Secrets thread!

Secrets thread!

Tell us your secrets and confessions, Cred Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm gonna fuck your mom OP

my mom is recovering from a cancer op. Fucking would probably pop stitches.

I bump dying threads

I was phone.

but who was car??


When I was 15 and working at an afterschool, I wanted to fuck soooooo many of the middle school girls.

>Short shorts
>Sat on my lap, hugged my lamp
>This kills the dick

Shit I meant my hand, not my lamp.

Dumb phone.

lamp is sexier

when I was 12 I went back to elementary school for a day and helped in a classroom. Girls on my lap, girls at my sides. During recess two best friends followed me around and I took turns at stroking their pussies. 20 years later still remember the taste when I licked my finger

I fart into my hand then quickly smell it. Also do this and throw them at my sleeping girlfriend.

I fucked (rape?) my mother in law while she was passed out on wine. Pretty sure she thought I was her husband.

My stepdad started abusing me when I was nine. He would film what he did to me. He also made me do the same things to his sons who were older than me. One was twelve the other was fourteen . My mom knew what was going on but was more concerned with her next meth fix. This became my normal and I thought it was what I was supposed to do so I did it happily for a long time. I gave my body up to boys for pretty much no reason other than they were being nice to me. I did a lot of things I regret and I know it screwed me up a lot... But I still touch myself to the memories sometimes. I know what they did was wrong but it didn't seem so wrong at the time and when I remember the times I don't have any bad feelings attached to them I only remember the thrill and pleasure of the experience. I know it's wrong but I can't help it.

moms friend tried to carfinger me in teh back

I post lies in secrets threads for attention and hope people reply to them because I lack self esteem and a sense of worth

i do it for lols

tried to fingerfuck my friend's bratty kid while in the back of her car

>We're at the pool
>One of the girls' nips are clearly visible through her swimsuit(A cup)
>Nobody says a thing, I ignore it too
>Have to stay in the pool for a few extra minutes to cool off my willie
>Jack off twice to the memory of it later

Fuck I miss that job.

I intentionally misspell a random word in sentences, just so people would notice it and correct me.
I need the attention and there are enough autistic people in the world to always give me that attention.

better to have no bad feelings than to have bad feelings.

How old are you now? Have you been able to date etc?

I have always sat down to piss. The only exceptions are when there is a urinal available or when I'm outdoors. I don't see why it is considered feminine. I'm really just afraid of pissing all over the seat.

I rename images to Cred Forums-ish filenames so people don't know I get them from other places.

Had a dog lick my dick the other night, felt good

did you cum and did it eat it?

Expert mode is the dog licking your ass.

i was gonna post that i'm only sexually attracted to animals, but i haven't done anything sexual yet.

I have mixed feelings not good feelings about it. I'm 33 and married now


>I intentionally misspell a random word in sentences
>a random word in sentences

it's either 'random words in sentences' or 'a random word in a sentence'

i do that, but not the girlfriend part

guess that's your good deed for the day, huh?

protip: the filename also dates the file
>09/19/2016 @ 6:14am

saved that one pretty recently m8


saved it june last year

Apparently tried to have a threesome with my friends baby mama and her friend while pretty sauced

Had my niece stroke my dick when she was 6, jerked off after and came so hard. But feel guilty.

Fondled the neighbourhood crackhead girl in hs while she was passed out on drugs.

First fuck was with fat chick with bad teeth

Best fuck was with prostitute that let me fuck her bareback for months. Would stay with me overnight and well into the next day until her pimp would call her back. Think she liked me but who knows.

Fucked lots of prostitutes 100 , from nasty crackheads to trannies to cute beginners to desperate poor girls trying to get money for a bus ticket out of town.

Fucked my cousin, actually fell for her but she wouldn't reveal our relationship because of the taboodumped her, but tried to fuck her one last time...ashamed

Haven't fucked or gotten a bj (my fave), in months. Not for lack of opportunity, but because sex without an emotional connection bores me to limpness now.
Not sure if this is good or bad.
Mind still thinks about fucking here and therr. But no real determination to go see a fucktoy.


Oh where to begin, ex-wife cheare jn me while I was deployed, came back and said I wanted to work thing out, started an affair with her sister and her sisters best friend. Couple years later her other sister stayed the night with us and when I was driving her home got road head. Had an orgy with my ex-wife her mother, her friend, and a couple other guys. Went to training for the military and the ex-wife had moved in with some other guy. I gave no fucks first night back at pool league with her mother and 18 yo old sister, her sister wanted to drink that night i said I had alcohol back at my place and we left fucked her 18 yo sister.

Tl;Dr MFW I fucked a mother and all four of her daughters


was there a thread you didn't reply to? that might be why she has cancer and is going to die from it

does husband(?) know about your past?

Do you have your own kids?

when I was 16 I took the v of my sister's 11yo best friend

>Had my niece stroke my dick when she was 6, jerked off after and came so hard. But feel guilty.
How old were you at the time?

noice. Was it your first time too? How did it happen? One-time thing or regular fuckbuddy? Also did sister know?

He knows I made a promise to tell him before we married so he could decide if it's bothered him. It didn't he didn't hesitate at all and that really helped. No kids and not sure I want any. My view of mothers and motherhood aren't exactly positive.

I keep folders with pictures of every girlfriend I ever had.

How was it


fair enough. Where are dad and brothers now?

You never roleplayed any similar scenarios with your husband?

I like candy

My stepdad is dead now. His sons ( I don't consider him a father or them brothers to be honest I don't know what they are to me) married and live in different states I haven't talked to either of them in 12 years. Although one tried to add me on Facebook a few years ago. Declined.

what sort of candy?

Empty folder then?

>But I still touch myself to the memories sometimes.
>I only remember the thrill and pleasure of the experience

do you ever roleplay or re-live your experiences with him, or is it only something you can do by yourself?

I was in those snapchat raids, and I just added a bunch of them, but didnt send them anything wrong, just to add them and flirt with them and comfort them if they got bombarded with dicks. I wasn't telling them about the thread, just there to be a shoulder to cry on. I would always tell them that I added them on accident, that I thought they were someone else. I added this one girl and the next day she added me back. Now we've both video chatted, talk a lot, learned about each other, actually are both attracted to another, and have since made plans to see each other this next summer. And I can never tell her how I really found her.

First time i had sex at 16. I dressed up in slutty teen clothing (leggings and shit) and got fucked by a 30ish year old guy. it was great. im a guy btw.

One time several years back, a girl invited me to her house. I was probably 17 at the time, her 16. We'd been friends from youth group at church for years and we definetly had sexual tension. Anyways I snuck into her room which was in the garage and I was feeling really on edge. It was exciting because it was risky, but her parents knew me from church and I'd be in deep shit if they caught us. We talked for a while and ending up kissing and having sex. About 2 minutes into fucking, A goddamn cat jumped down from her shelf and scared the shit out of me. I thought I was caught. After that I literally couldn't get my dick hard even 20 minutes afterwards. Anyone else have a boner literally scared away for good?

bubblegum and tafffy

> Came out to my parents in high school after they caught me fucking my friend
> wasn't really sure if I was gay but dad made it unbearable
> dad pissed, didn't want a gay child in his house
> mom is super supportive leaves dad because he wants to kick me out
> few years later going to college hook up with some chick
> Oh shit
> I'm not gay
> can't tell my family
> stay with boyfriend because I dint want my mother to think it was for nothing
> cheating on my boyfriend constantly
Feels bad man.

When I was 10 I almost killed my neighbour, on purpose...


Not my cup of tea, but Jesus Christ.. I bet that guy still jacks off to the memories. That's a gay mans dream cum true.

I role play as a young girl with my husband because it gets me hot to but we never daddy daughter play I don't like that. I like being a student to a teacher or a hs cheerleader with a college bf. I told him I touch myself to the memories but also told him that was a private and guilty thing I did and won't describe or do it in front of him. He understands.

I do teacher and schoolgirl with my wife cos she doesn't like incest fantasies. Shame but it's good stuff.


at the office during the work day. Had booked out a meeting room to fuck a girl. She was on her back on the table, I was reaming her and smothering her mouth with my hand.
Somebody came up and started rattling the doorknob hard and trying to get in, going around and trying to look in the windows.

They went away but my heart was racing for hours, boner did not return

Touching myself to the memories is one thing I'm alone and feel safe but I don't think role playing that that would be a good idea for me would be to much like reliving it.

fair enough.

What's a particuarly hot image or memory that still works for you?

doesn't have to be DD/lg. I do DD/lg, but have roleplayed general young-girl/teacher-student/stranger-with-van stuff with girls.

DD/lg is for when you want the caring and nurturing side, the rest are for when you want to fuck.


That's risky but sounds fun.
It's like the adrenaline rush pumps blood out of your dick, and then you sit there mad trying desperately to get hard again
Shit sucks

I really wish my girlfriend would start smoking.
It's litterally the prettiest thing in the world to me.

Pic related, looks like her.


I claim I make $15 an hour, but in reality I make $14 an hour.


Everybody likes a bit of danger. I'm not an exhibitionist, but the risk of being caught is hot so I do a fair bit of stuff outside, on balconies, with windows, etc

I occasionally fuck a girl in the office but I really shouldn't. Getting fired for that would fuck my life up.

Cam chat blackmail guy reporting.

That's good
Yesterday I saw one fag who left Tumblr in the filename

decided to share your collection yet?

I'm a femanon who doesn't post her tits and doesn't gtfo

Do you live in Canada? Its legal there, right?

Insta ban. I keep telling you guys, go try it for yourself.

>femanon was raped a couple times by my uncle underage since then i started masturbating and got interested in cheezy pizza.

Same here. I'm into other girls tho. Wanna swap pics? You go first cutie ;) I'd do things these guys wouldn't dream of

instaban is only if it's shared on here, and only if its illegal. I'm sure you have some SFW teasers.

kek! nice try

how old are you now?

I watched a shot a man in Whistler just to watch him die.

Not really, I actually crashed into some skier when I was snowboarding in Whistler about 20 years ago and he ended up dying from a brain bleed several hours later. I was already off the mountain by the time he died. Totally my fault too. I guess the authorities never tried looking too hard for me since I only heard about it a few months later from a friend of a friend and put two and two together.

My favorite memory is the first time I had sex with his youngest son. I had already had sex with stepdad and older son so I knew what to expect. I don't think he did. The look on his face when I put him inside me was so hot. Like a terrified joy. The confused Ecstacy on his face when he came is what I use to send me over my edge.

33 happily married with one child...

I had been with quite a few girls before though she was the youngest, until then it was 13. We had known eachother for a long time, I was good friends with her brothers amd her and my sis we best friends so we hung out seemingly weekly so we were pretty good friends. I made out with her a couple times, she always initiated it. She let me finger her a couple times also, i wasnt really looking for anything more but once night she gave me a bj then said she wanted me to fuck her. I didnt think she was serious and so I didnt. We hung out a few times after and it was like it didnt happen. Then one time she stripped down and begged me to fuck her. I knew I probably shouldnt but i couldnt resist. I was really gentle but it still hurt her, she even cried so we stopped before i even went all the way in. after she relaxed some we tried again and even though it still hurt she let me go all the way in. we basically just made out for 30 minutes while my dick was deep inside her.

We fucked a couple more times over the next few weeks, she enjoyed it much more. We fucked a few times over the next few years. My sis never knew about anything except us making out then and us having sex at least a year later, doesnt know i took her v. then when she was 19 and i was 24 we dated for over a year.

Cmon baby don't Kek me, take me seriously. I'll take a really really close up of my nipple if you take a full body bae bae ;) ;)

>tfw i often rename to tumblr filenames to bait people

how old is the kid, and how do you feel about them?

k. You a regular in these threads? What stuff do you like to lurk or post on Cred Forums?

wow. That's... disturbingly hot. Fuck, even I might get off to that if it's ok with you?

I have herpes and pick up random girls from the bar, POF, Tinder, whatever. Always fuck with no condom. Nobody has called me out on it yet. I'm thinking it's actually really hard to get herpes, and I was just one unlucky bastard.

>I might get off to that if it's ok with you?

You ask for permission even anonymously over the Internet? You fuckin beta back bitch.
Please don't procreate.

interesting. How old were you when uncle raped you?

What sort of pizza do you like and does husband know?

When I was 17, I had nonconsensual sex with my niece.

Basically I stole some xanax from my aunt. I was planning on getting high by myself, but then I remembered that I was supposed to babysit my cute niece the following day. So I waited till the next day and went over. My niece and I watched Peter Pan or something then I got horny looking at her. I brought the xanax, just in case I got bored, so I hatched a plan. I crushed up 2 of the pills and put them in her water. She drank it and got drowsy real quick. I brought her to her room and waited for he to pass out. When she did, I started to undress her and she was fucking adorable. I licked her pussy and asshole and even fingered both. My dick was diamonds at this point so I fucked her in the ass. Luckily her whore mom had KY in her nightstand. I didn't want to take her virginity. She was so fucking tight that it almost hurt. I came deep in her asshole, but when I pulled out, there was shit all over my dick.

And that's the story of how I got first class tickets to hell.

This is the funniest shit ever

I can get off to almost anything would probably fap to this theard if I wasn't at work

I know a girl who smoked and looks like that. Dump your chick and date the smoker

how old was niece? she never noticed sore cumfilled ass?

Your a sick fuck, how old was your niece


pshhh, you were probably the 10th+ guy to fuck her

The first time i had sex was with a red headed slut from eastern europe, got boner so quick.i came after two minutes

what is going on here

I like my steak well done.

You a fucking monster.

my wife fucks our two dogs (black lab and chocolate lab)

she also volunteers at a local dog shelter. there's a program where dogs stay in volunteer's houses until they get a home (so not caged all the time)

from time to time, she brings a big male home :)

she's also fairly prominent (real estate) so we keep this shit secret irl

90% of the worlds population have herpes.
Most people have herpes and don't know it because there are either no symptoms or they are so mild they don't notice.
Do some research before thinking you're infecting people with aids

mmmm with ketchup. omnom

I babysit one of our family friends' daughter. The parents usually stay out until very early in the morning, so I slip the daughter some sleep aid and eat her out and finger her and face fuck her for hours.

Is it weird being around her now

nice. Whose idea was it to fuck the dogs -- yours or hers? Who is more into it? Do you help her do it?

Any vids?

cum = yum

how cheesy?

dubs checked

I kill babies and eat their genitals

when I was a teenager I helped a girl I knew get eaten out by her dog for the first time. coached her through it.

Last I heard she works as a professional dog sitter/walker. Since then I always wonder about people who volunteer at those places.

Pics or fake

and flush it down with a glass of single malt scotch with coke

You mean ruined

at our school there was this kid with a hot ass mom. One of his "friends" took a picture of his mom in a swimsuit and posted it on myspace with the address. Shit blew up all over town. People would go to her house and honk and leave notes like miss milf. The family decided they had to move out. Me and my frends talked to the moms kid for a bit and asked what he was doing for his last week at school. Said they were going to cubs game one last time before they leave. Me and my friends decided we would go to their house the day they were gone and break in. Planned worked pretty well, the lock on the back of the house didn't work. Stole a bunch of shit. Nothing vaulable like jewlery but all of the moms bras and thongs. Left a note saying from the kids of [middle school] we'll miss your tits. Police didn't do much for the family and the kid didn't show up for his last few days of school

I cheated on my girlfriend for 4 out of the 5 years we dated, and she's still so obsessed with me that after I broke up with her she let me fucks her throat whenever I ask her to.

my idea. she seemed apprehensive, but she likes it now

i help when needed. with our dogs, i don't need to help as much though

white women do this more than people think

My car molested me in the back of my moms friends uncle.

coached her? You'd done it before? were you there or was it all just advice stuff? did she like it?

Me and my boyfriend both look at pizza, and plan on adopting a little girl to exact our desires on. (We're both male)

Recently came to the realization that I'm a female pedo. Little boys are the cutest damn thing to me.

I have warts on my penis because I fucked some mexicans in cancun. Help

Define "little"

I'd love to see some of that ;)

>I'm a female
cool story bro

how old are you? How little do you like them?

We're talking ages 7-12. Just realized I'm like this, and I hate myself.

I want to have sex with my daughter bareback and cum inside her.

Welcome to the pedo self hate club. Take a number.

I thought I was the only one...

Some might just be into that.
It's pretty hot actually, not as hot as steak well done but we're getting close..


I've kinda known I liked them since I was 16, I just turned 18 a few months ago.

how old's daughter? Any chance she wants it too?

I was there. I was probably 17 at the time, she was...14 or 15?

She'd confessed to me that she was into the idea, I talked her through it until she was okay with the idea, got her through the last-minute jitters, brought the dog into the room, warmed her up a little first, spread her legs, and guided the dogs head to the right place.

First time I'd done anything like that. I'm not into bestiality myself, I'm into girls with shameful kinks and fetishes. Them getting off on the taboo gets me off.

You're not my dad. Or... Maybe you are? Dad? Is that you?

you can probably fuck 12-year-olds. Fucking an 18yo girl would be their dream.

7 is more of a problem...

Do you look at cheese of boys with women?

Yes this is your daddy.
Don't be a retard.

But fr, you possibly could be my dad. Never knew him. You ever been to prison in Florida?

• Between 2010 and 2014 I spent each summer performing as a sex slave for a wealthy banker.

• I lived day-to-day disguised as his wife, dressing in his divorced wifes clothes and daughters dresses.

• I fellated four businessmen one night to help him secure a deal.

• We fucked on his daughters bed surrounded by soft toys.


18 and I think she might

im hard

user or femanon?

need to know how aroused to be

Why his bhole look so crusty

I'm too much of a pussy to look at pizza, but it's been tempting. And yeah.. Idk. I don't think I could ever get in a situation where I could fuck a 12 y/o. I'd love it, but damn it's risky.

nice trips man holy shit

Feminine user

living the dream




Yes son it is me, I went to florda

I'm getting my doctorate in clinical psychology. I like helping people, but feel trapped in my life. I want to travel and feel young while I am young, but I spend my weekends working and studying for a degree which will only lead to a sitting career.

This is how I'm beginning to feel, Im in mid 20s but seeing escorts is getting boring, when there is no emotional connection the sex is different, its not as good.

How much was the pay, or was this purely for fun? and how old were you at the time?

Dude you can tell your family though.. man that's a time when you're discovering who you are sexually and as a person, I'm sure they'll understand you were just confused

same lololololol every snap i ever received that was cute or sexual in my dropbox 18+ brother

I dunno if my dad actually was in Florida, I'm confident in the offspring of my crackhead homeless mom fucking some buisness man for her next pipe of rock

>has a gun

Obviously shopped.

I'm the same

Let's give everything up and travel the world

Dafuq is this shit

I don't believe this. Like 10% max. If 90% of people had it there wouldn't be any stigma at all dumb fuck. Enjoy your herpes.

Yo I want in on that


say that to us male pedos, i dare you.

even southpark made an ep about how much difference there is between male and female pedos.

Kek. Fucking trailer trash

i licked my sisters pussy once when she got home drunk

$2000 a month for three months a year - 27 when we started.

It started out as a game between us, then it became more serious, in the last year I had to quit my job to do it.

if you look but don't download you're basically safe. Find some user who can show you over cam or something.

Only boys I assume? Not girls?

What did you guys do with the shit you stole?

Probably sniffed. They were panties and shit


LOL wtf, you're scared to come out and say you're straight... or simple, say you're bicurious

did she know or was she blacked out?

blacked out drunk pussy often tastes of piss and sweat

$2000/month with food, board, and enjoying most of it? That's a pretty good deal If I could find myself a live-in fucktoy for that kind of money I'd do it.

It just makes sense to sit down. There's less splash compared to standing which makes it more sanitary.

Do you think it's possible to do that after a degree? Seems like a waste to throw away 2 years of my life that I've invested already. I'll be graduating when I'm 28.

pretty much. We devided it up between the three of us. My friend left some lying around in his room and brought a girl with him to his room. Told her he fucked an older woman and said he would teach her how to fuck. Lost his virginity that day. Stole some other shit to though that I still have

I get that. I'm not saying fem pedos have it as hard as males, I'm just wanting to stay on the safe side of things.

It's just boys. Funny enough, I'm actually into women, but girls just don't do it for me. Don't know what that's about.

it's called samefagging.... faggot

I hope you're bullshiting

Tried to rape my parents dog when I took Ambien. She didn't want the d

Destruction of daisy peaks my interests

nah she wasn't blacked out to the point she wouldn't wake up if I shouted at her while pushing her, but enough for me to lick her pussy and ass, I was really lucky that her asshole was clean enough; I regret to this day I didn't stick my cock up her ass fully, I just put the tio inside, and massaged it... good times.

but did u want the v more?

I guess it's possible whenever but there's still more time you'll be investing into it that might not pay off...well ever.

it's awful. not cool user.

If the disgusting pedo's would fuck off Cred Forums would be the best place. Sickening pieces of shit, lowest scum of the earth, fucking disgusting. Cancer of Cred Forums.

Youre thinking of genital warts dumbass, its only symptom is visual warts, only potentially itchy, that is all. Herpes are painful blisters that clear up and come back over and over. I know because I had GW. Your immune system CAN fight it off, but ya know not everyones lucky.

i I vaguely remember the incident. I remember forcing her down and trying to put it in. I didn't use spit or anything. I just tried to cram it in. I was maybe 13 14 at the time. I think about it now and I makes me sick.

> be me when 30
> take 18yo niece (wifes side) hiking with me one day
> smoke some weed with her
> things escalate quickly
> watch niece take a long piss
> stick a finger in her butt and jerk off

Did the school find out?

i wouldnt be surprised about white women doing it more often. Black ones are the fucking animals by default.

what do you imagine doing with them? Surely an 8yo cock can't satisfy you inside?

You like the idea of taking their innocence? Or of them being enthusiastic and horny?

Have you had much experience with women or men your own age?

When I was in 4th grade, there was this kid who never tied his shoes. I would tell him day after day to tie his damn shoes. I don't know why it bothered me but it did. So one day I got the idea to step on his way walking towards a flight of stairs. Sure enough I got the kid to trip and fall down the flight of 14 steps. He was in a coma for a week. They sent a letter to my mother that said she would die in her sleep if you did not reply to this post

>things escalate quickly
aka this never happened

If you want it, it's not a waste.
You can combine traveling by starting an online company or working homebased.

>he says, not realizing Cred Forums is just full of fat retards who are fat mysoginists, but don't understand why women don't want them


>$2000/month with food, board, and enjoying most of it? That's a pretty good deal If I could find myself a live-in fucktoy for that kind of money I'd do it.

Best job I ever had. Play the housewife and do my duties, or dress up as his daughter and get my mouth fucked hard kneeling on the kitchen floor. I always help my "daddy".

Desolee mon ami
I was mistaken, the closest I found was 90% of Americans, and even then it didn't differentiate between HSV-1 AND HSV-2. This is the WHO statistics:
Turns out 67% of the world have HSV-1 (cold sores, but still able to cause genital infection through oral sex for example) and 11% have HSV-2 the STI.
Speaking broadly, 67-78% of people have a form of herpes.


FUCK YOU hahah

damn right they found out. The kid posted it on myspace but removed it really quick. The people that found out kept changing the sotry and the most basic thing ppople would say was "Did you hear user mom had sex with one of the kids here that broke into her house" School was on lock down for a month and we had people brought in to educate the school on sex and privacy

I will be sure to contact you in a couple years then. If I get the chance that is. Because I would love making you my little play thing. ;)

my wife was raped in college after drinking too much. Now every time she passes out I rape her. Feels so good to use her limp body

silk boxers reporting in
who wants to see that pair of big ol warlocks I promised

sure thing

Don't understand but the answer is yes.

where do you cum when you finish

I've always had a pretty healthy sex life, been with both men and women, the whole deal.

And I'm not really sure. I just want to pleasure them I guess? Being able to "teach" them and watch their reactions is pretty hot. I just wanna see them happy. Though I think it's more of a maternal thing, like overcompensation for some shit that happened in my childhood, but who knows.

I'll bite.
I have a 23 year old cousin.
Thick as fuck female. Perky round tits and huge thick ass.
She stands at 5'9.
Back in the days when she was 12.
Still had a thick bod btw.
We would "play wrestle" when I would visit with my folks.
She let me literally get between her clothed self but it was all FUN AND GAMES.
Fast forward now. Feels weird to talk about sex and similer subjects around her with other family members around the table at get togethers.
Any one else had similer shit? Not full winsest but almost, kinda?
Would you hit it now if it came up ?
Aka a drunk inocent party with the fam? Fml tho she hawt.

I've cum in every hole usually her ass though

oooh yes
lookk who tasted with me

When my nephews, 7&9yo, stay at my place I let them shower with me and my gf. Their parents are conservative godfags so they are fairly sheltered, especially when it comes to thing like seeing girls naked, but I think it's good for them to experience such reality.


Yes, that is called rape.

Me and my wife are very different. I act like a brat and she is incredibly sweet and calm. Asked her one day very timidly if i could rape her and she said we needed to have a talk. Fuck i though i was getting divorced. She asked me why and i just said I wanted to do it what I would do to her. Wasn't going to beat the shit out of her or tie her up just wanted to fuck her while she slept. Said it was fine and the next night took some sleeping pills and kissed me good night before she went to bed. Told me to go inside in a hour and I got to fuck her in her sleep. Woke up in the morning sore but happy and innocent like always. Fucking love that woman

That actually sounds kinda sweet

how can i get my daughter to let me lick her pussy & hopefully cum inside her?

do you know what shit happened in your childhood?

So mommy/son scenes work for you? nurturing and teaching and cuddling and sucking their little dicks until they dry cum?

what is happening here I dont understand

Good on you user. That's actually pretty nice of you.

You don't.

ooh. I don't remember your story, silk boxers dude, but that's a hot pic. are there more?

share wuts been in her


Yeah, you actually hit the nail on the head with that one. I can't imagine myself hurting them. It's all about love, at least in my eyes. I want them to be comfortable and pleased, and learn something new on the side. And cuddling is a big plus.

Dated and fucked a girl when she was 15 and I was 19 and got nudes

Got nudes from another underage girl but deleted the photos knowing it was CP

Why can't all women be like your wife. All you had to do was ask and explain. If I ask my wife to pass the remote I get shit on for every wrongdoing in my life. She's a fucking cunt

some pedo whore making a 9 year old girl suck her tits while she masterbates

pussy op

fuck where can I find a women like you

maybe you shouldn't have done so much wrong in your life?

>having sex with my alcoholic girlfriend
>falling asleep
>ask her if I can keep going
>mumble mumble sure
>she wakes up about 5 minutes later
>doesn't know where she is and starts freaking out

I really like the idea, but not too many willing participants

sounds like you might be a candidate for DD/lg (or MD/lb for you? I forget). if you can stomach it, finding an adult guy who likes to be treated like a little boy can be a healthy outlet.

I am secretly jealous of my teenage brother and sister for having much better HS years, dating, going to dances, etc. They both think highly of me, but I can't even get a girlfriend through out high school and college. I'm more than convinced at this rate I'll die a lonely weeb waifufag.

>5th grade
>I was the one who put thumbtacks on people's chairs
>seeing them squirm in pain never invoked sympathy or joy
>while everyone laughed I was the only one trying to find meaning in why I did such things

>6th grade
>I would push people's faces into the drinking fountain
>one time got punched in the face
>teacher caught the kid
>kid said I pushed his face in the water fountain
>teacher says he can't do nothing about something he didn't see
>a week later the kid finds me alone in the staircase
>pushes me against the wall and then punches me in the face
>by a strike of bad luck a couple of girls see it and call a teacher
>still can't find any emotions for what happened

>fast forward to today
>every emotion I didn't feel when I was a kid has been amplified tenfold
I'm emotional as fuck now

They've done it quite a few times now. The first times it was cute, for lack of a better word, watching them look at her, pretty sure it was the 1st time they ever saw a naked girl up close. Gf wasnt shy about it either, even let them touch her pussy.

Kid looks willing and happy. You took the pic?

ay same for me with little girls, gotten even worse after I broke up with my gf (18).
She seemed innocent but yea, she crazy, and a slut.

I know silk b but I missed the Warlocks aspect. Can you explain here? If not, do you feel more comfortable explaining by email or on Vola?

> First fuck @14 she 13
> Fucked the lil sis of my best mate 5 times Me 15 she 13
> now fucking my niece

Yeah but she doesn't know my wrong doings like me. She just brings up stupid shit like you could have just done the dishes today and I wouldn't be so angry. Bitch I haven't been home since the morning, those are you fucking dishes

no, just telling you what's happening in the pic.

I need all of the backstory here and every picture that exists

I want to watch my daughters black boyfriend cum inside her and them force me to lick her clean while thanking him.

Oh boy. That sounds a little too intense for me, but that could definitely be an outlet. I'll think about that one. I think their bodies are a big part of it too, so I don't know if I could treat a grown-ass man like a little boy.


I got fucking lucky. I have to ask before she goes to sleep. If she says no then i never do it, not going to ruin this shit. Most the time she says yes but doesn't use the pills anymore so I always end up waking her up. She just asks that I not shake her head so much


Guys I vape, I try to hide it but what if someone sees my clouds slipping out the window? I resorted to blowing them into glass bottles but they just won't dissipate enough to be reopened.

our black lab is about 7.5" long, small apple sized knot

our chocolate lab is about 7" long and a baseball knot

beyond those:

gsd/mix: about 6"
boxer 1: 8"
boxer 2: 7.5'
pitbull: 9"


I know that my best friend secretly browses Cred Forums and faps to the Loli threads

In our eyes we both see each other as normies. I fap to loli too and want us to fap together but idk how to go about it. Or if it's even a good idea.

do a bit of research, see if it interests you. you'll probably find a lot of stuff on tumblr.

I've always thought it must be harder for girls to play the adult in ageplay like that. I could tower over a 6-foot woman and make her feel like a little girl.

There are definitely slim young-looking guys who'd be up for it, but as a girl finding a sub boy smaller than you might be hard.
(protip: get them to wax from the neck down and it makes a big difference)

i secretly hate everyone in my family and im going to kill myself soon.

This would be amazing if it was true. Someone being so ashamed of being a vaping faggot, and so stupid as to think the vapour could dissipate in a closed bottle... Fucking A+ 10/10 would mock for the rest of my life

these picture's actually scare me sometimes

To pedos every kid looks willing and happy. No wrong there!! Fucking kill yourselves.

>even let them touch her pussy
Crossed the line...

>be white male
>like incest

classic Cred Forums

My last gf was such a bitch about it
said something about it being anti-feminist

she didnt force them to

Kind of wish I could show you some pics just to see how you'd react....

I've recently started fapping to the thought of my own daughter and I cum buckets every time...

user, exploring your personal fetishes with willing and consenting adults IS anti-feminist and IS misogynistic and IS the reason all men are rapist and all women have the agency of a 2 year old.

I date terminally ill girls because my only redeeming quality is being kind and it makes me feel appreciated.

Helium tank is the ticket. Real peaceful.

Oh, well then that makes it okay.

while i was doing the laundry today i found 2 pairs of my mom's panties, put them on and took pics

how old is she?

>be 13
>mates sister is 8
>At sleep overs she would come into my sleeping bag and play with my dick
>standard friday would be playstation with mate then his sister would come in and suck my dick
>mates family move away
>every time i visit the sister is there for me

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

That's a big reason why I never really got into adult ageplay. It's really hard to find the right person. And I mean, I'm a 5'8 homely girl, it's gonna be pretty hard finding a shorter boy who's actually down with that. But I'll definitely do more research on it.

stole panties from laundry

I cum to my daughters nudes all the time

Broke into a private boarding school in the summer and stole sports equipment that the rich kids had locked up in storage.

Turned 18 in August
I wish I could get some from mine, I'm certain she has some

good thing. I love helping people explore their fantasies, especially this sort, and showing willing people (especially women) their first pics or vids of things they've fantasised about for ages.

can you get on her computer to check her icloud or google photos?

do you smell her panties/suck them

I know at least one mommy/boy couple, they've lived together for a few years.

5'8", that's tough. If you're happy in heels a lot you could find a fair few guys

in your favour is that people often try to imitate the bodytype they identify with. if they want to be a little boy, they'll trend towards slim and clean-cut and hairless. height would be a big part of the problem, but they're always shorter than you if they're lying down.

good luck if you give it a shot though. I'd look for guys around places like tumblr and fetlife. maybe even Cred Forums, I've met a few littles on kink threads.

I found my daughters nudes when I was fixing her phone.

so your mom had cancer or was she pregnant?
last time she had cancer you were born and had to recover from you too.
also, your shitposting is giving me cancer, oh shit i'm preggers too. use a fucking condom and censor your shit!!!

Things do get better, just love out and start a new life doing what you love and just enjoying life. Screw them, explore the world and learn why your life and others lives are precious. :)

Her computer and phone are password protected, the only way I could get into her phone would be using her finger for TouchID while she's sleeping. But I don't know if I want to risk her waking up. But if I did get them, I feel like they would be all I'd ever fap to
No, but I'm really tempted to. Suck them especially

i knew exactly how open-minded she was when we had our first sex convo
>what are your kinks?
>well i like anal sex
>that's gross, if you want to do that why don't you have sex with guys?
>... but I don't like to bring it up because a lot of people compare it to gay sex
what a fucking bitch

I sometimes work TOO hard, I try to carry the team on my back and pick up slack too much.

That actually sounds.. Like something I'd be into. I'm interested.

You make a lot of good points. I think I'll give it a shot, it's better than the alternative anyways. Don't really wanna go to jail.

iphone right?
iphones require the passcode typed in (not touchid) after they've been turned off, so you need to engineer a situation where her phone is turned off and then shouldersurf the code.

either quietly reboot it when she's left the room ('no it must have turned off by itself') or set up a fault she might ask you about. I'd get on the wifi and block facebook for her or something.

where do you find these retard sluts??

different strokes for different folks. I'm not into kids, I'm into innocence, so dominating a 30-year-old who calls me daddy works fine for me. You may be the same, you may not.

good luck.

do you think she would ever let you do anything with her?

you can get me on [email protected] and we can talk. unless you have a preferred method of communication?

Thread has passed bump limit so it will probably only last another 10 mins or so.

was waiting for this
>QG publicly admits to owning and distributing child porn

I knew about that, but I didn't think of it, so thanks!
What I'm about to do for some nudes... Lol
Pretty sure she wouldn't. What I'd give to fuck her bareback and finish inside her though. Fap to the thought daily.

Spot the Autistic.

anytime m8, just share one or two pics here when you find them and we'll call it even

I've done a lot more than that to get nudes, believe me

ive reported you to the FBI have fun in the pen with bubba

Some of these stories are pretty fucked up I hope half of you fagot are lying

My daughter is into daddy daughter fantacy. I really want to cum inside her too

how do you know she is? Doesn't seem like something you'd tell your father usually.

I found her tumblr

ah... well you probably have a chance there dude, how old is she?

>No, but I'm really tempted to. Suck them especially
you think she would would ever noticed if you sucked her panties m8? fabric can really get a nice grip of what genitals smell like brah.... just go for it.

What is it?

Sure thing
Not sure if mine is but it would be nice if she was into it. Breeding her is another fantasy of mine.
Will do!