This fucking game

>This fucking game
>That fucking ending
>All the fucking new characters
>That Younger Mia and Edgeworth
>Literally that fucking everything
How can the others compare? This was truthfully the pinnacle of the Franchise.
Will there ever be another game of this quality? Highly doubt so.

Other urls found in this thread:

Investigations 2 and Spirit of Justice are up there

Apollo Justice is the best game in the series. Prove me wrong

SOJ? Definitely not. The motives for certain cases just aren't there.

It's a strong second best, I'd say.

There you go.
Fuck off.

I'd like a young Mia game some day, she was pretty fun in that flashback case.

I finished all of SoJ's content just now, the ending really bums me out. We presumably won't be seeing Apollo & Trucy together for a while which sucks. We presumably won't be seeing Phoenix & Rayfa together for a while either which really sucks, they were fun together and Apollo's banter with her in his DLC minisode thing just wasn't as entertaining. I would've preferred Phoenix setting up shop in Khurain and having Apollo take over the office in Japan.

Top kek

Adding Apollo to the franchise was a mistake.

AA3 still stands as the best in the series, but AA4 and AA6 were really, really good.

Fuck Apollo haters. If you all didn't bitch so much we could've had a proper reboot with a new, unique main character instead of dragging Phoenix back out to beat his popularity to death some more.

AA1, AAI2, DD, and SoJ can all compare just fine

AAI2 is better at absolutely everything, from individual cases to overall plot to new characters to feels to music.

Seriously, fuck Apollo. Having him be the lead attorney in the final case and then seeing how much better the DLC was without him around made me realize that I really never liked him. I think the AA7 will improve even further on SoJ as long as it doesn't visit him in Khurain

kek at these tryhards claiming the worst game in the series is better than T&T. Just gotta be contrarians

Apollo wasn't that unique, that was part of his problem really. Hobo Nick was always there but simply a new character originally, and he wasn't even that big an issue in damaging Apollo's character (he was only even prevalent in the beginning and end of the game), Klavier did more in that regard than he did (hell even if you disagree, do you seriously not see the issue with Apollo as a character if you're suggesting that Phoenix's mere presence damages him?)

AJ itself was fine. Brought some interesting ideas to the table, nice overall atmosphere, Percieve was garbage but different I guess, and the OST is still amongst the best in the series. I still think that Trucy should've just been the MC lawyer instead though - raised by legendary defence attorney and her actual father being the guy who fucked her foster dad up, the story just would've been a lot more poignant in my opinion.
I don't hate Apollo though, for the most part he's cool when he needs to be I feel. Don't like the increased focus on giving him a sob story with each game though but that's just me.

>Cornered starts playing
>That double objection

>Godot suffers a fucking brain hemorrhage from the sheer objection overload damage that he sustain and starts bleeding everywhere


That trial theme

AAI2 is still the best.

>playing as based Edgeworth
>no magic lie detector or Mia BS
>just logic and chess dimension
>dem investigations
>dat overarching storyline of superior quality
>Kay is annoying but at least she's actually cute and doesn't get kidnapped constantly
>Gumshoe there to help balance that out

>Will there ever be another game of this quality?
3-5 was the culmination of a trilogy, the first three games were building up for that one single soldiery moment at the end of the case. With he way the series is structured now something like that probably won't happen again unless their narrow their focus and make the games with a trilogy in mind again.

Doesn't mean the other games aren't comparable though. AAI2 and AA6 are absolutely fucking fantastic, and both of them have significantly better character development than the original trilogy, but the difference is they didn't have two other games purposefully leading up to them. Maybe Apollo bringing Thalassa's murderer to justice in 7-5 or 8-5 can be as good 3-5. Who knows.

>Phoenix is cynical and dry who has his moments of snark
>Apollo is just cynical and dry and almost autistic when it comes to banter from other characters

its like they tried remaking phoenix as a character but much more serious and i dont know why??

>If you all didn't bitch so much we could've had a proper reboot,

Literally no is responsible for that other than Capcom

>AA4 was really good


Not capitalizing on Apollo in his own game by letting him play second fiddle to the way cooler returning main plus completely mismanaging him in DD was the mistake.
Yet to play SoJ, god help me so if he's still an afterthought in that one

>Yet to play SoJ, god help me so if he's still an afterthought in that one
He isn't, he's the main character.

Just of his half of the game with Athena or he's really the most notable overall?
>tfw I really want to play it but yet to install CFW, game is digital only so I can't access the eshop until I install it.

Apollo is the main character of Spirit of Justice and I actually liked him by the end for the first time ever.

>completely mismanaging him in DD was the mistake.
I didn't think he was mismanaged in DD. Punished Apollo was proof that he wasn't just Phoenix's designated lackey and fanboy, and gave him some much-needed character development. Plus he got to look mostly competent, unlike AJ.

>Punished Apollo was proof that he wasn't just Phoenix's designated lackey and fanboy

he literally went to the ruined court to hear nick bluff and remove the doubt from his heart (his words)

The latter. You play as him for almost all of Case 5 (the longest case in the series), and it largely involves his backstory/relationships.

Was Case 5 really longer than Rise from the Ashes?

Reminder that Godot is the worst prosecutor in the trilogy. He's constantly blindsided by his witnesses, while Edgeworth and the Von Karmas were always prepared for even the worst outcomes

It's funny playing 3-4 and seeing rookie Edgeworth being more threatening than Godot

fucking cool, thanks
also what said, I might need to quit my job to ever finish the game if that's the fucking case

Maybe not if you logically divide it up into the Japanifornia and Kuhrain halves.

It doesn't feel as long as EXTRATERRITORIAL RIGHTS, though.

Man FUCK Dahlia Hawthorne.

>Don't like the increased focus on giving him a sob story with each game though but that's just me.
That's the writer's general modus operandi now. It was always sorta there but the MCs having tragic pasts is a more prominent thing now than before since I guess that's the only way they can think of to make the cast seem interesting. Even though it's the cases and the related characters that cover that already.

Godot's not even a prosecutor. He was just there to antagonize Phoenix.

Godot is absolutely not as bad as Gavin or Nahyuta.

Hence me saying "trilogy"

Im pretty sure the only game that didn't have some kind of personal backstory connection to the final case was Justice for All.

Why did Dahlia try to kill Deigo?

I'd love to.

She didnt

Because she was a racist.

She poisoned his coffee though iirc

I don't doubt for a second that Apollo will come back.

Reyfa is a little less likely but she might visit Maya's village or some shit I guess. I agree with you that her and Phoenix's antics were funny goddamn why do I want him to adopt all these poor kids

T&T is underwhelming as fuck, I honestly don't have a clue why people rate it so highly. The ending is alright but nothing groundbreaking, and everything else is weak as fuck.

As a character and as a prosecutor Nahyuta is much better than Godot

This the AA thread? Just beat the DLC case in 6.

Anyone else think that the decisive evidence would be that the clock in the Time Keeper broke at the time of the reception? It would've been the ultimate tribute to 1-1 in a case that was literally meant to invoke the trilogy.

The moment at the end where Phoenix tells Iris she always loved her is worth playing the three games for it.

GOAT final case.

Yeah, kinda wished the photo had the fog not be so low and for the time machine to be stopped at the time of the murder during the second wedding
Also I find it hilarious that it's always the surgeons who fail to realize their victims deaths.

3-5 has tons of good scenes to it but it suffers from the crime and everyone involved in it being retarded as fuck, even by AA standards.

That was am accident

Dahlia please go.

He needs to add more vulnerable children to his agency's magic troupe.

Not as hilarious as the fact the butler did it?


Have any of the twists in the other games been as good or treated as well as 3-5's?

>Played AA since 2007
>Don't feel like calling myself a fan since I hated T&T which gets unanimous praise everywhere
>Just played through SoJ which blew my mind. Never thought they'd make pretty much everything wright in an AA game.
deep moral choices

AAI2-5. PLvsAA-3 and 5-5 had some really good twists.

Every game is overall dick & balls with consistency in quality throughout.

T&T is on the worse end because of it's obligatory garbage over arching plotline.

Honeymoon fase etc.

>lack of consistency in quality

AA4 is definitively the worse game in the series.

it nails presentation but then fucks it up with some of the worse cases in the series.

AAI2 > T&T > DD > SoJ > PW:AA > PLvsAA > AAI1 > DGS > JFA > AJ

Post them.

AA2 and AAI are worse. AA2 has one single good case and AAI drags like a motherfucker until I-4 when it becomes decent.

>AA2 has one single good case

Just like AA4 i guess.

>AA2 has one single good case
2-1 is bad
2-2 is decent
2-3 is shit
2-4 is amazing

4-1 is great
4-2 is bad
4-3 is shit
4-4 is bad.

Overall, AA2 is better than AA4.

Iris or Dahlia? Who's better?

>AA2 has one single good case

When said case is the biggest literary achievement of mankind, you can't put the game such marvel is in as the worst in the franchise.

Man I gotta play AJ now. 4-3 feels legendary, everyone unanimously agrees that it's complete shit and it has me very curious on how shitty it is

AA4 has one bad case, 3 mediocre ones. Rise From The Ashes is the only great case from the entire series. DD's entire lineup was the most consistent, never really falling down but never really rising up.

The entire series is poorly written and feels like an anime that ran too long to begin with and just keeps fucking running.

SoJ is the worst "game" I've played this year. And I played Dark Souls III.

>Great cases that stand on their own while contributing to the overall plot
>Despite an overwhelming cast of characters, none of them are irrelevant, some even show slight hints of character development. This is the first game in the series in which I've cared at all about overall universe of AA.
>Spirit summoning bullshit is given definite rules that are laid down for the player and murderers alike. Not used as deus ex machina whenever Takumi could not come up with any way to advance the plot.

SoJ is everything T&T wanted to be, the difference being that SoJ works. It's the perfect AA game.

4-4 is not bad

>2-4 is amazing

>muh anime
>Everything is bad

So you're one of those I see.


Neither. That entire subplot was retarded.

Just came here to say that AAI2 is the best game in the series.

Objectively wrong.

Rise From the Ashes has a great climax but 2/3 of it drags like a mothefucker


>Can't understand analogies unless they're related to food
>Can't read two sentences

Fuck off.

My magic is the real deal

No tricks nor gimmicks


I think they might try to get rid of him after the AA6 ending. I guess Athena x Pheonix could be the AA7 combo unless they also bring a new Lawyer, wouldnt hurt either I think.

>Great cases
DLC and 6-2 are bad and 6-1 is just decent.
>This is the first game in the series in which I've cared at all about overall universe of AA.
They're okay, I guess.
>>Spirit summoning bullshit is given definite rules that are laid down for the player and murderers alike. Not used as deus ex machina whenever Takumi could not come up with any way to advance the plot
Is still badly written garbage for the sake of summoning a spirit that happens or not when the plot demands it.

>It's the perfect AA game.
Meme harder please.

>mr.reus's almost perfect murder
>didn't like the rockstar session in 6-1

6-2 is pretty good.

definitively the better "entertainment" based case in the series.
6-1 had a fun killer, but its a little on the weaker side compared to the recent run of great intro cases.

>case that has to force an entire nonsensical time-travelling plot dump section in the middle of a trial to make sense of the steaming pile of shit that is its story
>case that pulls an entire court system out of its ass entirely for dumb plot reasons
>case that doesn't even let you play it in the final moments and doesn't let you take down the final boss yourself

>I wanted to ruin the live of someone and her friends because of something her grandfather did to me even though I'm succesful as fuck (FUCKING GRAMARYEEEEEEEEEEES)
>Not bad.

Not to mention it was badly paced and filled with awful, one dimensional witnesses.

>DLC and 6-2 are bad and 6-1 is just decent.
I do generally enjoy filler and tutorial cases more than more plot-driven ones, so my tastes are quite peculiar. Haven't played the DLC case yet.

>Is still badly written garbage for the sake of summoning a spirit that happens or not when the plot demands it.
The difference in SoJ is that every trial begins with Seance. It's not left as a last resort until everything else fails.

>6-2 is pretty good.
Nah, it was pretty mediocre.

>6-1 had a fun killer

AA6 has only one full case dlc?

so did you not want the villian to be an actual villian?


>body pendulum

Absolutely retarded

Fuck off Magnifi.

3-5 sure does a great job making you think Iris is Dahlia and she reformed and changed her ways

100% this. I think Apollo Justice is fascinating and would easily have been the best game had they just not screwed up the cases.

I want my villains to have somewhat understandable motives or, at the very least, not being absolutely fucking retarded. Leave that shit for the tutorial cases.

T. Magnifi

All games could have been the best games if they didn't fuck it up.

Ah, the post-honeymoon phase where everyone just shits at eachother with "MY FAVORITE CASE IS BETTER THAN YOUR FAVORITE CASE FAG". Good times.

At least we're not doing in-thread RP anymore.

i fixed your shit list

AAI2 = SoJ = T&T > AA1 = AAI > DD > JFA > AJ

i like aai1 more than most people.

6-2 & 6-3 are the best cases in the game.

>SoJ that high
>Turnabout Revolution that high

get your garbage opinions out of here

>unironically believing in the "honeymoon phase" meme
Still waiting for AAI2's "honeymoon phase" to end.

>Turnabout Revolution that high
Fucking retard.

You will reflexively cringe every time you hear Klavier's theme after playing through 4-3.

Isn't the investigations2 translation just some hilariously memetastic fanwank anyway?

Not really

That's just baiting faggots in denial.


No it's fucking fantastic. Why haven't you played it?

Nah, Guilty Love is still great, it's Guitar's Serenade (which Apollo adopts as his ringtone later) which triggers people

AAI2 is amazing though.

SoJ is a midtier game that people have hyped themselves over by too much because DR3 and ZTD ended up being disappointing and they're trying to fill the void with it.

TT >JFA >AA >AJ >>> AAI > SoJ > AAI2 > DD


i love this complex meme

I still get chills. Holy fuck.

I also loved Debeste's comeback in case 5, when he presents the evidence and the Pursuit theme starts playing

I never played both of those games and i think its a pretty great game honestly.

I want to hear the justification with those choices

I don't even know where to begin.

People discussed the game when it came out.

Now, a few weeks later it's just people shitting on each other for their preferences. You don't have to call it a honeymoon but this is exactly what happened when DD released too.

The whole thing is awful.

Just kill yourself my man.

I don't. It wasn't even replayed, the Lamiroir song was.
Klavier's theme is dope.

go away Delta, you can't mindhack me over the internet

Does it kill you that Yamazaki made the best game of the series over Takumi?


I went in unspoilered and I enjoyed it inmensively. Then I went and read the Cred Forums threads and everyone was shitting on it.

People are simply too jaded to like anything.

>Ace Attorney anime is over

Takumifags are scum
you'd think they have settled down after the disasters that were AA4 and DGS. Apparently not.

I admit ztd is pretty fun in the moment (up until Delta anyway). But only it's over all that's left is disappointment.

i know this is baiting, but i do agree with you.

Yamazaki has less of a good to meh game radio then takumi by far.

are you just samefagging all the time or what?

What's so bad about DGS?

Everything besides the music and animations.

But I liked DGS.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the game.

Now get in the omnibus.

The cases are horrible and the characters are more one note and annoying than Yamazaki's.

As someone who only watched the youtube videos of 3 cases i'll say that its a really weird pacing

First case is the usual tutorial case
Second case though its entirely Investigation based which as someone who only watched a walkthrough, didn't look that fun to me.
Case three is only court based but it has a very interesting ending in my opinion.

t. yamazaki

Which is better

Takumi's magnum opus (Ghost Trick)
Yamazaki's (AAI2)

t. Takumi

Ghost Trick.

If I usually suck at Layton games, would I still enjoy the Layton/Phoenix crossover game?

My version:
AA > T&T > SoJ > DD > JfA > AAI > AJ

I haven't played AAI2 yet

>Megundal's wild ride

Yeah, the Layton puzzles are really easy in that one

The puzzles are super easy so yeah

Official SoJ Waifu tierlist

Spoilers included

When I watch the youtube subs I was genuinely surprised at the "Judicial examination" part.

The attorney is shown fucking walking in court, what is this ancient japanese devilry

I hope AA7 will have as much and as good of animations as DGS have.

the complaint's I've seen were mostly about it being seemingly unfinished, and disjointed case setup.

>I want to hear the justification with those choices
Which do you want to hear? I don't feel like writing a wall of text for people to reply to me with "kill yourself". (I thought AA threads were supposed to be some of the nicest threads on Cred Forums?)

I don't agree with that at all, but I'm glad you enjoy them.


Friendly reminder that you'd go to jail for fucking either of your God Tier choices


Pistols at dawn motherfucker.


Worth it

Capcom's loli designer needs a fucking medal for SoJ

It is bewildering how many unanswered questions and 'sequel fuel' is there in DGS though. I have always thought AA games are self-contained, but the end of DGS-5 is an annoyingly great tease.

Too bad Capcom's not planning to localize any of them!

I bet you also check rotten tomatoes before watching a movie

Attorney Investigations arent canon though

I still prefer the first three games than the second three, but I still like AA5-6 a lot.

The 'revisualization' thing is probably my new favourite play. Cool music, dramatic presentation, and a decent way to conclude things and reveal final twist.

>growing stale
That's not the problem. The problem is the crummy animation and sound design. And hell, those were a step up from DD, so that's actually a good sign for the future of the series.

That said, it might be fair to give SoJ a 6.5/10 just because Athena and her autism gizmo are still in.

I loved it. Torn between this and spirit of justice as my favorite



So the thief girl isn't real?

Is DGS just meh? Can other moonreader give some opinion?

>Will there ever be another game of this quality? Highly doubt so.
It's like you never played AAI2. It's even better than T&T

>Rayfa and Athena
>God tier
Please, fucking euthanize yourself.

Only non-canon shit is PLvsPW special episodes and the manga
Yes, Project X zone 2 and Marvel vs Capcom are canon

Nahyuta is def better than godot

Care to explain how it's poorly written?

She has that filthy blood running in her veins, just thinking about it makes me gag

Who is the second best detective and is it Hosonaga?

>Turnabout Revolution this high
My fucking nigga
Although AAI2>Both

If it weren't for Klavier, Nahyuta would easily be the worst prosecutor character in the series, he was beyond fucking dull.

Which Balloon tits with Athena and you've got a pretty good list.

I haven't even played DR3 or ZTD and still found SoJ to be amazing. Definitely top 3 AA game

>honeymoon phase
Just let it go and move on.

Even with Klavier gone he's still better than Franziska and Godot

How good is this series anyway?

I just go an old 3ds from a friend and I'm looking for something after I finish SMTIV.

why wouldn't Turnabout Revolution be that high?

>>honeymoon phase
>still using this meme


>playing DLC case
>"Here Athena, douse yourself in this gasoline. It's only a trick! Hee hee..."
> playing

Reus did nothing wrong

>I haven't even played DR3
You can't really play DR3, it's an anime


Damn it's out already?

Right, forgot that. I never got into the series anyway

Shit taste and samefagging as usual without explaination. Fucking Cred Forumsirgin

>can't like the game without being accused of muh honeymoon phase
>not allowed to dislike the game in any way without being accused of instigating muh honeymoon phase either
oh for fuck sake, no other series discussed on this board even has this problem

My only gripe about him is his one pose with butterfly which is faggy and his breakdown. I loved his slamming of his beads and clapping of his hands. Hes also pack with trickery

Hes def better than franzy and klavier like the other guys said

damn senpai. how booty blasted can you get

I enjoyed DGS, but I felt it had the worst final case in the franchise - it also decided to keep overarching plot for the sequel, ending the game on an unsatisfying note, with no closure to spwak of. There is nothing "grand" about it, despite final cases being traditionally those epic finales.

You can tell who'll be the culprit even before the murder actually takes place. One of the worst final case culprits we've ever seen.

Godot knew nothing about how to prosecute

Klavier is too nice and barely prosecuted at all.

Franziska is loud and obnoxious but also pretty bad as prosecuting. Paynes are joke characters.

Only Manfred, Miles, Simon and Nahyuta are actual prosecutors.

Yes. Wheres the yatagarasu girl in thr main games?

Dude AAI have 0 connection to the main games, let it go and move on

Eh, you're also not allowed to hate or love a game in other threads of Cred Forums as well.

It's just in AA threads there's a phrase involved.

Not as much as you'r shit taste and being a try hard i guess

>liking Gramarye scum
Phoenix has had better daughterfu material hanging around since AA2 anyway

This. fuck franziska, i hated her existence as well as klavier.

> Franziska
> main gimmick is corporal assault in a court of law
> anyone who questions this gimmick gets whipped
> police who would dare to try and arrest her for it would get whipped
> everyone is somehow fucking okay with a spoiled brat like that
Literally the biggest cancer of this series.

nice buzzwords

>actual prosecutors

WHO CARES. What matters is if their character is interesting and/or entertaining, and Nahyuta is none of either. I pray he never appears again.

>I enjoyed DGS, but I felt it had the worst final case in the franchise
Agreed on this. There's some semblance of a final case, like the wounded Holmes or Susato's disappearance, but the case as a whole felt more like a prelude to a grand court battle than an actual final courtroom turnabout.

So many set-ups for the sequel in DGS it's borderline infuriating. Fuck, there's a mystery from the first case that's not solved at all and only hinted at.

I just want a case where Vortex is the judge and we get to grill Zieks.

I enjoyed it too and agree with you. The interactions between the main cast were great and the whole game has a nice feel to it, but it's not enough to excuse for the lackluster resolutions we got. The cliffhangers were pretty interesting though, so my expectations for the sequel are high... which also makes me worried.

I still can't really see how she became a prosecutor at 13

She was fine in 2-3. She was just as bewildered by the bullshit in that case as the player was and was doing a reasonable enough job of prosecuting with what she had to work with.

Her role in 3-5 & her AAI1/2 appearances pretty much cement the fact that she's better as a supporting character than she is a rival though.

>Phoenix has had better daughterfu material
Such a great daughterfu, she even thinks Phoenix had a waifu.

On a related note, Maya really suffers in SoJ, huh. everyone just ignores she's channeling for three days straight, what a beast

>Farewell, My Turnabout not in Elder God Tier

Hes interesting enough. If you want entertainment then go to the circus, youll feel at home you clown

>The cliffhangers were pretty interesting though, so my expectations for the sequel are high... which also makes me worried
If DGS2 didn't solve all of it and just adds on more mysteries for DGS3 to solve, I might just flip.

I wonder if the cliffhanger nature of the ending is relevant to Capcom's decision not to localize DGS.

I loved AA6, The only real case I didn't enjoy that much was the Noodle one..Having Simon back was awesome* my favorite prosecutor*.Little sad I didn't get a ton of Maya x Nick scenes, but really great game

fixed aa 4-6 are generic anime garbage

>like his interactions with Rayfa in court due to it being reminiscent of 3-5 Franziska
>due to plot/logistical reasons, we're probably not going to get that again after AA6 (and Apollo's chemistry with her just isn't the same, atleast going by his DLC mini case anyway)
what do I need to do to get my boy the adorable abusive assistant he needs?


If you're into visual novels, very. If you're not a fan of reading for twenty hours, avoid.

Best way to get in the series is the Ace Attorney Trilogy on 3DS. (iOS version has some bad translations and glitches)

It's very good, but mot mindblowing

The way the case is set up, you can get a full picture of what happened incredibly quick, and the way Phoenix takes the case casts suspicion on Engarde immediately.

I like Engarde's appearance in the anime, though. I never got that "refreshing as a spring breeze" feel in the game, but he was so cool in the anime.


Objective fact

If you didn't like Layton vs Phoenix, you have never played a layton game in your entire life.

It wouldve been good if the case 3 would be deleted into existence. Same with SoJ, if athenas case would be delete then it would be sooo good

>watching anime
Are you 12

I played Layton and the Curious Village before PLvsAA.

The game was good, but the ending was garbage.

>Hes interesting enough
If his 'butterfly floats to my fingertip' pose wasn't used so much I wouldn't find him so annoying.

>Little sad I didn't get a ton of Maya x Nick scenes
Yeah, what with Nick being in a foreign land on his own, I'd have expected the Nick/Maya investigation duo to return full force. Not even for shipping thing, I just like Maya as an investigative assistant. Rayfa isn't bad as an assist, just too bratty in some places. The only way to have the Nick and Maya duo is only through the DLC and that's disappointing.

She's there in the court though, so it's not that horrible. I hope AA7 will have more of her.

I enjoyed Layton vs Wright but that explanation was still leagues more retarded than any other Layton game.

>hypnosis ink and knockout bells

At least in Diabolical Box it was just like five people tripping out and not an entire town.

>If his 'butterfly floats to my fingertip' pose wasn't used so much I wouldn't find him so annoying.
Yeah its really annoying, one would thought that hes riginally planned as a womyn

I feel like DGS could have used a more tightly woven narrative. Three of its five cases have little to do with the conflict in Runaway Room and Unspeakable Story and more primarily served to establish the setting and characters.

Which I guess was unavoidable in a sense, but DGS would still probably get less flak for leaving its greater mysteries open if it had a stronger standalone plot to make up for it. Still, I liked it, so hopefully the sequel's better since it won't have to dedicate so much time on introductions.

In SoJ both the audience and prosecutor is abusive towards the defense, so clearly in the future AA will have an abusive judge, probably an abusive detective as well.

Hell, 6-4 had borderline abusive defense assistant, so maybe just have everyone abusive towards the poor defense. Just to show how much of an underdog they are.

>The game was good, but the ending was garbage.
I played Layton 1 to 3 on the DS.
While I really enjoyed the games I have to tell that their endings are usually pretty bad. The only one that I kinda liked was from the second game and even so I think it was kinda bullshit.

I do wonder if the second game's tutorial will also feature Payne somehow.

Rayfa helping Nick was just beyond cute..I was really happy to have Maya on the side helping in court, as for the DLC..Fuck them for making us pay for it..I also hope for more of Maya in AA7

Going to start with the AI games soon, how are they compared to the AA games?

I feel like I'm the only one in the world who thinks Bridge to the Turnabout is meh/low tier.
Why do people like it that much.
Butz was shit like usual. Dahlia is shit.
The Twin sister shit was fucking stupid.

I think they might go for a duology instead of a trilogy because of low sales though. No source on this, but most people believe so.

If you want Nick x Maya shenanigans, the DLC case scratches that itch.

What about Barnham?

Better written.

But fuck, AAI-5 felt as long as 1-5. Maybe just my imagination.

Shes a lot better in the DLC case. Christ, they should of just kept unnecessary old characters out and pandered with just this DLC case instead.

yeah, but since I got screwed with the first dlc in not knowing it wasn't a real case, I don't have the money to buy it

>maybe just have everyone abusive towards the poor defense.
Pretty sure Edgey made a remark to that effect in 3-5.

Great character and prosecutor, shame he got deleted from the game with no resolution to his character arc in the final case.

It FELT long because it really started to drag near the end.

I loved how he genuinely cared about his witnesses and had really solid theories despite the magic setting. Kinda wish we got him as a mainline prosecutor.

It's setting up a trilogy. Even though that's no excuse for it to have the flaws it did, I'm still hyped that we're finally getting another true trilogy.

First AI is pretty shitty, 2nd is better but didnt liked the last case as much. Its too long and the thing with the clown went on and on that my eyes kept rolling up

It's a shame the cases themselves weren't that great.

>spoiling or even hinting the amazing ending in AAI2

And yet you see other prosecutors not taking their job seriously on better cases
Him being trashed was kinda insulting desu

The Golden Court was genuinely amazing though and Kira was a boner inducing villain.

The clown was shit, AAI is not even canon. Suck my dick

Nothing gonna scratch that itch until they marry.

It's been itchy for decades, I can wait

>having shit taste
Kill yourself famalam.

The only way it's going to happen will be the first rape case in the series, when Maya finally gets fed up and has her way with him.

Wow a trash opinion from a faggot. Riveting.

>Worst prosecutor
>Two completely predictable cases
>One dogshit case
>The pinnacle
Damn, that's pretty depressing.

AAI2fags sure get defensive when their favorite game gets criticized.

>not even canon
setting aside the obvious response for a moment here
who even gives a shit about canon, there's little to no major plot carry over between games anyway and they're all pretty sufficiently self-contained. The writers don't even care as much about the over-arching canon as some people here to

Really if you liked the clown then you should end your existence asap. AAI2 is nice, shame that isnt canon

He really should've been a part of the final case instead of being locked up by Darklaw for no reason. They even could've teamed up like in 6-5's second trial, him starting the case and her taking over when the truth started coming out. He would've been a good character to show how the people were reacting to the revelations about the town.

>tfw he's a gigantic autist in the special episodes

This. Been 14 years since you first recognized the possibility capcom, if you motherfuckers don't want it, shouldn't have mentioned it in game.

Though, I have to lie some blame on pearl. It's clear she's not trying hard enough. She better really commit to getting it done next game.

>It's setting up a trilogy
I hope DGS2 isn't as coy with its answers as DGS1 is. If DGS2-5 reveals as much unanswered mysteries as DGS1-5 did, I would genuinely hate it.

But if it's a trilogy, I hope by DGS3 we'll get Ryuunosuke cutting some bitches, literally. Asougi's sword is just Chekhov's gun. Also Susato needs an accusation of murder or three.

You can generally gauge the competence level of a prosecutor depending on how early in the trial they start to lose their cool, barring irritating witnesses.

This is some of the tamest shitflinging I've seen for ages. You guys are not get at getting upset about things, it's entirely made up of
>x is bad because I dunno lol
>no it's not lol
>well shit


Who cares edgeworth sucks dicks in these games. AAI1 is a massive failure that the 2nd one didnt get out of nipon. Also 5th case on AAI2 was massively overrated as fuck. It was too easy and too long, the plot was hery derp mastur mind that turns out to be a shitty manchild.

Also its not even canon, delete it and no one will give a single fuck

The costumes DLC for SoJ is garbage. Can't even get wounded Apollo or Hobo Phoenix.

Also, now that I think about it, Maya's costume had not changed at all. She didn't even have the white arm thing she had in her reveal.

>She better really commit to getting it done next game.
It'll be a Hobo Phoenix-tier plan. She'll drive some sort of change in Japanifornia's legal system for the sole purpose of getting them to fuck.

>Caring about something being easy
>In a piss easy VN series
C'mon son. I know you are retarded, I really do, but c'mon.

I wasn't even the guy you were arguing with.

It's just that whenever someone says they didn't like the last case in AAI2, you guys always just go "lol shit taste faggot", as if people aren't allowed to dislike your favorite things.

Funny that you think can call anyone else manchild with such half-baked opinions.

>I hope AA7 will have more of her.
I'd assume as much. The only way I couldn't see that happening is if they decide to make AA7 focus on Apollo again, which if for some reason they decide to that the lack of maya will be the least of the games problems, or if they decide to not develop Athena by giving her some cases of her own.

On a slightly unrelated note, if they do decide to have her back, then I'd really like to see pearl as a defendant like someone suggested in an ace attorney thread not to long ago.

I'm not arguing with anyone, I was just replying to your comment. It's one user getting equal-level responses to the ones he's putting out and vice versa, nothing more.

Which one is worst, honeymoonfags or nostalgiafags?

>Pearl is now a legal aid for the Wright Anything Agency
>She apparently thinks that it's a Fey tradition to be involved with law at some point in your life, as both Mia and Maya did it.

Fun fact: Most of the symbol's for Kurainese are Japanese kana flipped upside down.

AAI fags everyone. Not a single rebuttal lmao. your mothers where right, you're a failure

Just be glad we didn't get this.

You fags will never play Daigakuten Saiban.

Does anyone have a template for the case pictures or something? Also props for 3-2 on god tier!

Her dress goes all the way down now, it's pretty noticeable in courtroom panning shots

>wanting to play that piece of shit.

Because it is shit taste. The only criticisms people give are "lol shitty villain", "lol too easy", "lol not canon" with absolutely no regard to the implications on the main theme, the development of the characters and the tight connections spanning all the cases and the characters that expand beyond "lol mastermind".

Athena and Apollo apparently looked like an old married couple by 6-2. At this point Phoenix and Maya is that really old couple who makes jokes on which of them will die first.

Finally, a case where Maya is guilty.

Phoenix would still defend her, probably. And wins!

>tight connections
Nah, I felt that they were pretty goddamn contrived myself.

Also, I felt that the whole thing went on too long. I would have been cool with it if it ended with the Blaise thing, but it had to drag me through a bunch of long-winded hoops to some clown that I didn't give two shits about.

It's the same fag from yesterday. Just ignore it.

Final case wasn't too long. Most people have the opposite complaint about it even.
It's about as easy as AA usually is, though maybe you're idea of a difficult case is different to mine?
The mastermind was the overarching plot of the game, it was also in the background until right at the end though. I thought it was handled well enough.

Yeah, maybe. You don't have to share the exact same opinion as everyone else though, "overrated" is a non-complaint for people who can't explain their own opinions or people talking primarily about sales over everything else.

> delete it and no one will give a fuck
What is it with you getting this hung up over people liking what you don't like? Why even give this much of a shit even

You have shit taste and all of those are valid critisms. You're a moron and have shit taste

There was nothing "contrived" about he connection between that clown and everything and everyone else. If you can't even see that basic literary mechanism how do you think you can give any criticism on the game? You basically haven't even played it beyond passively looking at the superficial plot.
Either play it again more deeply or play it again when you grow up.

Yeah I guess they are valid criticisms if you have the mind of a child who can't grasp writing beyond basic action and excitement.

I heard there are some fan made cases that are good. How do I make pywright work with the fan made case I downloaded?

The case was pretty much handed to you, its like having 10 steps ahead because you already figured it out how it will be played unlike the othe AA cases.

You have to be clinically retarded to not know who will be the mastermind is and ofcourse the reveal is such shit, and the character itself is such shit

Hmm, not sure I like how sexual that Maya is.

Breast size wise she's still less than Mia, yeah? Or did she hide it under those Fey robes

>I would've been cool if it ended with gaping plot holes everywhere
why are you even surprised that you're getting the types of responses that you're getting? It's not because you dislike AAI2, it's because your given reasons for doing so suck ass.

You don't need us to validate your opinions either, like or dislike whatever you want.

user, 80% of Simon's shit went purely by luck.

You're just a jackass who can't handle the fact that someone doesn't like something you like. So you disregard anything anyone has to say about the subject and only accept circlejerks.

It's called "criticism", and I'm free to give it. What, do you want these threads to be nothing but big circlejerks where everyone has the exact same opinion? What the fuck's even the point then?

When will the judge be a defendant

Wow, you act like an absolute retarded and autistic manchild.

Just kill yourself my man.

>hurr dur child
So whos the child now? All of those are valid critisms, get over it. It has few redeeming qualities, glad it was dropped. Do you know why its dropped? Not that a manchild like you would know


>It's called "criticism", and I'm free to give it. What, do you want these threads to be nothing but big circlejerks where everyone has the exact same opinion? What the fuck's even the point then?
Read what I said again. I didn't say that you're not allowed to criticize things.

>Also Susato needs an accusation of murder or three
Please no, I've had enough "they wrote the killer's name with their own blood after dying instantly" for a lifetime.

>user, 80% of Simon's shit went purely by luck.
Thanks for proving my point that you only care about action in the plot. I doubt you could describe the characters in the game to save your life, much less how they relate to the themes if you even know what they are.

Nice rebuttal. I won know i guess, cant say the same with the clown masturmind

>only people capable of channeling spirits can ascend to the throne
>unless she's a hot loli, then she can cut inside her much more competent, ex-queen mother
Look, I'm not complaining, best girl should always win. I just don't get it.

Thanks for proving nothing of anything. Try backtracking and reply on the valid critisms first. Lmao what a joke, like AAI games are

Fuck you and your "themes" you condescending faggot. The pacing was complete ass. It would have been a lot smoother had they not insisted on having three separate plot threads interwoven together.

Frankly, I didn't give a rat's ass about Simon or his motivations or anything he did.

She'll bring back the Jury System. Not the one we have in 4-4, the one from DGS. That's how much she'll upend the court of law

It was demonstrated she at least has the capability to commune with spirits.

She can do the Dance of Devotion so she'll be able to channel eventually.

She already meddled with the crime scene and had doubts about the law, being accused of murder is nigh inevitable at this point.

Now that I think about it, are Apollo and Pearl the only ones among the living Wright Agency that hadn't been accused of murder?

That's a nice diary entry, but not much of a criticism. We're done here.

Are you even capable of not being arrogant and condescending? I don't see how you could act so self-important considering where you are.

I do not get any of the puns in the names of the Khura'in royal family. Except maybe Inga's full name. Is there actually a pun in there?

This is Shindol's work, isn't it?

>It's called criticism
Your criticisms are weak, see how every point you make when s falls back on the game being overrated or complaining about people being mean. You're getting hung up on people bullying you over having an opinion when that's not even what anyone else is talking about.

Don't try to argue having a "right to criticism" and then get this defensive over someone attempting to discuss said criticism. Just post cute AA girl fanart instead of something, it's easier on the eyes atleast.

That's irrelevant. The only reason you think I'm being arrogant and condescending is because I do truly despise people like you who can't understand something and then go on to blame the thing they didn't understand instead of themselves.

None of what you or the other guy said were actually valid criticisms, they were petty personal experiences at best and aggressive ignorance at worst.

Eventually yes, but as she is now shouldn't the only person able to do it currently, the Queen, reign?

how could this name be any longer or more pompous than it already is

>Apollo: we have a saying in our country, "the truth will set you free"

Where were you when the words of out lord and savior Jesus Christ blew the false faith of Khurainism the fuck out?

I kinda wish there's like a 'sprite gallery' or something for SoJ. I really like some of them, like the adorable Ema's thinking way or Rayfa's blushing indignation or Athena slamming the table twice or Mr. Reus burning a card

AA2 had two good cases, 2-2 was pretty good, but 2-3 and 2-1 are literally the worst cases in the entire franchise.

The "worst" one was definitely DD. It has nothing going for it.

AA4 was really good, but its last trial part was stupidly underwhelming for all the build uo it had.

wonder what he said in the original script

I never really got how everyone missed how the culprit misspelled Maggey's name

Haven't played Investigations nor SoJ, but here:

1 >= 3 = 4 > 2 > 5.

It's not even that, le amnesia Wright is just dumb. Him trumping everyone is even more stupid. I know this series is over-the-top but this was just too much for me.

That's the only one I got. Sorry for the easily-misunderstood phrasing.

I was asking if there's a pun in the other names of the Khura'in royal family
>Inga Karkhuul
>Rayfa Padma
>Ga'ran Sigatar
>Amara Sigatar

post yfw 3-5 started with a dramatic picture recap of every major development of the trilogy

I just knew I was in for something special

It's a really contrived set-up for tutorials, that's for sure.

Probably not. They don't tend to put blatant jokes in important characters' names.

I remember Rayfa's full name is explained on one of those Capcom unity blogs.

Them reflection technology though.

Apparantly the original concept for AA6 had Phoenix being stuck in the criminal/mafia underworld and was being forced to defend his client in a scenario where he couldn't trust anyone, including his own client.

I'm happy with what we got but I hope they revisit that idea in the future, it sounds potentially fun. You could have Viola be the assistant too.

Yeah and it's shit

Nayna= Nanna

Then the Furio Tigre costume wouldn't have needed to be an alternate outfit.

SoJ was nothing especial and I'm convinced 95% of fags here overrating it are still in the honeymoon phase.

The only great cases were 2 and 5, the rest were mediocre, with the DLC and 6-1 being fucking trash.

>can't even trust his own client

I dunno. I don't think this would work. The reason defense attorneys make for better protagonists than prosecutors is because they're protecting someone. So you feel like rooting for the attorney more if they're defending someone who's sympathetic. That's why Edgeworth doesn't really act as a prosecutor in his own games. He's often defending someone, or at least deflecting accusations for someone who clearly isn't guilty.

If Nick can't trust his own client, it means it's harder to sympathize with them. This in turn would make the game a little less engaging as a result. After all, if your client's a scumbag, then you wouldn't particularly want to save them.

Getting the player to feel motivated is an important part of video games. Otherwise there'd be no point in even things like character designs. Just make everything blocks.

I would say the only great case was 2, with the last case's only saving grace being "that twist" which was admittedly phenomenal, but inside a bad case.

>justice for all better than Dual Destinies
I don't really know user.
I found AA2 to be the weakest of the trilogy, with only a couple of good cases and a lot of reeeally boring moments. But then I played AA4 and I just deeply hated it. That's probably why I liked AA5 that much, it wasn't actually that great but at least it was still
I don't know
"Ace Attorney"

Instead of some uninspired chinese rip-off with Gurren Lagan's Rossiu as MC

Is "honeymoon phase" the beginning of an epic new meme?

Why are defense attorneys better prosecutors than prosecutors in this world?

In real life, all you have to do is prove that your client didn't commit the crime. You do not have to find the real culprit, you find a contradiction and prove that your client has an alibi

But in this fucking series, not only do you prove your client's innocence, you also have to track down and find the true culprit, then prove he committed the murder. Why? Japan isn't THAT fucked up in the courtroom

I don't see how that could help accomplish the gosl of getting Maya and Phoenix together.

Holy crap, I haven't played SoJ but that art looks GORGEOUS.

I dunno, by the end of the trilogy we've already established that if the defence attorney and prosecutor do their jobs properly, the truth will come out. I think that this hypothetical scenario could function just fine.

That and I'm assuming that the actual angle would be that you're simply less certain about the trustworthiness of your client due to the entire setting anyway, not just straight up "this guy is a goddamned scumbug, defend him" for 5 cases straight. Basically the key here is the strength of the case's narrative.

Because it's more interesting that way. It'd be kind of an anticlimax if the trial ended before you learned who the real killer is.

Actually, a few times in the series, the Judge comes close to giving a Not Guilty verdict despite not knowing who the true killer is. The Prosecutor always objects and brings up new evidence or a witness when this happens, but the fact that the Judge comes close to doing it does imply that it happens in this world.

It's just that Nick, Apollo and Athena only ever seem to get extremely unfair cases where finding the true guilty party is the only way to get their own client acquitted.

Dude, fuck off. I was in nearly every single ZE thread before release.
With all those twitter participant reveals, making a bunch of theories, and joining the MUH CIA threads.

Ended up with a shitty game with """"""moral""""" choices like DRINK THE ANTIDOTE?! which characters acting so fucking OOC and a shitty meme villain as the cherry on the shit cake.
Oh and it didn't help it didn't explain jackshit and instead had dumbtard plotholes on its own and had the most unsatisfying ending in a trilogy.

Well, normally, the reason clients are innocent is because you'd sympathize with them and really WANT to defend them. So the less sympathetic the client is, the less motivated the player might feel. That seems to be part of the reason people hate the Wocky Kitaki case so much.

Of course, there's things like the Engarde case, but in that scenario, the one you're REALLY protecting is Maya.

They're not. Phoenix is a bluff god and has a magic lie detector he can use during investigations, and Apollo & Athena aren't too far off + have super powers that they can use in trials.

They did an interesting subversion of this with Ray, whose deal is that he helps clients who he truly believes to be innocent with their recovery process in prison if they end up there.

Fuck ZTD. Writer literally changed the plot just because he was bored. He removed plot elements and cohesiveness with the prequels just because he knew the story already and wanted something fresh

what the literal fuck.

>Dude, fuck off. I was in nearly every single ZE thread before release.
There is your problem.

I only played the games and I barely got into one or two threads, but I ended up enjoying all of them instead of hyping myself up of what could be and what could've been.

You only have yourself to blame.

Definitely one of the reasons why I hate case 4, having an obese retarded cunt that's DRUNK, and serves food while puking a lot was just infuriating. If it wasn't Blackquill and his need of Japanese cuisine I would definitely see no reason to take that case.
Dude shut the fuck up

>I'm back, Nick!
>arrested 10 minutes later

All for shitty fanservice.

You're not wrong. It means remaining tied to the adversarial aspect of these trials that the games themselves have acknowledged and taken steps to move past though. They would have to do something a little differently to make it work I think, I do think that the idea itself is something worh exploring though (and an entire game with a mafia motif to it could be cool I think). The fact that it puts the player in a strange position in relation to your point just sounds sorta interesting to me to be honest.

4-2 is generally disliked for being easy to read and people finding it a bit on the dull side as far as I can tell, maybe I'm wrong about that though. I somewhat liked that case so I'm biased here perhaps.

It's still in it's honeymoon phase

That's a kys.

It sucks being Maya

>whose deal is that he helps clients who he truly believes to be innocent with their recovery process in prison if they end up there.

He doesn't do that. He defends clients even if they're guilty and he tries to get a lighter sentence for them if they turn out to be bad.

Clearly it's Capcom's way of saying

I have no idea how Wright Anything Agency isn't the most popular of attorney services. The head is a legendary attorney that crushes the prosecution career of the von Karmas, who revamped the court system while not being an attorney, who started+ended the 'Dark Age of the Law' and had a stellar record of victories. The other attorneys employed there had never lost a single case since the start of their careers. All three had magical or near-magical ways of exposing lies, even without evidence. How are they starving for jobs?

Did he mention that in the game? For some reason, I can't recall where he said that

Isn't 4-2 where the series finally breaks everyone's hearts by revealing that this isn't a bizarre parallel universe where ramen doesn't exist?

He literally defended Patricia even though he knew she was guilty.

Wright's dumbfuck daughter advertising it as a talent agency/magic troupe might be one reason.

Because they only accept cases of those who really are innocent, using their gimmicks to help them decide if the person is worthy or not.

The news are fucked in the AA universe.

They reported on Phoenix case in Khura'in and then right after on Trucy's show.
And didn't say anything about the connection.

Did nobody else think that was weird?

He adopted a Gramarye
I wouldn't trust him

Stop posting Roger

Kinda curious though, wouldn't there be a huge conflict of interest for him to be the DA since he already knew about her crime? Even though the trial wasn't all that fair to begin with, wouldn't that be an issue? Probably looking too much into it lol

Because they only accept those who are innocent, outside of a few notable exceptions?
Not to mention that's more of a running joke than cold hard fact. At this point that remain true only because it's always been true, not because it makes sense.

Trucy tries to rope potential clients into becoming her assistants first.

>No one put best waifu on the list

you disappoint me, Cred Forums.

Jill and Sebastian were supposed to be the defense/prosecution but they got replaced with Franziska and Ray.

Ray also did mention he defends people even if they're guilty because he pities them and tries to get a lighter verdict for them.

Viola's a relatively popular character for someone who only appeared once (and had that one mention in AAI1), think she was in the top 25 characters in the AA5 poll or something. They might bring her back someday.

They need to bring Will Powers back again.

Case 5 spoilers:
>"I couldn't have channeled because my hands were tied up"
>"Untie my hands before you die!"
>"Don't worry, just channel me, and I'll easily untie them!"

Also Maya being Durke for all of case 4 introduces so many questions about the chronology of things

We need Gumshoe back first a foremost. Best character hands down

>tfw only 1 reference to him in SoJ

I don't understand, his name was Mr. Reus, not T. Gramarye

Also why seance if you can just channel

Godot was a weakass villain, desu, Dahlia had to pull all that dude's dead weight.

>you need real name and face to channel a person

So how did Maya channel Dahlia?
Dahlia Hawthorne wasn't her real name, given she was a Fey originally.
And how did Maya know what Dahlia looked like?

He's making movies with his who-fu now. The movie director assistant girl who no one in the fanbase (east or west) ever remembers the name of.

The problem with AA3 (and 4 and DD) is that it doesn't feel like the prosecutor is out to fuck you up. AA1/2 and parts of SoJ got that right.

Nobody even bats an eye that she channeled for such a long time in 6-5. Not even a peep from Phoenix.

At least hopefully it'll take until the final case of AA7 for Maya to suffer again. Or maybe not! Maybe someone else Wright knows can be in danger

I did like how basically EVERYONE was on the verge of fucking your shit up in 5-1 and 5-3.

Surely her father's last name could also be used for channeling

Nahyuta was a terrible, bland as fuck prosecutor with animations even more annoying than Blackquill breaking his shackles for the 49th time

This was literally the first time I heard the phrase "Cool beans". For a while after that I thought its use started from this crappy translation

DR3 =/= DRv3, which is confusing.

I dunno, I played through the entirety of SoJ with the Tigre costume and thought it worked well in Khura'in, it's exactly the kind of vaguely Oriental chintzy shit a tourist would wear

Simon was helping you half the time.

But I love Penny Nichols, she's cute

>tfw Investigations 2 is Japan only
Why live

Better than Klavier or Franziska, no contest there.

>tfw the only one who thinks Franziska is best girl of the year all years

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is Nahyuta to Ema at 6-2 the first time a prosecutor ever praises a detective straight to the detective's face, in public?

She also follows around a foreign prosecutor a lot, even when there's not much of a forensic advancement in that prosecutor's country of origin.

I guess Nahyuta is just a massive step-up from Klavier.

Ema Skye was cute af this game

You can practically hear the "sploosh" when Edgey praises Ema in the DLC case.

The DCA does raise the stakes for the lawyers, which is nice.

Make it
>How Can Objections Be Real If Our Evidence Isn't Real

i loved the bunny twins. Would fuck em both.


>Maya channels Dhurke (we just have to ignore the hand thing)
>Dhurke ignores his own dead body and gets the hell out of that tomb
>maybe he went to his hideout to get some of his own clothes?
>Maya goes to the US as herself
>channels Dhurke again before entering the Agency
>Father/son adventure
>maybe she stopped channeling him before going to sleep?
>Dhurke sees the civil trial
>talks to Inga
>goes to Khura'in, enters tomb
>Amara Magatamas him out, Maya is now exhausted
>strips Maya of her Dhurke outfit and puts it on
>puts Maya's regular outfit back on her (you just have to go with it) and ties her up
>channels Dhurke

>And how did Maya know what Dahlia looked like?
Why wouldn't she?

There's a fully translated community mod for it you know.

Where does Inga fit in in all this? Does Inga just pretend that Maya is still captive while talking to Durke/Wright? When it came out that Maya was the reason Wright was fighting to hard to take back the orb, why doesn't Durke say anything? (Even it it's something oblique like "Maya will be fine. Trust me.", if he doesn't want to give away his death)

Why would she? She never met her or saw a picture of her.

Is there a good guide for how to set it up? I've never really done any of these fan translation patches before

DD is better than SoJ

stop avatarfagging and maybe I'll tell you

Just download it.

Despite the Professor Layton twist, I definitely liked the Final Witch Trial more than the Golden Court.

Barnham was a better prosecutor than what'shername, though.

Yeah, he was just bluffing to keep Wright in line.

I'm pretty sure Dhurke doesn't hear about Phoenix's actual motivation until the post-trial phone call. It's silly but I'm pretty sure you're supposed to take Apollo explaining to Nick that Maya can't be in danger as a private conversation. I mean I don't remember the judge chiming in at all during that exchange.

If you give me a hand, sure

It certainly establishes that WAA attorneys are a team far better than 6-5, which is "Apollo Justice: the Show ft. Phoenix Wright"

AA1>Inv2>AA3>who gives a fuck, the rest suck

objectively correct

It's just balancing the cosmic scales after AJ.

Then he certainly should still have been worried that Durke would tell Wright. I guess he had no idea they were going to meat until the end of the case, and by that point Maya had lost her value as a hostage. It's just completely weird that Maya was basically not a hostage for the whole of that case. Or that Maya wouldn't let Wright know that she's safe (even with Durke in control, she did fly back to the US after all).

Also, back to my other question - why Seance when you can Channel?

>people STILL hate turnabout big top
May I ask why? Big Top is actually my favorite case in the entire series. I liked the characters (especially the clown), I loved the overall scenario, and I think the method of killing and how Max was framed because of his bust was really cool.

What makes this case so bad to everyone? I really don't understand.


>I liked the characters (especially the clown)
Ah see, I think people who hated the case had the opposite position on this and it helps in colouring their perception of the case.

I haven't played AA2 for so long so I barely remember anything about it. All I remember is a general sense of tedium.

Is Phoenix and Edgeworth still friends with Larry because of their long history or what

Seems like everything he did annoys them

First off, that's a hella unique opinion so hats off to you.

Personally, I didn't like it because I hated the defendant and the whole explanation behind how the crime was committed was just stupid to me. It just didn't hold up.

>tfw finished the trilogy yesterday
>that final case
>that theme
>that fucking everything

>was curious about AA4 so try to play it in desmume

>Phoenix, the guy that literally believed in truth beyond everything else quit being a lawer for 7 years to become a hobo poker player and "pianist" right after defeating fucking Godot

I feel betrayed and annoyed, please tell me it gets better and for the love of christ tell me this "daughter" Phoenix had was with Iris

People always bitch about how the games after the original trilogy except AAI2 suck, but still no other games measure up to AA in terms of style and heart. You could say that Zero Escape or Danganronpa have better plot, but neither carry themselves as well as Ace Attorney because you can simply tell it has a lot of love put into it. Even outside the "genre" I struggle to find games except Professor Layton and Ghost Trick.

>Tell me Apollo Justice gets better

...I've got some bad news for you.


At least the character gets better.

It gets better, but not in AA4. DD and SoJ make the ride more than worth it.

she's adopted and Iris is never mentioned again

With the new channeling rule that the memory of the soul is cut off at the point of death, it might not be feasible or wise to channel all victims. Imagine if they tried channeling Jove near the end there. He'd just been killed in a house on fire and couldn't save his baby. And now that baby basically summoned him. How long would it take to calm him down enough to testify?

There are also unreliability issues that go back to AA1, where the channeled Gregory Edgeworth didn't correctly name his killer.

A seance is basically video evidence that (mostly) doesn't lie, so it's much easier to work with in the courtroom.

Before I tell you if it gets better or not, we better watch that video one more time, just to be sure.

It gets worse

People say that at least SoJ is good, I would be willing to play through AJ and DD if they at least don't make Phoenix be such a letdown after 7 years.

At least Apolo is somewhat likeable after, right?

WHAT? FUCK. Is at least Gumshoe with Maggey, please?

>quit being a lawer for 7 years
He didn't quit, user.

Literally no relationship from any of the first three games are developed further than what they are in those games. Also, no one outside of Phoenix and Ema returns.

AA4 is meant as a start of a fresh new series, after all.

I'll take your point on the video evidence not lying, but like with Seances, channeling testimonies should just be taking as testimonies, not truth. So their reliability is not that important.

Having the victim's recounting of events would have helped so many cases that channeling would basically ruin everything. E.g. Imagine Inga, especially after they tell him that Ga'ran was not on his side.

Well that's fucking gay

Are the new characters as good? not even Godot?

Is Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney not available on the eShop?

Apollo's likable just fine. Also like says, AA4 mainly has new characters. DD is when they start to pull in the older characters and make the two periods more unified.

No. 1-3 and then 5 and 6, fucking dumb

God, I get the thought behind starting anew so we need a whole new cast of characters but man even disregarding the lack of thought behind extracting a select few of the characters from the OT with no care to their connections to any of the previous characters the notion that "their story was told so never mention them again" that's applied to such loved characters is even more frustrating the more years pass by.
If only they could actually come up with equally engaging characters to replace them.

Apollo is fine.

Trucy is cute. Cute!

Klavier is really eh and never feels like a real threat.

Ema (not new, but is aged so feels different) I remember actually being kind of mean in AA4, but she's nice in SoJ. Can't remember in DD.

Like the other guy said, AJ never got a rerelease, not even on iOS which is much needed honestly.

Godot is dead, familia.

Wasn't the story that they really wanted a completely new cast, but then Wright was too popular so they had to have him in?

Not really. Apollo is Phoenix that takes everything super seriously and yells alot. I guess he gets better but only after he gets 2 more games that increasingly focus on him.

Trucy, eh she's ok I guess, as far as Maya but with magic goes.

Klavier is shit.

In 1-5 Ema is like Maya, nice but distraught. In AA4 she's mostly grumpy and mean and it takes until SoJ before she gets happy again.

Will we ever get Trials and Tribulations animated? Or did the show bomb too hard?

>the ending was a shit adaptation

If only they did 1-5...

Well yeah, 1-5 she's ScienceMaya. AA4 I remember people disliking her cause she's mean, but she's nice and cute in SoJ. Probably cause she finally became a forensic scientist.

just play the games nigger.

i can agree with most of this list except how can the great departure be so low down? it was probably the best first case of any AA game imo

I guess Capcom thinks it just won't sell.

Maybe we'll have 4, 5 and 6 in a bundle in a few years. When AA10 is released and the attorney is Athena's daughter.

Skipping investigations is totally fine

You're not wrong.

I dunno, I don't have any more "official" excuses at this point. Channeling the victim at every trial would be a weird tradition. At that point they'd have to write cases where both the victim's memories and testimony are ambiguous/unreliable.

>quit being a lawyer for 7 years
First of all, he didn't quit.
His Attorney Badge got taken away from him for presenting forged evidence. Try playing the game all the way through before asking questions about it.

Well at least they can still fall back on channeling only being admissible in Khu'rainese courts.

Also I totally expected them to channel the holy mother as some point. What with the founder's orb tease.

Instead he was a bad piano player and expert poker player (who never plays for money!) who drinks "grape juice"

...they really didn't try hard with his background, did they.

>Replay AA2
>Meet "Director Hotti"
>Nick is completely clueless as to most of "Hotti's" perverted talk

Jesus Christ, how can an adult male be this pure?

He's not really asking a questions, to be fair. He just implores us to tell him AA4 improves after his impression of the game so far.

I can't remember, is it confirmed that Phoenix is disbarred by the first case or are they still playing coy by referring to 'that event 7 years ago'?

>quotation marks around grape juice
..What are you implying? Grape juice is amazing.

His first love was a psychopathic mess of a woman, love had utterly burned him.

It's either a life of celibacy for him or he could go queer.

No woman is worthy of Phoenix

Why do I want to protect his smile, Cred Forums?

I thought the same. They really turned that expectation on its head.

Yeah, but even he had an adolescence. I wonder if this guy's ever even masturbated before in his life. He was so pure and innocent in college too. It's unbelievable.

It's really grape juice, Takumi likes it for some reason.

Maybe they'll reserve that for AA7, in which after Phoenix proves even foreign courts can't put him down, he dukes it out in the Divine Court, among the gods.

Did they even explain why Bucky Whet kept throwing up in the english version? It seemed like he just kept throwing up for no reason, though presumable it's because he was drinking

I'm playing though 6-5 right now
I'm at the part where Apollo claims there was a second victim
Please no. Please tell me I'm wrong and this is a big joke. Fuck this, this isn't funny anymore dammit, I don't wanna play this anymore.

Vomit moe.


Because he's a fat piece of shit that eats more than he should

>Nick decides to take Trucy, Athena and Pearly to a foreign country for a relaxing vacation.
>But then they end up getting wrapped up in that country's legal system. For some reason, the defense attorneys of that country have completely fallen apart. Many have retired early, others have zero faith in themselves and have lost the will to fight. Can Nick find out what happened to the country's legal system?

No, they just kept mentioning he was sick and sent him to the infirmary a bunch. It's so weird because getting someone else drunk turns into a big part of the case later.

He was drunk

You have to keep going user, it's what he would have wanted

nice horn head impression user

And it just continues. AA will just be "Phoenix Wright Discovers Something Fucked Up with a Country's Court System" series.

>The foreign country is actually the country Athena was studying in.

not dual destinies but all the rest here are fine to compete with this i guess

>we learn The Secret Origin of Athena's Dad

>havent played AAI2
hows this tier list

More like
>Underground trials

>Phoenix will have to again hide the truth about his tutelage's family from them

>Underground trials
>in a foreign country
We can go with both


Quick, everyone come up with ideas for how the 5th case ties back to and expands some history of a character we know about and changes *everything*

>A certain ancient case from Meiji Era Japan has suddenly resurfaced in modern times.
>The defense attorney of that case was Ryuunosuke Naruhodou
>Now, his descendant, Phoenix Wright, is caught up in what should have been a long-forgotten case.
>Can Wright solve the last unfinished trial of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou?

>Deducting 3.5 points just for one minor issue
I bet people with your mentality work at IGN.

So Ema, Athena and Franziska all studied in Europe at some point right? Ema at Athena possibly at the same time

Would probably involve channeling and cross-examining dead people but we've already had so much ridiculous CHANNELING in SoJ

>final case of DGS2 is a modern case with Phoenix

Takumi would totally do that

Lemme guess. Mayafag?

Did anyone else feel that 6-5's twists were handled poorly?

Everytime a new twist was about to come into play, they would refer to it a minute or two before instead of it just playing out and you having to think about it, or someone casually mentioning it instead of a full on flashback.

It really made the whole case feel a lot less "amazing" mostly because you'd work it out before the game even got to the point, and it was sort of ruin the surprise.

I don't know, it could just be me but I felt that SoJ was pretty predictable a lot of the time. I instantly knew who the bad guy was when Ga'ran transformed and even though it tried to sway my opinion, it was just so blatantly obvious that it almost felt like a chore to go through.

Not saying the last case was bad or anything, it's wayyy up there on my tier list, but I did feel that the way it was handled made it come off as less impressive than it is.

Apollo isn't allowed to have truly mysterious cases.

I was legitimately surprised when it looked like maybe Amara was the true baddie and not Ga'ran. Unfortunately it turned out to just be the obvious Ga'ran.

I like to think that after Phoenix got the Magatama from Maya, he just used to ask people "Did you do it" when they'd ask for a defense, and if they lied he's instantly know and refuse.

Plus, the fee required for an attorney would be pretty high. I assume they just have court appointed attorneys if they can't and the ones that can actually afford to have Phoenix would have to actually be innocent for him to defend them.

Nick would never abandon someone's who's truly alone. He's worked pro bono before.


this game was definitely harder than dd but had a bit of a problem with being over-foreshadowy within trials

That's true, but that would also explain why he doesn't have money as well.

Yeah too much of it was foreshadowed. You can figure out most of the plot twists by the time you're done investigating Igna's Room.

It isn't like this is the first time such a thing was the case. Even before she showed up in court she was obviously set up as the villain. I mean it took all of 2 seconds to guess that Von Karma would be in AA1.

anyone kinda annoyed that maya never channeled jove so apollo could meet his father


Nick would only take on a client he truly believed was innocent. And if they had no one else to turn to, then he'd help them even if it was for free. He's too nice a guy.

Don't Wright/Apollo/Athena mention from time to time how they don't have enough cases?

Apollo didn't seem too interested in him anyway.

Imagine if they eventually DO go overseas and it's literally America, together with statue of liberty and whatnot.

>plays SoJ
>Maya's theme starts
It makes me so happy I shed tears. I am surprised at how much of an effect it had on me. Game music, man.

I don't get why everyone orgasms over this one in particular.

I can't take the ending seriously especially since Godot went full retard.

>"Did you do it" when they'd ask for a defense, and if they lied he's instantly know and refuse.
That worked so well with Matt Engarde.

But user, 6-2 was truly mysterious

Sometimes I wonder if the Japanese writers make overseas cases / cultural references just to fuck with the American translators

I want one of his cases to be outright gray, like you won't know for a fact his client is innocent or guilty. I want him to have a lingering feeling of doubt, then the character comes back in a different case to nail him/her.

He'd lose if they were guilty.

When will Trucy upgrade Apollo to co-magician?

>I mean it took all of 2 seconds to guess that Von Karma would be in AA1.

Honestly, I never had that impression when I played it. I just thought Von Karma was an unbeatable prosecutor that wouldn't have an impact on the story. I just thought he was another person I had to go through to make sure Edgeworth was innocent. Nothing alluded to the fact that he was the bad guy, just that he had an "evil" aura that at the time, Edgeworth also seemed to have as well.

It was only at the point of finding the letter that I actually began to see him as the bad guy, and everything that played out afterwards was brilliant and when I had to find a way to prove Edgeworth innocent of a 15 year old case with no evidence because of what Von Karma did, his "evilness" was actually really well done and taking him out felt satisfying to do because he was perfect in every way and you found a way to beat him.

AA girls need the dick badly and it's a fucking crime that I can almost count the decent porn of it on one hand, INCLUDING the faggot shit.

He left the office and she's taking it out on Athena

Apollo already had two father figures in Dhurke and Phoenix, he's not big enough for three

Did someone say AA6 concept? Here's the superior princess.

And that's ok they ALL can't be innocent.

>dat mouse cursor

He is forced to defend Matt by Maya's kidnapper, if I remember correctly

This is a video game. Unwinnable stages are shit and you fucking know it.

>yfw pearly will be dressed like this by the next game

What even more shit is that fucking last bit in Edgeworth game 1.

See you next thread, m8s

The not knowing who Penny is is a meme. Not even a funny one.

No, I mean he did ask "did you do it?" and the no didn't trigger the megatama. I wonder if he's wise enough to also ask "did you get someone ELSE to do it?" now.

When they fuck

Oh man can't wait for AA7

I'm curious what "A Dragon Never Yields" was in the Japanese version. I'm guessing it probably was still something about dragons since we see the dragon design on the DCA book.

At the end Nahyuta tells Apollo that he has two auspicious beasts in him, the Dragon and the Phoenix, which is the canonical Japanese/Chinese pairing of mystical beasts.

Obviously they couldn't do that in the Japanese version since Wright's name has the character for "dragon" in it and no reference to phoenixes. So the equivalent line must have been about Apollo having two dragons within him.

Just interesting that such a culturally Asian thing could only exist in the American translation.

>What could have been
Thank god it wasn't.

Make a guess - murdered, or defendant?

>not wanting more young phoenix

"Oh I see, you have a Dragon inside you."

Murdered. Gotta be tragic.

Or, alternatively, the American translators really lucked out by making his name Phoenix