Rules, Regulations and Moderation For Cred Forums

Hiro has asked us to create a thread on each board for discussing the problems that are facing us and how to deal with them. He also wants us to create our own set of rules so that the mods will be regulated to follow them.

Remember mods, Hiro talked to you guys and you said it was fine to have one thread up about this.

Previous thread:
Don't forget to vote in poll:

and join the discussion here:

Stop deleting threads that are not television and film related.

allow BLACKED threads

>Should Ahmad Khan Rhami get the death penalty?


And on top of that, let's put to bed this idea that the death penalty is about justice. It's not about justice it's about fucking revenge and it should be the sentence for every captured terrorist who is proven guilty.


Either make a sticky for this or quit making the same thread every single god damned day. Jesus fucking christ.

you delet this right now
hes a nice guy

Give us a well regulated /film/. The rest can stay behind in Cred Forums.



1. no chinese

2. end the 'reddit bogeyman' rule


>implying some faggot from reddit that doesn't even know how to post a legit image on an image board can tell us what to do


The subreddit (that was originally shut down and caused the cunny shit to come to Cred Forums) is back and allowed. Go there and fuck off.

90% of all threads must be about Drive

make confuse lord and master of all Cred Forums

Hello friendo

I didnt make the other threads and only made this thread as something to test a theory I have going about when these threads are up.

Currently what I believe is being confirmed, but I'm going to try once more to make sure. I will post the results on /qa/ once I'm 100% about whats going on.


>that was originally shut down and caused the cunny shit to come to Cred Forums
What? Was reddit even around in 2006-2009?

1 general for dedicated baneposting should be allowed. It's an integral part of Cred Forums culture.

It's more like refusing to spend taxpayer money on someone who is clearly beyond the idea of rehabilitation. Ahmad fits the profile along with McVeigh, Gacy, Bundy...

Of course, that's not a single word that can be easily understood by the braindead masses, so it kinda gets ignored.

desu murder should beget murder
if you decide to play god and choose who lives or dies, don't be mad when the majority decides to do the same exact thing.

Ban all /qa/ faggotry.

No /film/, no /capeshit/, no new boards, just stricter moderation, that's it. Delete BLACKED threads and other such spam on sight, and when a new Star Wars/capeshit movie comes out just keep it to a couple of threads instead of having the entire catalog filled with it.

Eat shit.


I agree with moderation is a huge problem the the problem is this is such a fast board with so many different people wanting different things it's difficult for a Janny to actually know what to keep and push off.

Having said that , I think we need a /cel/ board.
If people want to discuss capeshit or Seinfeld or Bojack Horseman, that's fine - mob rule, but if they want to talk about their Waifus or who has the best pits, or what happened to Brenden Fraser's career that doesn't belong on Cred Forums.

Also it'll free up a lot more thread slots for arthouse film discussion instead of pushing a thread with a few really passionate posters down to the bottom in favour of shitposting.

>it's difficult for a Janny to actually know what to keep and push off.
No it's not. It's very simple: if the thread has a big black cock in the picture, it has to go. There's no reason the thread should be staying up for more than a minute, let alone hours as it has happened many times before. That is, unless the janitors are receiving a paycheck to deliberately leave it up. And here's where we get to the real heart of the problem. There needs to be a serious investigation of corruption among the Cred Forums moderation team.

Yeah you're right. That is a good point.
NSFW content gets left on here for waaaaaaaaaay too long and it's fucking bullshit.

First rule stop making this stupid ass thread everyday that gets the same meme responses every time.

I think if there was a mod approved banepost general, it would make baneposting uncool, killing baneposting

no fuck off reddiitor

If it's when these threads are up then the board gets flooded with "what did she mean?", BK/McDonalds shilling & general shitposting increases then I can see a correlation.

You're the problem. Not everything you don't agree with is reddit you autistic fucking shit.

Yes please if anything just to clear up the /hr/ board it's all celebs and it sucks

>television generals when the show is not airing
>porn threads
>cartoon threads
>capeshit wars
>celebrity worship
>celebrity gossip

most of those are already banned, it's just there aren't enough janitors

I too do not understand why NSFW threads stay up as long as they do. It's an obvious rule violation

You're right. I think /tvg/ board would work instead of /film/+/cel/ because threads would do their own self policing.

Permaban everyone from all boards
Delete the entire board
Nuke all Cred Forums archives too if it's possible
Wait a couple of months
Make Cred Forums again but don't list it on the front page or at the top

This tbhfam

End your life, you disgusting faggot.

why dont you just delete Cred Forums then faggot?

>I agree with moderation is a huge problem the the problem is this is such a fast board with so many different people wanting different things it's difficult for a Janny to actually know what to keep and push off.
I know that this shit gets reported very quickly most of the time because I report it myself often and it'll still linger on the board for an hour or two sometimes.

There's maybe one anime thread in any 24 hour period. Two tops. There are definitely bigger problems to address, like cunnyfaggots and blatant shitposters (Baneposting excluded)

Ban all Wheel of Time threads, it's not even a TV show but the threads do not get deleted even when reported

>one thread every few days for an upcoming television show is a problem somehow
You've either got a personal fucking grudge against Robert Jordan's estate or you're shitposting because we both know that is hardly a problem compared to the other shit going on here.

fire Swaglord he's not even relevant anymore and all he does is ruin this board.

It's been proven in the IRC leaks that he's actively supporting the cunny & BLACKED threads.

Tell the mods/janitors/admins whoever to stop fucking deleting threads because one asshole decides to post porn or go off-topic. Other people can be enjoying a board on-topic discussion and some idiot posts a porn gif and it gets the whole damn thread deleted.

Shitty shitty shitty moderation. Lazy.

This is idiotic:

>Global Rule 13 applies—all images of actresses should be accompanied by relevant discussion.

And Global Rule 13 is, for those who have forgotten:

>Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

So these two things don't even have much to do with one another.

As it is now you can't use actresses for reaction images, which is incredibly dumb. It's hardly ever enforced, but it shouldn't be a rule to begin with.

And why only actresses? Pure sexism.

Also, site-wide changes that should be done to all boards:


That's it. Do your fucking job. Guide the discussion where it needs to go. Lock threads that cover topics with existing threads. Lock threads for being dumb and issue bans. Do this publicly so people understand what is going on and don't do it again, or so they don't do it in the first place.

The role of a moderator is to ensure the quality of discussion on a site remains high, not just to delete threads.

excuse you
hes been gone for the past week on vacation!

Why do the mods only do their "job" when Hiro is on the site and Sundays?

Get rid of all archive sites through legal means so that mods and samefags will not be accountable

This one simple trick would improve the site a hundredfold

So, you're wondering how best to fix Cred Forums? That one's simple.

Have Interpol track down the autistic, shitskin Paki Mohammed Muslim cunt pedophile that created the bot, that spams pictures of Jordyn Jones relentlessly on Cred Forums. Believe it or not, he probably has one or more such threads active right now.

Then, murder him. I'm not just talking any "murder", either. I'm talking about horrendous, brutal, gruesome, inexplicably-torturous murder. Make that fat, greasy fuck suffer until his very last breath.

Then, we get a mod to make a sticky for precisely one year. That sticky will feature high-resolution photographs of the fat, greasy, autistic, shitskin paki pedophile's mutilated corpse. Other people will find themselves drawn to the sticky, see the photographs in lurid detail and think, "oh shit. If I don't get my head out of my ass and stop shitposting here, I could be next."

For bonus points and a little humor to ease the mood, have the very-first picture feature a plank of wood with blood stains on it next to the corpse, and the words (USER WAS BANGED WITH THIS POST).

THAT is how you fix Cred Forums.

Stop having periods like right now where there are no janitors/mods at all and people are just posting Cred Forums tier garbage that lasts for hours

>Being a closet pedo cuck

Opinion discarded. You're one step above cunnyscum.

>it's difficult for a Janny to actually know what to keep and push off.
then they shouldn't be a fucking jani in the first place

When are /film/ and /cel/ going to start?


Allow actress threads on a board about television and film

Why aren't sound webms allowed?

this, also expand it to 15 pages

>cuck cuck cuck pedo cuck cuck cuck cunny cuck cuck

Why not institute the robot? No more cunny garbage.





Because people like talking about television and film. Try Cred Forums if you want those things I listed.

>television generals when the show is not airing

>wanting a thread for discussing rules
>wanting rules

>Should "/cel/ - Celebrities & Actors" board be created?

We have it already, it's called /hr/.

Permaban cunny thread
Fuck those pedocucks

I'm talking about generals, not the random thread every once in awhile about the show. /got/ for example.

and why can pics be bigger than 3mb but not webms?

allow waifus (of all ages)

fuck off

>The role of a moderator is to ensure the quality of discussion on a site remains high, not just to delete threads.