Cool show. Cool plot

Cool show. Cool plot.

Shit show. Shit plot.

needs moar tits

Oh yeah. I love Kat Dennings' balloon tits and the blonde has a nice ass.

Great writing

Shit show. Good tits.

Plot's shit but the backstory is nice

seriously dennings is fucking disgusting looking

What's it like being a homosexual?


she looks like a tranny dudes

Beth Behrs has gorgeous soles.

Cow tits

>She looks like a sexy woman
Fixed it for you. What's it like being a homosexual?


Are they still making cupcakes? Thats not even a thing anymore

she really doesn't

Why does she look so different here


Is she Jewish?

yes lol

That dress does not want to contain all that body.

>that smug look

is this a jewess trait ?

kat is amazing.

>green guys make black guys look like white guys
>with an ass that flat that's the only black thing that'll follow you around


Is this the evil that Cred Forums wants to destroy?

What if i marry that evil?

your bloodline gets kosher'd

Cred Forums is so evil

>green guys make black guys look like white guys
What does that mean


How much footsexuality is in this show?

every time


Tits, nice and big.

>women will lower their standards enough to where bestiality is a suitable path to financial security

Does she even do a Polish accent?