/got/ general

/got/ general

Post Emmy Edition


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First for no one.

>it won best writing
>it won best drama overall

what the fuck

seems like you autists were wrong.

threadly reminder that maisie and kit are both losers

Maybe it's just the state of affairs for the rest of the industry. Also, normies fookin love GoT.

Emmys mostly go with whatever the public wants

Except for Transparent getting all those awards, which I assume was part of some pro-trans push

Maisie salty AF in the post show pics.

They need the bad poussy

Deserved it for seasons 1 and 4.

>best writing
This only means D&D are gonna get away with a lot worse next seasons.

> more fart scenes
> more tits, cocks, pussies and gratuitous sex scenes
> more tyrion jokes
> more eunuch jokes
> more romance b/w sam & gilly, miss sunday & gray worm
> more girl power

I noticed this too. It's odd. I'm glad she got nominated because I do think she is a surprisingly good actor - but did she think she even stood a chance?

For that matter, why the fuck didn't Lena win? Fuck Peter and his Emmys; Emilia didn't even deserve to be nominated.

Look on the bright side user, at least there'll be no more "Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm shoot the shit" cringefests, right?


> it won best writing
> ep.9 Battle of the Bastards

So the ep with the least amount of shit writing won?

It depends. GOT hasn't really won that much over 6 years.

look at its competition

Let's face it. This was a bad year for Cred Forums.

How was episode 10 not the best? Ep. 9 was just a predictable dumb good-vs-evil gorefest. Episode 10 actually had real drama and shit happening.

Post yfw you realize the Emmy's meme just as hard as /got/, just in their own way.

the episode with the least amount of writing, won for best writing

>happy shitting

She would have won, had she been nominated.

at least maisie and kit and emilia and lena and peter got a nomination. sophie is such garbage she couldnt even manage that.

Well, she's better than Emilia at least. That said, Maisie legitimately deserved the nom. Lena deserved to win.

>better than emilia at least

no i actually disagree

is this your first time making a general? maybe dont do it again

>people botching that S6 had shitty writing
>D&D win for best writing

How BTFO is Cred Forums right now?

>Behold, the Colossus of Rhodes, Oh wait, I mean the Titan of Braavos.
>Sam, you will be trained in the Library of Alexandr- um, Oldtown

Why is GOT so unoriginal?

Where can I watch the full show?
why is it so hard to put it online as soon as it ends. It's fucking 2016



I want to live there now.

when the FUCK are we going to get greywater watch?

>we've got the snowy kingdom, the desert kingdom, the rivery kingdom, the mountainy kingdom, and the island kingdom where everyone is pirates!
it's amazing to me that people think this is some kind of subversive fantasy at all



Wait why is she blonde again?

its a wig retard.

But why you fucking idiot

Watch Stranger Things

they were in their stranger things costumes, dipshit

Not salty!

Ep 9 barely had any talking in it. The action was good, people did some stuff that didn't quite make sense, and then the good guys won. Where is the "outstanding writing" there?

I liked the movie John Wick, but that doesn't mean it deserved an award for best screenplay.

>The action was good

To be fair, it was. It was just terribly cliched, but at least it looked good.

>not liking fucking dragons wrecking shit

Some parts worked and some parts didn't. The point is the director and the stunt team are responsible for that.

>posts Sam "Tranny cuck" Hyde
>thinking your opinion matters


We've seen dragons wreck shit for years. I wanted to see a direwolf wreck shit, because that has the potential to be fresh.

D&D will probably kill Ghost in ep1 to save in CGI budget, because normies want dragons.

People don't know what they want. If mother of burgers wasn't crammed down their throats they'd say dragons are gay and dumb and direwovles rule.

I want to jizz on her necklace and watch it run down her cleavage.

Direwolves aren't going to wreck shit outside of attacking a small group.

Its not about CGI budget, its just thst direwolves are incredibly difficult and expensive to do since they're actual wolves filmed against a greenscreen and then carefully chromakeyed into scenes. And theyy have to go all the way to Canada to film them.

Did you not have the direwolf meme text to go along with your post?
>Jon = The White Wolf
>Sansa = The Red Wolf
>Arya = The Lone Wolf
>Rickon = The Wild Wolf
>Robb = The Young Wolf

Apparently Arya's direwolf is leading a pack somewhere and wrecking shit.

How can Jon be "the white wolf" when we never see his white fucking wolf?

Dragons in fantasy are done to death. They always look the same no matter what franchise they come from. A big battle scene where Jon fights side by side with a massive wolf would have been awesome.

And they wasted Wun wun as well. They had a giant on the battlefield and the only thing they used him for was knocking down the gate at the end.

>They always look the same no matter what franchise they come from.
No they don't.

Ned = The Wise Wolf?

Maybe Ned's dad. Ned wasn't politically savvy, got himself killed in KL leading to a war that ended with multiple deaths in his family.... Loyal, honorable, caring, compassionate... Those words describe Ned. Wise does not.

Beowulf, Dragonheart, GOT, Harry Potter, Hobbit, Reign of fire, Dungeons and dragons, Dragonslayer, Alice in wonderland, Sucker punch and Eragon to name just a few. They all look the same.

You have to jump to Falcor from NES just to see something that looks slightly different. How to train your dragon as well in a pinch.

hes called The Quiet Wolf in the books at one point.

All of those look different. You're retarded.

Ned = The Quiet Wolf

Not to any meaningful degree. They change the color, give them a few more spines here and there, but the basic design never changes. You're lucky to find forelegs as well. At least Smaug talked, which distinguished him slightly.

There's no creativity on display with these creatures in what is supposed to be the most creative genre of them all.

Who is the chick?

Not sure why, but she looks like she's hiding her saltiness.

Jonsa for the win

She has looked tired/fed up in general lately, probably getting sick of the constant attention. There were also rumors she broke up with her normie boyfriend

t. Maisiewatch

Yeah, every picture that seems to be taken in that particular moment just screams salt.

Can Sophie just not wear heals for once in her life? I don't think she realizes how damaging it is for a man to be called out on his shortness when hundreds of people are watching. Tom Cruise would get his Scientologist lawyers to sue her for that.

But I'm 6'0" so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. My brother's 5'7" and doesn't seem to care. Any other 5'7"s want to give their perspective, from all the way down there :^)?

What the hell I definitely spoiled a part of that post. Is it not working for some reason?


Breaking up will do that.

>not wanting a taller goddess gf

The King and Queen

The Jonsafags will milk this for threads to come.

So is Maisie going to just hop on a plane and head back to Bongland? Is there ever GoT filming in the US?

so when you sail under that statue can you look up and see its giant dick?

>Sansa = The Dead Wolf

Arent they all filming GOT in Belfast right now?

Google says Belfast and Ireland.


Anything noteworthy with George at the emmys? Did we see him die on the inside when D&D won for writing?

Jonautist BTFO

>bonnie_fuller#gameofthrones moment! So thrilled to meet the lovely Kit Harrington at the #HBO Emmy's after party, after GOT's big wins tonight! Said he couldn't have been happier to be 'alive' this season. But teases that maybe Rhaegar & Lyanna may not be his parents after all. Hmm!



No one told Kit that about HBO's info graphic, did they?

writing=/=dialogue, idiot.


>The Jonsafags will milk this for threads to come.

Why would they? real life interaction has nothing to do with the show.

But I did see one on tumblr that said she knows it's wrong but she's gotten the urge to ship them irl

Go home Dabid youre drunk

>it's a Kit hoverhands episode


At least KH i'll have that to feel good.

*KH lost

The people at my work are running indoors again and just like last week it is making me feel for what Jon went through at the battle of the bastards. On top of it all Kit didn't win the Emmy so I am really not feeling good right now.

>It's a Jonautist gets triggered by the presense of people episode

>jonautist false flagging

Ice spiders when?

How do you breath while watching this scene? I just yell no Jon no!

When I first saw it I was so immersed, kind of imagined I was Jon, and just choked and fainted. I'm afraid to watch it again.

So who's gonna die arya or sansa? On the one hand arya is pointless but if she dies now thats seasons wasted. One the other hand they are probably going to go more towards the more supernatural side of things so little finger and sansa will no longer be needed storywise.

Arya will die in the last season

It's /gotg/, not /got/ general.

Shut your face m8

So you think sansa is dying this season?

Sansa wont die

She is not a combat character

With BotB now winning all the awards and it being the last "epic nine" episode will next season have an "epic six" or will all the episodes be "epic"?

Overrated rubbish.

Hopefully both but some cast members gave clues that Salsa might die, including Sophie.

Was Catelyn A "combat character"?

the fuck is a combat character


i see you

>a combat character


Sophie seemed happy discussing the next season and how everyone will be satisfied. The stuff that makes Sophie happy is sadistic shit happening around her character who she wants to die.

And them getting the tattoo for fear of not reaching the end when they already read the script and know they live or die this season means one either dies or both live.

Good riddance, never liked her. I wish Gurm would get rid of Sansa in Winds as well.


D&D are going to write it.

Are you retarded?
Implying Tywin, Tommen, Joffrey, Myrcella, Doran, Maergery, Viserys, Catlyn, Rickon, and countless others were "combat" characters. Those were just off the top of my head. Most characters didn't die in battle or were warriors.

Tell Tom Hiddleston to go away.

good morning, /got/

kit lost
maisie lost
the double dicks won
sophie and maisie looked like garbage
/got/ btfo

fucking why, let him have that little troll trophy. he had taytay now going in the complete opposite direction to spice things up

He's a pedo. Maisie is too pure for this.

If you are one of the following, you are not welcome in /got/ and should leave immediately

>likes dany
>doesn't like Stannis
>doesn't like Victarion
>doesn't like Jaime
>likes any season apart from season 1
>is a "shipper"
>doesn't find melly attractive
>likes ADWD over AFFC
>Is a wikifag
>favorite character is Dany, Jon or Tyrion
>hates Davos and his chapters
>believes Coldhands is Benjen or Cersei/Jaime/Tyrion are Targs
>believes in the GNC
>defends Lysa and Catelyn's actions
>thinks show Red Wedding wasn't poorly directed and written
>browses westeros.org and/or /r/asoiaf
>thinks Sansa will turn into a "player"

>hates Davos and his chapters
What is this nonsense? Nobody hates Davos.

but sansa will turn into a player, whether we like it or not

Sansa is going to conspire against Jon and die as a result.

Suck it up, /got/.

>thinks Sansa will turn into a "player"
implying she will not.
you should be the one leaving

Emilia and Sophie in a photo together

How is this possible?

Doesn't hiddleston like hiddledicks?

What's happening here?

is it me or did the queen of brugers lose some fat?

She's wearing an obvious corset

He dated Taylor Swift.

Anyway, I guess he just wanted to meet Maisie because he's a fan of her acting.

>he doesn't know that Taylor was his beard

I'm atually talking about her arm fat here padre


>Tfw Stannis and Victarion would probably get along famously if only they were brother
Euron and Renly would probably get along too, I bet. Sad how the world works.

I heard that you like waifus.

queen of sewers on the other hand looks like she's overflowing with salt

nah, i prefer mudkips

Kit apparently kept Maisie away from Tom Hiddleston. What a good brother.

>I don't think she realizes how damaging it is for a man to be called out on his shortness when hundreds of people are watching.

I think that's the real reason Kit didn't tell her he was coming back and let her cry, grieve and write a letter over it, payback for all the times she embarrassed him over his height

Will we see him again? Or was his only contribution to the storty to get his sword stolen by Sam.

I hope he shows up again as a general under Dany, but pissed the fuck off that he has to work with savages that are almost as bad as Wildlings but even more dangerous.

Hope this leads to the Reach alliance with her getting shakier and shakier

Varys wants the cunny and she knows it

is she the only good character left?

also I hope they don't kill meera, but realistically discarding minor characters for shock value is the only trick they've had for the last 2 seasons

Kit and Sophie were really close at these Emmys, they took a lot of pics together or were near each other a lot.

I don't think there's even one pic of Maisie standing by Sophie or hanging out with her besides the group shot

>I don't have any women who are friends, probably because i stink and am fat

>projection on aisle 9

I've tried my hand in writing before, and I did pretty well.
I was reading through the Targ dinasty and wanna try to flesh out some POVs through some years, or even his/her entire life.
I can't decide which one though, can /got/ help with some opinions on what they'd read?
There were a lot of interesting character, specially prior to the Dance.
There's Queen Alysanne, my favorite to write so far. Corlys Velaryon, his wife Rhaenys and Daemon Targaryen are a close second, though a lot have already been written about them.
My gf mentioned Daena Targaryen, Blackfyre's mother. That's an idea that's very explorable as well.
What yall think?

>I did pretty well

Prove it.


Jon came back, didn't you watch the season?

English isn't my first language, what I did was mostly short stories in College.
I'm not sharing that material as it would be easy to identify me and I like my privacy on this dornish sandsteed riding paintings board

Why is Alysanne your favorite to write?



>Anyway, I guess he just wanted to meet Maisie because he's a fan of her acting.

She was best grill last night, and her pandering to jonsa autists, who actually think she'd go for such a manlet like Harrington Little, was well=played.

>Rory pumped af
>Peter D looks triggered
>Kit derping like a mong
>/ourgirls/ on point

Khaleesi looking THICC

I dont think I've met someone as blind as you

What the fuck is up with Gilly's teeth?

>No Carrice

My heart...

I actually hope he teams up with Cersei and takes his rightful place as warden of the reach.

Providing food for the rest of the realm and not teaching your daughter how to be a conniving whore.

her teeth look fine to me? I mean she's got a big toothy smile

Well I doubt Tom Hiddleston is romantically interested in her. He's in his 30s.

The three best actors. Fight me.

He's a great general, but he's not from the strongest family, Hightowers for example are more powerful and may not wanna follow him.

>ywn be as excited as Rory

why even live?

Smile looks freaky as fuck. Reminds me of a smile from some horror movie.

Damn, Dinklage is a manlet

>body double for the "most attractive girl in the world" character is a thousand times more attractive than the actress is

Bravo D&D

Was Lino at the Emmy's?

I do. He's a shit faggot character.

>hurr Stannis you cut my fingers off even tho I saved your life, now I worship you as my god.

>tfw people think Arya will get killed off next season
The delusion is strong.

>ywn have sophie turner pet your head and dominate you in public

Jamie was cast pretty damn well. Just wish they did his character justice in the show


Why do normies want a Jon and Arya reunion? The show didn't emphasize their relationship as much.

>Kit is almost closer to Dinklage's height than to Gwendoline

You can't make this shit up.

>The show didn't emphasize their relationship as much.

Are you retarded?

Did you even watch the first season or after Arya left Hound?

>The show didn't emphasize their relationship as much.
about a million times more than Jon and Sophie.
Actually infinitely more given taht there wasn't any relationship at all between Jon and Sansa, they didn't even share a scene before S6 (unless it was just "standing there as a family" or something) and the only time she talked about one another is Sansa saying "our HALF brother".

>tfw Sophie will never look at you like she looks at Kit

Except you obviously can since that's not true

What about ice dragons ;)

All you're waifus a shit.

You mean Jon?

There's nothing between Jon and Sansa. They're like awkward strangers. Jon and Arya make more sense to me.


I read somewhere he takes up an offer from Cersei to help her out and in return she'll make him Lord Paramount of the Reach

Based NK must deliver

kill you're self

Gonna call that a bullshit rumor.

Cersei wouldn't have enough respect or power to get Randyll anything

>he denies R+L=J

Hey preston

Are you fucking serious?

>Jon teases that Lyanna and Rhaegar might not be his parents

what the fuck?

No, I don't

He doesn't know HBO released a graphic confirming R+L=J.

Isaac didn't either and was gonna tease it until the interviewer said a graphic came out.

>half Targaryen
>raised in Winterfell
>lived at the Wall
>not ice dragon

You meant Jon even if you didn't know it. POTTERY

how is it not true? Just look at the picture.
He's about right at the average of their height.

>in b4 hurr google says Kit is 5'8
Yeah google also says Sophie is only 2cm taller than Kit, yet look at them standing side by side. (and before you mention sophie's heels, look at Kit's shoes).


I said "good character", didn't you read my post? Boring, predictable good guy is not a good character trope

>he thinks George will allow D&D to ruin a reveal he's been planning for 25 years
Fuck off showpleb, after last season if N+A=J wasn't already the plan it became so

I can't be the only one who thinks Emilia is just barely above average... also her tits are sad. Like, your dad backed over your dog with his car sad.

Kit's a small guy

be serious
nothing has to make any sense to happen on the show

Cersei is a bad person and Randyll is a bad person so they'll put them together (with Euron, and all other villains in the story) against the "good people" alliance.

If Stannis is brought back on the show they'll just have him ally with Cersei for some reason too even if it's fucking retarded, because they make him to be a villain so he'll join the evil league.

kill yourself preston

>season 6
>even shittier than season 5
>wins emmys


>nothing has to make any sense to happen on the show

It has to make some semblance of sense, which Randyll teaming up with her doesn't.

It's one thing to follow a woman who has dragons and an army of 100,000 men and backed by Dorne and the Tyrells.

Another to follow a kinslaying weak woman shit who killed Randyll's liege lord, his son and his daughter, and has a much smaller army and backing.

Yeah. They've only had one scene together.

This is ridiculous. He's only an inch shorter than she is. She's like half a foot taller here.

It came out after the eligibility period for Sunday's emmys

Uhh... because it wasn't any good?

well, you know what they say about emmy's and shit, they don't even watch the shows to figure out the winners... That'd bes way too much shit to watch.

Just scenes here and there.

If you watch the 5 best scenes of S6 ( or any season ) it looks freaking amazing. As shitty as it was, there was great scenes. And if you don't watch it all, the mindboggling plot holes don't happen, and you don't get to see the horribly written scenes like the Kingsmoot.

did someone say preston?

kit's doing his family a disservice by fucking Rose instead of Sophie.

Sentencing his sons to lives as manlets

arya's chase scene was even worse than the kingsmoot. i think the chase scene is the worst pile of shit the show ever filmed, worse than yara and shirtless ramsay

I don't really pay any attention anymore when I watch the show, but have they even mentioned anything about Tarly being a Tyrell man? (S2 mentions from Stannis don't count, D&D barely remember stuff that happened 1 season ago).

I mean sure he's from the reach, but so are the Florent yet they were with Stannis.

Unless the show specifically named him a Tyrell guy, he could be anything on the show.

And hell, even if they mentioned he's a Tyrell guy, he could change side for some stupid reason anyway.

It's so baffling that even normie showfag youtubers were making videos about how Arya wasn't arya or shit like that, there had to be SOMETHING MORE because if there wasn't, the whole thing made no sense...

Yet there was nothing more.


>I mean sure he's from the reach, but so are the Florent yet they were with Stannis.

He's living in the Reach, with his kids, a massive estate, and a betrothal for his daughter to a Reach House instead of dead or burned like most of the Florents. He's a Tyrell guy.

>And hell, even if they mentioned he's a Tyrell guy, he could change side for some stupid reason anyway.

You could say some character does something stupid for some stupid reason for anyone, doesn't make it true, that they'll do it, or act as evidence

i remember reading something the director said about arya strolling around braavos without any worry in the world, he basically said arya is 'still a naive kid' or something like that.

fucking idiot. and i think he's directing some episodes next season too.

Stop looking through your pathetic shipping goggles.

>He doesn't know HBO released a graphic confirming R+L=J. Isaac didn't either and was gonna tease it until the interviewer said a graphic came out.

Lol what a fucking trainwreck, gg HBO

Arya IS still a naive little girl. She's just (literally) edgier now.

do people not realize that the emmys and the oscars are fake?

Do normies even know that Arya and Jon miss each other?

They already get away with stuff.

>Tyrion says Theon called him a dwarf when they last met in Winterfell
>Tyrion is just an asshole to Theon about his capture, it's actually one of the many things that drives him to do what he does

I'm sure there is more but shit like that pisses me off.

Remember the inn at first episode of season 4, where she was explicitly watching every inch of the room, waiting for shit to go down until her opportunity to fight? Remember when she got up from the table right as the Hound stood up to flip it over?

If we had that Arya in S6 she would have grabbed the knife and gotten in a few shanks of her own. That way at least the Waif would have had a reason to wait a little while to kill her instead of letting her spend an entire night recovering for apparently no reason.

Pandering is not memeing

Why'd she only give George a one armed hug anons?

She owes the fat fuck her life, shouldn't matter if she has a purse in the other hand

>hides in what looks like a fucking bunker for days
>suddenly waltz into braavos because "she's a naive kid".

her hug became the world

>we will never get a scene as good as the hound/arya tavern scene again

thanks D&D

George likes Maisie more anyway. Look at how he's practically bowing to her.

Everyone on /got/ bitched about Arya's scenes with the Hound.

they were mostly bitching about how those scenes weren't 100% exactly like the book

everyone wanted to see arya go full rage mode on polliver

So during the scene where Salsa watches over Jon making it out of the battle and running towards Winterfell she seems pretty distressed, as if she had hoped he'd fall in the battle.

Then again when bearloli pretty much decides who DAKING is going to be Salsa just jealously glazes over to littlepenis.

Now I've been wondering, is this intentional, is she just going to turn against #basedSnow or is it just bad acting?

Has filming started yet? Any leaks?

All signs point to Sansa conspiring against Jon.

Two Swords is a pretty fucking great episode

It was a shitty scene though you newfag.

>dude chickens lmao

bong genetics

yea ur right the battle of the bastards is the best thing got ever did :^)

Hope she turns against him and gets mindraped by Bran just before it happens, becoming his new Hodor.

wut m8


She'll turn on Jon and get killed for it.

all who oppose Jon die or life because of his mercy. Think about it

Name one thing good about the tavern thing.

I am 5'9" and it never bothered me. Last serious relationship was with a girl my height, and she wore heels; didn't bother either of us.

Then again, I'm also packing an 8" x 6" which looks even bigger since I am short... so I don't worry about my masculinity. My dick is on Cred Forums, right now, if you're interested, faggots.


fuck the king

epic xD

Which thread senpai>

How does Maisie still look 15?

>How does Maisie still look 45


Make Brienne into Hodor and Jaime into Reek 2.0 for Jaime daring to bring harm to Bran.

Let Jon make Sansa into a sex slave for himself and Ghost

Like right here.

She traveled the whole kingdom and was pretty based. Everyone liked her, it would be a chance to show the brighter side of the Seven kingdoms during a time of relative peace, while they showcased their dragons as deterrance

I'm fine with that

>libcucks still trying to convince themselves that they will win in Nov

>"h-haHAHA! S-silly alt right! HAHA amirite g-guise?"

NCW is too attractive for that group.

When will it be his time, lads?


Man she is just over this fame shit I think. She knows eet's all boolshit, all of eet

Obviously was shamed in to it.

yea she looks skinnier

thicc emilia is best emilia though. i want thicc emilia back

so it works? guess people should do it more.

Not that guy, but he's right you kinda revealed yourself as having no female friends ever.

I'm not even an Americuck you dumb fat faggot, stop making everything about your meme elections and shit-tier political system

Wont work for everyone. Just people who make shitty movies and realise the only thing they have is looks and a part in a show that carries them.

I remember her saying that she doesn't like Hollywood and tries to avoid its parties.
People probably bully her.

>Not that guy,


>having no female friends ever.

Sure buddy, lemme just upload pics from my facebook to prove you wrong. Wait, this isn't that serious.

emilia looked "thick" ONCE in a single dress. It was the dress not her.

She was a large fuckign disgusting blob of fat, not "thick".

>this is a disgusting blob of fat

found the 90lbs 14 year old


>“07.08.09" when both actresses found out they were cast on the show! What spurred the Stark sisters to get tattoos now? “We don’t know if we’re going to make it, so Maisie and I were like let’s get these ones before anyone kills us."

Does this mean her and Arya don't die this upcoming season since she and Maisie have already read the scripts for it?

h-hey guys remember me

Sansa definitely dies.
Arya is safe as always.

>Sophie: "Just don't talk to me right now"

>Maisie: "Whatever cunt. Did you save any coke for your nightly room rando?"

>Sophie: "Don't you have a dry cleaning business you need to waddle on back to?"

>Maisie: "'Dry-cleaning,', that's funny coming from someone who's pussy is so dry during sex that it's like fucking the Sahara"

>Sophie: "Says little miss 'Asian Menopause' over here"

>Maisie: "You're such a CUNT, wow"

>Sophie: "'Hurr look at me I'm Arya Stark durr Muh Needle hurr Muh Angry'"

>Maisie: "At least girls can look up to me, who looks up to you? Fat losers on Cred Forums?"

>Sophie: "Pretty sure the only person looking up to you is the P. Dinks, and it's not like he has a choice, you weird little Japanese oompa lumpa"

>Maisie: "I think we're done here"

>Sophie: "'bew hew hew cyberbullies bew hew', That's you"

Where is podrick?

Some Scottish faglord.


>Now I've been wondering, is this intentional, is she just going to turn against #basedSnow or is it just bad acting
A little from column A a little from column B

What a fuck is going on with hannah murray she looks like shit now. She was my waifu...


she got TARLY'D

Best ass in GoT

Yes. Euron teams up with Cersei and blows the fuck out of Dany's fleet. He kidnaps Yara and kills a Sand Snake.

Maisie says she only has another year of GoT left.


She might be Wolverine, but only Bran gets to live forever.

Shut your bitch ass up this a game of thrones thread . Bitch nigga

They all do. They are filming all 13 episodes in the same time window. Then HBO will simply air the final six 2 years from now.

The show will be over for the cast long before it's over for the viewer.

What, this line?

>Up until this point, [if] there's ever been a role that I have not landed and it's been upsetting, we've had a safety blanket. But we still have another year of Thrones and there will be something still keeping my face current and spurring my career. With that coming to an end, it's both exciting, because there's more opportunity to do other projects, but also scary, because maybe people won't want me."

She could be referring to the eight season as the one year they have left since they've already started filming for this upcoming year's Thrones.

That's not true though. They are only filming 7 episodes this year.

>They are filming all 13 episodes in the same time window

Source besides your ass?

Where are you? You pissin' blood yet? Pics?

>having a pop can cock

>she has flabby arms, almost as fat as mine, yet people praise her as beautiful! this must be normal!

found the 290lbs 23 years old tumblrwhale

>literally, LITERALLY posts a Trump tweet


Spotted the "progressive."

>Unless the show specifically named him a Tyrell guy, he could be anything on the show.

This is important, the could easily write him in a way that he thinks the misfortune of the Tyrells is their own fault because of their scheming.

And as a stern, disciplined man he is loyal to the system regardless who's in charge.

>And as a stern, disciplined man he is loyal to the system regardless who's in charge.

That literally makes no sense since he was with the Tyrells backing Renly against the Crown.

Stop trying to force this

Even in the show?

Considering he still has all the shit in the reach and didn't suffer anything or get punished, yes.

Because half of her face is covered in hair so you can't tell how ugly she is.

>tfw arya gets to get meme revenge on jaime too even though he never did anything to her

Bro the normies will love it lololol

>Jon is getting destroyed by the armies of the White Walkers
>When all hope is lost a warhorn sounds
>Jon looks to the east and sees a hooded man on a hill with thousands of cavalry
>The man unsheathes his blade and it glows like the sun
>The man pulls down his hood
>It's Stannis
>"Kept you waiting huh?"

So was more or less forced to help the tyrells which could have created a grudge in him.

Eating all the fucking chickens.

You sure are salty.

Literally R*ddit: The Scene

>mfw I'm having chicken tonight.

I liked the scene at first but then every plebbiitor going "HAHAAHAHA CHICKENS LMAO" ruined it for me

/r/freefolk, aka the cancer of the internet?

He wasn't forced.

He follows his liege lord.

Again, stop trying to force this

Don't know what the /r/ stands for but if they're the normies who drive decent scenes into the ground then yes

How so?

dude seriously stop trying to think things have to make sense.

LITERALLY NO ONE would bat an eye at him not being a Tyrell man, no one would even notice.

They missed plot holes big as the fucking wall. No one would give a fuck.

/r/ is for requests, lurk moar

>Brienne will never step on my balls with her huge feet

Fucking pissed me off so much. They have the nerve to cut out his cause it involves better shit just so memem cunt can dump on him.

How about you stop trying to force your retarded fantasy by covering it with "oh D&D are retarded so my retarded thing will happen"

>when you're so salty you can't even form coherent sentences anymore

Freefolk is legitimately the worst of all the got reddit boards, and theyre all shit. The only good thing about them is that they post spoilers but you can just come here for them and only have to deal with a fraction of the 12 year olds posting chicken memes during their hour of access to the family computer before their mom tells them it's past their bedtime

I didn't come up with that fantasy or wtv you're talking about, all I'm saying is that you can't shut down something by saying it wouldn'T make sense.

D&D wouldn't give a fuck about it not making sense becuase "he's a tyrell guy" and showfags wouldn't even notice.

Half of S6 didn't make any goddamn sense and no one noticed (showfags, that is).

If you think they'd notice or even care about something like that it's like you haven't even watched any of the last 2 seasons.

>"Maybe I'll pick my teeth with it"
>orgasm face

erik, simply erik. girl power amritre????

Yeah i mean whats the point? Shit incoherent writing is all the rage, these days maybe i'll win a normie award.

Still think he got snubbed.


He will win an Emmy when he kills Euron next season. That's clearly the climax of his story.

This was his worst seadon in terms of material. The sad part is he would have totally nailed theon's story but the hacks had to ruin it because they gave the whole north story to the reddit plebs.

>Half of S6 didn't make any goddamn sense and no one noticed

>A woman does something cool

>stabbing a wounded guy on the ground

Fuck off, hambeast.