What is the Illmatic of video games?

What is the Illmatic of video games?

san andreas nikka

super mario world

Old overrated shit like by contrarians uhhh....

Dues Ex

Dark Souls
The only good thing to come out of its generation, and somewhat gritty.


>old album that's alright but severely overrated

Deus Ex



Illmatic receives overwhelming critical praise, not liking it is the contrarian move


What? It's regarded as one of the best hiphop albums of all time.

Deus Ex is also widely acclaimed, so at least that checks out.


so you don't listen to rap at all, then?

op, to answer your question, it's this.

>rap critics

All these critics are white hipsters

It was critically acclaimed before white hipster hip hop reviewers were even a thing, kid

this kid is obviously younger than illmatic itself.

fuck him, stop replying.

i don't even like the album either, this guy is just full of shit.

>sharp looking arcade screenshots
Love it.

when i was dead broke man i couldn't picture this

Super Mario World

>Came out in the 90's
>Eclectic mix (tape) of ideas
>Can be played hundreds of times without getting tired.
>Notice new details and the impact it had on everything else afterwards.

What's the best song on that album and why is it Ain't Hard to Tell?

It is and it isn't. I'm partial to New York State of mind and represent. The beats are so fucking good.

NY State of Mind.

what is the blueprint (jayz) of videogames?