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Post some nice TVs

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Mitsubishi Megaview AM-4201

This is a multi-sync CRT monitor. Very advanced with many features. The picture on it is incredible.

These are known for playing old video games, but they also make fantastic televisions. There are only a couple of larger sized CRTs which were ever made, but this one is the best of the lot.

The color and contrast on this would be out of this world. High definition video is supported but you will need to use a computer and set your resolution to 1440x1080i.

Please note a 42" screen in the 4:3 aspect ratio is -large-.

Sony PVM-1271Q

A small and early entry in Sony's PVM series. It supports up to 600 lines of interlaced video, so with the right device to provide a video signal you can get a quasi-HD image going on with 800x600i.

I like the style of these little monitors, and the smoked glass screen protector makes the contrast very strong.

Toshiba Blackstripe Series

Color and small televisions used in apartments and bedrooms. They are very heavy compared to CRTs that were made in the 90s and 2000s of the same size.

Their styling is striking and forms the idea for a lot of the older depictions of a television.

I had one of these. rip.

>tfw you could only afford a plasma 1 year after Samsung threw in the towel


Just buy one now.


I bought one of these when I was 13 for $50 at my local best buy so I could watch movies and play playstation in my room. I had it all through college then left it when I moved. really miss it

what tv is that

here's the back. real fat


>you fell for the plasma meme
Plasma is a shit technology
>pricey as hell
>energy hog
>short life span

My family bought a plasma tv when i was still in high school and it works up to this day.

>My family bought a plasma tv when i was still in high school and it works up to this day.

>the tv is 3 years old

Nice meme
It's pretty old actually, like 7-8 years old, still works fine.

daily reminder that if you spend more than $500 on a tv you're a stupid piece of shit



what kind of microwave is that

I think I've had that TV. Was before the current one, a... it says "SHARP" on it?
>tfw still own a CRT




Best CRTs were those pro PVM monitors made by sony up til mid 2000s. They had full HD and perfect color. Only took BNC input so you have to use an adapter

yeah. i got a watchman at the thrift store. The sports model.
>tfw it's not the iconic yellow sports watchman

I have a Panasonic thats 22 years old

What is the best brand?


that looks heavy

Are vcrs allowed?

Thoughts on my new plasma TV? Hung it up myself

i love that episode

My baby

remote still working?

Those Sony PVMs are real nice.

I like the applergb color crt very aesthetic