
>tfw can't find job
>tfw depressed as fuck
>tfw poor as fuck living & parents
>tfw my gf might leave me
>tfw i cant find one bright think about future
>tfw 23 and i have been last years depressed as fuck

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fucking loser lmoa

Just say you want a blowjob for free.


Send me money
Pls chad

>has a gf
>lives in a 1st world country
fucking dropped, what do you know about being depressed? go fuck your gf what whatever is it that you normies do to keep your mood elevated

I want to cry how shitty my country is

Im in your situation without a gf and im not complaining on here.

everyone knows it

>tfw i cant find one bright think about future

next year it will be 2017
and then 2018 then 2019 and 2020
you have all this time to do what you want

I love Slovenia!

get a dog

I have a dog.
M8 every day is the same
No job for me

I have no money i cant do anything

>tfw no gf

You live in the best country within the Balkans, hell maybe all of Eastern Europe apart from the Czech Republic. You have a gf to fuck.

Keep searching for a job you crying faggot. If your cum dumpster leaves you than who cares.

Have you tried to get a job?

It'll be alright, dude. Life goes on.

There are other girls. If things aren't working with her it's fine to break things off and move on, look for someone else. It might hurt but it's not the end of the world.

There are jobs out there, just broaden your search. Be willing to take on work that is shitty as a stepping stone to something better.

Living with your parents is the norm nowadays. I lived with mine until 25. It's a good thing to do if you can, since it gives you a lot more financial freedom, even if you have to pitch in and help them with their stuff too.

he lives in the richest country within the Balkans, not the best

big difference

So which is it then? It certainly isn't Bulgaria or Romania, or Serbia since there's a shitton of gypsies there.


>tfw 20yo virgin
>tfw South Africa is reaching the final stages of it's 68 year toilet flush
>tfw shtf soon
>tfw can't even find a way to an hero painlessly
>tfw too much of a coward to do it violently
Envious of you ameriburgers tbqh, at least you can just go down to the gun store and *BANG BANG* yourself

Bulgaria, Greece and Croatia are the best/least depressing to live in

there isn't a shitton of gypsies here, only 4.8% of the population

well coming here isn't going to help.
deal with yourself and then depend on that.

Learn German and get a job in Germany. Seriously why do we have free movement of people within Europe if you won't go where the work is? Americans go from one state to another for the same reason.

big commitment friend, also need to find somewhere first

That's about as much of our population is asian and yet everyone gives us shit for it.

>go to Cape town
>plant the flag of Oranje vrijstaat in the busiest intersection
>fight to the death while playing: