Is she the funniest woman in the world?

is she the funniest woman in the world?

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I need to puke everytime I see her disgusting bloated swine face.

i remember her on those comedy central roast shows years before she was famous. even then she was painfully unfunny relying on poop and vagina jokes.

It's painfull to realize that she probably went through hours of make up, hair styling, trying different fits, and a whole other tiny little things to end up looking like that. That's the best she can look. Her prime.

she's the face of hope

Nope, because that is not Chelsea Peretti

Seen some nice "Swedish girls" that are more funny.

would be if she was a womin.

yes is about licking pussy


Every time she talks about her vagina, I lose my fucking mind.

that's not how you spell lesley jones

Even Iliza Schlesinger has a better delivery than that thing

Girls rule, women are funny, get over it

I need this woman on my dick.

yea but shes not funny. if she wasnt hot she would cease to exist. delivery doesnt mean much when youre not delivering anything.


I think she's vert funny but Cred Forums has made me feeling insecure about that..She's not bad looking too but Cred Forums has made me feel bad about that too...fuck you guys

what woman

I think her and Jonah Hill even having a career is proof of jewish nepotism

they're unfunny, fat, ugly, and untalented

Tbh, I don't think Jonah Hill is that bad, outside of comedy at least

the delusion that went into picking that dress must have been extraordinary

I guess he can act and I found him amusing in superbad but again, he will forever be "funny fat guy" and he isn't really funny

also he has a professionally hollywood fake personality

She has no humor.

You posted her, which says a lot.

what happened here again? she got triggered?

You could say that.

Not gonna lie, I'd hit it. Tits are nice.

no they arent

you can want to fuck her but atleast admit she has nothing above average about her gargoyle-esque body

As big as she is, I bet her underwear smells like death. She just has the attitude and build of someone that doesn't wash their vag out.

>amy your pussy fucking stinks
>guess you can't handle me cuz i have sex a lot!

Believe it or not; she was pretty bangable when she was skinny.

>when she was skinny
when the fuck was this? i dont even dislike her but i dont ever remember her being skinny.

This bitch just appeared out of nowhere for me. I've only seen people complain about her and she was on the cover of one of those mags that come with newspapers. It claimed she was the funniest female comedian or some shit but from what I can tell thats wrong.


i guess compared to what she used to look like that can be considered skinny. same old face tho.

shes like a loser version of amy adams

girls are funny op get over it

>"Wow, that looks just like her! Ur amazing"

same but for some reason i still want to fug her