One of these threads

One of these threads.

You must choose; no blanks allowed.

Template incoming.


Too many, lad.

shit thread faggot

took a while, but that's what autism is for



>that porn
wtf polan

Pretty good job for the 5 minutes they allowed you to use the psychiatric ward's pc, 8/10
Papa franku seems kinda out of place. I also have a feeling you're overweight. 7/10
Generic weeb, 4/10. Have you ever actually been to Japan?
Is that some kind of warrior priest of Sigmar hammer? Pretty okay taste, I kinda imagine just another of those smug Brits though when I see that template. 7.5/10

Yorkshire isn't a country last time I checked


>not bliny

I eat bliny for the holidays.

"If the Scots can have independence, then in terms of being a viable unit Yorkshire can too." - Bernard Ingham

>the beatles





Took so long.

>Yorkshite independence

massive pleb


Took like an hour to make this and nobody's even going to look at it holy shit.

patrician taste in vidya

also why do so many people itt like gingers

they're overrated desu

That is not true my dear burger.
Is Victoria any better than EU or CK?

Scotland has its own laws, education and healthcare though. Yorkshire has puddings and a tea company

Yeah, it's miles better than EUIV. CK2 is a different sort of game and I prefer it to both, but Vicky 2 is still very good, you should try it if you like paradox games


V2 = CK2 > EU4 imo
It's a different kind of game than CK2. It's sort of like EU with a shorter timespan and more focus on economics and technological development. Like every Paradox game, the vanilla is meh, but certain tweak mods make it GOAT

>Gender: Female
really makes you think

>ally makes you think
it doesn't you retarded faggot its fucking nothing and fukcing makes you think of absolutely NOTHING your retarded ass is fucking retarded so kys and stop sayin that fucking line you fucking beta ass nigger kangero faggot fucking kill yourself

>it doesn't you retarded faggot its fucking nothing and fukcing makes you think of absolutely NOTHING your retarded ass is fucking retarded so kys and stop sayin that fucking line you fucking beta ass nigger kangero faggot fucking kill yourself

hmmmmmm.......really makes you want to shit in a toilet.......


>be pajeet
>be in line for village of 2 million's only public loo
>line backed up more than usual due to toilet witch haunting
>feeling cranky from needing to poo
>lurk Cred Forums on phone to take mind off of upset stomach from holding in poo
>chimp out on ausfag
We forgive you. Maybe one day they'll install a second loo.


Good taste in movie.
Do you know if she can regenerate her hymen?

Only u understand me bro

idk rate or whatever

>I don't like porn

r8 m8s

idk porn just seems like such a cuck thing to do.
watching another man fuck a woman while youre jerking is basically what cucks do.

You have lesbians, masturbation, nudes, MILFs raping young boys.

Which is why redpilled non-cucks only jack it to hentai

well not only that i think it is cuckoldry i think it ruins some peoples lives.
now thats something

>Mellon Collie
my nigga


i hope you're rather young. like 13-17.

r8 i guess



>Generic weeb, 4/10. Have you ever actually been to Japan?
A bit late, but... I guess my choices make me look more weeb-y than I really am. For example the anime I chose is the only one I've ever watched. Anyway I've been there once, and didn't like it that much.

Is that Tales from the crypt?

>Someone else knows the Trolli addiction
I feel your pain

what makes you think that

>Is that Tales from the crypt?
I like it because there's so many episodes so whenever I get stoned I have a new one.

Good anime.

Gender: male
Vidya: -
Movie: Interstellar
Band: Coldplay
Album: -
TV: Fringe
Instrument: my Willy
Artist: God
Pokemon: Dragonite
Book: detective stories
Weapon: Biological
Porn: lesbian
Drink: water
Sport: Football
Type of Gf: it depends
Superhero: Magneto
Cartoon: Simpsons
Vehicle: Shoes
Celebrity: -
Food: depends on mood
Activity: student (loser)
Universe: dreams world
Drug: -
YouTube: smarter everyday, Cody's Lab
Comedian: more than a couple
Anime: full metal alchemist brotherhood
Place: world
Animal: pigs or dogs
Retro Vidya: Tetris

I'm being taken to rehab rn
No more trolli for a month

Does anybody in Cred Forums play an instrument now?

Posting my old one


What comedian is that, looks exactly like my chemistry professor

david cross iirc

Yet we have more people than Scotland, a large economy and a separate history and, like Wales and Scotland, we were independent too.

What about fucking Wales you moron?

>Has no valid counter argument.
>Is stupid.

