Shit, guys, they're going to kill him

Shit, guys, they're going to kill him.

How do we save Jason Lee from Scientology assassins?

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I don't know if you guys are aware of this, but lots of these celebrity scientologists were brought up in the religion. Imagine if your entire circle of friends, acquaintances, your entire family belonged to Scientology, and if you were to leave you'd be all alone in the world. They're taking a huge risk speaking out like this. Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses do the same thing. All of these sects/religions are practically cults without the ritual suicide. Good on him tbhfamalamarama. I would assume it's easier for a famous person to leave scientology than a normal person, though. Still pretty brave.

Why do people care about what other people believe?

I left Cred Forums when the anti-scientology shit began because it was retarded as fuck.


It's a money cult that ruins people's lives, pays no taxes and funds more manipulative resources

This is good news, I've always thought Jason Lee was great and that was a blight on his record.

So? Why do you care millionaire people are stupid enough to give them their money and ruining their life?

is beck still in it?

Jason Lee wasn't brought up in Scientology, though.

if scientology continues to be unchallenged it may have dire consequences for normal people

its a cult that preys on your privacy and freedom if it gains any traction it will ruin many lives

i refuse to believe skateboarding legend and creator of the 360 flip is a Scientologist

We hire some good bodyguard
and snatch they birthdays

Gas Mask-chan when?
Another user protest when?

I didn't know Lee was a scientologist, but I did know about Suplee. Is that just a weird coincidence or are there some weird scientology connections to MNE and Kevin Smith movies?

This is the kind of shit they get up to:

Infiltrating and subverting the US government, and trying to get their critics wrongly imprisoned. At the highest levels they should be considered domestic terrorists and enemies of the country, and at the lowest levels they should be considered victims, perhaps even hostages of a blackmailing, brainwashing cult.

wtf i love jason lee now

They generally don't get already famous people.
They get young aspiring actors, casting couching for minor parts, and use their contacts to help them get bigger parts.
These bigger parts thus help fund the church.

hillary has done much worse, why aren't you protesting her?

>people are stupid, we must defend them instead of letting them crash and find out for themselves.

>How do we save Jason Lee from Scientology assassins?
We can't.

Well start thinking since the might mistake Jason Lee for Jennifer Jason Leigh


He's third-generation and I think his breakup before Sea Change was released pushed him way further into it.

Holy shit you're right.

kek nigga got btfo'd by a taxi driver

we'll be fine

>hillary has done much worse, why aren't you protesting her?
Holy shit, Trumpfags are fucking Scientologists