Dead Space is now 10 years old, did it age well?

Dead Space is now 10 years old, did it age well?
I'm thinking of replaying it.

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I'd say it's aged fine, but it's not particularly good.

It's as good as ever.

You're not particularly good.

why the fuck won't D3Doverrider work with this?

If you play on PC get the mouse fix which adds raw input and lock framerate to 60 or physics engine fucks up.

Still playable and enjoyable. Still, it's one of those franchise when the third one retrospectively ruined the entire thing.

It's aged incredibly well. Replay and enjoy

Got the mouse fix but I'm having trouble locking the framerate with vsync to 60. It used to work last time I played it but now D3Doverrider does nothing.

I added some reshade addon, could that be a problem?

>You're not particularly good.
That's not what your mom said.

It's good, but the weapon balance is a bit of a disappointment.

It's a gen 7 game, what's there to age?

Enable vsync with your GPU driver or set the framecap there.
If you have nvidia card you can use nvidia inspector for either method.

Not too long since I replayed it. I think it held up pretty good and was still well worth another run.
Shame that the third game arrived and shit all over the franchise.


Still well worth another playthrough.
Great game, aged well.

It aged very well, imo. Replayed whole trilogy last Christmas holidays, and first one is the best looking for whatever reason despite being the oldest.

Despite what people say there are only a few areas that screw up if you are over 60fps. First one you will notice right away because a door you need to get through will be locked. Some enemy was supposed to spawn and break the door.

>meme fire mode
i don't think i've actually used the secondary besides finding out what it did

Thanks. Yeah, shitty SweetFX fucks up with the dll files and you can't use both it and the external vsync.

Now on to forcing myself through the first half hour.

The PC port kinda sucks with mouse and keyboard. You gotta do mod fuckery to get it running properly.
Though you could also use controller and avoid that

If you want to play Dead Space and you can tolerate Origin, be advised that it's currently free on that store.

If you want to play it on Steam, the current price ($4.99) isn't bad. It's pretty close to the lowest recorded price on Steam ($4.39), and it's probably the best price you'll see in the near future. It was in the $1 tier of a Humble Bundle once, but that was in 2013, and it hasn't happened since.

Also, if you're playing with a mouse, you'll want to force V-sync or cap your frame rate with GPU drivers or other software. The game's built-in V-sync causes an absurd amount of input delay, while letting the game's frame rate exceed 60 frames per second causes the mouse sensitivity to get really weird and unpredictable. The developers legitimately had no idea how to make a PC port. If you can fix the frame rate without using the game's built-in v-sync, though, it will be fine.

I immagine they planned to have fights with way more enemies but srcapped them because of hardware limitations.
Would be useful in a room filled with 5-9 slashers at a time.

You need to disable ingame vsync.

OP confirmed for being underage.

Plasma cutter was so good there was no need to use anything else. One of the best vidya weapons I've ever seen desu.

aged like fine wine

Apart from the weak flametrower all other weapons are pretty great.

Plasma cutter is weak as shit on highest difficulty compared to the other weapons.
Force gun literally 1 shots regular slashers.

FOV makes it unplayable

It's still good but I think 2 is a bit more fun to play because they made the combat a lot better. All the weapons were good and the revamped TK system was much more fluid and fun to use.

Yeah I know about plasma cutter being OP but this time I won't to actually use other guns. Recomendations?

I beat the game on impossible using only the cutter. You just didn't aim with it right.

>Grabbed a One X because i like to own all of the consoles
>Pleasantly surprised i had Dead Space able to download
god bless

Never said it's impossible to beat it with it, it just pales in direct comparison to the other weapons.

Isaac was better as a silent protagonist.

He actually had less personality when he suddenly started talking in the sequel.

I wish they would release the series on ps4. Either a port or I would even take ps now for fucks sake.

Augmented plasma cutter is the best weapon for the first half of the game anyway.
Force gun is OP too.

I agree. I gave even less of a shit for him in the 3rd game when they started bringing up his relationship issues. I preferred when he was just some guy trying to survive a fucked situation.

the ripper is fun to use. the alt fire pierces enemies.

This is one of my favorite franchises, I hope Visceral reveals something about Dead Space 3 on this year's E3.

kek at these posts

his character was great in DS2 and DS3. DS1 was never that great as purists here love to believe.

user I'm sorry but Visceral are defunct as of October last year

EA shut them down because they didn't get billions of sales despite their meddling with 3.

game gets ten times better if you mute the shitty over-the-top ingame music

Free on origin atm

Got the platinum using plasma cutter on impossible, you're just shit user.

What does this even have to do with what I said?
Plasma Cutter has lower damage per shot, but you don't notice this on lower difficulty since everything dies in 1-2 shits anyway.
On impossible it's simply an inferior weapon compared the the rest of the arsenal except flamethrower
Yeah you can finish the game with it alone, some people also beat half-life with just the crowbar, that doesn't make the crowbar the best weapon in the game.

Is dead space 1 the greatest the tps horror genre has ever been? Pretty good level design. Amazing sound/atmosphere. Even though it’s as formulaic as any resident evil game, the atmosphere and stuff like not pausing the game while accessing the characters actual helmet hud, still hearing the enemies move the walls around you while you’re in menus is unnerving. The silent protagonist even had my bad posture

>that soft synth note that plays once you accomplish an objective

does anyone know the sound bit I'm talking about? is it on youtube?

What the hell is it with this new meme I keep seeing where people lie saying weapons in these games are far weaker than what is the truth? I'm seeing it come up all the time now in discussions on here. Like some sort of meta trolling I wasn't aware of...

Go to 8:33 on the second video. In just 4 shots he downs the slasher with ease. For fucks sake I'm getting really tired of talking to children on here. I'm too old for this shit board. The cutter was not weak on impossible. Its one of the best most versatile weapons in the game. You could easily beat the game with it only all the time unless you are shit like this faggot I'm replying to.

Only if it's a side story or maybe a prequel. DS3 ended the series perfectly. Unless they really want to emphasize the bleakness of the setting.

Congrats on STILL being unable to read and understand what I'm saying so I repeat again.
It is weak COMAPRED to other weapons.
The COMOPARED part is most important.
Plasma cutter needs 4 (FOUR) shots for a slasher, force gun need 1 (ONE).
I hope it gets through your thick skull now, gramps.

DS3 dlc is fucking excellent, awesome conclusion

>DS1 was good
>DS2 was good, but in a diferent way
>DS3 is trash, the dlc had some good ideas though

The problem here is not "the children" topkek, but your ignorance and stupidity.

I really enjoyed the first game. It's just a shame the second and especially the third weren't as good. The Dead Space universe had a ton of potential and EA, as usual, just fucked it all up because they were greedy.

You get so much fucking ammo for the cutter. Why do you even care so much if its weaker than the force gun? I sure as fuck hope it is since the force gun is supposed to be this games version of a shotgun.

Like I said, the cutter is the most versatile weapon in the game and you get tons of ammo for it. Especially if you only use it since the game adapts accordingly with drops. So no faggot it is not
>Plasma cutter is weak as shit

It is strong. Now quit acting like a faggot and git gud child.

>cheap jumpscares

dats a no from me dawg

one of the last great survival horror and TPS games

>I hope Visceral reveals something about Dead Space
user I don't know how to tell you this...


"Aging" is a modern meme buzzword for the "let's play" YouTuber cum-guzzling faggot generation.

It's a senseless word for faggots trying to be LE VIDEOGAMES CONNOISEUR.

So kindly fuck off back to L.eddit, Kotaku or any other cancerous shithole of your choice.

Yeah, I hated the game mechanics of 3 for the most part. The co-op was pretty good, and I liked the direction of the story and the setting.

Do you even know what you're saying?

But he is a different character in DS3. He was a cool space engineer in 2 and 3 changed him to unreasonably cocky parody of action movie characters. Even if you think along the lines of "it makes sense he is badass now" it doesn't work well within the scope of this franchise.

just keep posting lads and ignore this one


probably my fav vidya trailer all these years later


Do you even know what you're reading?

this is some neural network shit


>video games don't age with time
I mean, I know there are still good games like Super mario bros or Pac-man for the Atari but c'mon you know "aging" is definitely not whatever idea you are trying to convey with your buzzword post.

This is the worst shitpost I have ever seen.

>using anything but Plasma Cutter

Found the redditor. Are you afraid that there's no upvotes stopping you from seeing opinions you don't like?

lol wtf was that

What I don't like about the aging meme is it started out as innocent criticism at first but like all memes the retards get their hands on it and devolve the meaning so much it becomes a way to meaninglessly dismiss any game they don't like as shitty without offering more constructive criticism.

Like the will smith user here said Its a fucking seventh gen game.

The underage is strong with this one. The only reason you think video games don't age differently is because you were born half way through the previous console generation.

Video games are a product of their time. If you ever found yourself not liking something you liked before, it's because you were too retarded to know your own bad taste.

It's no different than "wow it looks worse than I remember". Literally never happened with me because I'm not a faggot with bad memory. My experience with an older game has NEVER been different than it was "back then".

So yes, "aging" is a concept for faggots who don't have a taste and are entirely molded by their environment.

The plasma cutter is boss dog but there's no reason not to use other weapons, too. The force gun is one of the most satisfying guns I've ever used in a game.

>Literally never happened with me because I'm not a faggot with bad memory
It's never happened to you because you're 12 and haven't had a chance to experience games from your childhood after 20+ years of innovation.

shitty FOV
shitty clunky controls
shitty map layout
shitty "i'm still a survival horror game but you can't progress through this room until you kill everything in it, just do that and then doors MAGICALLY get unlocked okay?"
shitty upgrade system that feels as opposite from rewarding as it could, with forcing you to waste points on shitty empty nodes that do FUCKING NOTHING

there's your constructive criticism

I've played this game once a year since christmas of 2008. I still haven't beaten it because I'm a huge pussy and I can only play about 30mins at a time, but I love it.

Explain to me a single game you think has aged poorly and explain in detail.

I'm 34 and I have played videogames for 29 years.

I know you don't have any logical and coherent thoughts to argue with what I said, so STFU instead of shitposting.

this is probably the most retarded shit i've read all day. congrats user, you win the retard of the day award.

>"aging" is definitely not whatever idea you are trying to convey with your buzzword post.
The only time age matters in games is if there's some technical problem with running on later systems. For everything else a game will always be as good or as bad as it was when it came out.

Silent hill

shitty FOV
shitty clunky controls
shitty map layout
shitty "i'm still a survival horror game but you can't progress through this room until you kill everythying in it. just do that and then the doors MAGICALLY get unlocked okay?"
shitty upgrade system that feels as opposite from rewarding as it could, with forcing you to waste points on shitty empty nodes that do FUCKING NOTHING

Further evidence that "le games connoisseurs" can't argue against facts, not even in a futile attempt of being logical.

>using the word "clunky"
annnnd stopped reading

troll, move on

Another imbecile with reading comprehension problems.

nah, you're just to retarded to be worth arguing with. it's more fun to rustle your jimmies

you can be a faggot all you want, everyone knows what the term means
input delay is too damn big, every action takes a fuckton of time to perform, and its not in a good, optimized way either

>Can't melee/stomp until I manually go out of the aiming mode
>0.5 second delay between pressing the stomp button and it actually happening
>cannot fucking quick turn

Even resident evil 3 17 years ago had fucking quickturn
I'm terribly sorry you can't cope with people objectively criticizing your nostalgia childhood first ever """horror""" game.

>Silent hill

Yeah you're opinions are most definitely shit. SH with the controls of 2 and 3 would be better but otherwise that game is still amazing today. Its not even that hard. You fags that buy into the aging meme clearly just have some sort of dead skunks up your ass that prevent you from being able to enjoy vidya like the rest of us.

>shitty FOV
Fits the game perfectly well.
>shitty clunky controls
False. You just suck.
>shitty map layout
Doesn't even make sense.
>shitty "i'm still a survival horror game but you can't progress through this room until you kill everythying in it. just do that and then the doors MAGICALLY get unlocked okay?"
Waaaaah, why won't developers make their games how *I* want, waaah.
>shitty upgrade system that feels as opposite from rewarding as it could, with forcing you to waste points on shitty empty nodes that do FUCKING NOTHING

Of course, there is the fact that if you can't evaluate the game inside its era it was released and the technical specs of its system, then yes, you're a spoiled casual.

Don't even try to pretend you can't stand 99.999% of games released before 2007 or so, you know you can't, you lying faggot.

You've really put time into making yourself feel superior to people on this board. It failed spectacularly, but you put in the time. And that counts for something.

Of course its fucking playable. why wouldnt it be? Games havent changed that much in 10 years.

>I'm 34 and I have played videogames for 29 years.

Why are you even here then?

>The PC port kinda sucks with mouse and keyboard. You gotta do mod fuckery to get it running properly.
It's just downloading and adding few files into the game's main folder, disabling in-game Vsync and capping the game at 60FPS. Never had a problem with it.
The PC port of Dead Space 2 is worse off in the long run: the mod that fixes mouse+KB and other shit is incompatible with the mod that removes the gear progression breaking DLC gear from your inventory.

>gear progression breaking DLC gear

elaborate, I'm about to go into DS2


Absolutely none of what you said is valid you fucking retard. Controls for 3rd person and 1st person games havent changed since 7th gen.


>I'm too dumb to notice it so it's fine!

>if you can't evaluate the game inside its era it was released and the technical specs of its system, then yes, you're a spoiled casual
not him but a bad game is always going to be a bad game regardless of when it was released. visuals are slaves to system limitations but you can't excuse gameplay flaws as "oh it's just old".

Am I wrong to think that Dead Space is visually comparable to modern games?
Considering it's 10 years old, I don't feel it looks particularly dated.

this but unironically

He obviously was a troll. This is why you can't take people here seriously. SH doesn't even have upgrading with nodes of any kind.

The PC version of DS2 has all the pre-order DLC weapons and armor unlocked at the start, all of them are recolors / minor stat changes compared to regular weapons and armor. Basically you start with all the weapons and armor in the game unlocked.
There's no way to disable them, and they constantly clutter up your shop / inventory screen. Just make sure to note that everything that costs 0 credits is DLC shit you shouldn't use.

>a bad game is always going to be a bad game regardless of when it was released.
Okay agreed.

>visuals are slaves to system limitations but you can't excuse gameplay flaws as "oh it's just old".
Yes, if it was a bad game in the first place. The reason people even use the aged meme so much is as a way to criticize old games that are looked on favorably. Never do you see it used for say Bubsy 3D where even then people knew it was an awful game with terrible platforming controls.

mid-tier horror game

Are you serious? You are literally a casual.

This "Aging" is a way of justifying one's incapability of playing an older game without being spoiled.

The smashing majority of the people obsessed with this word will say "no but there are good games like Mario and Tetris". Those people are LYING. They will NEVER play a game like Super Mario World in its entirety, let alone *any* other game. Those people can't stand ANY old game AT ALL.

Literally every single horror game has the same shitty FOV and controls. That's why this entire genre is garbage. Dead Space is garbage, Silent Hill is garbage and Resident Evil is garbage.

>The reason people even use the aged meme so much is as a way to criticize old games that are looked on favorably
I usually see it being used the opposite way with people writing off flaws in games they like as the game just being old and that anyone who complains about those things is spoiled.

No matter how many times I reach this part, I’m never 100% confident in how things will go down.

>Silent Hill is garbage
lol. Stupid fuck. Silent Hill is the greatest thing to ever come out of the video game industry

I literally finished Dead Space for the first time a few days ago and I don't recognise the ambient.

spotted the fedora shitlord

so you admit it

Which Silent Hill games are you talking about? The ones with the horror camera angles? Same goes for RE. The ones with static cameras? How do you fucking whine about FOV in those games when the entire point of the old ones was to set the camera in a way to compliment the style of game they went for? They weren't TPS you mongrel.

Amd card here. Anyway to play the game with vsync 60fps? When I have it unclicked in the game but forced through the radeon settings I still get screen tearing. Also I only have 60hz anyway.

It’s the decontamination room of the Ishimira. Are you going to play DS2 next?

download D3Doverrider

just replayed it a month ago and it's still the best RE4

Dead Space was always a 6/10 game simply made to cash in on the Resident Evil 4 craze just like how Dante's Inferno tried to ape God of War.

Sorry not sorry.

These games suck.
>lol enemies can spawn right behind you/just off of camera
Literally artificial difficulty.

>Bitches about buzzwords
>Uses a shitload of buzzwords

I might. I own Dead Space 3 on Origin from that bundle already, but not Dead Space 2 so I might just buy it now off Steam. The problem is I've already bought a few games that I'm playing through right now and I don't want to hoard.

Bullshit faggot. People change, tastes change.
Not only that but when you get older, your skill significantly drops, so all of those "hard for the sake of being hard' games you grew up loving become an absolute chore to play.
Watch, ten years from now, people won't remember Dark Souls being as good as they thought it was because they'll realize just how unenjoyable to play it really is.

I loved the beginning of it. And that chick was waifu material.

>TFW got Dead Space 3 for free because Sim City was such a giant pile of shit

This game wasnt very scary at all desu

Do horror games need to be scary?

Remember: use this for a proper PC experience.

I remember struggling far less with ammo on my last playthrough


the force gun is fucking great for crowed control. its like a shotgun.

It's not so scary, but it's fun to shoot things. Play on the highest difficulty or at least one step up from what you would normally feel comfortable playing.

Play on the hardest mode and only use flamethrower once its available. That should be entertaining

try playing goldeneye and then tell me aging is a meme
that glorious 15 fps and those razorsharm polygons

What the fuck are you talking out your ass about??
"Doors magically unlock"
Did you even listen?
Most places go into auto lockdown when an anomaly is detected and become quarantine zones.
You cut the fuckin anomaly to pieces, clear the threat, quarantine lifted.
Its a good game, fucking deal with it.

horror games that force you to kill everything are just straight up horribly designed

God the stomp in this game was so shit

That's clearly the stomp from the second game

It didn't rewared you in any way for risking your neck yeah.
Damage too low and left you wide open for attacks.
The second game stepped it up.

The MP of the sequel is top fun

Those comics were the shit