
Winter soldier. Anyone who says otherwise is just mad the Russos are better than Whedon

Winter Solider.

I hate Nolan.

Winter Soldier +1

But I dont hate Nolan.

Watch either Defendor or Super instead

is the winter soldier cap or bucky?

But those are not the best movies of either franchise.

>Batman begins or CA:TFA

the dark knight.

anyone who says otherwise is fag, cuck, and kike. upvote this


It's not even close. No cookie cutter Marvel trash can touch the brilliance of TDK.

why would you jump out of a plane without a parachute?


SM 1 and 2 are better than both.

Considering how the Russos somehow managed to make Robert Redford completely forgettable, The Dark Knight.

TDK feels like it's 4 hours long. It's a good watch but such a drag, the pacing is awful. TWS is nicely paced tight narrative that actually let's the main character shine.


Batman begins
>it's a nice coat
>I hope you're not a member of da fire brigade

Kill yourselves Raimifags

"Harley Quinn. Pleased to meetcha.

"Is that cologne, or the stench of Bucky's hot, drying sweat on your back, Caps?"

Unlike Nicholson’s multileveled characterization, Ledger reduces The Joker to one-note ham-acting and trite symbolism. If you fell for the evil-versus-evil antagonism of There Will Be Blood, then The Dark Knight should be the movie of your wretched dreams. Nolan’s unvaried direction drives home the depressing similarities between Batman and his nemeses. Nolan’s single trick is to torment viewers with relentless action montages; distracting ellipses that create narrative frustration and paranoia. Delayed resolution. Fake tension. Such effects used to be called cheap. Cheap like The Joker’s psychobabble: “Madness, as you know, is like gravity—all it takes is a little push.” The Dark Knight is the sentinel of our cultural abyss. All it takes is a push.




Joker is just unmissable

Anyone who says otherwise is a numale faggot and is voting for Hillary.

Nice copypasta faget.

>subtitle is "The Winter Soldier"
>Bucky can be replaced with some random mook and the story would stay exactly the same

The Dark Knight is better all the way and y'all contrarian faggots know it.

>stopped reading after 4 words

It's crazy that you fucking retards can take a great performance like Nicholson's Joker and still oversell it.

>he doesn't know the "Winter Soldier" subtitle refers to Cap status during the movie

No one cares.

Even on Cred Forums, no one cares.

God, I didn't know so many people on this board liked Winter Soldier. It was alright, nothing special whatsoever though. No emotional payoff with a shitty 3rd act.

>a cop drama with "batman" or metal gear solid with super heroes

no, thanks

I don't get it either

Who even was the villain in WS?

Neither have aged well.

DK is a C+ without Joker. WS is a B- overall

this, you'd honestly have to be retarded to prefer WS

You cared enough to reply. You were wrong. Get over it.

this is one of the worst posts I've ever read on Cred Forums

Both are great films
but WS edges it out a little bit more


THIS the winter soldier is not even the same league

>Who was even the villian in Winter Soldier
Gee I dunno who could it be?

Certainly not bucky "bait for fujoshis who otherwise wouldn't see the film" barnes, I think it was some blond old guy, damn was he forgettable

What if someone said
Promise lies ahead
Hopes are high in certain scientific circles
Life won't have to end
You could walk again

What if someone said
Problems lie ahead
They've uncovered something highly controversial
The right to life is strong
Can't you see it's wrong

Human kind has reached a turning point
Poised for conflict at ground zero
Ready for a war
Do we look to our unearthly guide
Or to white coat heroes
Searching for a cure

Turn to the light
Don't be frightened of the shadows it creates
Turn to the light
Turning away would be a terrible mistake

Anarchistic moral vision
Industries of death
Facing violent opposition
Unmolested breaths

Ethic inquisitions breed
Antagonistic views
Right wing sound bite premonitions
In a labyrinth of rules

Are you justified
Are you justified
Are you justified
Justified in taking
Life to save life
Life to save life
Taking life to save life

This embryonic clay
Wrapped in fierce debate
Would be thrown away
Or otherwise discarded

Some of us believe
It may hold the key
To treatment of disease
And secrets highly guarded

Are you justified
Are you justified
Are you justified
Justified in taking
Life to save life
Life to save life
Life to save life

Human kind has reached a turning point
Poised for conflict at ground zero
Ready for a war
Do we look to our unearthly guide
Or to white coat heroes
Searching for the cure

Turn to the light
Don't be frightened of the shadows it creates
Turn to the light
Turning away would be a terrible mistake

We're reaching
But have we gone too far

Harvesting existence
Only to destroy
Carelessly together
We are sliding

Someone else's future
Four days frozen still
Someone else's fate
We are deciding

Miracle potential
Sanctity of life
Faced against each other
We're divided

Should we push the boundaries
Or should we condemn
Moral guilt and science
Have collided

Turn to the light
We defy our own mortality these days
Turn to the light
Pay attention to the questions we have raised

Bitch please, no one ever forgets Robert Redford

Uhh Bane?

Is this even a debate? I don't like capeshit, but Marvel has NOTHING on TDK or BB.

The inevitable movie where Cap gets killed will be the better of the two.

is this actually bait?

winter soldier was a bland action movie, sure it was well done, but there was literally nothing memorable or even exciting in the movie. there is almost zero suspense in your "thriller". The fact this is even a question just shows how much shitposting can alter a man's sense of perception

One is a capekino and the other is a pseudo-philosophical self serious mess

The dark Knight. It wasnt just a good capeshit film, it was a good film in general.

Winter soldier was just another generic ridiculous marvel flick. It wasn't even one if the best capeshit

Marvel-drones are out of control apparently.

i cant even remember who the villain in winter meme was

sure it was a more than decent marvel film but if you compare it to something thats actually quite good capekino like TDK then it looks like a turd

>the only good DC flick vs the only good Marvel flick

>i cant even remember who the villain in winter meme was
Really? You don't remember fucking BUCKY? He's kind of a major character now.

>there are people on this Cantonese knitting forum who actually place Nolanshit above all films

Marvel makes safe, bland, forgettable wank. It's all the same. TDK, while I don't think it's the best thing since sliced bread, is one hell of a movie compared to any Marvel film.


Thats very opinionated of you.

Are you fucking kidding me?

>Samuel Jackson using a fucking light Saber to cut through the cement ground to escape
>a nazi scientist from the 1940s uploads his brain to the internet which didn't even exist back then
>it was hydra all along! This organization still existed and somehow managed to infiltrate shield! Wow
>literal transformers level Boom! Explosions! Cgi fest at the end

Fucking 12 year olds here. I can't believe I share a board with you. Captcha should be replaced with a high school calculus problem

Winter Solder because it didn't feel like a superhero movie. You could have made the same movie and replaced Cap with a normal solder and replace Shield with the CIA and it would probably win an Oscar.

It would be a big film if CIA was involved

Explosion filled cgi fests with retarded illogical plots don't win oscars

And by that logic, replace batman with a cia agent trying to stop a rogue ex-military terrorist nut job and the movie would still work

>DCfags now reaching outside of their extended universe to try and find movies that are better than Marvel's
loving every laugh

Found the Marvel-fags.

It was literally trying very hard to copy the Dark Knight series, the only reason it's thought of as even a competitor is because it has a less-cheerful/"fun" tone throughout it, but still lacks any gravitas when it comes to the over-arching themes throughout it, or mythology building. It's just another action adventure film.

Dark Knight and it isn't even close

>implying this thread wasn't started by a Marvel-cuck-fag

And since when was it a rule that you had to compare DCCU movies to MCU movies?

Because the DCCU is the only one you can actually argue against with any relative success?

Dark Knight wouldn't work without Batman and Joker, it just wouldn't be the same movie at all.

Winter Solder is just a normal spy flick, not really doing any superhero stuff he just happens to have a costume while fighting terrorists.

The Winter Soldier is going to lose out to Suicide Squad as well. You can't even pull the inflation card because it's easily countered with the lack of China

No wonder Marvel is forcing Iron Man into all their future films. It's the only way they can make the real big bucks

Im leaning more on Marvel's side in this capeshit movie making.
But the "Dark knight rises" and "The dark knight" were two of the best movies ever made


Winter soldier is good, but TDK is lightning in a bottle we will never have again.

I love Captain America but The Dark Knight just straight up has more moments where the directing is perfectly constructed and the beats just keep on coming.
Steve's relationship with Bucky in the first and second Captain America movies were also never as strong as it should have been although that might just be a flaw in the actor themselves performances.

You're forgetting pic related

People always forget pic related and it's pure fucking kino

eh actually the dark knight would work with out batman and joker in it and just replace it with an "generic Gov super Spy" vs "nihilistic terrorist"

The Dark Knight.

Anyone that says otherwise cannot be taken seriously.

Gotham looked so fucking good in this movie, I hate how they dropped the grimey aesthetic in the last 2.

I don't like the Dark Knight very much but I think it's better than Winter Soldier, that movie is super overrated.

this tbqh

To be fair the entirety of Gotham looking grimey doesn't make much sense. The narrows should be grimey and the older areas gothic but it should also have modern areas since it is an important city

The Dark Knight ofc.

Batman Begins was shit.

Also Batman 1989 was better and more kino.

Trips wasted on a plebs shit opinion