/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

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amazon.com/Radeon-SSD-R3-240GB-R3SL240G/dp/B01DMQDIGQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1475525000&sr=8-3&keywords=AMD SSD

Is it easy to bypass my windows 10 password and access my stuff?

Can I install faster RAM in my laptop even if the CPU doesn't support it? I don't care about the speed, I just need it to work and no store around me sells the speed that's compatible.

How can I make it so whenever a program creates a shortcut to my desktop, it instead goes to a folder called "Shortcuts" in my Documents.

I hate icons on my desktop.

Both the F-117 and B-2 stealth aircraft were declassified about 10 years after they became operational.

Why not the Aurora project? It's been around forever. What's taking so long dammit?

So Firefox is slow and it's not my fault. Are there any tweaks to redress the issue below?

I have about 7-8 extensions are constantly running but they only really affect the fetching and rendering phase.
I think the issue why Firefox is so slow is that Firefox doesn't keep open tabs in the RAM but fetches them again from the internet once the tab hasn't been active for a certain amount of time. That's also why websites are sometimes "refreshed" (which is REALLY annoying) when I switch to their tab after a long time.
Hell, Firefox may even use 10GB of RAM and I wouldn't mind if I can stop it from refreshing inactive tabs when I've not been using them for some time. Is there a way?

AFAIK assigning cache to RAM does very little for performance since the cache limit is fixed for RAM and less than that for the hard drive cache.

How do I stop random refreshes and generally make it more responsive, and actually USE the ram I have?

Asking again

Asus RX 470 STRIX 4Gb

I've read it's the worst RX 470 because it has underclocking. has/can this be fixed?

It got replaced with the Falcon project.


Progress is not good, developing scramjets that can travel mach 6 or 4,500+ MPH is hard as fuck yo.


How can Linux users be so sure that they are malware free and are not a part of the botnet? You can't know that unless you read through every line of code in you distro and programmes you installed to see if there are any back doors. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Hey Cred Forums, I'm a TV monitorfag and I'm looking to upgrade my visuals with a 1440p monitor.

Is a 2560x1080 and 2560x1440 monitor both considered 2k?

Also, what refresh rate should I consider? Is freesync worth getting or is it just a dank meme?

Is it also true that a monitor really makes a difference in FPS aside from resolution?

Thanks user!

deleted all the files in my /var/cache/packagemanager/pkg.

what they fuck were they and is it matter?

Can probably be done if someone installs Linux alongside it.
Possible even just from booting into a live USB.

Not important

It'll get underclocked to whichever speed your laptop supports.

Nothing you can do about that. Move the icons manually or uncheck the "create icon" box while installing.

If you havent encrypted your hard drives then anyone can pop them into another computer and read your files without even accessing windows.

All code added to kernel is read by Linus himself and he's cool Finnish guy with no connections to NSA. Other models, such as systemd, are not as trustworthy but most of them do not have that much system access.

do any of the "one mouse multiple computers" pieces of software like Synergy actually work decently?

which should i try first?

how much useless stuff is it not cleaning up what folders can i look to clean out of this type of junk?

ya but what about distributed packages do people really go through the src of literal thousands of packages?

Code it yourself. Very easy.


Unneeded bloat though. Just untick the 'create desktop shortcut' option during installation.

They're all temp files so you don't need to worry about deleting them.
In most cases even if you delete them they just start to accumulate back as you use your computer.

He could also just drag any shortcuts created on his desktop into the shortcuts folder. Even easier.

What kind of portfolio will impress recruiter?

how can i hide my torrenting activity when using my uni's internet?

>Other models
derp. Other parts of Linux redistributions.

>Is a 2560x1080 and 2560x1440 monitor both considered 2k?
Who cares? The first one is usually called ultrawide though because it doesnt have the same aspect ratio. This can cause issues in games that do not support less common aspect ratios.

>Is it also true that a monitor really makes a difference in FPS aside from resolution?
Some think high refresh rate is snake oil or barely makes a difference, others think it's essential. I'd say that you can tell the difference in fast-paced fps games but in everywhere else it's not that important at all.

Nope. People do check that they're not doing anything suspicious but it'd be easy to sneak in couple of "bugs" that even experienced programmers will easily miss.

Seedbox or VPN.

Read this:

kek what are the chances we're being trolled into a botnet?

>search autorefresh
>set the one that starts with accessibility to true
According to google that disables refreshing.

>If you havent encrypted your hard drives then anyone can pop them into another computer and read your files without even accessing windows.

Oh fuck. I doubt i can encrypt my onedrive folder though, seems like it would be a hassle

This may sound incredibly stupid but the thread IS /sqt/ soooo....

Is there a way to hack a Facebook account?

If not; is there a way to find out someone's Facebook E-mail address?

is seedr.cc ok? i will only use it casually, for tv shows

>Is there a way to hack a Facebook account?
Anything can be hacked.

>Is there a way to find out someone's Facebook email address?
Ask them for their email.

Does anyone know why the Windows Shell Experience Host is showing up in my bblean?

>If you havent encrypted your hard drives then anyone can pop them into another computer and read your files without even accessing windows.
It doesn't matters, it's Windows 10, everyone can access the user data.

Do you know how?

and without asking someone for their email any other way you can think of mate?

>Switched-mode power supply
>However, unless very carefully designed and using suitable components, switching adapters are more likely to fail than the older type, due in part to complex circuitry and the use of semiconductors.
>Unless designed well, these adapters may be easily damaged by overloads, even transient ones, which can come from lightning, brief mains overvoltage (sometimes caused by an incandescent light on the same power circuit failing), component degradation, etc.
>A very common mode of failure is due to the use of electrolytic capacitors whose equivalent series resistance (ESR) increases with age; switching regulators are very sensitive to high ESR (the older linear circuit also used electrolytic capacitors, but the effect of degradation is much less dramatic).
>Well-designed circuits pay attention to the ESR, ripple current rating, pulse operation, and temperature rating of capacitors.

How can I know the circuit was well-designed, before buying?

Been trying to fix a friends laptop that keeps crashing. I've tried repairing his original Windows install to no avail. Tested the HDD and nothing is wrong, same goes with the RAM. I've now reinstalled Windows completely from scratch and the problem still persists. Any ideas Cred Forums?

remote access their computer with a known exploit or a zero day and put key logger. or set up a hidden camera somewhere they'll type their password then slow the video down to see what they typed. you could try calling who their email is and personating a pajeet into giving you the password.

you could take them in an alley and beat them until they give you the password.

No, I don't know how.
Anyone that does know how to do it also won't post instructions on it. At least not anywhere on the clearweb.

that shit ain't switched

What do you mean by 'keeps crashing'?

I'm already aware. But...
>How can I know the circuit was well-designed, before buying?

Ok niggers, let's just say someone steals my laptop,

how easy is it to get into? I don't mind the about most of the stuff on my harddrive (photos videos), but I'm talking about my signed in to google, and email accounts stuff.

Windows will not respond, you click anything, nothing happens at all

ur right mate I should use the deep web. Any good onion links you might know that would help me with my querie

Is the installation media corrputed?

Which operating system do you use?

Has anyone here ever worked on a PBX system? Do they really answer calls in the order in which they were received? I'm asking because on at least a couple occasions I was on hold for fucking ever and I hung up then called back and got right through. I'm on hold with Social Security right now though and I don't think they're lying, my calls to them are never answered quickly.


Haven't really messed around on deep Web for a few months, so I don't have any links.
desu, your best bet is to do what suggested.
Try getting a keylogger installed on their system and it shouldn't be too difficult to find some passwords.
You could try reverse engineering also.

nope, same image I used to install on another laptop which works perfectly fine

Man, you can't be worried about privacy and use Windows 10 at the same time. Everyone already has access to your things, fuck you.

If you can boot from a dvd/flashdrive, then yes, it's pretty easy.

If a manufacturer has actually gone to the trouble of underclocking, it's probably for a good reason. While you can change it, if you want a higher clock I would look for a better binned card.

>Everyone already has access to your things, fuck you.
What a rude thing to say.

You should phish them but also collect their info about their browser, OS, screen res, ip, etc. That's not hard to do. This info is important because Facebook checks against it to make sure it's really them signing in. You'll need to spoof it. You'll also want to get an IP on the same range as them. Otherwise you could get the password but you'd be fucked when you try to sign in and it makes you verify using security questions and sends emails and possibly texts to the victim informing them that someone is trying to use their account.

>rude thing to say

He must be new here


Read the fucking Privacy Policy. You agreed with it when installing.

has the salt changed?

About to install Ubuntu, wondering if there are any tested ways to get google drive to work with it. Also iTunes, has anyone successfully used it via WINE or PlayOnLinux?

Also, how does GIMP compare to PS to a casual user?

Ok, IT must be new here.

Unless you have a specific program to this end, your chance of accessing the laptop is essentially 0. Also, you can log out of any Google-related account from anywhere.

I'm looking to buy either the gtx 1060 3GB
or the RX 480 4GB
These cards both cost around 230 EUR
Pls help me decide which card
Currently heading towards the nvidia card since it outperforms amd in pretty much all benchmarks...

not criticizing, just curious
Why switch when you know the programs you want work on Windows? I'm not trying to bash Ubuntu, but drive, itunes, and ps just werk on xp-10 out of the box.

Yeah, if the price is the same, go with the 1060

Maybe you should read my post again , I didn't ask if Microsoft has access to my stuff I know about the botnet mem, I asked if the average USER stole my laptop he could get into it easily?
>Also, you can log out of any Google-related account from anywhere.

I hope you can do it by phone too, I'll have to look at that, but what worries me is that someone can get into email or an account by removing the hard drive or running a special program. I've already encrypted stuff that is important to me but I don't know enough about how easy it is to access stuff on windows 10 like my emails and onedrive that I'm already signed into.

bypassing a windows login is child's play, and once you're in, anything that auto-logs in is accessible.
depending on how you have it set, Firefox and chrome save your logins and those are easily output to plaintext. beyond that, it's easy enough to just change your passwords if the laptop is compromised, but his doesn't keep them from the files currently synced.

For niggerproofing bitlocker is more than enough, it encrypts your whole drive using your logon password and can't be accessed through public MS Locksmith.

This too. Change your passwords. Like the other user said unencrypted files are accessible. This can include passwords saved in your browser if you don't have a master password.

How much would that affect my harddrive speeds?

>high details/texture

is thinkpad a meme

>tfw figured it out but now bblean is permanently stuck behind whatever I have open

god damn it

You do know that the 3GB model is worse than 6gb one, right? The memory gimping alone is a big flaw but they've gimped it by lowering the amount of processing cores it has. I'd recommend not buying it at all. Also you should either get 8GB model of 480 or just switching to 470 instead

Nvidia is better in current DX9 games, true, but it's shit for DX12 and Vulkan. So AMD is more futureproof.

Yes. The older models are still pretty good if you're buying them used but they're pretty outdated now. Newer models are absolutely shit, jews are just using the thinkpad name to sell shitty chinkshit with huge profit margins.

Negligible with any modern CPU that's not atom. Encryption there is weak-ass shit only good against thiefs and your wife's son getting access.

No, but ChinkPad is.

Yesterday I was at Home Depot and I was looking at a Samsung refrigerator. It had a touchscreen panel and from general assumption I assumed it would run TIZEN OS.

I went into the settings and ABOUT and I was correct. I found it very interesting and I was wondering if there are any phones supported by the OS? Particularly the Zenfone 2. And is it worth it? I would like to run through their SDK.

Not sure if it helps but samsung gear s (smartwatch/wristphone with its own sim card slot) runs tizen

There are tons of phones that ship with Tizen. Mostly Samsung phones for third world shitholes like India and Pakistan.

so I've just got a seedbox setup with plex, looking for tech shit so far I've got big bang theory(I know) hackers, silicon valley, mr robot - what am I missing?

Is there a way to have CM installed but NOT being root?

>Is there a way to have CM installed but NOT being root?
in order to install CM youneed root and bootloader unlocked. once you install CM you can turnoff root in the settings somewhere.

Señor Robot

It's off by default.

Are SSDs worth it for general usage?



How so?

Even having root off, phone is still rooted, i'm i right?

Yes. Programs written to cache resume instantly instead of waiting for the HDD. General responsiveness is better. Access times are some 100x faster, and constant. Less power consumption generally, less heat, and no noise. Also faster everything pretty much.

It's too expensive for what you get out of it. unless you're downloading gigs of data and moving it around you wont benefit much from it,

Honestly basically all I do is web browse, so I doubt i'll see the benefits.

Yep totally true.

no. why do you ask?

user, root is linux word for administrator account. Absolutely any computer or phone has administrator account. Rooting means giving user a way to have admin permissions.

>root is linux word for administrator account
hes talking about android , android isn't linux.

They have a bigger impact on your general user experience than any other single upgrade. They don't actually make your system more "powerful", but what people really want is responsiveness. And a system running off an ssd just feels vastly more usable.

That's actually the situation that benefits least from an ssd. Sequential file transfer/access can be easily relegated to an HDD. You want the program/system files to run off of the SSD.

Is it safe to enable Testing Core on Arch repo? Probably best to avoid correct?

>android isn't linux

kek. What do you think android is?

Even for something like web browsing it's better?

>run roguekiller
>get bunch of pups and suspicious pathways?
doesnt look like any false positive dlls like i usually get with other malware scans, I dont want to delete those but should i remove these things?

Are Apple products Cred Forums approved?

you're spending 55$ for a 128GB SSD for web browsing to open your browser seconds faster than a haddrive. If you wanna waste money on that go ahead, it's not worth it just for webbrowsing

SSD is better. HDD is fine for just storage like videos etc. your OS should be on SSD with all software.

>implying this changes the fact that root refers to admin capacity
this is a sqt, not a fucking retard thread

If you have enough ram and decent caching systems (that means NOT windows) HDDs can be almost as responsive as SSDs for repetitive tasks.

That is what I said, I know.


I'm looking for someone with knowledge about Dish Network and their DVR's and such. I just had a Dish tech guy come by and change the room that the signal went to, but I don't get HD signal to the 2nd tv.

I asked and a 2nd HD DVR box cost extra per month, so I was wondering if there was some way I could jew them out of some money and do it myself. Like buy a Hopper or DVR box online and just mess with the splitter upstairs and set it up myself.

Sure. I don't use an HDD in anything I spend real time on anymore. Meaning that for a home media server I never access directly, it doesn't really matter. For anything else it just feels too much like picking up a 5+ year old computer. You'll get the odd guy on here that likes to make noise and brag that they know better than everyone else, but by and far the consensus on Cred Forums is that SSDs are highly recommended, for even for light browsing.

Do you run encryption on the laptop you go out with anons ?

I already have 1TB and 4TB drives in my PC, so if I add an SSD that is even more heat.

If I could get a 1TB SSD than maybe I would remove both drives, but that is to expensive currently.

SSDs are tiny as hell and produce almost no heat. You could ducktape the thing to the side of the case and never know the difference.

What's the world's best phone at the moment?

Price is irrelevant since I have infinite money.

Yea I know they are small. Well I might get an SSD during Black Friday or Cyber Monday or some shit like that.

Just did my first pacman -Syuu,rebooted,nothing exploded.
Why did you guys lie to me?

How do I activate the SSD I have installed on my computer?

plugged it into my computer when I built it over a year or 2 ago and never turned it on.

What exactly is FuchsiaOS? Is it aimed for replacing Linux? What hardware is it aimed at? When are we gonna see a public announcement?

I've got two deals on secondhand laptops currently, and I need some help deciding which, if any, to pick.

One is a 2006 macbook, with 4gb ram, core 2 duo 2.0, 250gb hdd and new battery in it.
The other is a Thinkpad x201, with 4gb ram, 250gb hdd, i5, and the large battery.

Both of these I can get for about 150 euro. I'd just like to use it to mess about with linux, work on documents and browse. some 2d arcade games wuld be nice, but not necessary.

How do I fix the time on my laptop? for some reason the last Win10 update that ended up not installing due to not having enough memory has thrown my time 23 minutes ahead

who is that granny anyway? I always see that thing on packages in my mexican friend's place

it's not real user, get over it.

"Activate" is not a thing. Are you saying you already have windows installed on an HDD and you're just trying to add the ssd, or you have a computer thats stuck at bios?

I'd say the thinkpad, because it's allows for more customization. (It also give's you Cred Forumsentooman points)

I have the OS on an HDD. Just looking to actually use the SSD for literally anything since I spent the money on getting one. Nothing gives me the option to use it.

Sorry, I'm sleepy...

You want to clone your OS onto that badboy with macrium reflect.

I would love to but again, don't know how to actually get my computer to read that it's there.

Hmm, it has a certain kind of charm to it, for sure.

Do you have any idea if the cooling on the x201 is loud? I'm going to be using this at the library and at night a lot, so something a bit silent would be pretty nice.

Look in disk management

I'm having problems setting up a email server at my job. It's a lamp stack running centos7. I just started and if I don't have it up and running soon I think I might get fired. What's the best resource I have for fixing something like this??

Oh shit. There it is.

If I download games to it, would they load faster or run better? or am I imagining things?

why would you ever get a 2006 mac with c2d over a 2011-ish thinkpad (or any laptop from that era) with an i5

>Do you have any idea if the cooling on the x201 is loud?

oh man the x201 is loud as shit it's like a jet engine

actually no like every other thinkpad it's quiet as shit and you'll very likely hear the harddrive before you hear the fan

They would load a little faster, but that's not what you want to do. Make with the cloning.

A used Macbook 2006 might do this: youtube.com/watch?v=TirFHgrY3pI
Video description says that cleaning the fan doesn't fix it.
My guess would be that if you clean the x201 well enough, it's not gonna be very loud.

Make sure to read the FAQ and rules before posting.

I will actually say after having just bought a relatively new x201 is that the trackpad is SHIT, not only is it tiny but it very frequently just stops working, and this is a really new x201

for comparison the trackpad on a 2007 era consumer dell (inspiron 1501) was much nicer to use and I consider even that shit (but have nothing else to compare to)

and just adding onto this again because apparently I can't think of this shit before I hit the post button, I've also tried a t500 trackpad and it's again much nicer to use than the trackpad on the x201

I don't know if it's just because the x201 has such a small trackpad that it's hitting the side/bottom mousewheel/slider bit or if it's just a shit texture interfering with the trackpad but be warned

still, you'd be mad not to go with the x201 although 150 euros is a bit pricey, the one I recently bought was about £80 and while the battery was a bit shit it was almost new condition, the hdd had only 8 months power on time and otherwise had almost no wear (some keys a tiny bit shiny, no wear on the palm rests or any other part of the case)

So on sickrage I've got season 1-7 of adventure time (for when I'm high) and it's set to wanted, how do I make it start downloading?

Shitty trackpad might be a bit of a problem.

Where did you get yours for that price? I'm currently looking on ebay, because my local craigslist variants are full of resellers asking 200+ euro for an X201. So far this was one of the better deals I've seen. There's a lot more Twhatevers than Xwhatevers, but I doubt the T-series will be very handy to drag along with me to school/work every day.

Is there a thumbnailing solution for Win8.1 better than using Media Preview?

Shit keeps failing or the Com surrogate thing crashes after I wait for 1-2 folders of thumbnails to generate

klite codec pack. Smallest package works fine.

Is there a fucking file manager with tabs for windows? Explorer is retardedly inefficient.

I get that models are different from one another. But generally speaking, how hard is it to disassemble a laptop, motherboard and everything, if you've never done it before?

How sensitive are these things typically? I imagine that it's a lot easier to fuck up than messing around with a desktop is.
But I really need to fix my laptop fan.

I recently overclocked my RAM from 1333MHZ to 1600MHZ. Memtest86+ passes with no errors, but when I try testing with Maxxmem, my system freezes and needs to be shut down. Is this likely to be a hardware problem? Could there be an issue with the program or incompatibility with my system?


Does apple still make the plastic iphones?

It ranges from hard to damn near impossible. Some models actually require special tools to do it. See if you can find the repair manual for your unit, then look over all the steps one at a time.

Is there a decent laptop out there that 650£ can buy?
My boss asked me for one, but for that price I don't think he's going to get anything that runs maximum 30fps on high in LoL and Wow's latest expansion, which is what he games the most.
He also wanted an SSD, but I'll tell him to suck it and go cheaper with an HDD, if I need to.

My router has 3 options of encription for "WPA/WPA2-PSK":
By default, the last option was enabled. I changed it to the first one, due to it being more secure (TKIP was deprecated on 2009). But now, I'm having a little problem: my GNU/Linux netbook works fine on Wi-Fi, but the Windows notebook can't connect to the Internet. It connects to the local network, but can't connect to the Internet! What to do?

Thank you so much annon

>I didn't ask if Microsoft has access to my stuff I know about the botnet mem, I asked if the average USER stole my laptop he could get into it easily?
If the manufacturer of your OS make it a botnet to profit, how could this company be able to protect you in the case your computer is stolen? It has security flaws everywhere!

So I took an external HDD out of its enclosure and stuck it in my computer. At first I couldn't get it to show up, but it appeared as a 2TB NTFS drive once I did a rescan in Disk Management. At this point I could access the files, but opening some folders would cause explorer to hang for a minute or two.I decided to format the drive as a new NTFS partition, and left it going overnight.

I came back to an error message saying the format did not complete successfully and saw that the drive was now RAW instead of NTFS and was also empty. Further attempts to format did nothing, and when I tried to bring it up in SeaTools it didn't show up there or in Disk Management anymore. Rescanning does nothing, either.

Any help?

When using windows search in win7, I want to filter results to only show files which start with cz.
How would I do that? Right now I'm typing in search:
name:"cz*" type:NOT folder

The problem is, it includes files in which theres characters before the cz. How do I filter it to only show files starting with cz?


Remove all partitions so the entire drive is listed as "free space"

Then create a new NTFS partition. (just do a quick format to save time).

I want to get rid of the Xfinity all in one internet box, it is missing some important features like being able to change your IP address.

What would be something good to change it with?

Is there a way to prevent Chrome from sharing logins between private sessions.

For example if I open my mail account from private session and open another private session, the second one would also be logged in to my mail. How do I prevent this?

Bring back Cred Forumstv!
also Reboot.

Will my computer run osx

CPU: Intel i5 6600k
MOBO: Gigabyte ga-H110N ITX (my z170 krait died)
GPU: Gigabyte Gtx 970
HDD: WD Blue 1TB
PSU: Corsair CX750M

I would get another drive to install osx on

No probs famalamamane

pic related is what I get, I only want results starting with "cz", not all files containing "cz".
What do?

idfk, try it faggot. Check on tonymac or insanly mac. You asking here shows you aren't in it to learn. Save your time, dont even try it.

I'm definitely not asking here because the available resources have not yielded helpful results. That would be weird

Dont ask, research. I've been hackintoshing since day 1, its 1000x easier nowadays. You're on an intel and a gigabyte. You're making your own roadblocks. just get started and see what you run in to. its a good way to learn how OSX works.

how would i dedicate one or more physical drives to a virtual machine windows 10 is doing some really annoying things and would love to get a VGA passthrough setup but would need alot of space for games might even have a cheap little GPU available so i can dedicate my 780 to being the passthrough

Try filename instead of name. If that doesnt work then youäll have to give up or find a third-party search program.

I've found a guide to installing OS X Mavericks on my laptop. If I set it up properly, will updating to Sierra be easy?

Well. I feel like I definitely have to try. Over half the time the thing is booted, the fan starts making this awful grinding noise while making the whole laptop and table it's standing on vibrate quite powerfully. Until it's rebooted and what feels like luck decides whether or not the fan will spaz out or remain calm.
I have no idea what's up with it really. But I figure I really need to take out / take apart the fan and thoroughly clean it, and perhaps even carefully oil it.

Technically the fan still appears to be spinning, and it still appears to be blowing out air just like before. And the temperatures before and after look the same too. So to be frank I am having a hard time seeing any performance issues. But when the fan starts sounding like a lawnmower while making my laptop and whole desk vibrate I feel like something has to be done.

use clover, might be some changes if you have nvidia, a flag has changed to force web driver. Also maybe rootless needs to be enabled for 10.11+ kext signing crap. Might as well go directly to El crapitan or sierra.

whats the best subs for Uchuu Patrol Luluco?

I can't find a guide for El Capitan or Sierra and it's my first hackintosh. Thanks anyway!

How do i autodelete cookies in seamonkey? i use self destructing cookies in firefox but the addon doesnt work in seamonkey.

While it does show more files that start with cz, it also shows more files that have cz somewhere in the middle, and I have no idea how to filter that. Any other suggestions or help?

dont use meme browsers

Just find a general guide and combine the needed kexts and tweaks for your mobo/laptop.
Get updated fakesmc.kext along with any other needed ones from your guide and work from there. You can try upgrading directly but if you're on UEFI, no point in not using Clover EFI.

>want to buy a new computer
>they no longer sell Windows 7 or anything with it
Fuck. What do I do?

windows loader

if they dont care why do you?


Pirated Windows 7 Ultimate activation guide for idiots please.
Thank you.

Buy windows 7 separately and install it?

Okay, I found that by using tilde, I can pretty much narrow it down to exactly what I want.
The syntax is as follows:

Just got assigned a software dev project, due in a few weeks. The professor wants it done in python. I have no python experience. What's the Cred Forums recommended python crash course?

Is it just me or did uMatrix just start to fail blocking YouTube ads?

It didnt fail, you configured it wrong

>you recently configured it wrong even though you haven't touched it for weeks and it has been working fine
What did I not do?

You didnt have shit setup properly to begin with, and now your misconfiguration is being exposed as being setup improperly

jewtube werx fine here, no ads, no cookies, nothing

get the nostarch books and hack away something

what's a good book on cryptography? my uni recommends william stalling's book.

>one mouse multiple computers
just WHY

So my laptop came with the standard realtek audio drivers + an additional Dolby Digital Audio program that seems to tweak stuff or something. Is there any reason I shouldn't uninstall the latter? Anybody here has experience with it?

applied cryptography

>You didnt have shit setup properly to begin with
>Even though it worked
I'm so confused.

Anyway, turns out you were wrong, as I suspected.

After disabling uMatrix and then enabling it again, YouTube will play ads even after refreshing the page. Starting a new instance solved it.

You suck, user.

Thanks for taking an interest though.

>cant connect to wifi on laptop
>call campus tech support to complain
>wifi starts working literally as I make the call

This always fucking happens

I've seen this often recommended.

Be aware that there are no pirated copy on the entire Internet with pictures from the book which aren't thumbnails.

I windows 10 pro should still come with downgrade rights. Or you can buy a cheap key off of kinguin. Either way it's more important to make sure the core drivers are available for 7 on a given system



Any reason not to buy this for the luls for my i3 6100 emulation rig?

it's still an SSD right? and all low end SSDs are basically the same?

Wish I could find some of the AMD DDR4 RAM at around the price as normal RAM

Found the 240gb one for $66

amazon.com/Radeon-SSD-R3-240GB-R3SL240G/dp/B01DMQDIGQ/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1475525000&sr=8-3&keywords=AMD SSD

How big of a meme are passive cpu coolers?
I want to get something like pic related for my i5 6500, but heard some horror stories about big-ass heatsinks breaking the motherboard with their weight.

To bring my PC up to date, do I need anything else than a new GPU? Considering a 1060, 1070 or 480.

Pic related

For how much should i be able to sell my MSI Gaming GTX970? Year of mild usage, good state, with box

>How big of a meme are passive cpu coolers?

It depends on how much airflow you have in your case and the TDP of the chip

>but heard some horror stories about big-ass heatsinks breaking the motherboard with their weight.

but all you have to do is lie the case down on its side..

the HR-22 is the correct answer

and no motherboards are fine, maybe just go for a horizontal case if anything

$200 used, tops. The 970 train is over

Different user here,

I'm attending a University with a degree in stuff related to computer security. I have a question relating to keyloggers and the such; what language are they programmed in? I took some comp sci classes in highschool but it was all math and conceptual things, I still can't fathom how to work with I/O devices through programming.

tl;dr I want to make a keylogger. How do I do that and then deploy it?

$150 if you're lucky

not with the RX 470 at that price point

I have an old Gateway laptop that I really like. It's got cool matellic and matte finishes everywhere, incredible build quality, great keyboard.

It's slow as fuck though.

If I try to type with a website open or start a picture slideshow damn thing had a heart attack.

Came with Windows 7, but this applies even on lean Linux distros.

What can be done?

Anyone kniw of a bootloader unlocker for a verizon samsung galaxy note edge, not developer edition? (SM-N915V)
Doesnt seem to be one i can find

I have it listed on 200, there are lot of other 970s at 200-250. Everyone lowballs me lower than 150. Should i wait a bit or go down to 180ish?

Is there any alternative to cmatrix? Shit kills my CPU.

if you want to sell it in a reasonable amount of time, yeah

Last time I sold one was at $200 a few months ago but is right in that it's a $150-ish card nowadays.

Why do people need to destroy hard drives? And by that I mean why after overwriting all the data once on the disk you can still recover deleted data?


There's a reason DOD requires 7 passes before destruction.

a friend of friend is missing, all i know is that she took her phone with her, is there anyway to track them that doesn't require permission on her end? her phone is android

You're in good shape overall. Depending on what you plan on doing, you might see some benefit to upgrading to an i7-3770k, but there's no hurry on that. If your just doing 1080p/60 the 480 is a solid choice.

Put in an SSD, reinstall 7 with minimal bloat, or use lubuntu or a WM instead of a DE on linux.

Call the police. And no, not unless you administrate telecoms.

what about SMS type 0, that still work?

How do I achieve this wavy effect? Is it done in Audacity?

No matter what torrents i add(10k+ seeds/leechers) magnet links only show the hash, and then never start(hours).
I've tried 3 different clients, and it is the same within it.
When supplying the torrent file, they work properly.

The i5 tdp is only 65 watt. I already have a big R5 standing case with good airflow, i have the space to lie it on it's side, but will using the hdd-s sideways fuck them up somehow?

I still don't really understand some of that article. It says that the only way overwriting won't erase all the data is when there are bad sectors on the drive. So if there are no bad sectors, then overwriting (once) will completely make data unrecoverable? How would you still recover data?


Also just get something kind of fat, just not massive, all the matters with passive cooling is thermal mass

but in any case it's still mostly retarded, just get a hyper 212 and call it a day

Have a pn532 nfc breakout board from adafruit (pic related), trying to connect it to pc with libnfc, but always get some error with nfc-list. Please help, I've been googleing around for 4 hours now.

Here is a log:

sudo nfc-list
debug libnfc.general log_level is set to 3
debug libnfc.general allow_autoscan is set to true
debug libnfc.general allow_intrusive_scan is set to false
debug libnfc.general 1 device(s) defined by user
debug libnfc.general #0 name: "Adafruit PN532 board via UART", connstring: "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0"
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.7.1
debug libnfc.general 0 device(s) found using acr122_usb driver
debug libnfc.general 0 device(s) found using pn53x_usb driver
debug libnfc.driver.pn532_uart Attempt to open: /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 bauds.
debug libnfc.bus.uart Serial port speed requested to be set to 115200 bauds.
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x Diagnose
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x Timeout value: 500
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 55 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x SAMConfiguration
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x Timeout value: 1000
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 14 01 17 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart Timeout!
debug libnfc.driver.pn532_uart Unable to read ACK
error libnfc.driver.pn532_uart pn53x_check_communication error
debug libnfc.chip.pn53x InRelease
debug libnfc.bus.uart TX: 00 00 ff 03 fd d4 52 00 da 00
debug libnfc.bus.uart Timeout!
debug libnfc.driver.pn532_uart Unable to read ACK
debug libnfc.general Unable to open "pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0".
nfc-list: ERROR: Unable to open NFC device: pn532_uart:/dev/ttyUSB0

Wanted to renew my Pass since it's on sale but the email isn't sending to my account. Is there some problem with Cred Forums emails getting rejected by hotmail or something? I got the email from them like 7 months ago but nothing sending now. Does it just take a while?

Is there such a thing as hot swappable graphics cards?

How did user do this? More specifically, I want some Ana and Kagami on my desktop.

I want it to be silent enough that i can sleep next to it. The psu and the case fans are practically silent. The vga fan turns off when the card is not under load, but the stock intel fan produces this this quiet but high pitched noise on minimum wpm that can be really annoying when i'm trying to sleep next to it. I heard that the intel heatsink is supposed to be pretty quiet on minimum settings.

My criteria for the cpu cooling is to be fucking silent when not under load. I get it that a hyper 212 is supposed to be way more quiet that a stock fan when i'm running monte carlo simulations or something, but i'm not at all sure if there is a big difference between defferent cpu fans at minimum wpm.

gb2/a/. ask them

actually thinking Cred Forums ever helps anyone find anything

Won't even bother with the meme arrows

How do I make friends?

Should I install Avast, Avira, or stick with Defender?
I'm not a complete retard but I do pirate shit sometimes so I want some effective protection


Nothing like seeing your sister's middle school pictures on Cred Forums.

Talk to people

>>my favorite is Avira
its stronger than Avast imo

I can't run Memtest86. I mounted it and all but it says the file doesn't fit and even though I changed the boot order, I can't choose Memtest because it doesn't appear.

Can you legally buy a disarmed fighter jet?

I set Adobe Flash to ask to activate if a website needs it.
Now there are several websites that i go on that seem to work perfectly fine, yet still ask me to activate flash.
Example: strawpoll, redtube
Why is this? What "feature" does strawpoll offer that would warrant activating flash, when i can do everything just fine without it

I believe so, though you'd have to find someone selling one which might not be easy.

Being brute forced/DDOS'd (possible accidental DDOS due to volume)

Keep getting this on my nginx access logs: - - [30/Sep/2016:00:09:38 +0100] "POST /xmlrpc.php HTTP/1.0" 200 394 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible: MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0)"

Some asshole via Chile.

Jetpack doesn't block it.


Running BSD, NGINX, MySQL, PHP stack, with Wordpress.

I'm a homeserver dude.

post more

Has the stricter enforcement of DUI laws in recent years actually done anything to reduce the amount of alcohol-related fatalities on the road?

setup fail2ban

Yes, even a full one.
Search demilitarization.

Works the same way than Neko does.
Search screenmates.

Yes. You can even buy them armed in some states with the right license.

Russian surplus. You can get one for ~25k.

This is the gayest thing i have ever seen in my 12 years on this shithole

Guys, I have a virus. It is called kookaburra.exe. The file it's located in is called inhibits and it is inaccessible. I tried shredding it with BleachBit but it consistently opens a window that says "Quick has stopped working." Every time I try to close it, it comes back seconds after. Please help me. I feel so fucking retarded.


Not a lot of roms available for it though


In general the wiped parts aren't the concern, even in a single pass. What you need to be careful of is places on the drive that aren't reached by the wipe. This is far more of a concern on SSDs than HDDs.


>effective protection

I think you're overestimating what an AV can do for you. Pirating is just about the best way to get malware flying under your radar, and even multiple AVs can't detect undiscovered variants. It's just too easy to hide something in large program files, and you have to ask yourself WHY anybody is going to the trouble to crack these programs in the first place.

Post Speccy, then SMART log (Speccy>Storage>SMART)

One easy way to make it insanely faster is add a SSD(As in multiple times faster than a HDD, somewhat around 5-10, way more talking about a damaged/worn HDD which seems your case).

ALL mechanical devices make noise brah
Why dont you just turn it off at night when you go to sleep?

Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner.
Common sense.

Run scans when you feel there is something wrong going on unless you have a really good computer and can run background programs.

Well, I think it's also a mistake to say that because an AV can't catch everything, it's useless. Obviously you shouldn't have a false sense of security about what your AV can do, but there's no harm in having a safety net to reduce the likely impact in the event you make a mistake.


Although, this notice on their wiki doesn't inspire me with much confidence:


Since spammers were way too much active on this wiki, user account creation has been disabled. Please, ask on the mailing-lists if you require a new user account. Thank you for your understanding and sorry about that."


>Since spammers were way too much active on this wiki, user account creation has been disabled. Please, ask on the mailing-lists if you require a new user account. Thank you for your understanding and sorry about that."
This is common in most wikis.
See installgentoowiki for example.

Ah so I was correct. Aren't you able to find weather a drive contains bad sectors thru SMART to determine if the drive needs to be destroyed or not? Why would people need to physically destroy a drive if it doesn't contain bad sectors when you could just overwrite all the data and reuse or resell the drive safely?

To be more clear, I get "This file is invalid for use as the following: Security Catalog"
How do I fix this?

>no harm

That's a very old argument. In some beginners knife training courses they tell you that a dull knife is more dangerous than a sharp one. Why? Because they're both dangerous and you're more likely to treat the sharp one with respect. I'm all for a safety net, but when someone mentions getting an AV specifically to mitigate the risks of piracy, I think it's important to point out that scanners and heuristics are woefully underequipped to handle that kind of threat, and if even one out of several malware attacks gets through, that's more than enough to fuck your shit up without ever knowing it. If you feel comfortable pirating specifically because of that false sense of security, then really you are likely to end up worse than you would have been without it.

People usually do resell the drives. In instances where corporations or governments have had highly sensitive information on the drives, they will sometimes decide that even a small risk of data recovery isn't worth it.

What's this whole linux thing?

Is there a way to open the dialer directly on Android. Every time when my mom press the call button it just show recent call history or random contacts, and the texts on screen it's too small for her to see and find the dialer

Anyone got that link for Cred Forums programming books? I swear it was a website with a torrent link.

I asked in /dpt/ but didn't get an answer.

What's the fastest way to start coding simple smartphone apps? I'm not planning on anything terribly complex, I just need to shit out some results.

What are some good bitcoin wallet programs and exchanges?

I was thinking of setting up a wallet on coinbase but I don't know if it's such a good idea since they ask for all kinds of personal details.

The FTP? just download the PDFs from google anyway.

is it possible /practical to run an instance of owncloud in an apache virtualhost on the same server as you are serving other regular websites or wordpress sites?

>you'll be hearing from us soon
What does this mean? Will they email me after they have analyzed the file or something?

manage your wallet locally,use exchanges to buy/sell coins.

Best C++ book for an absolute noob?

Oh nevermind, that was quick.

Suggestions for a local wallet?

Well there's this really old version of android back before they started putting it on phones. Goes on almost anything really, but it started off on desktops. Looks a little like mac, but it's hella rice-able (hence android). People wrote it in their free time cause they don't like when you can't see under the hood of the shit you use. There's some dudes who are real into it

Does it make sense to avoid Chrome if I'm using unrooted android? Google has everything about me because android anyway, I need some justification for using Chrome.

I dont use windows
armory for linux

>google has everything about me anyway
looks like you found one. Good job user. Just keep giving them everything forever since you already did it.

Is there such thing as a twitter image ripper?

But I don't want to root android. I don't see the point of making another fake profile, because it doesn't prevent google from doing what it does I'm going to see the junk they want to shove in my face anyway.

I want an excuse but I want a logical one.

probably on github. you can scrape with python as long as you've signed up for a dev token and given twitter all your personal info.

Delete the profile of the connection or forget it on the Windows machine then reconnect

if you dont want to root it that's one thing. The rest is just self-defeatism though. Let me tell you that you don't have to see the junk they want to shove in your face.

They may know a lot about you but they don't have to know everything.

At the end of the day your carrier will always be able to get your position off of cellphone tower data, but anything below that is negotiable with the right tools.

I embraced the botnet I guess. At least not with open arms. But I'm not sure if it actually enjoys resistance.

/r/ing the image showing a list of 100 programming challenges, it's version 4.0. I was retarded and saved only the thumbnail

is a 1680x1050 monitor 1080p?

1920x1080 is.

so is it bad

It's not a perfect conversion for 1080p content, but I wouldn't call it "bad"

Not really sure if this belongs on Cred Forums, but it is technology related.
How do I find someone if I have a ton of information on them? I have their address, their first and last name, and their phone number. How would I go about find them?

is there a noticeable difference? because i've been using it for a while and i didnt really know

Good free dyn dns service for fixed ip?

u ok bro


testing if banned after jannie deleted my RAM thread


400 good ways

It's not a big difference. Mostly less screen real estate to work with.

describe the app

What was it about? I haven't seen ram thread in ages, we could have one.

Should I get the Titan X or GTX1070? Titan X is 80$ cheaper

any good email providers? I need to change from MS outlook because it's dogshit now

wheres the best place to torrent windows 7 / any other way to get it free

Is there a way to make the Google Drive folder on my PC online only so that I can safe space? I can only disable offline with Google Doc files but they don't use up much space anyway.


Cred Forums is slow as fuck on firefox, im using 4chanx and onee chan, does anyone know why?
everything else is fine: youtube, pixiv, etcetc
should I enable e10s?

>im using 4chanx and onee chan, does anyone know why?
Cause you're a moron. Use Appchan.

GTX 1070, more recent.

W7 Ultimate ISO:

Daz Loader:

>Are they real/safe/etc?
Check the SHA-1 and compare it with google/My digital life forums.
Install Zip>Right click>Check SHA-1.

If that guide is yours you should consider making it way shorter.

are there /vape/ threads on Cred Forums or do I have to go somewhere else to talk about building coils for my kangertech subox mini

My brother asked me to take a look at his laptop that got dropped and no longer boots.

- No video out at all, either to it's display or an external display
- No change in how it acts with or without HDD/RAM
- Tried changing CPU/RAM to known functional parts with no change
- I can't see any loose connections or missing components on the board
- Only curious thing I did notice is that his CPU kept getting hotter and hotter despite not running anything

I'm chalking it up to a failed motherboard, but how the fuck did a laptop motherboard fail from being dropped? There weren't even signs of a significant impact to any part of the laptop.

I wanted to write some simple social networking shit for my town specifically. Just meet up with people doing random shit in the area.

Also another app like grubhub but for local shit.

that's not a simple app, if you have to resort to asking Cred Forums for help this early on you're not going to manage to make the apps

Iv notice I've gotten too caught up in programming syntax when learning to program and while learning the concepts and doing them is helpful I don't understand how the pieces fit together if I were to make something useful,would it be better to study computation instead of a strict programming language?

it was me asking why they all looked like hair combs
Got warned for tech support thread

Are lobsters sexist?

europoor here should i buy the xiaomi redmi note 3
for my father? is there a better phone at that price point 160 europoors?

Is bit locker bad?

If I just want more raw CPU power, is it an OK idea to replace my i5 4690 with an i7 4790k to avoid buying and expensive mobo and DDR4 RAM, or will Kaby Lake not be shit like Skylake?

This is true. Was an admin on a 50k+ article wiki once. Had to delete dozens of accounts daily even with captcha. This was some 3-4 years ago though.

Is there any way for me to connect to wifi when I don't know the password, but I know the MAC address, serial number and PIN's off of the router's labels?

Stop trying to steal your neighbor Wifi.

>turn on computer
>it defaults to using integrated graphics even though nothing is plugged in to the motherboard but the monitor is connected via graphics card
>look into BIOS
>settings say the default is PCIe graphics
>save settings & reboot a few times
>eventually it decides to use my graphics card
>have to go through this process every fucking time I turn on my computer
This is annoying as fuck. It just started a few days ago seemingly out of nowhere. I haven't updated or otherwise changed anything at all recently. Anyone know what might be causing it?

look for a BIOS update, or change your CMOS battery.

why don't you just install teamviewer unattended access to all the multiple computers? It will even allow you access to mac from a windows pc.

I actually asked her if I could connect to her internet, that's why I got all the info from labels, but her son had changed the password something unique other than the labels had, which I only will get to know tomorrow.
I was just wondering if it's possible to connect with the info I now have at hand.

How do I write on my resume that I know how to move around the terminal? Should I just put "bash" under "languages and technologies" along with vim and latex? Is that even a thing that's worth expliciting?

Is there a command in AutoHotkey to let you mute a specific program via the volume mixer?

Are vampires even real?

Why do people act like Android phones are for poor people? What if I just like the way Android phones work better than how iPhones do?

so im looking into a processor for mainly gaming and some browsing. im curious on which would be the minimum for it? was looking into the AMD FX-8350.any suggestions?

What's a good network card for desktops? What do i look for in a network card?

Stupidest question here :
Is it really bad to use your smartphone (G5) while charging or is it a myth?

Have a watermark on the bottom right of Windows 7 now. Says it's not genuine. How do I activate it without paying?
I tried ksmpico but it didn't work. Any other methods or should I try that again?

From where did you download KMSpico?

If it didnt work i would worry the one you downloaded was fake.

Try Daz loader:

No one does.
source: I have an iPhone


Unlike Wireless cards, most Ethernet cards are good, just get a reliable brand one or with good reviews.

Avoid AMD for gaming, get a I5-6500.

Should I backup email attachments sent to me(gmail, outlook) or are they saved in the cloud forever?

My PC is connected to my modem (Arris DG1670A) directly via ethernet.

When I ping the modem, the time is usually always over 1ms, which is very strange, because when I ping local devices which are connected to the modem through wifi, the time is usually 1ms or less. How is that possible?

Are SSD's hot swapable?

protonmail / opmbx / riseup / autistici

Bragging rights.

If my mobo has 8pin cpu power connector and psu has a 4+4, do I need to put them both in even if I'm not going to OC my processor?

It wont boot otherwise.

What free vpn can I use to post on Cred Forums? I want to post from a third world country flag.

Is it possible to break into someone's Skype? I have their username of course, but I don't know their email so I'm not sure how to get their password.

this one's pretty cool

Then you cant.

You are given the point (8,15)

How are you supposed to use this calculator to find the six trigonometric functions?


blz no bully this is sqt

Should I replace my external hd soon? I've had it for 4 years now and the past year there's been some problems where the light would go on and my computer wouldn't recognize it, but it hasn't happened in months.


Why not?

>Why not?
I will then, but do you think it will die anytime soon?

Read SMART data and post it here.

plz help

frootvpn, tor, proxies

>4 years
hard drive failure is usually abrupt and 4 years is a lot of read and writes for an external


> 1440p
lol, kill yourself

There is literally nothing wrong with your HDD.

Only has 400 hours of use, literally brand new.
No damaged sectors and thats it.

Its worn, yes, but in really good condition.

bruh plz

i'm not bullying

I found the problem: I needed not only do disable TKIP, I needed to disable WPA altogether. TKIP is used by WPA, and somehow this made the connection not work properly. Even better this way, now I only have WPA2 with AES.