Ding Dang Dong Ping Pong benis

Ding Dang Dong Ping Pong benis

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Fuc u nibi



I dropped to a new sexual low today.

I tried to make a sex machine out of a bicycle someone left by a dumpster.



Ducc this Sicc




But you're gay tho. I can't suck a gay mans penis, that'd be gay.

Ahem *benis*




Ur a benis


some 69 for your 69

Which one guys?

XL or go home

Well I have a benis.

invest in a normal penis like a normal homo

I'd be getting an XL of either one of those, just deciding if I want one that's more consistant or one that will help me stretch for other ones

the right one's the right one.

I have one, it's not very much fun when it's a mostly normal shaped fake, especially since most of those are shit quality

>When you want to invest in booty but you have no booty funds.

What type of booty?

>yfw the government takes a portion of your booty funds every year

I never really liked the whole neon genitals thing.

Booty in the 18-23 range.

psh, casul

Echo no doubt. I have an XL of both, the tail get's too pointy the deeper you go and has a pretty rough texture. Rougher than you'd think

but it's silly to be bothered by neon dicks, when furries in there entirety are just as unrealistic.

I'd be getting the tail in soft firmness, still a no though?


I personally dont care about the dick, mostly the anatomy.



Me... me 2

Any other models you've tried that you can suggest in a similar size? Anthro Dragon or Uncut Studded Dragon maybe?





I want to give myself the worst fire breath so I'm eating baked beans with chopped onions and garlic added. Combined with beer.








why boner?


Idk. I also forgot, I added Tabasco as well.

This is the shit I'm drinking.


grody. so grody


Welcome to depression.


Manly af though, gotta get my carbs n' protein n' drunk all at once.




entertain me



He's gonna be fucking some grass in a sec

Jproc pls go


tfw the way u sit makes ur butt look like u got spanked

shock top is gross though



I like that hat

>Shit tear
>Putting it up your asshole


this is surprisingly not shit, but then again its still patrick stewart. he could make anything badass



This one isn't too bad. Really good banana flavor chased by vanilla and honey.



whats so funny?

i have been depressed lately...




I like his tum


Haha! You are gay now.



I think a number of people here are in the same boat as you.

You bunch of sad fucks.

They pulled it off pretty well considering beer + banana's sounds like vomit city.




it really does lol
maybe i will try it because that sounds bizarre


>anal sex in the dark without prep

no its not gay. its just cartoons.

yeah depression suxxx


depression isnt real, being depressed is




Thats how it starts.

Not in this one




is that actually what this picture is



They probably have anal sex with lube in missionary the week after.

The important question is whos pitcher and whos catcher.

what if you play with a wall

>not cleaning out before being ready

i guess you're right in a way

people dont turn gay


Its a pretty grueling process.

Really kills the mood.

You're right, you were already gay.

do I have to pay or something if I register that page?


I'd play with the mexican wall.

Furaffinity just needs an Email


ok thanks


I mean so I could speak to those south of the border.


>*Distant sound of a lube bottle being cracked open*

Post your butt.



no ive never been with a guy



Who's the artist?

i did once regret it completly

Ive never been with a guy either. I guess im not gay.





I'd mess with that bull



why? what happened?

maybe you arent. i dont know you...





You heard it first here folks, Im not gay!


Couldn't see it (on phone)
Thanks m8

was super nervous couldnt look him in the eye, i told him not to cum in my mouth but he did anyway so i ended up getting some on my uniform which looked highly suspicious when i got home along with my breath smelling like dick. I think itd be fun with someone i actually knew well imo tbh hbu



i knew it



Ew, y you keep dat saved.


the funniest shit i've seen in a while

heil pepe

>tfw you meme a frogposter into the white house
feels good man

just in case


I can only assume someone on hillary's team is a double agent and is sabotaging her online presence while simultaneously talking about frogs to let us know he's there

tfw ur just a meme farmer and some old lady calls u a white supremacist

I finally got banned from politics again. I mentioned someone's account age which apparently is a shill accusation


i'm so glad i started collecting pepes

whoever that guy is don't gotta do much

I honestly don't know whether bush sr was trying to sabotage


No idea, it was sent to me in telegram

now you can say you liked pepe before C N N STARTED COVERING PEPE THE FROG DAILY

I wanna cuddle mah dudes


u better deled dat


sieg heil

alienating rural voters fam

you were probably right, too.

Jeb! probably asked him to do it to get back at trump.

I have almost no pepes and now I just cbf'd starting a collection. Who knew it'd become the scariest meme of all?

i'll pass them onto my children

literally browse r9k for 2 hours

Go cuddle dudes.

I wanna cuddle some dudes, preferably some larger dudes

ᴵ ʷᵒᵘᶫᵈ ˢᵗᶦᶫᶫ ᵛᵒᵗᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʳᵘᵐᵖ ᶦᶠ ʰᵉ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃᶫᶫʸ ᵃ ᶰᵃᶻᶦ

The post was
>Redditor for 5 days
Nothing to see here

And ofc the mods didnt want to reply when asking them how it was a shill accusation

Thankfully leddit accounts are easy to make


nah I'll stick to my MAGAs and awoos.

at this point I'd probably vote for actual zombie hitler

I mean, it kinda is an implicit shill accusation. Still, I assume he was a shill.
Did you see the thing about hillary's IT furry?



I watched him delete his shit in real time. It was very funny

your loss

Hillary is shit
Id vote for Trump but no one will suck my dick so fuck it, no one gets my vote.