I'm getting really tired of this bad end shit, it has completely ruined my immersion in this game...

I'm getting really tired of this bad end shit, it has completely ruined my immersion in this game, they expect you to figure out the subtlest shit hours after its relevant, and even if you do catch on, they first throw a bunch of vague answers for you to guess on which is right so you're almost guaranteed the first bad ending, and now for this one they want me to just guess who the murderer is out of a list of every character in the game, like what the fuck?
I don't feel like having to reload my save a possible 6 more times and have to run through town asking every question possible to every NPC again and again, because the designers were too much of fucking dickheads to give the player more than 3 guesses.
So tell me Cred Forums, what's the right answer here?

you were the killer all along


There was no killer, the bitches killed themselves because they're whores

Persona 4's story is pretty linear. It doesn't matter what you answer.


it was Nanako

How was anyone supposed to know it was Nanako?

OP, are you retarded?

Holy shit how fucking horrifically autistic are you to not only not know from before you even started the game, but also not able to figure it out first fuckin try. You do not deserve to play this game. It is too good for you. Stop playing it. Die.


it's pretty clear if you payed attention to the game ano

The twin sisters in town?! I fucking knew it!

I played 5 first so a few hours into the game I was like "yep, that's the guy"

But in P4G he has his social link

I'm proud no one's said yet. Stay cool Cred Forums

I don't even recognize like 4 of them, plus Adachi and Namatame don't have social links, the there's at least 2+ there.
Yes it does matter, I already got it wrong was given another bad ending.
Nah that's not it, nice edit though, got me to try it.
Its not clear at all to me, sorry for going into game blind instead of reading a fucking guidebook before I even play them.

>her constantly asking and talking about death
The signs were all there my dude

fuck off gino

Death Grip's song "Hacker" actually spoiled P4 for me:
>Killer's fucking Nanako, teaching bitches how to swim

just think who are the characters that did by the killer's hand and who had access to them

I am literally diagnosed autistic and even I managed to figure it out at that point.

>Its not clear at all to me, sorry for going into game blind instead of reading a fucking guidebook before I even play them.
I didn't read a guide, first time I played I fucked up on the hospital scene, when I got past it he was the only one that even remotely made sense.

>fuck off gino
If that's the dude who hates persona that some user's post, I wasn't even talking shit about the game or series, I liked Persona 4 and 5 a lot.

think about people you're obligated to interact with but at the same time could be fucking things up

>it does matter
Oh shit. You are right. Sorry. I barely remember P4G although I played it in 2016.

No gino is the name of my brother who walked over to me while I was playing persona 4 and asked what's happening, I tell him that someone in this town is a murderer and he points to adachi and says its him and walks away

I have no idea who had access to Mayumi and Saki before their deaths outside of Namatame, but he's proven himself innocent already.
I don't quite understand this wording.

The first bad end is fucking BS
I never even killed Nametame but I still got the bad end because I didn't pick "We have to consider Nametame's feelings!" and instead picked "We can't just kill Nametame!"
The two choices are so vague, should have been one choice that said you didn't think Nametame was the killer.

Ah, I just figured it was gonna be someone in plain sight because of Akechi. Anyway, it's about the journey, not the destination.

So does that mean Adachi is the right answer then?

Do you mind listing off the options the game gives?

Yes Adachi is the killer

Who was always conveniently around when suspicious things were happening? Who could use their position in the world to their advantage in hiding their identity? It's pretty obvious, it can't be any social link, it can't be a member of the investigation team, and it can't be Nanako. That really only leaves a few options. Mitsuo, Namatame, Adachi, and Dojima.

I agree, except for me I did kill Namatame, and just assumed that the game ends on a dark note, didn't find out until a week later that there are multiple endings, and choosing the right one not only adds more to the game, but also magically revives Nanako for no fucking reason, and I suppose keeps the killer killing since in all the other endings the killing stopped anyways.

>Doesnt have a shadow
>Gets Dojima off your back every chance she can
>Same dungeon as the politician

I wonder.

If it can't be a social link, then it can't be Dojima, either. And the game already giving you the run around on Mitsuo and Namatame makes the only possible answer even easier.

I thought it was Dojima the whole game, if you pick him from the list there's only really one other option.

I am honestly surprised someone didn't know the spoiler of who the killer is in P4
I thought it was like Aeris dies or MC is Raven, one of those spoilers that's been spoken so much in forums that even people who never played the game knows it.
If you look at any fan art, go to a single discussion about the game, or even look at one of P4s side games, you'll find the spoiler in the flesh.

I'm jealous of the naivety. I wish I could have went into P4 so ignorant. Would have made the murder mystery more interesting.

Nah, its like Nanako meme.

Dojima has a social link

The guy who puked at first sight of a dead body is a killer user, wew.

That was from anxiety at thinking he'd be caught.

That's what I said. If you're ruling out social links, then that doesn't leave Dojima as an option because he has a social link. Not that any of this matters in Golden anyway considering the culprit has one too, and I'm not sure why you would immediately think to rule out social links, although it's pretty obvious at a glance that none of them did it.

OP is not that retarded to fall for that.

i kinda got the same problem with that the first time
but instead i got confused after the one dialogue that kinda loops into itself and you are supposed to keep pushing that point, but instead i thought "oh that was just flavor text, i guess i'll have to pick one of the others"

more like at that point he didn't even know they would die

He didn't know the TV world killed people at that time, he throw up because he just realized he killed someone.

Here you go.

He also didn't even know the first person was going to die, or at least that he'd come across the corpse.

This might be true, but he kills a second person immediately afterwards so I don't think he was too sickened by it.

Literally all you have to do is tell the gang to calm their tits about Namatame.

>But mercy is for the weak

>Saki killed the producer
>Saki then suicided herself
Case closed, another murder off of Japan's records.

>Saki Konishi


While it's fairly easy to determine who the killer really is, getting the best ending requires you to thread the fucking needle with the dialog choices assuming you're doing it blind.

Everyone who spend more than 5 minutes on Cred Forums knows Adachi is the killer and that he did nothing wrong, the bitches and whores deserved it

Who have you had interactions with in story segments and not sidequests?
Who would have access to the victims that aren't Namatameme & the party?
What character has the voice actor that is the same as the protagonist

My first introduction to SMT in general was "Adachi is the killer"

I played it as soon as it came out and didn't expect him.
He hardly showed up on screen and he was never suspicious. The only line i've seen people say makes him suspicious would be when he told 15 year olds to stop fucking around with weapons and trying to hunt for a serial killer which just seemed like a normal reaction.
The whole "I was pretending to be retarded" is just that, retarded.

He was too far gone by that point, he clearly killed her out of desperation and paranoia.

It wasn't him being so disgusted over a dead body.
More just the anxiety, realizing she he killed her and he thought he was going to get caught.
When he realized there was absolutely no evidence, then he was willing to kill again knowing he had the ultimate weapon.

>browse Cred Forums before I know what persona is
>enter persona thread
>____ is the killer
>think nothing of it
>this happens multiple times
>finally decide to play persona 4
>get to this part
>still don't know who the killer is.

In hindsight I it was obvious who the killer was. I wish could back and experience finding out who it was again.

The thread's already gotten plenty loose about it, but whatever. Based on the hints the game gives you, there are plenty you can eliminate immediately. None of the social links besides Dojima and Nanako are even related to the main plot. It's not going to be any of your party members. It's not going to be any of the victims. It's not going to be either of the two people you already suspected and then discovered weren't responsible. They give you three guesses and the only two you could possibly choose are Dojima and Adachi. Any other selection is you thinking too hard about it and assuming the game has a dumber twist than it actually does.

That's what I was saying.

Rev up those unrelated adachi is the killer .gifs

Well it helps that I only got interested enough in the Persona series to play it in December and decided to go into 4 first since years ago I had a very mild interest in it for only a few days, so I gave no shits about the series until I actually started playing 4, even if I had been spoiled before that point, all Persona related information was in one ear and out the other prior to playing.

>It's not going to be any of your party members.
You can't rule that out entirely, you're only doing that due to confirmation bias.
P3 killed a teammate, and then there's P5's "twist". Persona is a series that isn't afraid to take away your party members.

Dojima should have been the killer as it was originally intended.
Also Adachi was 100% right about everything,and the investigation team are a just a bunch of bored popular brats.

The question that OP has to ask is, is Cred Forums contrarian enough to deliberately lead him to another bad end.

I didn't know he was the killer but I figured he would be as I played Persona 5 first. Maybe years ago I saw spoilers but I wasn't interested in Persona at that time so I didn't remember any of it.

It was Kou, he killed them for their lack of balls.

>Dojima should have been the killer as it was originally intended.
You mind elaborating on that?

or to pay attention to the theme of the fucking game

Adachi being the killer is such an old spoiler that everyone will ignore the real one

And I'm anot talking about the eyes neither

About that Gas Attendant

To be honest I actually was starting to assume the game had a dumber twist because the first bad ending completely broke my immersion with how Nanako dies before you interact with Namatame, but then if you manage to get through that interaction correctly then Nanako is suddenly revived, and Namatame isn't the real killer.
Since it seemed to me that bait and switches were now the name of the game as Mitsuo wasn't actually the killer, and then Nanako didn't actually die, and then Namatame wasn't actually the killer either, I chose Morooka as a legitimate answer thinking that he had faked his death or some bullshit like that.

Okay, then I'll rephrase that to say that given the events over the entire course of the story, it's obvious that it isn't a party member. It wouldn't make any narrative sense for it to be a party member. Akechi "betraying" you in 5 was highly telegraphed. I didn't know he was going to be a party member in the game before I played it and was interested in the "you're going to get betrayed" angle the story had, and the second he joins the team you know it's going to be him now. 3 killing someone is a different matter.

Almost every character in the game was at some point intended to be the killer, they barely knew what they were doing with the game as they were making it because they didn't have a lot of time.

They make it even more obvious with the battle theme lyrics

>Akechi "betraying" you in 5 was highly telegraphed.
Well yeah, his first interaction with you he reveals that he can hear Morgana meaning he would have to be familiar with the metaverse

I say you can't rule out a party member because I honestly thought Yosuke was suspicious.
Saki was a bitch to him, he says the reporter was hot and how he should go to the Amagi inn to get a peek at her.


I want to aggressively tenderly skullfuck vanilla under the covers at night in a moonlight lit room holding hands for the sole purpose of procreation during the honeymoon that slut my wife

If Yosuke turns on you nobody will be able to translate the protagonist's silent mumbles to the rest of the team.

Wow, thanks worst girl for withholding crucial information, now I dislike you even more than I already did.

P5's spoiler of the traitor was supposed to be obvious.
Because that's not the big twist.
They did that on purpose, people online would obviously spoiler who the traitor is because it's bite sized and easy to spread. The big twist is fucking so non-sensicle it's almost impossible to describe it without a paragraph dedicated to explaining mechanics.

Adachi and people who defend Adachi make one mistake in this debate. They assume that the IT need to refute what Adachi is saying about the world. This is not the case. They merely needed to refute that killing those two women was justifiable using Adachi's logic, which they did.

A gay clock is right twice a day.

But it's still gay.

It's exactly as it sounds.
They changed it very late in production, that's why Dojima gets triggered when you mention the killer and Adachi leaking info.
Adachi was going to be a red herring and a good guy who cared about Nanako.
They changed because such a twist was too harrowing for 4's wish fulfilment plot.

are you not ENTERTAINED ?

Naoto is actually the killer and you guys are retards.

If only they could have left the in-game explanation just a paragraph long. I liked the twist within a twist, but they undermine it severely with the stupidly long explanation of how it all works, especially considering the game spends enough time establishing cognitive people before then that only people who haven't been paying attention would be lost.

sounds dope
but in the other hand we got /ourguy/ Adachi so can't complain

>Naoto is actually the killer and you guys are retards.
she's a killer alright

The game has multiple cutscenes of villains talking to each other about how evil they are.
The game insults your intelligence multiple times during the story.

No wonder her detective skills rapidly deteriorated as the game went on, it was all a ruse

PLS save my thread

The Accomplice ending is the best ending

There's really only one cutscene with villains talking that feels like completely pointless exposition, and it's the scene right after the twist explanation.

This is the killer.

Getting the Rise trophy was surprisingly daunting considering you had to make a list of what she said.

The SIU director talking on the phone could have been only one cutscene, it didn't need one after every single dungeon.

Exactly. She only had inside knowledge of the crimes to rely on and joined the party as a ruse, so she couldn't keep helping them out or they might get too far ahead. To this day, no one figured it out. No one but me.

Coming soon, Persona 6. The color theme is green, for the envy we feel at those around us.

Why is she the best girl to romance?

WHy did they make her ingame portrait so fucking ugly.

Because she’s the least annoying, at least of the girls that are in your party

>tfw you’re just waiting for this actual gaming conversation to be filled with fetish talk

she's smart, she's shy, has dem titties

Killer of muh dick

I too have a fetish for throwing bitches inside a tv.

you get to ntr kanji

>Naoto in that costume

delet this

Is P4 bad end just instant special game over scenes like P3 or is there a lot of playing of the game after the deciding moment?

damn right user
you tell em'

>the fact that you need to play the other games to get the full plot twist experience

Old timeline pic, still accurate? Do we have a time set for Dancing Moon/Star Night?

I didn't find those to be so long or so devoid of competency in conveying a point that they were insulting. When Goro and Shido were laying out their goals in the scene I mentioned, they didn't even sound like they were talking to each other. They may as well have been up on a stage under a spotlight talking directly to me.

>mfw also into tomboy, and blue hair
Naoto is my jackpot

Naoto is pure love

That's why I always look up guides at every choice in vidya. From WRPG and JRPG to telltale games to fps games

some of them are actual endings and some of them end with igor calling you a retard and sending you back a day.

You sit through some lengthy cutscenes, get fast forwarded to April and then say goodbye to your friends as you leave the town, then you get the full credits and then they let you continue into NG+.
The shit isn't very apparent as a bad ending imo, but I'm also a first timer for this series so maybe its different for others.


the standard ending, no. if I remember right it just points out that there's some unanswered questions.
the ones where the fog remain, however, clearly show you fucked up.

all of you
fuking gays
she is pretty great tho

I honestly thought the killer was going to be the MCs shadow.

This has to be a bait thread. Not only has this game been out for so long that there is literally no way it hasn't been spoiled for you on Cred Forums, but he's fucking obviously the killer based on his access to the house and him trying to divert attention away from evidence.

he actually is from a certain perspective.

if that's gay then who cares

Why is Yosuke such a flaming faggot. No wonder there's so many doujins of him getting dicked up the ass.

The fact that Persona hasn't had a game where they do full Tokusatsu by having every character in Persona/SMT if fight a bunch of bad guys in some kind of Persona Musou game is beyond me.

P5D probably takes place sometime during P5 since Caroline and Justine are still around. The same thing for P3D probably but it’s not as concrete

In the bad endings it says that the fog was clearing up and was almost completely gone.

>manage to browse Cred Forums unspoiled for the game
>game comes with an artbook
>open straight to Adachi's profile

it was pretty obvious from the beginning that she was female, she's voiced by a female.

I find it funny that Kanji isJoel

Chie is the tomboy. Naoto is a reverse-trap. Get it right

what is this from

I will never hate another character in this franchise as much as I hate Yosuke, what a fucking prick

P3P female route

persona 1-2 is in a whole different universe than the one in persona 3-5

I had zero knowledge of this trophy when i played Golden and just got it out of the blue. I suppose it helped that in almost every JRPG i play i grind excessively and use all my party members to ensure they're of equal strength

Persona 3 Portable

I preferred the tricky dialog choices to the crap in P5 where the shit literally happens anyway

The P1 characters are in TV interviews in P3

I love that Dojima, Yukiko, and Yosuke were all candidates to be the killer when the game was in development.

There are references that they exist in the 3-5 one, thanks to EP

A lot of male characters are voiced by females, especially in Japan

That was a great reveal for Catherine
It really surprised me on the last day

I don't remember a single male character in 4 or 5 being voice by a woman in English

he's a charming loser how can u hate him?

Yosuke is much bigger faglord than Kanji yet he doesn't stop being a cunt to him.
What's is wrong with him?


reminder that the canon ending to a game that is canon in the Persona universe is Vincent’s city turning into a bullshit spaceship...

That wasn’t actually Vincent though

Morgana isn't human though, that hardly counts

I assume he's extremely homophobic.

Suppressed homosexual feelings for MC

i blame Chie

Hashino has stated in interviews that the Vincent in P3P is not the same Vincent as the one in Catherine

Man this thread makes me realize I loved 4 so much more than 5

He acts like a prick to every and just doesn't shut the fuck up, Junpei filled the lovable idiot role better, he at least didn't shittalk all the time.

Which, funny enough, was supposed to be in the game.

I stand by what I said. The ending is still stupid as fuck. Just glad it doesn’t drag P3 down...

>I don't even recognize like 4 of them
so you played a heavily story based game without at all paying attention to the story? good job autist made me respond enjoy the (you)s

Played 4 after 5 and I liked 4 better. Couldn't stand a lot of the characters in 5, SOL stuff was worse which is something I care about in games with VN elements, and honestly for a game with a shitty story after the first arc the P5 characters talked way to fucking much.

I mean i played P4 when i was young so it hit a little closer to home, P5 was great but it didn't have the same magic

is there something wrong with that?

Okay before I go any further, because this game has me on edge with these nonstop bad endings, is Teddie supposed to leave the Velvet Room or is this another picky dialogue choice like with Namatame in the hospital?

The characters I didn't recognize aren't important to the story as far as I know now, they're just social links that I probably didn't even come close to maxing out.

>da man
>lovable idiot
he was the smartest sees

I played 4 after 5 as well and I like them about the same. The worst part about 4 for me were the social links with non-party members. Ai and Yumi were completely pointless.

I didn't, but it's not like I disliked 4. I think it was just the extra dungeon in P4G that turned me off to it.

Or maybe she initially forgot about it since it didn't feel like relevant information to her at the time and she remembered when it clicked again.

but Yusuke is the one being shit on
if you had to take the worst shots for the team the entire story you'd probably also be mad, he took at like a champ as far as i remember

also he's stupidly good at pulling crits in combat so he always had a spot in the team for me

I meant that he filled the role Yosuke had in a much better way
You're right he wasn't really stupid, he was a sensible guy, it just makes me mad that they do Junpei so well then make the equivalent in the next game an clutzy idiot who talks smack all the time.


Just apply process of elimination to the list of suspects, based on a general knowledge of how stories are usually written.
It's not going to be
>someone who has no established connection to the main plot at all like the thot nurse at the hospital
>someone in your party
>someone who's already been eliminated as a suspect by the game's plot
The answer is clearly Nanako.

I had to force myself to beat 5, the whole game feels drawn out and too long. It's painful after playing both Devil Survivor games which have the same story/character focus but with all of the fluff cut out and actual choices.

>the smartest
>can't even figure out why rushing into a boss room is dangerous
>doesn't even try to use other weapons despite his terrible accuracy with 2 handed
>needs a waifu to the knee to stop crying about not being the leader
>fails every tests at the school
good ol' Stupei

I want to strip Marie of everything but her gloves, stockings and hat and impregnate her.

You have to be the one person on this board that isn't already spoiled, and you're asking for spoilers. Fuck you.

He's the voice of reason in The Answer, he matured over the game I felt

Is P5 still worth playing if you've been spoiled about akechi?

it's not even a spoiler, so yes

Well since I was already somehow supposed to figure it out at this point in the game, the spoiler doesn't matter much at all.

That's not even the real tweest.

Is this a joke or is it actually nanako. I thought I got the good ending and i never have heard of this

true, eh was one of the only sane characters in the Answer for some reason

my only problem with stupei is that the whole muh leadership arc took way too long, by the second time it should have been enough but nope

>The only way to get a thread started anymore is to act like an imbecile so people will call you stupid.
Sorry, OP. I'll reply to your threads even if you don't want to act dumb.

P3P Guy is still Vincent, but isn't Catherine's Universe's Vincent. Just a different timeline Vincent

>mfw the culprit in P5 also outed himself and you would only know that if you were actually paying attention to the story

it's fine

No shit, that's literally what i said

I really think The Answer is hugely underrated thanks to being permanently stuck on "hard mode". That should have been optional. I played it twice through and loved it both times. It's really easy if you take Metis and Yukari. Spam knock-downs and all out attacks and you're golden.

the real spoiler is the disappointment of who is going to take Akechi's spot in the team

The game has more going for it than plot tweests so hell yeah.

>tfw no "if..." remake done in modern persona style

Persona was literally made because the contemporary setting of If was well received

Vincent! Holy shit.

I know, that's why I want a remake in Persona's style

And Persona is a direct sequel, as if...'s main character Tamaki appears in P1 and P2 as a Persona wielder who knows her shit.

Too bad she married a self-insert. At least the Yakuza killed him, so she's available.

>They changed it very late in production
That's bullshit and you know it user, the entire structure of the most of the game, especially the last 2 months would need to be reworked in order for Dojima being the killer to make sense, Dojima was going to be the original killer as much as Hifumi was going to be the original Makoto

I don't understand


Pretty sure any reference to the older games was added by Atlus USA and wasn't in the original Japanese versions

When I played Catherine the first time I ended up without Katherine and Catherine rejecting me.
Something happened to me irl about a week ago, I was playing for escapism, to take my mind off it.
My oneitis that I had not seen in 5 years returned to my life and wanted to start a relationship but I was already seeing this other girl, so I rejected her, not long after that the other girl left me. Fuck you, game.

Thanks for reading my blog, please rate, comment and subscribe.

That's a big COMP.

Dojima was never intended to be the killer, they redesigned him at some point because he looked too dark which made people assume he was the killer.

Whatever you do don’t go to fucking space

The TV interviews were in the Japanese version as well
The MMO having P2 names was an Atlus US invention, in Japan the names were after Megami Tensei 1.

>Best school?

Gekkoukan for the school itself and location, Yaso for those /fa/ uniforms

Reminder that Naoto is the dumbest detective in the entire Megami Tensei franchise

Inaba has the least problems
P1 has a school that gets taken over by an ice queen
P2 had the curse
P3 had bullying with Fuuka, as well as the despair syndrome going around and the school turning into a monster tower
P5 had shitty volleyball coach and principal

P4 has only one shitty teacher, I don't even think there was any bullying there.

I hope you are talking about slutty teacher, and not our lord and savior user...

>P4 has only one shitty teacher
Which one? Morooka was a cool guy, Kashiwagi was desperate for the Yu d but so was everyone else.

wat do u mean

reminder that Akechi solved his own crimes

Newbie to Persona 2, how do Rumors work in context to the World? Could you just make up any rumor and as long as people believed it, it came true?

>supposed ace detective
>uses herself as kidnapper bait alone with no backup plan, hidden cameras or anything

No, he's constantly a complete prick to Kanji, who is completely innocent and is best boy.

Akechi also isn't actually trying to be a detective, meanwhile, Naoto is supposedly a detective prince yet does shit like

For the most part, yes
But they say that people tend to only spread fearful things, positive things don't get spread as easily.

Yes, rumors becoming real is kind of the theme behind the entire megami tensei series, demons wouldn't exist without them

basically meme magic

So like, saying that people who eat Yakisoba Bread get sick would be more likely to come true than something fetishy like all women have huge asses?

No more like
>Hitler is back baby.

Full picture please

I picked Adachi completely at random (was running a no-spoiler when I first played P4) simply because he had a portrait/voice and didn't do anything.

yeah that was dumb
and still is the only one thing in every game she's been in
she kills it no problem as a detective in P4A

what i didn't really get from Akechi's plan is what happens next if it succeeds
was he still gonna be a detective? he clearly didn't really enjoy the fame, and the cases he "solved" weren't real, and no parents or friends to guide him

I don't like to derail threads where people are actually discussing things. I only post my fetish drabbles in waifu dump threads that should really be on /e/ or /vg/

he enjoyed it until he realized it was hollow fame after meeting joker
you need to keep in mind that he was desperate and totally deranged. that's not gonna produce logical long term goals.

There was that guy in Ai's social link.

fuck me i see a merchant

He's a homosexual.

Will we ever get a new hidden route in Persona, like the Snow Queen route?

You saying he likes dudes?

no u

kek i see it too now

>why is the guy who was meant to be a gay social link a flaming faggot
Gee I wonder

I really don't get the hate for Yosuke. You guys completely blow out of proportion how much of a dick he actually was.

Ryuji still the best bro character in the series so far though.

>reload save
>on an emulator

Just use save states, guess you're too retarded to work that out when you couldn't work out the killer.

>cucking best boy

Honestly him having a 0 social link (JUST LIKE THE FOOL DO YOU GET IT THEY AREN'T SO DIFFERENT AFTER ALL) was more obvious than him not having one at all

The only way you can get the true bad ending is if you're a lawless animal who thinks the characters are justified in throwing Namatame into the TV.

It would have been pretty ballsy and an actual twist to have one of the investigation team members actually be the killer. Imagine Yosuke thrill killing and playing the dumb useless loser kid to throw you off this whole time. That would have been amazing.

Adachi in the original game is barely mentioned at all. It was boring and stupid.

Just bought 3 Fes and i got a few questions
1. What does P3's Fes version add to the game?
2. What does P4 golden add compared to just normal P4?

it was nanako

It's really easy to find the answers to these questions on your own, user.

Two things
1. I only use save states when a game is so shit it doesn't deserve my effort.
2. Does PCSX2 even have savestates?

I think I liked 5's cast a lot more than 4. Which do you guys prefer?

Every year I try to get through Trinity Soul and every year I just stop and can't get through it. Does it get any better?

I like 5's the best as well. 3 characters are a bit more mature and realistic but they don't really feel like friends till near the end of the game while in P4 everybody sucks your dick and wants to be your friend the moment they meet you. In P5 it's just the right mix of both.

In defense of 4, only Rise and Teddie suck your dick way too much. Everybody else is pretty reasonable.
>inb4 Yosuke
You save his life.

I did not enjoy Persona 5 that much. It's kind of a meme opinion but it went to shit after Makoto joined.
>prior to Makoto
Team has good chemistry, Ryuji has an actual character aside from being comic relief, villain is actually relavent, palaces have nice difficulty
>Makoto joins
An empasis on Makoto scenes decreases the screentime of everyone else, Yusuke and Ann get less and less lines. More unremarkable waifubait joins one after the other. Ann felt like a realistic good character in the beginning but becomes more of a dumb bimbo with 0 lines as plot moves. Ryuji is Yosuke 2.0 at this point. Palaces are too easy.
Pancakes twist is retarded, the villain reveal was obvious as fuck just because of the abundance of rude choices you could pick for him alone. No time to get attached so his death makes you feel nothing. Too many characters means no more development. Ending and final boss are underwhelming. Everyone sucks Joker's dick, even more than P4.

There’s a reason Fatlus tries to forget about Trinity Soul

Doesn't DAN take place before the Golden Ending?

Yusuke and Hifumi's school

Shame you never get to visit it.

No. P4D happens in Fall and The Epilogue happens in Summer right before that. There's even a bonus chapter that has a cutscene set during the summer where Rise, Naoto and Yu come to Inaba to ask the rest of IT to Dance All Night in Tokyo with them.

Same. I managed to force myself to finish Futaba's arc, got to the middle of Haru's arc and I just can't take it anymore, it's so goddamn boring. and I bought P5 on the release day
Fuck you, Ai was great.

I want to put a whoopie cushion on fukka's desk seat and laugh with the rest of the class when she sits on it

>Does it get any better?
Yes, but then it gets really convoluted and the ending was one of the worst things I've ever seen. I really enjoyed Trinity Soul but even I wouldn't recommend it.

it could've been worse. you could've been spoiled like 90% of Cred Forums was

>Have to guess 12 or so links
That doesnt make it better you know.

Honestly I don't really see how you would ever suspect Adachi as the killer, I mean I even knew he was the killer before playing thanks to Cred Forums, but even while I was playing I was starting to wonder if I got meme'd or something because there is really nothing very out of place for him. Of course it does all make sense by the end though.

Its times like this where I'm glad I found out there were multiple endings by the time I got to Nanakos dungeon. Alot the shit you have to do is so extremely vagur and there is only one correct answer every time.

Underrated post

I'm glad that I didn't play P4 back when I first discovered it, I would have went on for years just thinking that the bad ending with Nanako dying was just how the game ends.
Thankfully now I was only fooled by that ending for a week instead.

I'm playing Persona 5, just finished Kamoshida's palace. So far I've hit like 20 knowledge points and had no level up but hit like 3 charm points and leveled up. What's up with that?

Knowledge takes ages to level is all.

Knowledge 20 47 72 105
Courage 6 16 31 64
Handiness 8 21 38 55
Kindness 9 28 56 82
Charisma 4 32 56 79

nanako did it

Did anyone else play the 2008 PS2 game when they were 12/13? I thought playing it and 3 made me so fucking cool, but I'm sure they messed with my growth a bit, seeing how I'm posting here at 3 am on Sunday night

I see. Thanks.

>2008 PS2
You mean Nocturne?


Bad ending is Nanako dying

I would immediatelly go to internet like "what was with that downer ending, that can't be right"

Back when I first found out about it, I didn't go to the internet for help often.
And as for why I didn't do that now, I just figured that maybe the game had a dark ending and that was that, while depressing, the game still wrapped up rather cleanly in the bad ending with no more murders happening and the fog going away, I assumed that Teddie being out of the TV world for so long is what caused the fog to leak in the first place because maybe he actually was the king, so his disappearance didn't exactly set me off either to it being a bad ending, and I didn't think about the threat in the mail because that was only relevant hours ago and I was legitimately emotionally upset over Nanako dying when dealing with Namatame.
As I've said before, this is my first experience with the series, so I had no real reason to believe that the ending was off.

Nah that can't be. Teddie is the MCs shadow.

Back when P4 first came out, it took people months to discover Izanami
Just imagine how the first guy who found her had to feel

To get to that point you have to have ruled Namatame out in the hospital. It's not going to be him after all that

I was saying 2+ characters without social links, not 2+ suspects, though at this point in the story I was honestly skeptical about any information I had received, so I still had minor doubts about Namatame.


Dude I never used a guide and I had guessed who it was before the 2nd dungeon.

>Back when P4 first came out, it took people months to discover Izanami

Endgame for him was crushing Shido by outing himself as his bastard son once he was Prime Minister. Bigger they are, harder they fall and all that. Akechi didn't realise Shido was already planning his death and would have failed even if you weren't there

>Literally has a corrupt prosecutor working for him
>Thinks he can crush Shido's reputation

No he was just going to kill him

I dunno, when we got to that part I was trying to say "Hey lets not kill him", but I didnt pick the EXACT answer and it railroaded me to the bad ending.

>let's kill him
>let's throw I'm inside the TV ;) ;)
Them tricky choices.

I told them to wait, but theres another less clear choice after that that also goes to the bad end.

>started P4
>got spoiled by Cred Forums
>best boi Adachi ruined for all eternity
And he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those damn brats and their pet bear

>what do you mean by wait?
Atlus and their tricky ploys.
I don't remember it being a third choice unless you mean going home without meeting Izanami.

Choices are actually
>Throw the bastard in
>I can't watch this

>that wrong font

It's been a while. All I remember is being pissed at Naoto for being the worst detective ever and suggesting to throw Namatame in.

That user might also be talking about how you have answer 5 dialogue prompts each with 3-4 answers to them, and all the correct answers are just the MC being as vague as possible and at the end instead of being vague, yelling at Yosuke.

Spoilers, my friend. You best remember how the TV World works and what Persona is about.
All Persona alternative realities are shapen by collective unconcious (picture one and five) and people's Shadows in TV World specifically are extremely warped by other people. Picture number two somewhat reveals there is grand mastermind Izanami. Third one is relation to what killer says in Magatsu Inaba, Fourth one is double spoiler - one is, in fact, people before they get kidnapped, appear on TV, but Namatame does it because he sees people on Midnight Channel. And the last one, delivery truck during time Rise was kidnapped.


My experience was that Adachi was my biggest suspect by the time we got to Rise's dungeon but I let myself get thrown off a couple times when Mitsuo and Namatame were introduced. I got more frustrated over time that none of the characters ever suspected Adachi.

Then from the way it just gives you a list of suspects to choose from, it felt like the game was admitting you should already know the solution and it had simply not allowed you to prove you knew the answer before that moment.

I was going to say what if you found a palace owner there, but would they even be able to do a second School-based palace without it feeling too similar to Kamoshida's? Of course the palace it self can have a different aesthetic, but the crimes the crimes, and therefor the player's motive to go after them, would be too similar.

Is this picture supposed to be in reference to how she never gets over that ice weakness, so she's almost always getting downed in battle when enemies have access to ice?

>People see others on Midnight Channel because they think they'll be kidnapped
>Namatame kidnaps them
>"Well I must be saving them because they got kidnapped when they showed up on tv!"
>Cue dead Nanako

Remind me why Adachi went to jail but this literal retard didn't?

You are mistaken, people appear on Midnight Channel because people think of them, not because they think they will be kidnapped. Nanako died because of fuck knows what anyway, she was sick at the time of kidnapping and as usual, collective unconcious worlds are terribly exhausting to normal people. Even weak diseases can kill you.

What I still don't understand about Namatame is, why did his shadow basically admit to being a murderer if that wasn't what he actually was? The shadow speaks people's true feelings, so why did it act exactly like he was the culprit behind it all?

It was explained by Naoto later - Midnight Channel shows something between true feelings and what people think the person truly feels. They wanted to see Namatame admit to knowing about how TV World works after Nanako's death, so that's what they saw on TV. P4 Shadows are a bit more complicated.

Meanwhile p2 shadows are as honest as they get. It's a shame we will never get another persona girl admitting she's nothing but a cheap whore.