Sell me on the Hobbit movies. Are they as bad as everyone says? What about the extended editions?

Sell me on the Hobbit movies. Are they as bad as everyone says? What about the extended editions?

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They're comfy.

I heard the reason they are regarded as bad is because of Del Toro being a faggot and leaving the project, so Jackson came in without any time to plan and pre-produce his own vision, like he did with LOTR.

They're terribly written and scripted. The extended editions are just more minutes of crap.

Save yourself, enjoy LOTR trilogy EE. Forget The Hobbit trilogy exists.

Although, there's a good fight scene in the Battle of Five Armies between the Nazgul, Elrond and Sauron.

They are comfy but nowhere as comfy as LOTR, and very poorly made in comparison.

That fight scene is retarded

you're retarded

I rather enjoyed the last two.

Oh yeah sorry I forgot

You're not allowed to


his vision in lotr is the same stale shit. only fellowship is good

worse than the star wars prequels honestly

>only fellowship is good
fotr is only good compared to the other two. It's a 6/10 and the other 5 flicks are 2-3/10

Ooh, so contrarian!


Most overrated movies of all time

ThisCompared to the Star Wars prequels they are fantastic, but I know thats a really low bar

He's right you faggot

Other than the ridicules barrel riding scene, Desolation of Smaug is a good movie

>poster count didn't go up

that scene was so fucking gay

mighta worked if it didn't drag on for so long though

Yeah cause I was someone else in the thread faggot


>damage control

I know how you feel bro. I also feel like self harming when Cred Forums hates on tlotr.

I heard something about there being a good fan edit floating around

and the go pro footage. What the fuck was that?

I'm telling my mom you're bullying me

for anyone who still hasn't seen it, the explanation of why the hobbit films were so god awful:

Dont bother, shes blowing me

without watching this, its obvious:
Never shouldve been a trilogy, two movies wouldve been much better. Way too much Cgi especially with the fake looking orcs. The frame rate was awful, editing needed work. But most of all its just not as good a story as Lord of the Rings is

Gandalf is still good. Martin Freeman is a great lead as Bilbo. The single appearance Gollum gets is probably the best he's ever been. Smaug is amazing. Thorin and Balin are good characters.
Most of the Hobbit trilogy is pretty meh, and when it's adding on content that wasn't in the book it gets blatantly worse. The Legolas-wanking is irritatingly ridiculous. There are good bits in it though, and those bits are good enough to warrant at least one watch through the entirety.

>Other than the ridicules barrel riding scene
>incredibly tiny Beorn screen time
>half of the Mirkwood adventure like them chasing the Elves' campfires or Bombur falling in the enchanted river being cut out
>hamfisted romantic subplot
>marysue Tauriel bullshit
>absurd amounts of unnecessary Legolas action
>absolutely nothing for Bilbo and the Dwarves to do for half of the movie
>hammy acting from Stephen Fry and especially that faggot who is his assistant
>time-wasting Gandalf exploring Dol Guldur scenes
>beyond retarded fight scene in the Lonely Mountain (fucking molten gold dwarf statue and CGI tapestries, also riding a metal wheelbarrow through molten metal)
>Desolation of Smaug is a good movie


Yeah, the video did a much better job than you. Maybe you should have watched it.

That's what makes it so much worse. There's the skeleton of the Hobbit story in there, but the good bits are interspersed among stupid shit. Painfully disappointing

>that faggot who is his assistant
Alfrid is the Jar Jar of this series. He single handily ruins the final movie

The first one is pretty good. Second one has problems but Smaug makes you forgive them. Third movie things go off the rail and make you regret sitting through the first two.

Hatry potter > lotr

Really, Peter?


lol I don't remember this at all (don't remember Gandalf or any ogres in laketown/dale ruins/whatever for that matter)
is this a deleted scene?


in the theatrical version, Alfrid just dresses up like a woman and runs off

They just have a shitload of filler and overuse CGI compared to the Rings Trilogy which, arguably, looks better than the Hobbit does. The pacing is also terrible. The end of the second movie ends on a "cliffhanger" with Smaug about to attack Laketown. The third movie has Smaug KO'd about 15 minutes in. Talk about hype kill.

But if you like the story go for it. Basically, what should have been one 3 hour movie got stretched into 3 movies, like butter scraped over too much bread.

scenes like this are on par with the LOTR movies. But they are few and far between.

come on, they were shit

who wants to watch CGI midgets with dumb asshole dwarves do stupid things

>like butter scraped over too much bread.
epic reference, bro. epic for the win.

>Sell me on the Hobbit movies. Are they as bad as everyone says? What about the extended editions?

Should have been ONE FILM

I think two 2 and a half hour movies would've worked

They're not LOTR good, but they're not Star Wars prequels bad.


They're fairly enjoyable popcorn fare, just no where near as good as the LotR. They're certainly not terrible.

this not even joking, easily hp>lotr

They are though......

Wew lad have we completely forgotten already?

The only thing he nailed and I imagined to be almost like it was the Gollum riddle scene. Everything else is fucking embarassing compared to his LOTR directing/script.

50% of the movies are literally video game cutscenes btw.

Imagine the Star Wars Prequels. Only they are actually worse. Enjoy.

I'm glad we can agree


Just as bad as the Star Wars prequels.

shit taste. The Hobbit movies were poorly executed but at least had a good overall story. The star wars prequels are complete failures story wise

they are both equally shit

no one seems to mention that the Hobbit movies contain the entire book, and it does everything perfectly.

its just the other 7 hours of bullshit that kill it.

seriously get the 90 minute fan edit. that is the book and only the book.

>everything is either fantastic or horrible. There is no in between

Neither of the prequels are inbetween, they're both just shit.

watch the true Hobbit Kino from 1977

sorry there too much garbage

those awful little Jews are going to give me nightmares

The first was is ok. The second one was good but the last one was trash and completely predictable.

nice grammer

i forgot a s. sue me


They're alright. They aren't as bad as everyone likes to pretend, but they're not LOTR-tier either.

I think they fill a very specific niche. That nice is between:
>want to watch high fantasy movies
>have recently watched LOTR

If you find yourself between the above statements, The Hobbit movies are a nice filler.

no they arent

yes they are

Literally 2/10 movies maybe 3/10

are they better than jurassic world and the force awakens yes? does that matter? no

an s.*

I loved this movie while growing up. The creepy faces just stuck with me. Sad how this cartoon totally shits all over the recent hobbit movies.

They're really bad.

I saw the first two Hobbit films, and then I realized that not only did I not feel attached to the characters. I was wondering if anyone was going to die in the third instalment, and I realized: "who the fuck cares? I don't even know their names."

Too much CGI, too. I remember all the orcs from TLOTR. They may have just had one line like "why can't we have some meat?" but they have so much more weight and personality than the infinite horde of digital orcs in The Hobbit. Every time they tried to tie it in with TLOTR by talking about Sauron or whatever, it just halts the film for no fucking reason at all, other than to remind you that Cate Blanchette still exists.


Why are you asking us? We're 99% dipshit manchildren and only one of us read a book once I think.

Fuck boobs
Boons are for kids

They're fine as long as it isn't about the dwarves, elve romance or Gandalf

>Star Wars prequels

You can literally read The Hobbit in less time than it takes to watch An Unexpected Journey

>not watching thousands and thousands of films

But I have. Every Lucas film besides is a masterpiece.

they were fine theater flicks, wouldn't watch them a second time

Someone post legolas jumping videogame jumping scene

After that i never even watched them

The Hobbit films are fun and comfy.

t. Someone who doesn't take films too seriously.

So its confirmed peter has cancer?

First one I managed to sit through even tho I really detested the Radaghast and Azog bits. Second one I barely made it through. I actually laughed so hard at the barrel riding scene that tears rolled down my face when bombur bursts out of the barrel and pops his whirlwind attack. That was literally the only enjoyment I got out of 2, aside from the nice voice acting from Smaug.

I don't think I can put myself through the ordeal of watching the third one.

This is coming from a huge LotR fan who loves the books and movies and grew up watching the Rankin Bass hobbit and RotK.

You also forgot
>multicultural Laketown

Yeah there were quite a few serious characters turned into bipedal punchlines in Jackson's films.

Gimli especially is unforgiveable.

I didn't have a problem with Jackson's Gimli. He's pretty silly, but Radaghast was on a whole 'nother level of ridiculous.

Like, Jar Jar Binks tier clownishness.

I'm a bit of a LOTR nerd, but my experience with the Hobbit movies went like this:

>bought the first BluRay when it came out
>pirated the second when it came out
>never even seen the third

I just couldn't get over the weak story and Legolas' weird eyes.

That's not possible though, is it?

Anyone got a good fan edit?

First two are good. Third one is... weird. Should have just been two movies

Supposedly the Bilbo edition is the best one, although I haven't seen it myself.

How can I make my own cut? I have the Blu rays, is it just as easy as putting them on the computer and using a trim tool? I wouldn't mind this project actually

Hobbit orcs are fucking shit. They're built like 7ft tall physique competitors
Orcs are supposed to be small, horrible little fuckers. Even Uruk-Hai are still a bit smaller than men

It needed more surreal Cate

Radagast was definitely badly done. He's Maiar if I remember correctly and as such is not a figure of fun.

First one actually gets better the more you watch it. Comfy as fuck. Second one is pretty fun. The Bilbo and Thorin stuff in the third one was nice to watch. The rest of the movie is balls.

I wish it was more seriously like LOTR with scenes like "goblin town" BS.
The mirkwood scenes were the best imo

This one is more comfy

I really enjoyed them

just a few gripes
>the dwarves don't look like dwarves very much
>smaug's arc was weirdly placed
>hey we just found the door, it won't open, fuck this we give up
>the douchiness of the main dwarf in the third movie

other than that, I fucking love it and love laughing at edgy faggots that have problems with it

the third one is a nonstop rollercoaster of WAR

>Go north. Find the Dunedain. There’s a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father Arathorn was a good friend. His son might grow to be a great one. He is known in the wild as Strider. His true name... you must discover for yourself. Legolas! Your mother loved you.

>>the douchiness of the main dwarf in the third movie
it's supposed to be like that user. he was quite similar in the books too. threatened to kill bilbo and shit

Laketown is a major trading hub. For a few easterlings or Haradrim to end up there on isn't beyond reason. It's not like they made nigger elves.

>It's not like they made nigger elves

there will be
there will be

The first one is comfy, the second one is shit and the third is just straight up unwatchable.

this pretty much.

>What about the extended editions?

Pure kino, they turn them into the greatest masterpieces since citizen kane

to be fair, gold melts a lot quicker than iron so the wheelbarrow isn't completely ridiculous

this so much this

Well, there's the background music that can suffer from the sudden cuts. It shows.

Haha THIS, I wonder if more people noticed. They made sure to include that on every shot of people running, I think even the same people on different sides of town.

Didn't think about that but I'm sure any scene with an obvious intense score is going to be like an action scene or something and ill more than likely either keep the whole segment or cut it. Watching that fan edit, I think a better way to end it without showing golden smaug is to not show the scene where laketown here's him earlier on and instead play it right as smaug leaves the room bilbos in, then cut back to bilbao and them running outside to see smug flying off. It wouldn't be too jarring either as bilbo and company would never have even seen him burst outside the front like that and only catch him flying off in the distance (where the gold is mostly gone/can't really see it).

Really about all there is to it. I didn't care for the war scenes in the third or much of the dwarf stuff - however any scenes centered around Martin Freeman are comfy as fuck.

Same as I thought about Smaug. Should probably give it a shot sometime, too.

The extended versions actually have a couple things that would improve the overall thing, but not required: the dwarves making a mess at Elrond's, a bit more time on Mirkwood and at Beorn's, and I think Thorin's funeral (the damn cinema version didn't even tell what happens to the Arkenstone, which was the whole point for the damn quest).

He is described as absent minded, naive, and lost from his original purpose in middle earth. I don't think he was played too bad - but the fucking rabbit shit was daft.

>incredibly tiny Beorn screen time
>Bombur falling in the enchanted river being cut out
These are fixed in the extended edition at least.

Never watch any of the LOTR or Hobbit movies in their theatrical cuts. The first time I saw LOTR extended editions it was like a whole new movie. Hobbit is very similar.

Though the same stupid shit is still in there, the extended scenes are usually the more comfy shit the normies apparently don't like.

They're basically Transformers movies jacking off on Tolkien's work.

Just watch the Rankin and Bass adaptation. As camp and child friendly as it is, it's still a much better adaptation.

Or watch this

Except for, say, the whole segment where the Laketown mayor literally eats balls in the extended second movie.

>tfw you'll never get to spend years filming a comfy movie with this man

forget niggelfs. we already got asian elves now

Really doesn't get more comfy than

It's not even the most comy out of Hobbit adaptations.

there's a shot of smaug breaking through an iron gate during the chase sequence. if you could color correct that and flip the shot it could be used as a quick way to establish smaug leaving the mountain before cutting to bilbo. or you could use the part where balin says "no my lad, that was a dragon" to use as a transition to smaug flying away. the trilogy is ripe for a good edit. some guy out there is trying to make it look and feel like lotr here:

I said comfy not corny

Tolkien's son hated them

He hated LOTR too. Christopher is bitter toward adaptions in general.

>Can't be both
Too bad it is, and best in both.

For pure corn, I'd link Leonard Nimoy. You know the one.

He has more sense than I give him credit for then.

Wasn't he the one who made both trilogies possible?

The prequels at least had a cohesive vision, as bad as it was

Hobbit movies were slapped together incoherently to make as much money for WB as possible

How good are the fan edits?

Okay so we know what went wrong, but do we know WHY? Can we blame the distributor, warner bros, like we always do, pushing for a release without giving the artists time?

JRR sold the movie rights long ago but no studio wanted to try it (and Tolkien himself was very skeptical to how you would be able to translate it to a movie screen), until PJ made a gamble.

That and Del Toro just leaving the entire project barely half-finished. So PJ had to work with a style that wasn't his and then making it work with his own vision. From what I've heard, the love story was Del Toro's thing.

my favourite is this one:

that being said, i've never been 100% satisfied with any of the edits so far because the way the battle is handled in the films is so retarded and no amount of editing could fix it for me. but this is still a damn fine edit. there's more edits being made as well.

Nope, they had re-shoots to include the love triangle. So, not a matter of time.

At least it was all White


Lol sure

That title goes to the original star wars movies

I watched the Tolkien edit and it was okay, but the scenes from the third movie are still a pain in the ass to get through.

They're as bad as everyone says. A thoughtless, heartless cash grab with no lasting impact. Schlock made to imitate art.

>Are they as bad as everyone says?
Nope. The only people complaining about the movies are Star Wars shills butthurt that someone did the 'mostly CG prequel trilogy' much much better.

kek okay