Was the N64 a bad console?

Was the N64 a bad console?

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No. It was very good.

Extremely overrated

I have good memories with it as a child and I definitely still loving playing those games now. I can always play Kirby and the Crystal Shards, that game is a form of therapy.

Not at all, thats just a contrarian Cred Forums meme.

Why was it overrated?

How so? Much better than the ps1 that's for sure.

You want overrated? Ps4.

No shit like the Jaguar were bad consoles.

What makes it bad besides the strangely designed controller?

Wii-U far more overrated by here.

Nobody with a brain thinks PS4 is overrated.

Wii U is the true overrated 8th gen console, which is really sad.

It had 2 zeldas, banjo, smash, star fox, Conker, etc.If the n64 is bad then the wii u is not even a console

How is wii u overrated? It's constantly shit on even outside of Cred Forums and barely anybody has it.

Ps4 coasts across the Internet as the supposed Gen winner with "the best games ever". THAT'S overrating.

>Ps4 coasts across the Internet as the supposed Gen winner with "the best games ever". THAT'S overrating.
Only normies and redditors are saying that, theyre retarded so their opinions are worthless.

>How is wii u overrated? It's constantly shit on even outside of Cred Forums and barely anybody has it.
But here on Cred Forums that's precisely the reason why all the pretentious contrarians love it. Nintendo gets a free pass here.

Controller wasn't that bad, it was very innovative.

Playing Mischief Makers with the d-pad is more comfy than any other 3D console.

You're an idiot

Ps1 had more games, N64 was awesome for multiplayer

still the best console ever released

PlayStation 1994 102.49 million
Sega Saturn 1994 9.26 million
Nintendo 64 1996 32.93 million
Dreamcast 1998 9.13 million

first time nintendo shit the bed.

Sega is the only company that shit the bed that generation.

It was the only 3D console at the time.

No, now fuck off and then, kill yourself, gaylord

Having cartridges was bad in terms of sales, but I actually liked that it had them. It forced developers to work within limitations and use real-time cutscenes instead of shitty FMVs.

id call losing my lead for the first time overall and having a console sell 3x more shitting the bed.

Bad console, good games
>terrible graphics
>terrible controller
>shitty design
>poor analog stick
Fantastic games though

>having a console sell 3x more shitting the bed.

Sony sold 1/3rd of PS1s (~30 million) after N64 was discontinued...

Mostly to third world countries where people just chipped the machines

Not a bad console but not a good library. Had only a few good games, but those few were still really good.

But those are all meme justifications. Only revisionists could call N64 games uglier than bloody PS1 "parkinsons and jaggies" games

You guys gunna fight?

>inb4 retards defend the controller

I honestly don't see the big deal. Yeah there's the handles but it's not like you ever need all three, it's usually the right and middle.

The only really bad part of the controller is the analog stick.

The Console itself was poor. Rubbish design, shit controller and carts, also cardboard cases. There are many great 64 games, but they missed out on a few key genres such as fighting games and RPGs.

interesting i didnt know that.
2x is still absolute shit

They're both ugly as fuck, but anyone who thinks that Cruis'n World looks better than Gran Turismo is retarded. Play with those triangle graphics and tell me those look good.

>having the game which is considered globally as the GOAT, also the game influced literally every other game
>having the game, which gave gabe newell the thought "videogames are art"

Dunno user, you decide.

I've never liked Dualshock. You have to have tiny pussy baby hands to use it without cramping. The N64 controller isn't perfect but at least it had versatility going for it. PS1 didn't even launch with joysticks

Not an argument

Aside of racing games and 2 Treasure games there's almost nothing worth playing on it.

maybe if you were poor and didn't have friends

Cruis'n World was an arcade port. Gran Turismo was built for the PS1. If you want a fair comparison, pick a game that was built specifically for N64, like Conker's Bad Fur Day or Majora's Mask.

absolutely not

god tier library, innovative controller that weeded out casuals, great loading times, and helped pioneer 3D gaming

Fine, find me a n64 game that looks as good as Oddworld Abe's Odyssey

>Oddworld Abe's Odyssey

That just uses pre-rendered backgrounds. All it has going for it is a nice art style.

It's not as if it's technically impressive or anything.

World Driver Championship looks better than Gran Turismo

>a game that uses entirely pre rendered assets
I can name a SNES game that looks that good: Donkey Kong Country 2.

Yoshi's Story; Mischief Makers

Objectively, it was a shitty piece of hardware.

The games, on the other hand...

Objectively wrong. Its hardware was better than any GPU on the market for a good year or two, even then the cards were way more than the N64.

Not at all. The only problem was the controller.

Nah the 3dfx Voodoo was definitely faster than the N64, even though it did come out half a year later. You just can't compete with having dedicated VRAM.

N64's GPU did however have a number of special features that PC GPUs didn't have for literally years, like programmable hardware T&L.

You can't defend the draw distance, texture rendering or memory limit on games. The only thing it had over its rivals was less jaggies.

I probably should've clarified, the cut scenes in Oddworld look fucking amazing, of course that could be my nostalgiafag glasses

The competition (outside of a PC with a GPU and good CPU) had worse draw distances and texture rendering. Most PS1 games didn't even make good use of the storage space of CDs and just used it for FMVs or licensed music.

That was one of the launch titles for the system in europe and it was really impressive how it looked like compared to the snes.

Yoshi's Story does look really nice, I can't say I have ever played Mischief Makers

N64 will always have better draw distance than PS1 or Saturn because it can do perspective-correct texture mapping.

If you want to do large viewing areas on PS1 or Saturn you either have to drop texturing or use shitloads of polygons, which is unsustainable eventually.

N64 is only famous for fog because unlike PS1 or Saturn it's easy to implement a fog effect (it's a hardware feature), while games on other consoles would usually just have "pop-up".

The texture rendering on N64 is also superior but it's really difficult to optimize correctly. But Rare did it so Conker's Bad Fur Day has probably the best texturing of that console generation.

Is there a N64 game that does additive blending like on the PS1 and other later consoles? Most N64 games I've seen have special effects that look like ass because they're using only alpha blending.

>Track Meet level races


Doom 64


Overrated by who exactly?

The "N64 can't do additive blending" has to be the dumbest meme ever pushed by that one autist on Sega 16. It's obviously false even though many developers didn't do it.

Sure you can find a few examples otherwise, but most of the time PS1 games didn't even do per-pixel alpha blending, let along additive anything.

some 64 games had prerendered cutscenes, pokemon puzzle league had prerendered scenes in the style of the TV show

nice controllers

dreamcast is 6th gen, kid