Julian Assange, the editor or Wikileaks and current embassy bitch (thanks to the UK) here, ask me anything

Julian Assange, the editor or Wikileaks and current embassy bitch (thanks to the UK) here, ask me anything.

Are there aliens?

Is the rape stuff just to get you in jail?

Why didn't u do what Snowden did?

Also, shoe on head for proof.


Welcome To Our Program – Secret Shopper!

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The assignment will pay you $300/assignment of 2 assignment a week.

Provide the following details if you interested :
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We a wait your urgent response, So we look forward working with you.

Thank you,
Michael Huggin
@Copyright 2016 - 2018

When are you release information of Hillary Clinton?

No way. If it really is you, thanks man. Stay strong in there.

Assange here, thank you for the support Cred Forums. We are working on releasing more documents soon, can't comment directly on a release date due to several news outlets we are coordinating with.

See that's what's gay about you.

U are a government shill. Your not even a real person. Wiki leaks is a fake out. It's an establishment run and approved source of fake stories that appear to be scandalous and fake cables that show the monotony of beaurocracy in order to make the Everyman think "oh there are no real conspirieracies"


We're gonna need some proof first you fuckin faggot

Are the rumors true that Hillary gave you a few million dollars in order to stop the document leaks?

time stamp or fake faggot

roll for prove it. It's time for you to do the Scorpion and FINISH HER. The FBI has surely figured out it's own volatility by now and survive a major government corruption reveal.


Why did you let that awful movie about be made?

Assange here. Ask yourselves, where is the liberal democracy we were promised? You need to demand better from your respective governments.

Give us proof of aliens Assange


Go suck each other off, you're retarded soulmates.

Shoe on head of fuck off fag

or party hat.

>Assange here.
Man, you're in trouble when the real Assange finds out some moron imposter has been shitposting.

Everything is archived. Time stamp or GTFO