Any adult animation comedy like brickleberry

No seth mcfarlane shit.

I never watched it. I remember tuning in and they were making fun of a retarded dyke. Got bored and tuned out.

pretty funny desu senpai

"Adult animation" is an oxymoron. Prove me wrong, PROTIP:you're a virgin if you try


I saw this on tv and the girl was so nervous that she started spinning in circles because of her explosive diarrhea was so strong. This show is literally shit.

Space Dandy is modern greatness. I promise you will be impressed.

Ugly Americans was cancelled for this.

Moral Orel
Drinky Crow Show
The Critic
Bobby's World
Anne of Green Gables
The Awesomes
Drawn Together

>The Critic
this is the only one I have watched on that list thanks

doubt that the japs have a decent sense of humour than the brits or american shows, might give it a watch

Brickleberry is way worse than any Mcfarlane shit.

>way worse than any Mcfarlane shit.
>cut away jokes that have nothing to do with the relevant situation.
>american dad

no one is going to agree with you. Brickleberry is shit.


space dandy takes america as important as japan. the english language is king after all. i don't usually watch japshit but that played a role in how great it is.

>oubt that the japs have a decent sense of humour than the brits or american shows
Why do you instantly assume animation has to be comedic?
Maybe that's why you don't believe it can be done as an adult medium

Waltz With Bashir

China Il is pretty good. Real chill show.

Read the thread title you autismo

>no macfarlane shit
Hard to do since that shit is just a rip-off of family guy except edgier

>just a rip-off of family guy
it has nothing in common with family guy except it is animation and a sitcom

Monkey dust

Archer better.

King of the Hill is the ultimate pleb filter.

Its the same style of humor, but done worse

Blows my fucking mind

>same style of humor, but done worse
have you even watched it", or family guy for that matter.
family guy relies upon cut away nonsensical gags, stupid "idiot" wit gags, running gags (cleveland in the bath, the pedo, joe being crippled, quagmire being a pervert etc) and external comedy, like watching the news.
Brickleberry is heavily related in a situation, no cutaways, and the humour comes from individual characters personalities within the situation.

seriously try harder pleb

Same boring "it's not PC therefore it must be funny" humour

There are literally no jokes, you're just supposed to keep going "hahaha wow I can't believe they DID that!" Except that shit only works on tweens and soccer moms

>Brickleberry is heavily related in a situation, no cutaways, and the humour comes from individual characters personalities within the situation
That doesn't make it funny

>when you're the one trying to justify liking brickleberry

>no jokes
a sitcom is not supposed to have "jokes" you idiot, the situation is supposed to bring the comedy.

Alan Gregory is a lot like Brickleberry
>horrible unlikable characters with no redeeming quality's
>main draw is a famous celebrity whose doing one of the voices

>trying to justify liking brickleberry
not specifically, it is an ok sitcom, just that faggot talking how brickleberry is family guy 2.0 as if he is a critic of comedy where actually they are as far apart in their comedy as south park is from family guy.

>Brickleberry is heavily related in a situation, no cutaways, and the humour comes from individual characters personalities within the situation.
Problem is that the jokes are still just as shitty and random as in Family Guy. And the animation is absolute garbage. It's artificially manufractured garbage for the masses, and you seem to be dumb enough to not see that.

Mr.Pickles is the greatest cartoon to come out in the last 5 or 10 years.

You're fighting a battle you cannot win user

>random as in Family Guy
how, family guy can be in a situation, and cut away to adolf hitler juggling on a unicycle.
brickleberry, is routed in the situation, with the characters individual personality bringing comedy of how they are handling that situation.
seems like you are retarded and are just grouping styles of comedy together just because they are animated.

Sure, if you are 12

>watching cartoons for intelligent or older and more mature humor

pls go kill yourself

>lol the cute dog is actually evil xD
we get it. no need to make a show out of it.

Frisky Dingo is better than Archer

China, IL
The Life and Times of Tim
Moral Orel

>not knowing the difference between cartoons and animation

For what?

>enoys brickleberry to any extent
u need to kill yourself

>american children

Brickleberry was complete shit. It reads like it was written by 10 year olds who just discovered swearing and think just saying gross things combined with swear words is automatically funny. There is a reason based bird deandra reynolds left after 1 season.

>being so wrong that you have to get into technicalities and semantics

>The Life and Times of Tim
fuck yeah its a shame that show got cancelled.

this was surprisingly funny

there is a reason why we are talking about animated sitcoms not cartoons user.

used to be pretty funny when I was a kid, he died every episode from a brain aneurysm

>animated sitcoms done in cartoon style but it's not a cartoon

Why such a need to be so technical? Does it really even matter or are you just that pretentious?

cartoons are animated but not all animation is a cartoon

>trips coming from such a gigantic faggot

the show is funny because of how silly and fucked up the things they do are, and it's far more entertaining humor than rick and morty or bofag horsedick or any other pleb shit that's came out recently

>they kill people so edgy xD
kill yourself pleb.

what is this shit?

>he likes bojack horsedick, rick and jewy and probably browses reddit, and that's why he doesn't like mr.pickles because he's a maximum pleb faggot with no sense of humor left

Funny? No
Entertaining? No

>another pleb with a sad sense of humor

>being this much of a triggered autist over a cartoon
grow up manchild, your show is shit and you're laughing at the same joke over and over.

This is legit one of the worst shows I've ever seen.

Crash Canyon tier.

>contributes nothing
>says show is shit
>never watched show

American dad is good at times

drawn together is underrated as fuck

>calls me triggered then becomes the epitome of triggered and ad hominem insults me because he knows I'm dead on about his faggotry and shit tier sense of humor

Stay pleb, reddit browser and don't ever change

>thinking putting your dick in slut has any value

this is a drunken shitpost if I've ever seen one

Not only is Brickleberry not funny, but its also preachy.
That is the worst combination possible.

>its also preachy

>being such a simple minded faggot that he thinks the shows only point or joke is that the dog kills people

>Not the oblivious family
>Not the wacky side characters
>Not the retarded as fuck sheriff

>dur hur it's nothing but a dog killing people and there are no other jokes in the entire show

Just watched the first episode and I liked it. Good replacement for Life and Times of Tim.


Frisky Dingo
Harvey Birdman
Aqua Teen
Venture Brothers
Captain Planet

these are childrens cartoons aren't they!
fucking captain planet and hannah barberra cartoons

you're insane
maybe Captain Planet is a joke and should be replaced with Boondocks or The Oblongs
but that list is legit

The 2nd half is. The 1st half is pretty meh.

that filename lol

Ugly Americans is upper tier.

Rick and Morty, Happy Tree Friends, Xavier Renegade Angel, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law, Squid Billies, Bojack I guess

Just started watching F is for Family. It's on the more real side but still funny

Don't misconstrue his reply as complimenting McFarlane.


brickleberry is so terrible
watching it feels like eating a turd
why did I watch all three seasons of it

That's all the same joke, though, it's just the dog getting away with it because everyone is retarded.

the episode about abortion is good

Oh god you have terrible taste. Go watch Rick and Morty if you want to know what a good animated show looks like.

>this show is funny because...

lost me there. explaining the humor means it just isn't funny.

Why is animation in general so shit these days? Eastern, Western, it's all outsourced to Korean sweatshops with the quality of a fucking newgrounds flash animation.

I remember watching a few episodes when it came out and thinking it was trash that relied almost entirely on shock value, it was like Family Guy but without the pop culture references

>F is for Family
just watched the first episode, it is actually pretty good