Mafia 3 confirmed for GOTY

Mafia 3 confirmed for GOTY

Other urls found in this thread:

>shooting peaceful protesters
>literally "it's ok when blacks do it"

Really fires off the neurons in my brain..,

>game is about killing the italian mob
>killing a group of people who hate wops
Wew lad, anyone got the webm? You know the one.




>peaceful protesters

This is what Cred Forums actually belives

Oh yes remember that time the mafia fought racism and tried to kill all the racists
Good ol 60s

>KKK hasn't attacked anyone since the 1930's
>BLM are literally hunting and beating up white people because theyre white
>if the KKK even dares to sneeze, the entire MSM will report it

Yeah, the KKK is the problem right?

>black man shooting up a violent protest (KKK)
>it's okay
>white man shooting up a violent protest (BLM)
>not okay
Explain this.

>Literally defending the KKK and comparing them to BLM.
>A terrorist org that killed hundreds of people versus a protest group that's killed a few cops and beat up a few nu-males

lol kill yourself my dude.

>Mafia game
>all footage is a nigger killing a bunch of hicks
Why is this called Mafia 3 again?

That trailer kind of made me want to play the game, it looks really pretty.

>>KKK hasn't attacked anyone since the 1930's
They were still burning churches in the 70's you mong fuck at least read a book before spouting off your alt right bullshit

>Mafia 3
>It's not really about the Mafia

>beat up nu males
>nu males side with them because diversity and wouldn't dare side with white people
You literally don't know what you're talking about you fucking troglodyte.

>reverse racism game

It's only ok when brown people do it!

As a white male in current year, I will not be purchasing this product and judging from the preorders, most people won't either

When was the last time the kkk did anything?

Lol bolack people have killed other black people in a rate far higher that the kkk ever did. It would take the kkk 20 years or constant daily murder to even come close to the current black crime rate.

Yeah you're right. He's got his menes all mixed up. Good thing he at least seems to have a firm grip on reality, unlike yourself.

can you also shoot up the Black Panthers or black lives matter crowd? Since ya know, there is like 0 difference between KKK and them.

More importantly, it's not made by the guy who made Mafia 1 and partially 2
Fucky link

When you do this in an air port it's bad.
When you do it to the KKK it's acceptable.
What kind of fucking mental gymnastics do people have to go through in order to think this is ANY different to that scene out of MW2.

A new IP "fuck whitey" game would get less sales.

Dipshit alert.

When someone release game where I can kill horde of niggers with white guy too?

>Yeah you're right
Stopped reading right there. I know I am. Perhaps you should look at both sides of the coin to get a firm grasp of current social situations going on.

>burning churches is killing 40+ years ago equals killing people
>this is what white guilt cucks actually believe

Congratulations on your indoctrination

if the airport was filled with terrorists nobody would have had an issue with it

Why cant we just get a good mafia game? Why do they have to inject race into this game? Why do people get such a hard on killing white people?


What part of any of this game is Mafia-related? Jesus fuck.

>This thread
>Cred Forums is seriously getting triggered by this

This just made my day.

Im triggered more by the fact they have to destroy this ip. This bullshit self fulfilling fantasy of kill all whites is just icing on the cake of shit.

Someone post the webm.

>no review copies being given out

confirmed the next big flop of the year

The Mafia ip is completely fucking dead after this game. Nobody is going to want to touch this after the PR nightmare this is going to be.

Are you fucking serious? Is this for real? Holy shit, this is jsut too fucking much. For starters, shooting up a Ku Klux Klan as a black man has NOTHING to do with Mafia, I don't know why they thought this would be a good idea but it looks stupid and will be stupid. Secondly, anyone else see the irony in this? A group of white supremacists who despise black people gets massacred BY a black man. The shooter is literally giving the supremacists and individuals outside of their cult a reason to loathe their race. At this point, I don't even want to know how and why this was implemented in a ""Mafia"" game, however I do want to know who thought it would have been a good idea so I can avoid any upcoming projects that involves this comedian.


What does this have to do with the Mafia?

In the first game you pla a taxi driver who got introduced to the mafia lifestyle and rose through ranks and then it all went tits up.

Mafia 2 had you play a kid who came home from the war and got introduced to the mafia by his friend and they both rose through ranks until it went to shit

Mafia 3 - you're a nigger war veteran who wants to start shit for whatever reason and shoots up KKK rallies, also Vito is shoehorned in the game because the devs probably only played the second game.

Also I bet they will somehow ruin the ending of 2 by claiming that Joe is alive even though the ending clearly states that it's over for Joe. Screencap this post, it's gonna be Bioshock Infinite all over again.


>the bomb blows up next to the guy in the suit
>he just squints
>everyone else further from him goes flying
wew this game is going to be awful

>mfw after this nigger loving neoliberal left wing pc sjw lgbt degeneracy bombs harder than the Wii U the entire cuck development team will be fired

The klan hasn't been relevant since the prohibition era south. Maybe they should make a game where a young black man is killing the young black drug dealers who run around destroying the black community.

Bonus points if he has a black love interest, marries her, and actually lives with her to help raise the child.

The studio making this shit is based in san francisco, it's clear that it's not just a random story decision to make the mc black, they are doing this because of "muh racism and muh oppression"

>cherry picking bugs on a game during its beta stage

One is an organization dedicated to preserving the greatest race ever (whites).
The other is a chimpout frenzy lead by stinky worthless subhumans. (BLM)

Let's be fair, maybe it was being played on a core i3 with only one core acti...never mind, this really does look like shit with awful AI. They should have spent more time building a fun game and less time watching cuck porn in office meetings.

>actually defending this game

remember, you will always be a nigger :)

Nobody would give a shit if it was a new IP doing this shit, the problem is they took an existing IP about the Italian MOB and shoved this BLM shit into it all for the SJW brownie points.

Maybe all games today need to hit these check marks.

>game is released next week
>video released last week

I don't think you know what beta means.

It's going to be highly amusing watching the nu male cucks self destruct when this shite bombs and they realise their SJW paradise is all in their head.
The shills defending this shit game should sod off back to neogaf.
Muh alpha... it'll be changed. Sick of this shit. morons said the same thing with watch dogs and the division yet they turned out like crap.

This looks pretty retarded to be called a sequel to Mafia but are there actually people who are upset that they're shooting the KKK?
>but what about the black panthers hmmmmmm? >:(
Who the fuck cares? The KKK has always been a moronic institution that perpetuated violence throughout the majority of its history up until now, where they've faded into irrelevance.

>I thought you Cred Forumstards had thicker skin
What gave you that impression? Cred Forums is and always will be the most hyper-sensitive, whiny and entitled sector of the SJW community, which is saying a lot.

In the airport scene you kill innocent civilians.

In this you kill terrorists..

Very different fampai

On the plus side, it'll fail so hard that you'll probably be able to play it for 4.99 on Steam by the Thanksgiving sale. So for the people who will play it, at least it'll be less revenue for the numale devs.

'True next gen experience'

>Greatest race ever
>Invented cuckolding


>SJW community
>Cred Forums

>when that bass kicks in


As a Jew, I must admit, we did invent it.

Don't forget to pick up special editions of Mafia 3 and Battlefield 1, boys!

>burning a flag in protest
A-ok, muh first amendment
>burn a cross

This perfectly represents my emotions right now.

>sod off
Blimey, guv.

I feel ill.

KKK hated Italians, Jews, Irish and Blacks.

They're a group of irrational faggots who cry about everything that hurts their fee fees. I'd call that a SJW community.

Is the person playing an actually fucking retarded?



This nigga just Za Warudo'd that dude

>Not micks
Bunch of drunk irishmen.

Welcome to every no-fly list in NATO nations thanks to that post.

They're not getting a penny from me for ruining the series. After Vavra and the 2k czech guys with actual talent and their balls intact left it was clear it was going to be a shit gta clone.
>Tommy gun = preorder bonus
>Can't change clothes
>No reviews until post release
>Shitty gameplay and animations

This is going to be a battleborn level of fuck up.

Responding to bullshit PC behaviour is not getting triggered.

Not all of us are passive cucks like you.

Sorry. You're proud keyboard warriors fighting for your vision of justice in society, but you're certainly not social justice warriors! Didn't mean to trigger you, princess.

>American 'banter'

>If you're not with us your against us
>A bloo bloo bloo we can be victims too!
Why are you here? Go back to 8ch.

Catholics, the KKK are Protestant.

Also, video related

They're not sending out review copies pre-release. It's going to be trash.

Either they were some retarded Youtuber (highly likely since only Youtubers have gotten advance copies), or they were trolling to show how retarded the hit detection and AI are.

The Youtube part is a huge red flag. Those guys make money by playing the latest thing as early as possible. A studio wouldn't even have to pay them for a review because they would get paid by early clicks on their channel.

If you guys thought Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was bad, wait until this thing flops and leaves an entire studio unemployed.

He's half right. There's a fuckload of whiny faggots on Cred Forums always crying about MUH DEGENERACY, taking it way too far like the SJWs do.

>Tommy gun in the fucking 60's?
>you can change close, a free dlc is already in the works to bring new suits to the game.
>people already releasing gameplay[angry joe, radbrad?,other ecelebs]
>great gameplay and animation[other than the webms that get shitposted every thread]
This is going to be the sequel ive been waiting for.

Other than a few shitposters, no one is upset about the KKK, it's the blatant pandering. Black protags are fine, even if it's somewhat stupid in this setting, but this KKK mission just makes it clear that the devs are trying to convey some politically divisive message too.

Cred Forums hates some minority protags because the devs typically feel the need to shoehorn in some sociopolitical message

The NPC isn't bugged. Are you retarded or something? How could you miss the point of the webm.

>No review copies released


I have no plan on purchasing or pirating this crap, I'm just happy knowing that most of the shekels they'll manage to make will come from massive discounts. That alone is usually enough to get a studio shut down.

Why dont people want to play a mafia game set in the 60's era, where you take down the Italian mob. The game even has realistic and arcade driving based around old car chasing movies.

Are you so sure about that?

>garbage pathing
>not a bug

Dude stop being a retard. He probably accidentally runs into them while doing actual mafia shit. Both Mafia games before have had scenes where the protagonist accidentally runs into unrelated trouble and you gotta shoot your way out.

Will the game use Denuvo?

>he thinks the pathing is what is wrong with the webm

>not bugged
>literally DOOR STUCK
>bullet proof empty space is just icing on the cake

No user, it is you who are the retard.

When did I ever say that? You're entitled to your opinion, but not entitled to be impervious to criticism.

>mafia game where you take down the italian mob

Say that out loud, Hayden. That's why your game is going to bomb. You're going to be stuck working on mobile games for the rest of your life because you and your cucked staff wanted to status signal on tumblr instead of making a game that the target audience wanted.

I hope it was worth it.

> blacks enslaved, raped, tortured, mutilated by the thousands for over a hundred years in America
> post civil war, a plethora of systems of violent lynchings by the hundreds, legal slavery in prison system and attesting blacks because of vagrancy, KKK active all the way up in violent means we'll into the 1960s, Jim crow laws, noted lopsided police violence against unarmed black men, the knee-jerk reaction to Obama becoming president sending a Shockwave of extreme right cucks to the voting floor, shooting of a black church by a white boy


> BLM has some extreme sides that has resulted in the racially motivated assault or killings of whites is ALMOST double digits! Also in other news, video games allow blacks to kill whites.


These devs are going to find out really quickly that niggers don't have any money...

I don't remember Mafia games getting political, or even being creepy fantasies of PC community.

The overall feeling of the game is off just from the trailers.

In 2011 more than 7,000 black people were killed by black-on-black crime.

The KKK killed 3,446 blacks over the course of 86 years.

Black-on-black murders surpass the number of people killed by the KKK every six months.

Kill yourself GR shill.

I don't think your fantasy of shooting up your mom's porn production company translates well into gaming.

>webm is the guy at a KKK rally at night
>he shoots them in the back
>there's multiple places he goes to fight the KKK

I can 100% guarantee you that the storyline is going to be the Mafia fighting the KKK.

More black people kill each other in Chicago in a month than the KKK killed in 50 years.

The pathing is one of the things that is wrong in the webm.

I'd hardly call it politically divisive to imply that the KKK are bad guys.

>want to play an open world game as a member of the mafia
>want to go on hitman missions where i get to suffocate people in their sleep, chop someone's head off, scare people in submission, etc, etc, etc
>instead get to play as a black guys who's angry that the mafia killed his friends so he takes them out

What the fuck were they even thinking? Like, who the fuck is even going to play this shit?

Nowadays, unless the publisher knows EXACTLY how the game will fare critically, they'll only send out early copies/codes of high-profile games to Youtube people they can easily influence.

But not the most wrong thing in the webm that would make someone go apeshit like the loser did.

>being this much on the spectrum

Surprised you've made it this far in life tbqh

>consoles are 3 years old
>next gen
What did you expect user. This isn't watch dogs.

>Not having the iconic weapon of the Mafia in a game called the Mafia. Black gangs aren't a mafia before you say so either like you retards always do.
>No you can't. Clothes are dlc. My sides. hahaha.
>Youtubers, the absolute bastions of trust in the industry. Get paid to give a good review.
>Gameplay is literally shit.
Explosions - shite
Animations - shite
AI- Some of the worst I've seen. Pedestrians walking away to phone the police.
Alligators are a canned animation that you can't shoot.
Abysmal combat both shooting wise and close up.

When you can barely scrape 1 million views on your biggest trailer even though that counts every time it's used as a Youtube ad you know you are in trouble. Battleborn had twice the views. I will be laughing when this shit bombs and all you numales at Hangar 13 are unemployed.

aka Trump supporters

fuck off loser

Bigots go in the fire.

Don't bother this thread is full of fat manchildren sitting in their moms basement who want to blame something for the failure of their lives.

>The NPC isn't bugged

>The alt-right is a large proportion of the gaming audience and decides whether or not games make it or break it

Stop this.

With everything that was done wrong in Mafia 2 and the open ending, Hangar 13 had the perfect opportunity to swoop in and save the day with Mafia 3.

Instead we get this shit that looks barely playable because the AI is such trash that it looks primitive compared to SNES games. Yeah, good job spending all that time ordering vegan takeout to go with your soy lattes and brainstorming with cuckhold porn in the background on the office monitor, guys.

This, kek. I remember the excitement of the European fans of Mafia waiting for a great new Mafia game. Instead we get some cucked GTA clone. The reveals all had loads of dislikes as all the original fans had their dreams of a new Mafia game trashed.

who are you quoting?

>entitled kids are mad that they are not getting jus primae noctis

Who mentioned the alt-right in a post about Mafia and Mafia 2 fans? Put the buzzwords away.

As someone from Kentucky who was had traffic jams cause by these retards being able to kill them is a dream come true. Nobody fucking cares if you hate niggers. Go do it somewhere else.


They even make you the undercover agen in that call of duty level to make you less offended. No matter what you do, you get killed off in the end of that level.
But you cant shoot the bad guy when they open fire on the civilians, because
>call of duty

Not the alt right. Non cucked Europeans. It had a big following in Eastern Europe as 2k Czech developed it. That's why it will bomb. Hangar 13 are skill-less that have ruined a great series.

>muh alt-right
What a meme

It's being shilled to casuals. It's one of the larger releases of the year, I doubt the amount of Mafia fans who are off-put by the games direction are going to make or break the success of this game, pandering to them or not.

>mfw spark mandrill could beat the shit out of every npc in mafia 3

>non cucked yuropoor
you mean the one who pirated mafia 1 and 2?

What is the alt-right?

Is that an indie bookstore?

Nobody is talking about white guilt, only nordic cucks, germany and US take this shit seriously. Do you also support child rapists and murderers that are white just because they are white

KKK bombed 16th street Baptist Church in 1963. 22 people were injured and 4 young black girls were killed. But they were just peaceful protesters after all.

I would have been all over that Iron Giant figure if he came with his sick attack mode shit.

>It had a big following in Eastern Europe as 2k Czech

Czechs aren't Orthodox. They can go fuck themselves.

and BLM shot a bunch of innocent cops in Downtown Dallas, but that was just peaceful protests right

Battleborn trailer views.
Reveal - 8.2 million
Launch - 6.2 million
Story - 3.3 million

Mafia 3 can't even beat that even when their trailer is plastered everywhere which counts as 'views'.
Literally just proved me right.
Nice try Hangar 13.

My local grunge station that took over the baptist church radio loop on 106.7

i swear to christ they play that fucking red hot chili peppers song like once an hour

If you replaced every black criminal with a member of the KKK, murders and violent crimes on blacks would dramatically decrease.

Wiggle and writhe as much as you want, you can't escape that fact.

Please type that in English you illiterate fuck.

>shoot some peaceful KKK protesters who are just burning a cross

It's like me going to a BLM protest and shooting everyone for burning the american flag

>One veteran kills 5 police officers
>Blame it on BLM
The difference between this and the kkk attacks are that the kkk attacks are actually organized.

One's a hate group, with an overwhelmingly racist and negative agenda, while the other is a movement interspersed with both scholars and idiots, with the idiots doing stupid shit.

If you somehow think the KKK isn't batshit crazy, and base that on "they haven't hung black man in years", then you need a reality check. BLM doesn't have a deep, rich history rooted in extreme racism. It's new, it's being shaped, and more than anything the intent is to bring attention to race issues. I don't support the voracity of the movement, especially when it comes to the uneducated (particularly when they assume race is to blame for things that are a stretch), but it's achieving its goals and starting a discussion.

Really, what does the KKK do in this day and age? There's like, 30 of them or something.

>veteran known to be affiliated to BLM
>focused solely on whites and hispanics
let's also not forget the mass amount of damage BLM did in Ferguson, not once or twice but THREE TIMES



BLM is evil on principle, because of the disinformation.

Let's look a the crime rate. Black people commit 50% of violent crimes and white people commit 30% of violent crimes. Yet the police kills twice as many white people.

I don't even get it, everyone is laughing at feminists, because of the fake wage gap bullshit, but when it comes to BLM, some white faggots will always defend them even here on Cred Forums. Why is "racism" such a boogieman compare to "sexism"?

But throwing rocks off freeways, setting people on fire, and looting your community is perfectly fine.

>Joe is alive even though the ending clearly states that it's over for Joe.

I'm not sure what to make of it but there was something about vito being alive as a character and then the next thing a mision later one of the characters are talking about vito being a tired man, and finally getting some rest and to see joe
I have no idea what to make of it because it was just a 10 second segment of speech out of nowhere with no build up
but you might be wrong
it was in a 2 hour long gameplay video but i can't remember the time stamp of when the conversation took place

One is a domestic terror group started by democrats to keep southern blacks and whites in line, the other is a domestic terror group started by democrats to keep blacks and whites in line.

Wow, totally completely utterly absolutely different things.

Yeah man cats and elephants are the same shit too basically mate



This one?

You're dillusional. You don't pander to SJWs by having a black protag shooting KKK members. Do you think they rushed to their local Gamestop to preorder after hearing about this "amazing new content."

>niggers are bad therefore we should support white niggers

Here's your (you)

They were just burning a cross in that scene.

Can't wait for the KKK playable model by the end of the day this game is released.

this wemb is great.

I guess I should buy this game.

>You don't pander to SJWs by having a black protag shooting KKK members
kek yes you do the social justice camp wants nothing more than white genocide.

Cant wait for this cuck shit game to bomb

Rednecks with white supremacy issues versus oppressed colored folk looking for a revolution.

Yes, it's completely different. "Domestic terrorism." Yeah sure dude. If you feel threatened by BLM then the issue is you. If you're opposed to basic fair treatment based on skin color then fuck off. That's some juvenile shit right there.

Literally the first free update is changing clothes.

How the fuck do you even jump to that conclusion?

>Oppressed colored folk looking for a revolution


They're terrorists. They aren't oppressed any more than anyone else.

The game takes place in 1968 you dumbo.

Have you been living under a rock for the past three years? Literally everything is white peoples fault to these people.
>george Zimmerman
>still white peoples fault
>white people's fault
>white people's fault
>muh systematic racism


I'd bet hard money every single white person is a hateful racist that can't wait to see a black man just so he can call him a nigger.

And this.

You won't even reply because you know you have no facts to back up your shit.

I wouldn't be bothered by this if it wasn't called Mafia.
It might be fun to have some kind of satiric blaxploitation game where you're a black guy killing racists and rednecks in american south.


>5 years ago, every comedian and news outlet is afraid of angering Muslims because they know they'll be murdered in the street if they do.

>Today, everyone is afraid of angering blacks because they will just riot, burn their own neighborhood to the ground, and continue to ruin things while crying about "racism".

How are these two different? Terrorists are terrorists.


B-but my social justice! The police who killed that black person!!!! IT"S RACISM!!!!!!!! THE PATRIARCHY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>review copies not being sent out early
Sorry m8, it will be shit

>look at me im colored and oppressed

>implying you have any

post this on negrogaf, not here.

>Tommy gun in the fucking 60's?

The Thompson was still used in Vietnam.

Why is Cred Forums so gullible?

That's pretty much the only response you get get out of people. The scary thing is people would laugh at you in a debate if you had no facts but that doesn't really happen anymore.

The KKK were gud boys they dindu nuffin


Whose this nu male?

oh please tell me how black racists are different from white racists

Da black """""""racists""" are just expressing their unhapiness with the white racists!!! your just a white mail so you wouldnt understand!

KKK is more severe in their terrorist planned attacks and have a history of being vile.

BLM has recently had some terrorist associations, but never since their founding was their motive to kill all whites.

>Mafia 1 was garbage
>Mafia 2 was garbage
>Mafia 3 is going to be garbage

Like clockwork. Nothing can save this garbage series

>Absolutely despise SJW shit
>Beat my head against my desk listening to their bullshit every day
>Still, I have to interview this faggot, because interacting with these people is the only way to keep my job

I don't want it anymore.

Are any of them even armed?
>shooting unarmed people is okay now

>opressed black folk
+1 credits added to your virtue signaling account ;)

>but never since their founding was their motive to kill all whites.

That's literally 100% of what they have always wanted.

Literally the founder for BLM is a white hating cop killer whose on the fucking FBI most wanted. kys my man

Who's ''mafia'' ?

>Game has shown to be buggy, repetitive and generic as fuck in both story and gameplay and hideous in graphics

Show me the lynches, and history of racism towards whites.
Show me the meetings and organizations of planning to kill whites.

Go on, I'll wait.

>nigger runs burgerland for 8 years
>black people still think they cant get ahead

niggers will always move the goal post

>tfw have to operate light and audio tech on shitty youtuber convention

My only issue with this game is that 1 we know that the main character is probably related to one of the characters from Mafia 2 simply due to the fact he is lighter skinned and Vito himself is part of your gang.
My second biggest grip is that it is called Mafia when you aren't even in a mafia.

Blacks kill more blacks in 1 week than KKK ever did

Nigga these demos came out after the game went gold, this is the final game

>oppressed black folk
thank you for correcting the record

here you go

>mfw I can finally kill whitey
I mean the game still looks like trash, but I might pick it up on the low to play on february

>show me the meetings
How about the murdering and assault of cops and random assaults on white people that are regular at their "peaceful protests"

>ex-Marine store security manager was a member of the Klan
>real good about keeping it on the downlow
>is heading to a meeting over the weekend asks if I want to go
>show up wearing a polo and some jeans
>no hoods, no burning crosses, no inflammatory speeches
>just a bunch of methheads, bikers and untermenschs drinking shitty beer and playing Lynyrd Skynyrd songs
>barbecue was good at least

This is the big scary boogeyman black people are afraid of, a bunch of NASCAR watching rednecks who have more tattoos than teeth.

I said BLM not ANC.
Try again.

It's all fun and good until your house gets burned down, right m8?

Still going to be sympathizing with "muh slavery" after you're targeted for doing absolutely nothing?


That baby's face
>this shit is retarded
>someone spent time making this?

Gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills. At least you don't have to massage a bull's prostate then jerk it off.

>game is called Mafia
>you play as a black supremacist terrorist dude
>the mafia barely makes an appearance

Why couldn't they just make a new IP instead of raping the story of a game that would just be a shittier version of GTA if it wasn't for the story?

I'd rather black people get assaulted and murdered in trivial numbers back in the past in regards to the KKK.

What BLM did isn't comparable. It wasn't even BLM just a man who was a part of the organization. One man.
You still haven't given me what I asked for.

uh no this is what you said

>Show me the lynches, and history of racism towards whites.
>Show me the meetings and organizations of planning to kill whites.

Keep moving the goalpost tho


Come on, man. How organized do you think a pack of chimps can get? You've gotta at least give them a little credit.

Who was talking about ANC? No one.
I wouldn't expect a reasonable answer from someone who doesn't have contextual reading comprehension.

>Why couldn't they just make a new IP

Because social justice shit doesnt sell so they rather infiltrate shit to push their agenda

The KKK has been like that since the 30's and they don't even advocate killing blacks, they advocate keeping people separate. BLM literally makes the same argument, they think blacks will always be treated unfairly in a white dominated system and so they should have their own.

>BLM is literally threatening people and holding communities and people hostage today
>b-but the KKK did the same thing

What a non-argument. Today's problems are different than yesterdays. Blacks have every chance to succeed in life and still shit on it and commit 50% of violent crime alone. There is no excuse. It's time to put the foot down and whip them into shape. We tried be apologetic and giving them room to do what they want because "muh slavery" but that hasn't worked.

And the sad truth is that the vast majority of blacks in America have no ancestors that were slaves here.

Ever heard of the knock out game? You know where niggers sneak up on white people and hit them in the temple and knocks them out almost definitely causing brain damage.

I wonder if this is because of BLM. I was completely unaware of this and thought it was just a stupid thing pushed by a small community. I've seen one video, but not enough for it to be common. It doesn't feel organized however.

I'll give you that. I'd still prefer the KKK playing a "knock out game" with blacks in the past than brutally murdering them, burning houses down, and chasing them out of town.

BLM and KKK are both in bad terms, but in comparison the KKK is far worse.

>These video games are offensive! How dare you depict [favored ethnicity] negatively.

Who does it better Cred Forums or tumblr?


>>Show me the lynches, and history of racism towards whites.
>Show me the meetings and organizations of planning to kill whites.

Theres no mention of BLM here

Keep moving the goalposts though

The KKK never dominated and operated openly in society like BLM does. They were always a fringe minority group that was shunned.

BLM has the support of the media and all leftists.

Pol does it because they're not a bunch of self hating nu males

>>A terrorist org that killed hundreds of people
we must stop black lifes matter

From first hand experience I can surely say the knock out game wasn't just done by blacks but any teenage boy who can't seem to stay in his girlfriend longer than 2 minutes without blowing his load.

>nigger apologism
Jesus fucking Christ, what a huge piece of shit.

There's no mention of BLM because this thread is about BLM vs KKK.

Are you mental?

>Show me the lynches, and history of racism towards whites.
>Show me the meetings and organizations of planning to kill whites.

Black Panthers and BLM shooters

If you are Asian, Hispanic, or white I would also recommend taking a stroll through a real black ghetto. You'll see actual racism when it comes to stab your ass.

>Not gunning down niggers and KKK because they both vote democrat

You can spot a really good game when Cred Forums is shitposting about it for more than a week now

so wheres the game where i can shoot up black panthers?

Nice chart. They're protesting mass incarceration and murder of blacks by cops. You know, the thing they can control and make a change in.

The only BLM protestor know is a mixed female who graduated from Ivy League and is now teaching at a college. You'll find a batch of idiots within any actvist groups.

Racists are garbage regardless of color man. The difference is that the KKK is fundamentally founded in racism. It's a cult. They even have spoopy uniforms.

I live an apt in NYC and I can't be mistaken for racist.

They killed some commies in the 70s but that's really it. The KKK/white nationalist movement has been heavily infiltrated by the Feds for decades and at most has like 5000 people.

The people he was responding to were talking about blm. Jesus youre dense

>Good game.
You either haven't played video games long enough or haven't been on this site for more than a few months.

More whites are killed by cops and blacks commit more crime than whites. God forbid the cops be little weary around blacks.

Seeing that BLM ended up killing one of their own recently, does that mean they're not a peaceful protest anymore also?

Mafia 3 will be shit. Especially since they butchered the story which was really the only good thing about the 2nd game.

Why would you do a such thing?

Yeah, along with the niggers
Fucking crackers and niggers need to fucking die

This is some intricate planning. Not just some kid angrily spewing nonsense. Some really intricate, detailed planning. One activist held a meeting and planned to kill whites, is what you're saying this video contains.

Okay, I'll count that as a rebuttal.
I want you to compare this, to a regular KKK meeting. They are not the same.

It's not in the game.
Nice try you talentless hack. Get a real job.

OHH sorry that I don't read through 200 posts

Maybe be a bit more precise next time cause there aren't only two people in this thread

>they butchered the story which was really the only good thing about the 2nd game.
>vito ranks up
>he loses everything
>he ranks up
>he loses everything
>he ranks up
>he loses everyting
>he almost loses everything
>the end

epic goty story

I think it's ironic.

The FBI has invest millions upon millions infiltrating the KKK so much that pretty much every KKK member is probably an undercover police or informant yet they hardly infiltrate or pay attention to real gangs and dangerous organizations like Black Panthers or BLM.

>mass incarceration

Blacks commit a disproportionate amount of crime.

More white people are murdered by cops than blacks, both armed and unarmed. Whites don't care about that because they believe in the justice system and that if it was a bad shooting, the cop will be punished.

Blacks don't believe in the justice system because they think they're being oppressed, when they're not. The democrats fed them that idea and enable them. Everyone knows black communities are dysfunctional as fuck.

Black Panthers =/= BLM
If you were to say KKK and Black Panthers are about the same, I would agree with you.

>I would also recommend taking a stroll through a real black ghetto. You'll see actual racism when it comes to stab your ass.

I've had more than enough experience with this. Makes me sad.

Since we are on the subject of the Mafia, anyone know any games that have are good mafia games or have a really nice mafia aesthetic?

Also, here's what you fags are asking for

Robert Mugabe would like a word.

It's not even made by the original Czech developers anymore. The IP has been hijacked by Americucks.

You don't have a grasp on the situation.

Mafia I & 2

>I'm going to jump into an argument I know nothing about, while having no contextual basis to sound my argument off of. After that, I'm going to blame the person I'm arguing with for expecting me to know what I'm talking about.

xD ebin dude.

Jesus fucking christ this stat

Do you think someone in the ghetto is going to drive to a white community with active police to steal rob and murder?

No. They're going to go one block down the street you fucking retard.

God I fucking hate alt right dipshits so much. No facts, all internet bullshit, never have the guts to say a fucking thing IRL because the truth is every alt-right hardliner is an out of shape, poor, temprarily embarrased millionaire who keeps getting mad at people who enjoy life or fight for anything because they dont do a fucking thing beyond a keyboard. I truly wish I could meet you people in the street where you werent allowed to carry a gun.

>They're protesting mass incarceration and murder of blacks by cops
Gee if only there was some way for black people to avoid this.

>but muh racial profiling!!!
What do you expect when blacks commit an overwhelming amount of crime? People who have no idea what being a cop is like telling cops how to do their jobs it's ridiculous. It doesn't matter if that hood nigga over there is holding gun or a phone in his pocket, if you're wrong you're dead. There's a reason why cops are always on edge.

>Robert Mugabe

It's real bad in Africa, what they're doing over there is KKK level. BLM doesn't even come close.

>2 cops shot(killed i'm assuming) vs hundreds of blacks killed by the KKK


That's one long buttmad post without an argument kid. Maybe grow up and get a job.

Being poor doesn't excuse crime, neither does being black.

What situation? The fact blacks are more violent than any other race? How about the fact wherever you go in the world if its run by blacks its shit? What situation am I missing?

u mad

no, u

that nigger is eating that poor white man's finger, why wouldnt you want to?

Can I kill blacks and be come a redpilled african man?

>I truly wish I could meet you people in the street where you werent allowed to carry a gun.

>Wewuzfia III

The animations, half-assed stealth, turbovision, silly muzzle flashes and explosions just look so unpolished.

I can see the headlines now

"Mafia 3 fails to meet sales expectation, or why racist white males are ruining the game industry"

>you have to shoot people who hate niggers

kek, never change guys

>I truly wish I could meet you people in the street where you werent allowed to carry a gun.

Even if the KKK were peacefully assembling protesters in the 1960s, let's remember that this game is called MAFIA


Blacks have not added a single thing to the world. Lest Whites have invented a ton of things that have benefited the world.

Why do you keep mentioning the KKK? Are you trying to argue their existence is the justification for BLM and their terrorist actions? Are you saying BLM is acceptable?

And I love the logic.

>whites forever more have to apologize for racism and slavery
>meanwhile whites have saved billions, yes billions of brown lives with medicine, technology, and charity work and are the only race in history that ever fought a war with itself for the sake of another race

Let alone the fact that whites weren't the only ones to own slaves or be racist.

But I guess whites just need to perpetually apologize because of the actions of a few.

>where you werent allowed to carry a gun.
kek good luck with that shit captain edgy

i hope you can not shoot them so they will kill franklin, oh man its gonna be gr8 game letting master race kill franklin over and over again, goty

I'm not arguing any of that.
I'm arguing whether or not KKK can be likened to BLM.

If you want to rant go write a blog.

lol butthurt :^)

The Mafia weren't black people. This is purely a racial hate thing. A literal it's ok when black people do it.

Whites are the ONLY race the tolerates blacks.

Other races including blacks themselves HATE blacks.

Can you remove kebab though?

>people hating the game even before the release just becase you can shoot up kkk

Thank god the south managed to fuck up and lose he war.

Mafia 3 will be crap but jesus fucking christ can you guys stop getting bothered every time a game has a non-white protag?

But who was the one that even said they were equal? Who even brought up BLM?

this thread is proof that Cred Forums is dead

>op makes a joke
>someone gets triggered
>everyone gets triggered
>thread doesn't even talk about the game

Nice fucking board vee


>game is called mafia
>play as a black power serial killer

Blame the cuck devs for trying to push their agenda instead of making a fucking videogame.


Post the webm of the grenade.

This guy
I should've read his entire sentence. Black Panthers can be compared to KKK, but BLM cannot. They haven't the brevity or time to even compare.

Pretty much every webm in this thread shows "gameplay"

It's all janky garbage

This game has nothing to do with Mafia.


>Blame the cuck devs for trying to push their agenda
Games can't have black characters anymore?

>Self loathing reddit scum in this thread
When the government comes and kicks you out of your house to put in a in-need spic family, I'll be laughing.

we should aspire to be peaceful protestors like BLM

It's going to be worse than Jimmy's Vendetta isn't it

Kill Whitey: The Game

Not when you're making a "realistic" video game and you put them in places they clearly don't belong. Like in a fucking Mafia.

the door is considered a solid object.
He isn't stuck on the door, he clearly is just trying to move in the shortest path to the player. You can see him change directions away from the door when the player moves over there.

>Not when you're making a "realistic"
They're not, have you played any of the other fucking games?

>>>>>>>>>>nigger culture


Mafia 1:
>play as a Taxi driver who joins the mafia
Mafia 2:
>Play as an Italian immigrant who gets back from the war then joins the Mafia
Mafia 3:
>Play as a psychopath black power terrorist serial killer that barely has anything to do with the mafia

>attacking a peaceful protest
I love the double standards in today's society

Then name the game "KKK-killer simulator". Not fucking "Mafia 3". Theres nothing mafia about the footage we've seen so far.

So that's what a typical Cred Forums goer looks like.

So why must they rob and murder each other? Being poor isn't an excuse to act like an asshole that can't stop committing crimes.

so will mafia 3 be the end of the mafia series? what can they do with the IP after this, the game isn't even about being a mafioso anymore

they should have made a new IP for this.

>tfw I have that laptop
Compaq CQ60
Use it as my media center in our living room. Thing runs at 99C most times though.

The fuck is the problem, they're not forcing you to kill them. You can massacre civilians in games like this if you want to, but you get mad over this shit?

Mafia series have already ended. This is some idiot American devs riding its corpse to sell their shitty SJW pandering game.

That's the real tragedy of the internet, gives a voice to people who don't deserve to be heard.

isn't it illegal to desecrate a flag in cuckland?

I find this one funny. If that was a Hillary statue out their with saggy tits and nasty wrinkly ass, people would demand the artists head on a platter, but because it's trump, it's A-Okay.

They can ignore it when it happens to others, but they can't stand seeing anything happen to their own group. It's called "white fragility".

well that explains it, got the same treatment like silent hill not being about the silent hill anymore

wasn't Mafia supposed to be the quality cosa nostra game?

this looks like Godfather 3

The difference is that in the Mafia series you are not incentivized to kill people at random, instead you are usually given targets and you go after them. The problem lies that as far as we have seen in gameplay, all the targets are white people. Not to mention that negro and nigger are never heard but wop and mic are tossed out like they are nothing.

Is the game going to be about muh white oppression when we know that rich niggers commit more crime than poor whites?

You haven't played Resident Evil 5? The people killed in that game also weren't part of a hate group.

Are the KKK even a thing any more?

finally we get to kill some honkeys.

black power. black lives matter.

Hi Cred Forums

Why is Cred Forums so full of disgusting cucks now?


Sorry but the infestation has to be nipped in the bud before it gets worse. It's getting worse than Cred Forums at a very rapid speed.


>all the targets are white people
You really offended about that? It's fucking pixels here, why would I care. I don't think any game rewards mass murdering doesn't mean it hasn't been done by nearly everyone in games that allow it


It's hard to stop the infestation, because not many people can tell Cred Forums shitposts like your own from genuine posts.

Cred Forums spends their life energy screaming at computers because of a videogame screenshot.

You couldn't write funnier shit.

Did you take your meds this morning

If you're referring to the US, no it's not illegal here.

And retards here think Cred Forums and video games don´t relate.

US would be a first world country without nogs, just imagine

the welfare state reduced to zilch, crime as as little as in any white nation by the numbers, social cohesion up by a factor of 6 million

the blacks in america are as violent and criminal as their african counterparts by today's statistics, literally worthless

The great thing about liberals is there natural propensity for doublethink, and that manifests in their total obliviousness to their hypocrisy. Heres an example: Any whites complaining about their portrayals is weakness and "fragility", meanwhile they do nothing but incessently whine about all the different poor minority groups portrayal in the media. They're unthinking drones.

based as fuck brother


compared to the rest of Cred Forums that does the same exact thing, but for every game...


Please Hillary, stop shitposting and go pay your shills their 3 cents for Correcting The Recordâ„¢

>game rampage

everyone is new in this thread by the looks of it

fuck off op you fucking shill

Its not an excuse, it's just a cause. Hindsight is 20/20. A ton of people resort to crime in order to make ends meet, thats just human nature regardless of race. Anyone with a basic knowledge of human behavior understands this.

And the libtards, niggers, spics, yellow niggers, and kikes are freaking out over a cartoon frog to the point that the ADL labeled pepe as a "hate symbol".

Not to sound rude but I am really trying to understand what the hell you are saying in that third run-on sentence there.
You mind clarifying that a bit?

Why don't white libfags just kill themselves if they hate themselves so much?

whites don't

it's not whether you're poor it because they can, some people prey on others for just that simple fact. If they feel that someone is weak they will take advantage. Not to mention jail provides you with 3 meals a day and daily exercise and a roof over your head something that a job that pays minimum wage is not going to always provide. There are way too many advantages to doing the wrong thing regardless of race it's crazy.

How is the dindu going to get to the white community in the first place if he has no job to get a car?

stop posting that white supremacist!

White people don't commit crimes?
Is that a joke?

The dindus are on welfare and they still commit crimes so your comment doesn't hold up, but please continue to make excuses for the trash of society.

I've grown to hate niggers more and more every year since the obama administration....


sides AWOL, thank you

ugh, django unchained all over again. Gonna wait for bargain bin on this one.

ignoring the point and reality of what I said

poverty doesn't explain black crime, race does - when looking at the statistics, it's clearly not wealth that makes the difference but race

poor whites do not resort to crime nearly as readily as blacks do, poor or not

got it right here

facts are racist

Yeah I don't care enough to make well thought out sentences on Cred Forums, but that doesn't require much reading comprehension

anyone think it's dumb how racism means you can murder them in cold blood?

Hoh boy random uncited racist charts.

Thanks for the stormfront copypasta Cred Forums

At this point, which board is more angsty and edgy: Cred Forums, Cred Forums, or Cred Forums?

Nah, it's a game.


I mean like in movies and shit.
Guy says nigger and suddenly that's enough reason for him to be the main villain and get brutally torn apart by wolves or thrown into a trash compactor legs first or some shit.

>People who don't agree with me are Cred Forums and Cred Forums.

idiot liberals want their freedoms protected but not for others. typical

>taken from The Color of Crime using Federal and State statistical data
Reading is hard when you have the IQ of a gorilla.

>those teeth

Normally I would have no problem with this, but now it just feel so forced.

Maybe racists are the new convenient enemies now that nazis, aliens and terrorists are sort of done.

Nice job putting words in my mouth. Try reading my question again.

actually BLM is very acceptable
you bastard americans treated the black so very very very badly that they completely lost all of their culture and all of the crime in black communities is completely because of white americans
honestly,you americans never learned your lesson and attacked and killed millions in muslim countries after you were done with blacks
this is jut the reaction of all the shit you white americans did over the course of history

>cares about the poor negros trapped in the ghetto, kept down by poverty
>mocks white people trapped in the trailer parks, kepy down by poverty
And no, I'm not saying you should care about that piece of white trash. I'm saying you shouldn't care about trash people of any color. They're all subhuman.

>it's still 1995 in Africa
Holy shit, I'm packing my bags RIGHT now.

So do you kill any black people in this game or is it all just killing whitey?

>Nice job putting words in my mouth
You put those words out there not me.

>killing muslims


5 cops were killed by BLM

I think he's more referencing a point in American history where the KKK wasn't a dead, neutered organization with next to no membership, and was instead a thing to be feared exactly because it was capable of and willing to use violence.

Not everything is motivated by a particular leaning of political ideology you insufferable cunt. Some of it is just history.

Found the person who's never interacted with black people before

I'll make it simpler for you stupid, since I said nothing about agreeing or disagreeing with people. Which board, between, Cred Forums, Cred Forums, and Cred Forums has the most wannabe, hardcore, edgy, angry, teen-angst users?

In this ITT

I'm certain that you haven't either

>tfw growing up "white trash" actually made me smarter than I would be otherwise unlike you guys

Cred Forums needs to leave

>in this in this thread

also I fucking love boston

yes,infact if the us were to completely disappear of the face of this planet,everyone would be in peace
you are a parasite on this planet

You're all degenerates. Keep your shit genes to your own kind.

>Not taking into account gang culture
Is a skewed report supposed to change my mind?

>Cred Forums btfo'd Cred Forums on shilling World Peace
>Cred Forums btfo'd Cred Forums on shilling the KKK
>Hillary recovered from her pneumonia and slayed Donald in the debate

Rough year for Cred Forums

>ideologically left-wing
>can't really bring myself to support any left-wing/progressive movement because I know, deep down, they hate me for being a straight white guy

I've seen it too many times in media to count. There is a serious amount of rampant stupidity happening in the left, and this game is no exception. Sending the message that it's okay to mercilessly murder dozens of KKK because they are racist, is fucking disgusting. We have come to the point where "racism" instantly dehumanizes a person and makes them out to be a literal demon, where it's soon going to be okay to eviscerate their corpse and shit on it.

We'll never know what psychological flaw led them to be that way, we'll never have the chance to punish them properly and humanely, or even correct them, because the level of hatred poured forth for racists is simply too much.

And the irony? The people alive today haven't ever experienced racism as intense as the actual slaves of 100+ years ago.

Why should I bother purchasing a game that promotes such rampant stupidity and hatred? You don't fight hatred with hatred. We are supposed to be better than that.

I'm not American. I can drink tasty drinks filled with too much sugar, eat hamburgers to my heart's content, shitpost on the internet all I want and play video games until I die.
Living under American hegemony's not so bad.

what fucking black people have you interacted with
most every one i've met has been a normal fucking person

and i live in fucking los angeles

being reasonable and left-wing right now is seemingly rare
or impossible, if you ask pol i guess
god forbid people be reasonable that aren't on your side of the field

Fuck off Cred Forums, nobody likes you

Identity politics are an exclusively western anti-ussr left thing. You don't have to fellate Stalin but there's alternatives to dyed hair bullshit.

I swear this scene was specifically made to be reposted on Cred Forums

well then i don't mind if you hate me i just hate americans because i lost relatives to us drone atatcks

whites are either cowardly racist or both, and every time I see a statistics on crime rate it proves this even further, if you want shit to change stop being pussies.
> white fathers
> not disappointed in their non-chad like sons
> pick one

I find it funny how it's been like a year since i've seen a "Cred Forums is always right" post. It's like people realized their predictions were just a fluke.

Thanks for giving us your IP to target you too, terrorist.

sent ;)

The KKK hasn't committed a violent crime in ~30 years and has ~5000 members in the US

HEY! Mobsters do get political!

Just as long as they can find a way to exploit it like counterfeiting war bonds, and taking advantage of labor unions by turning them into rackets.

Funfact blacks are 10 times more likely to rape than white people

Can you shoot the Black Panthers?

well atleast i know sweden's government does not mind muslims regardless of how rightwing the citizens are

uk? not sure

Is this real?

>the color of crime 2005
does being a cuck make you illiterate or something?
it was literally a google search away

The last KKK lynching was how long ago? Every death at any KKK event for decades has been a KKK member getting killed by the "anti-racists"

2015 crime stats

don't let Cred Forums fool you with fbi statistics, made by white people to keep the black man down

It's not illegal. I know Antonin Scalia held that flag desecration was protected under the Constitution. Not sure how the legal reasoning goes.

if it's of any consolation, since it is the 60's you are killing a bunch of Democrats

>Cred Forums never shitposts on Cred Forums, I swear!
>your just a cuck!
You faggots are worse than niggers.

Sorry guys.
SJWs also discuss and talk about things.

If you do that, you're the same as them.
Also if you breathe, you're the same as them.
I mean. Come on. Perfect sense right?

So why was the other thread deleted but this one gets to stay up?

Yep. Pretty shocking, isn't it?


Is anyone, in this thread not actually white and from the US?

The fuck? Your own pic disproves you

>they aren't lynching therefore it's peaceful


do you guys ever get sick of being edgy contrarians? after a while, it would seem like it would be tiring trying to stand on the opposite side of the room from literally everyone

Damn... that's really brave of them

Please tell me there is at least a stream of these movies

Reminder that the NAACP and the Black Panthers were literally created by the Jews to mobilize blacks against ethnic White Catholic neighborhoods.

Can you read the right side of the image per 100000 you mouth breathing tard?

I'm planning to pirate it and do some model swaps.

Main character becomes KKK member, KKK members become #BLM. Should be able to get a few million views on jewtube and cause some butthurt.

Look at the percentage of population. Think about it.

Im blacker than midnight and from VA.
Just trying to keep Cred Forums contained in this thread.

>there are people who fell for this bait



>The Pope, the FUCKING POPE, financed the Mafia after WW2 to scare the population and never let the Communists win in Sicily
>USA financed the Mafia to control the drug market in the mediterranean during the 70s and 80s
>Many people died in order to fight this criminal organization
>Movies like Godfather and many other american flicks made things even worse and gave them a special aurea of integrity and

>videogame series paint it as a prideful page of the American history (thankfully no italian references except for the

obvious godfather's quotes)

>somehow now it's black heritage, pride against the white man and its slaverty

Really America?


fucking kill yourself, you, your filthy niggers, your sluts and your dumb politicians

No its not, all black people are vulnerable innocent little angels. You must praise them and hate all white males.

Haven't you been to college? They teach you how to suck black dick.

Nothing says Mafia more than killing the KKK and destroying racist symbols

They are not committing any violent acts therefore it is peaceful. I'm going to give you a tip senpai. Google the definition of violent. Every arrest at a KKK event was someone beating up or killing the KKK members.

The men don't.
The women probably disagree with being raped.

Can I shoot faggots?

will the game acknowledge that point though...


Living in mud huts isn't culture.

The percentage of the population doesn't matter, it's going by per 100,000

>they aren't lynching therefore it's peaceful

Objectively correct. If you are not causing any violence, it is peaceful.

>The only major you can study is liberal arts
Are you a high school drop-out?

It will probably be possible to kill yourself in some way, so yes.

Yeah that's exactly what I was reading

What college did you go to? I gurantee I can find a mandatory cuck class

T. Cuck

God you are pathetic

yes it is you fucking racist. Hopefully Hillary kills all white people and Cred Forums disappears. That will be the end of racism.


Obama has come a long way.

Historically the Ku Klux Klan is quite literally a terrorist organization.


the clayton bigsby mod

We're both open minded people.
Surely you can give some examples of the KKK committing violence since then, yes?

>The KKK killed less, so that means they aren't as bad
Jesus Christ that logic.

>10 times, 3 times, who cares about facts it's the same thing

>shoot klansmen
>the dont shoot back

why tho?

Currently BLM is litterally a terrorist organization. The riots in the 60's were also way worse regardless of what you MLK loving teachers wanted you to believe

BLM is quite literally a terrorist organization as well. They use violence and riots to achieve their political goals.

Anthropology covers the race and history requirement.
Actually look for other classes that you can take instead of blindly listening to the academic advisor.

Remember when Hillary Clinton said blacks were superpredators that need to be brought to heel?

This game is a liberal power fantasy for SJW faggots who want to believe that if only they lived back then they could single-handily stand up to the KKK and fix history.

But... this is taking place during the Jim Crow era and niggers got hung at those rallies, but look more like a dumb ass. I like it.

Any other non-white lurkers of the like here?

This entire thread is just Cred Forums bait, people are going ham because of the US Elections, this is the only beginning of how things are going to get. No matter who wins or loses Cred Forums is going to loose their shit and spam all the other boards.

>Watching this thread go up in flameswho just wants to play Sci-Fi and Fantasy game and is waiting for Cyberpunk 2077, Tyranny, and pirate Mass Effect Andromeda

>Taking pride that your pet monkeys are 3x more likely to rape
Take victories where you can huh sjw?

you can get started here

Black culture is American black culture which is pretty much crime, music and bad English

Give an example from the last 50 years.
I'll wait.

Cut it down to 45

They're peaceful Spanish Wizards, not Klansmen. They're burning a cross as part of a Christmas ritual, and it's confusing for Americans

Anybody have that image of Hillary quotes where she calls that one guy a kike?

>Admits that niggers are dumb and violent
>Whilst trying to say the other post was wrong

You libshits need to step up your game.

I didnt give a fuck about this vame but the fact that this triggers pol manchildren more than hugh mungus triggers feminists is a glorious achievement


>it's an everyone gets triggered for no reason episode

3 times is actually pretty underwhelming desu, I don't trust women and rape accusations anyway

>complain about Cred Forums bait
>use Cred Forums bait in your post

No, that means they are a pointless bogeyman to go after it. Black people cannot take responsibility so they deflect the fault of them and their fellow black people on white men. Take for instance the whole BLM shit. White police officer killing unarmed blacks is so rare. Most of the time democrats and black people are in charge of the city or the police department. Almost all of the things they chimp out over are justified shootings. When it's a black cop they still blame it on white racism. They ignore all white, hispanic, and Asian police killings. 9 times out of 10 they were more unjustified then what they are protesting over. 2 studies have proved there is no racial bias in police shootings. Instead blacks are more likely to hate police. In simulation cops are more likely to shoot the white perpetrator.

>Pictured: The developers

Bunch of fags.

How is Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization? It isn't even organized, anyone can use a hashtag. The Ku Klux Klan was founded on terrorizing blacks in the Southern United States during and after the civil war.

If someone calls themselves members of ISIS but peacefully protests, would you say they aren't a terrorist?

Yuropoor here
I hope the racewar finally explodes in america

I'm tired of you
your fucking propaganda is getting disgusting

Just mc-fucking say you want to kill each other over your stupid white/black suprematism
stop with this politically correcteness

Just say once and for all, clear as crystal you hate white people, you want to kill them all, fuck their daughters and ruin their graves.

just say it, because honestly the rest of the World doesn't give a fuck about your skin problems

but the love of God just say it clear

Enjoy going back to the stone age, then.

Everywhere but the east will be like Sudan and Liberia. China and Russia will recolonize everything and probably wipe everyone out that isn't Arabic or oceanic

Either way I'm genuinely curious.

You're not getting genocided
Fuck you you inconsiderate shitskin

>modern KKK
>made up of feds
>feds shooting feds
what did they mean by this?

Yeah I forgot that the KKK wasn't real.

>3x is pretty underwhelming
Jesus christ the nigger apologism is real

SHHHH don't say anything user!

Come the fuck on man. Fucking hell

Milwaukee riots seem to be forgotten quickly.

Feminists aren't getting genocided

They are being given EVERYTHING and they still bitch about not getting enough

The fact you even need to ask that statement is outstanding. Check out the Charlotte "protests", hunting down white people in Miwaulkee, etc. And look at nobody in the media or BLM denouncing it.

By your logic the KKK isn't a terrorist organization because some member somewhere did not believe in lynching people.

No reading comprehension

They set white people on fire, commit hate crimes against white people, kill cops and burn cities down? You know the Klan has alawys been separated into like over 100+ little groups and isn't organized in the slightest and hasn't killed anybody since the early 80's

hahaha I just want to be PC so that way people on facebook will think I'm cool!

OK, in your alternate universe where white people are the only ones with brains.

lel dont flatter yourselves. You're nothing but violent imperialists and sadists who have a history of nothing but bloodshed through many wars.
White people are scum of the earth.

In the last 45 years they're irrelevant.

>Hillary's America

Negro Faggots Blaming Whitey for everything.

5000 members, 75% FBI. Have not committed a single crime in decades. Every crime at a KKK event is a anti-racist killing a KKK member or beating them up.


>People deprived of institutions and education for centuries score lower in white-eurocentric IQ tests.

Wow, color me surprised.

Hillary is the true queen of Cred Forums. TIDF and JIDF have taken over that board for fear of an actual anti-semetic white supremacist gaining power.

Nah heres the real ones

the modern kkk is nothing but an irrelevant boogeyman now, if it wasn't for pop culture glamorizing them as bad guys i would think they're a defunct group

african tribesman have always shared women like lawnmowers but I presume that it's somehow empowering when black people do it right?

Black user here, how long till the race-war so I can go into my bunker and just play video games?

Here's a image for all the Cred Forumsites to get their rocks off while someone tells me

Like I said, enjoy going back to the stone age.

You might want to look at how Africa is doing...still living in mud huts.

Who will pirate this game to record themselves shooting niggers all day?

They're a joke today

Seems relevant enough for you to get trigger'd about them being killed in a shitty game.

This game looks so fucking horrid.

It's called double standards.

gross pic desu

>Chinese and Russians are white

You're an idiot and a racist

Arabs would actually accomplish a lot if Islam wasn't a thing. There's still hope after this backlash the west caused.

If a race war ever does break out for real, we're probably fucked. That said I highly doubt it'll ever happen

You are pretty dumb m8

I initially didn't care about Maf3 at all, never played the Mafia series and aren't into the whole ethos anyway, but the other day I thought it might be interesting to play a game that's set in a time period and theme I usually don't engage with. I've certainly missed some good games in the past because I was too cynical and avoided them because of some petty gripes, so I thought I'd buck that trend this time.
But then again the game looks technically super jank and bugged.

Because of white imperialism. As soon as whites are gone through outbreeding, Africa and the rest of the world will progress and advance faster. White have been nothing but a burden towards human civilization. All they want to do is oppress those that are not white.

Whenever Soros and Obama decide to kick it off

That was my point kid.
Try to keep up.

When was the last time anyone from the KKK performed any violence, organized or otherwise, in the last 50 years.

Meanwhile, last month, people wearing BLM t shirts were burning gas stations and pulling white people out of cars and savagely beating them.
If the KKK is a terrorist organization, today, how isn't BLM?

Abysmal, just abysmal taste

>As soon as whites are gone, Africa and the rest of the world will progress and advance faster.

Yes, I'm sure you'll be exploring space in no time at all. Kangs and Queens and all that.



>silly little butane lighter muzzle flash as bullet supposedly leaves barrel
>revolver is already raised mid-recoil
>somehow the enemy is still hit in the chest though

This sounds like such a minor thing but all the guns firing in gameplay videos just look delayed and WRONG.

soros is too busy funding the beginnings of the pedo rights movement to start the race war, get ready to be called a pedophobe by progressives in the upcoming years

It's no coincidence that the american space program started right after the freedom of all the black slaves. White people always take all the credit of what black people create.

While we sent a white man to the moon, it was black people that created and engineered the rocket technology to go there.

Hi Black user, I'd rather there not be a race war
I just think we'd be happier if we lived apart

Actually the KKK does it through the Police Force. They shoot blacks and kill them as Police instead of outright like blacks do.

Do some research, about five of the cops over the past three years whove killed blacks were part of a clan of the KKK. They also do it through the workforce more often then none by denying races promotions or other things.


Faggots and gays will probably be your allies in the game where you will be able to do missions them where they run a night club disguised as a hippy 60s sexual liberation gathering with homosex and trans who somehow help your "MAFIA" by supplying some shit like LSD, cannabis and all types of narcotics.

They already got the black diversity and
"so much progress", why not take it up a notch by including gays and allying with them.

>we will go forward... or not at all

But the person here screaming that the KKK was relevant today was you, unless you're just interjecting. I can't even stand Cred Forums but how can you call the KKK relevant? How can you say BLM isn't violent and the KKK is while one's been consistently more violent than the other.

Unless, again, interjecting. In which case, you probably haven't been paying attention.

This reads exactly like the we wuz tumblr b8. Nicely done.

>shooting KKK members in vidya isn't okay because they don't do violent shit anymore

He has many tentacles

Cred Forums just confirmed he has tens of millions worth of PMC's around the world


No I was replying to a guy saying they were just a boogeyman, as if they don't exist.

When the fuck is he going to keel over?

And where does he keep getting these replacement hears from?

Memes were a mistake

It's the only thing keeping Cred Forums alive.
Without memes, it will die.

Cred Forums was a mistake

Can you list the shootings you're talking about please? Because the one in Milwaukee knew the guy, and was black, so, I'm going to make a brash assumption here and guess you meant other shootings?

Again, you can list them, right?