the first level

First off, i don't find every fart sexy. Just ones from sexy women.

And i guess i find it sexy because it's unladylike and gross, idk. I wish i didn't have it but such is life.

deltora quest was fucking righteous dude
10/10 taste, I still have all of mine in a box somewhere
There was some pretty terrifying shit in them for kids books, like the giant slug that would slowly eat people alive or the marsh full of gigantic leeches and other bloodthirsty worms

>meme club

Have you ever been to it?

>no goosebumps
what the fuck lads


oh christ this guy

Oh fuck I remember this.
This kid basically started a meme.

>that one where the kid turns inside out

I remember this book sucking ass

You should attend some time and come back to share some stories.

It's hard to imagine that something as monstrous as Minecraft today stemmed from Cred Forums

My nigga.
This and Redwall were my jam.

Thanks for the insight, this is actually pretty interesting.

Anybody else want to explain their their fetish? Not limited to farts, anything goes.

>Be me, on a library in Mexico City
>The place was nice and chill, and pretty quiet as well
>Looking for chess books, find one written by Guil Russek (He's a mexican dude, aparently he's a chess master)
>It costs 1 dollar
>Suddently find myself in...let's call it ''The All New Successfull'' Book section of the library
>Half of these books are written by spanish let's players
>Most of those books are Minecraft related
>about 20$ each

Because Of Winn-Dixie and The Watsons Go To Birmingham: 1963 were two of my favorites and still are

>that fucking maze game on the official website where you had to get the Amethyst and escape while avoiding the Glus

Fucking horrifying



Almost every fetish can be reduced to basic domination/submission instincts.

>tfw furry
Female features make me hard, especially with alien/animal faces. But they gotta be cute looking- not into realistic-looking drawings. The Japanese do it best with Kemonos

It all started when my Dad bought my Starfox Adventures and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for me within the same month. Summer of 2003 was very interesting.

It's a high school by the way, and I can spot from a crowd the type of kids who attend. Bathing in layers upon layers of irony, they judge memes, and creates memes on a weekly basis. These memes are then ranked. The ones I've seen all revolve around the school somehow and are filled with crazy ironic misspellings, comic sans, and stock photos.
There's also a sci-fi club that has a large overlap. Kids these days love memes. Blame social media, where every picture is now a meme and an endless wormhole of the stuff is available through 1 easy search.

Maybe. I think I'll just ask the the teacher who moderates it what it's like, he's a pretty chill guy.


> Telltale game
> "What the fuck"
> It's real

I know i have been out of the loop lately, but holy shit.

I like girls smothering each other with their ass and forcing them to eat, lick, or sniff their asshole. I dunno why but attractive girls bullying each other turns me on and fills me with joy.

marble hornets was pretty disappointing for me. I really liked the creep shot once in a while, the stalker outside the window. But then the shit became "the monster made a youtube video!" and "oh no or buddy is possesed!". It became kind of cringy. They had a really solid concept at the start.

God I used to fucking devour those books as a kid. I'd read a novel a weekend and had to pace myself so I wouldn't read through all of them at once. They were so good.

>got out of high school years ago
>decided to look up and see if there were any more Redwall books last year
>mfw I found out Brian Jacques has been dead for years now

It was like a part of me died.

>grouping scp with shitty creepypasta

I have a silly tradition where I read every one of those after everyone's gone to sleep on christmas eve. I can read fast as fuck, which I probably owe to all the books I read when I was younger.

>The Watsons Go To Birmingham: 1963

Hello brother

>Be Elephant
>Lose to Seagull

epic undertale reference......... upvoted

Search 'henrietta_(zankuro)' in gelbooru

cum inflation.
I just find it really hot when someone jizzes so much in a girl.
that's basically it.

The Andalites arrive, but are willing to destroy the Earth to end the Yeerk Threat. Rachel assassinates Tom, but dies herself. The Animorphs destroy the Yeerk Pool ship in orbit. Ax becomes a prince, Jake becomes a military general, and Cassie gets a new love interest. Years later, the Blade Ship reappears and captures Ax. Jake is commanding a spaceship called the Rachel, and while travelling in Zero Space, they encounter Tom's Blade Ship. The Blade ship is crewed by a shapeshifting alien that has absorbed Ax into itself. Jake orders his ship to ram into it in a suicide attack.

Know why Minecraft is big? 3D Legos. Kids today don't even play normal with normal Legos, they're all on a computer screen or a tablet. I had no internet from 2009 to 2010, so to see this Minecraft thing get so big out of nowhere was a shock to me. Having played it, I get why it can be fun, but it's still shocking how massive it got.

It's been six months since I first played it, but it's still fun.

>have best friend
>girl same age as me, /fit/ as fuck, gets hit on all the time
>when she needs to fart she hides behind me or farts on my leg
>sometimes she accuses me loudly of farting
>its pretty annoying but w/e
>thought occurs to me that someone out there has this fetish and would pay serious money for this

am i living your dream? how does it feel user?

> best friend is a girl
Beta cuck




she says i have a feminine penis.

Preach it, brother. To good times.


feels bad man


I've watched a speedrun of the game because it's difficult as fuck and it turns out that most of it is pure luck

So don't feel too bad

yakety yak

Pregnancy fetish. Not even just preggos -distended bellies on girls just turn me on in general. I wish I knew why I was like this, but ever since I was a kid I was fascinated when my teachers were pregnant. I didn't really make the connection that it turned me on til I was a teenager but I hate myself for being like this. Normal women barely turn me on anymore. I just want to be normal.

But at the same time I'd give anything to rub a pregnant woman's belly, or rub some girl's belly while she stuffed herself.

newfriend spotted


Chuck Tingle is the writer we don't need, but deserve.

>being attracted to the natural result of sex is wrong


Redwall taught me to love long books, medieval warfare, and food.
Oh man, the food descriptions. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.


Fucking hell man. I've never really sympathised with someone before but fucking hell I want to die.



Fucking end me, Pete.

I remember my mom reading this to me every night before bed


Fuck yeah brother

I want to suck a fart out of some bitches ass

The amount of loving details about the food all makes sense in hindsight. The books were originally intended for blind children.


Phantom Tollbooth is god-tier.
Feels like it'd work well as a point-and-click game.

Sorry for enjoying a Video Game on the Video Games image board, Dickhead.


It really isn't but the way society reacts to people who are attracted to this makes me feel like a freak.

>undertale memes
please leave the genepool underfag

at least you can remember that.

i can barely remember anything. just as well though, my childhood was a mess probably why i'm shitposting on a sri lanken weaving forum

Honorable mention to Goosebumps. My brother had two thirds of the original series. Finding out the missing books was an amazing journey.
>Monster Blood IV
>The Mutant
>Ghost Camp
>Beware the Snowman


Where my Wizzards at?

That PS1 game was the shit.



>Mom still brings up this book every so often

Anyone else have their parents quote books they read to you as a kid?

Look up Brian Jacques wikipedia article.
>His book Redwall was written for his "special friends", the children of the Royal Wavertree School for the Blind, whom he first met while working as a milkman.

I wonder how confused anthropologists of the 30th century will be when they dig this shit up.

God dammit, that's really nice of him. I wish I'd have met him in person at least once - I'd have loved to just shake his hand and thank him for all of the great things he's done for kids.

Same. He seemed like a pretty chill guy who just liked telling stories to kids.



>I paid for the alpha
>I helped support what it's grown into
>mfw this is partially my fault

when I was a kid I was in a christian only area and it got into my mind that people fucking people was wrong, but I wouldnt get in as much trouble if I looked at dogs fucking people
I fucking hate this fetish and feel disgusted with it

same user, same
we all contributed out little bits to feed the cancerous beast that it has become

His later books always make bittersweet reading, as you can kind of tell his mind is going from the slightly different way that they 'feel' to the earlier books.

That could've been the Alzheimer's...

Terry Pratchett is god tier. I really love his works so much

Too bad he's dead. I only read up to Pyramids and I know the adventure will not stop. I really want to cry after hearing the news.

I think that's what he's saying.

If there was a way to find the id of a minecraft account, mine would be in 4 digits...

I bet I could sell my simple username for a few bucks



bane joke goes here

Nice 4.


>This fucking thread


dude, this is a safe for work board, stop posting nsfw images


Oh shit I still have all these books.

Ending was an arse-pull though.

>Marxist propaganda


Generation Z is so fucked


>We outnumber you, and the people that think like you. DON'T FUCK WITH US.
is he trying to sound like a jrpg villain here

>this is what the current generation will grow up on

I was so fucking bad at these stupid fucking things holy shit
It didn't help that our teacher made them herself and every other one was fucked up somehow. Goddammit I'm angry now.

is this loss

what do you think

Ehh, I liked the movies better. Here's hoping the new leads do a kick ass job


heres a better version of your gif

Suicide is painless


Kinda like the end of House of the Dead Overkill

>Hugo nominated
Wat the fuck?

>its a vidya book thread
>ctrl+f "worlds of power"
>0 results

what the fuck, Cred Forums? i'm starting to feel old.

>written by Wimpy Fart

I don't know what poor ass country you're from, but it's still $26.95 in the US unless you get one of the console versions that has skin packs included.

>Michael Kornheiser
Did he name is kid after Wilbon??

I legit almost shed a tear

You didn't look hard enough.

this isnt loss

Daily remindee this is getting a movie next year

Apparently not.

I'll see myself out.

Kill me, Pete

Please tell me someone is screen capping this entire thread. Each post it gold.

My niggers. I have the DVD box set

>Find out about chill java game, play it on the website listening to portishead and building nothing much
>start playing with friends via world of minecraft client, build swastikas and dicks everywhere spamming "swe?" in chat
>survival implemented, singleplayer kicks ass can't wait for multiplayer support
>play multiplayer as soon as it's available, even though ovens eat ore and don't even work

fast forward through hours of digging brocaves, flooding each other with lava, building towers, sabotaging people's servers covertly as a metagame with friends

>game is "released"
>alpha and beta bugs persist
>FLAOT guy remains justified
>notch fucks off to make a card game instead
>game community goes full deditated wam
>minecon happens... more than once
>the game is nothing like what it was always expected to be

Jesus Christ


>>Marxist propaganda
Don't you dare shittalk my childhood you fucking Cred Forums minion

>How did I get here, you may ask?
god, just kill me now.

Wasn't herobrine an original copypasta from Cred Forums?

So surreal how it turned out like this

Oh fuck that's my moms favorite childrens book

Where did it all go wrong, Cred Forums?

This is probably the least cringe-inducing but most autisticway to play it. Think about it:

>No dealing with LE CREEPERS or any memes whatsoever
>No resource collecting
>Just you, blocks, and your imagination
Back when I would build cool shit out of Legos, I wished I had something like that.

I hope it will at least be decent. If the main author is directing it I think it will be okay.

I pirated the alpha & beta because I didn't want to use my card on it so I am NOT to blame

>autistic thread
>still around after hours

>saving thumbnail

We're pretty sure she IS autistic, due to a bunch of other reasons, but the doc said she wasn't
It wouldn't be so bad if she didn't make a new world every single time she played, and thus ended up with several hundred on the drive, all named Flatword .
Or if she'd never ended up getting Minecraft Story Mode.

Who knew a barely functional block simulation game would eventually lead to scat fetish books for children.

What a world.

I think they do in fact shoot them quite a bit.

How is SMW hard? If any of the classic Marios are hard then it would be 2 or 3, not World.

Kill me, Pete

>that part in the fourth captain underpants book where you can see this in a garbage dump

>tfw pretty sure you checked this book out during your proto-weeb phase

Fuck off, I cropped that myself from the only source available at the time.

>using the shitty translation
You've made things worse m8.

>not resizing image to not look like a thumbnail

I remember playing Minecraft during elementary school with my mates. Those were the days.


Wow, I thought this was a Brazilian thing. Here we have several Minecraft players who make a living by uploading their sessions on Youtube, and in the past two years they got books covering their adventures. These books are incredibly popular among teenagers.

Here u go, vectorized too so it's not so pixelay

That minion has his dick hanging out.

you think you're fucking funny?

i did it

Pregnancy fetish. Source: attractive teachers in school getting pregnant and wearing tight black maternity wear once they started to show.
I became able to discreetly fap during those classes.

they knew user.

Admit it, you went to your school's anime club.

How long did you last?

I remember really liking these. Didn't everyone in that book die except for the three kids and that baby?


Nah. I was rubbing my dick with my legs.
If they actually knew I'd have been suspended.


Something about girls being fucked in absurd costumes turns me on so much. Of course most cosplay porn is either shitty super hero costume or solo. I can't fap to solo as hard as I try. Seeing the girk let herself be used for sex is part if the thrill for me.


Youre a cuck

f*cking epic!

Pete looks like Beerus

This and pic related were my favourite books in elementary school. Redwall too, but I didn't own them. Instead I have a friend who has all the books and I'd read them at his house whenever I had the chance.



did you not read the "pc was a potato" part
early 360 minecraft had all the features of alpha MC. no hunger yet, eating restored health, etc. nice and simple.


>tfw minecraft lets players are basically role models for children now
what went wrong?

Why are Beerus and Whiz the best thing that came out of DBS? They're such qts.

Did anyone here read Bone during their school days? The books started out fairly innocent but once the huge rat creature got his arm cut off the series became violent as fuck with decapitations left and right and shit. I don't know how tge fuck Scholastic thought that was for kids.

Just thinking about this book brings a tear to my eye

Scholastic had some fucked-up shit, man.

Easy access internet

>Youtube celebrities.
>Gen-Z is already beating Millennials for shit taste in entertainment.

Is Cred Forums dead/

I was a poorfag growing up so I could never order anything from Scholastic.

I never did read the last book
I barely remember anything about this damn series

Pete looks stupid as fuck.

I think it's stupid either way, there's plenty of literature already out there, and he's simply not a writer. If he truly did it for 'his son' why are his books getting published for money? oh that's right, it's a cover up

He probably did it for the money

Beat children's book coming through



Yoshizilla you have gone too far

>nothing but bronie memes
good thing guns are so cheap

>Alexander O Smith
Shit isn't that the translator of Final Fantasy XII?

I'd probably play it for 2 weeks and move on.
It's basically what runescape was

Harry Potter isn't good. Even as a kid I could write down the plot conveniences/inconsistencies in world building.

>Tracy West
She's the girl who did the Pokemon books too? Damn thats some nostalgia.

This got too fucking real too fucking fast

One of the only books I remember reading when I was young was this.
it got really fucking dark at times

Generation Z is basically the sum of the worst parts of all the past 3 generations before it.
Like usually it's just some new but practically identical fads and themes that make the worst bits of a new generation, but Gen Z actually managed to combine generic grossout shit with the overprotected thin skinned reactions to anything outside the established norms of what is and isn't acceptably strange.

Absolute patrician taste my friend

Your pain is not lost on me, man

I'll make friends with that fox alright

This book fucked me up

That's not a good thing.
Because of that one brony who bought an authentic world war II nazi rifle and repainted it with rainbow dash

>Is He A Girl?
Or pick up the modern revision by Assigned Male comics
>He Is A Girl! (you shitlord)

Why is the school a road?

spotted the autist.

I wouldnt fangasm over potter , but i found it perfect for childhood, and the later books just fine for young adulthood. People like you struggle to find joy in anything and like to hide behind the idea that it's "muh intelligence levels too high"

whatever helps you sleep at night. Most of us are well aware of the problems/plot issues in books in movies. Most of us just dont care enough for it to ruin our good time.

tfw you are a pathetic depressing creature while others can enjoy life around you.

>People like yogscast who are balding men in their fucking 40's filming themselves pretending to enjoy childrens games because it gets them youtube money
>actually decent and funny people but had to sell their souls to their audience and probably all despise each other

I bet you had a ton of friends growing up.

Oh snap I have that whole series. The way the story spans generations is great


Now you're just projecting. They're simply not good books, you can enjoy a badly written story.

Hell I enjoy Yugioh.
Harry Potter 1 simply isn't a good book.

What does this even mean? You can't have friends because of different tastes? You can't have friends because of difference in maturity? Whatever you say kiddo. Right here you are being judgemental on people not falling for certain trends of all things.
Harry Potter books are just bad, written by a hack. Should I feel bad because it sold well? Why should that affect my judgement at all? There's just so many fucking books out there, and you call harry potter a good one.

mummy fetish

I like slightly chubby women with big tits, pregnant is also nice. Most important is that they're kind and nurturing.

But I might have a completely different type for real women, idk.

>They're simply not good books
So what made them bad?
Keeping in mind you can't just go
Because that's extremely vague.

>two boys who brainwash their middleaged teacher into running around in his underwear all day
>people are genuinely surprised one of them turned out gay
wew lad

anal vore
combo of incredible closeness, warmth, protection, ass and belly worship, and rimming
i don't like scat and i pretend they can breathe though

>Y fronts
>On many occasions egg shaped teacher dong was flapping in the wind

The most memorable book from my childhood was this series by Jean M Auel about this couple in the stone age (which I was really interested in from playing AOE), it was my first boner because it was full of graphic descriptions of sex

Well, have you?

apparently they made a time warp trio cartoon or something

They did, I used to watch it all the time before I went to school.

Best Children's book of all time is The Little Prince.

Too bad the movie sucked balls though. Hey, lets take them most poetic and moving children's book ever made and turn it into a generic pixar flick. GREAT IDEA!

There's dozens of articles on the internet that more accurately describe the inconsistencies present within Harry Potter.

Also what's great about the books? everything is just a tolkien rip-off. Great 'world building' that is.

>Harry Potter
>Tokien ripoff
What the fuck am I reading

Also the burden of proof is on you

You do realise at the moment your argument is
>it's bad because I said it is!
How exactly are YOU proving your point without presenting anything?

Too bad Anime adaptaiton was mediocre.

>Harry Potter
>Tolkien ripoff

Nice strawman, just because it's bad and I said it is doesn't mean it's bad because I said it.

>the fuck am I reading
Clearly not books.

Please explain how Harry Potter is a Tolkien ripoff

>just because it's bad and I said it is doesn't mean it's bad because I said it.
Then prove your point instead of dancing around it.