Kevin Smith Really, Really Wants a Mallrats TV Series to Happen

In his Facebook post, Smith said that he is shopping the sequel series to Showtime, Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu in the hopes that someone will jump at the chance to go to the mall. The project already has one big booster, though—Marvel icon Stan Lee who appeared in the original movie. “When I saw @therealstanlee at @nycomiccon this weekend, I told him Rats pitches start today. Stan (who is a major part of the series) said ‘Well hurry up! I’m not getting any younger!’,” Smith wrote.

Anna kendrick's tit has touched kevin smith. Welp she's gonna have to chop it off now.

Please don't

Just, stick to your podcasts and fuck off forever.

>still existing in 2016


If this wasn't a SJW suck fest it could be comfy. Wouldn't even mind if his daughter had a minor recurring role.

>Anna Kendrick


I thought Tusks was shit and then I saw Yoga Hosers.

Taking the cast into account that has to be the worst film I've ever seen,

At least it's Mallrats and not Clerks.
>inb4 Netflix ask him "how bout we destroy Clerks instead"

>Ben pls respond

As a Canadian that movie Yoga Hosers offends me, and I find Kevin Smiths perception of Canada to be absolutely retarded. His weird obsession with Canada his last few movies is just, I don't know, stupid.

>All of my movies flop and a critically panned because they are complete and utter trash.

>Better try and go back to what made me famous.

The true sign of a hack. It'd be like QT going back and having a Pulp Fiction TV series made.

why is he afraid to hug women?

They'd have to set it in the '90s.

Don't we have enough half assed, shit TV serieses already? I wish people aspired to make something different, like what creators of Stranger Things did, instead of creating average, unmemorable crap just to make some quick bucks.

>when you gettin old and want that syndication money

>It'd be like QT going back and having a Pulp Fiction TV series made

Don't give him ideas

This is literally all I want out of life right now.

Just don't animate it.


Strangers Things cashed in the whole 80s nostalgia for quick bucks, it's average at best and it's only better because it's an original idea with good viral marketing.

More Aguilera plox



>still not asking for it

>viral marketing
I heard of it from a colleague at work.


>put out a couple of dogshit movies


If he's thin now, why does he still wear fat people clothes?



This sounds like a case of Great in Theory, Bad in Practice.

How many stories can you tell in the setting of a mall anyway?

Malls in real life were fun because it was a break from your routine and you could buy all kinds of neat stuff (if you had money) and get a meal at the Food Court. If bored, you could waste a bunch of time in the arcade.

Then you went back to normal life and did stuff there too.


I love the smell of commerce in the morning.

Cant imagine

I can

Look at this dood


I really enjoy how every Kevin Smith thread morphs into a Christina Aguilara thread.


If they can get the old cast back is still see it. Its going to be a train wreak, and I need to be on the ground floor. Like tusk. I saw that shit day one. It was gloriously bad.

Just because your a basement dwelling stereotype doesn't mean there isn't still places go to buy.

I mean most of them are women's clothing shops and maybe a game stop and a handful of specialty shops like hot topic.

I do the same exact thing lol. Without fail when I'm around females I don't know

I neither trust nor care for american women, they're repulsive to me but I try not to show it. Consequently my actions appear to be standoff-ish at worst. People may assume I'm cold by nature which really isn't the case, its a compromise

She look disappointed that he snubbed her.


>hasn't made good movie in two decades
>cried at season finale of The Flash live on webcam
>disgustingly obese
>last ten years running every single film have been financial and critical disasters
>dresses like a 20 year old frat bro

Is there a bigger pathetically utter failure in Hollywood?


Is are all images just slow to load as of late? My internet seems fine, but here. Is this the work of Hiro?

you mean Kevin Smith's tit touched Anna Kendrick

>‘Well hurry up! I’m not getting any younger!’,”
Will they start cgi'ing Stan Lee in when he eventually kicks the bucket?

Need those ksmith pics loaded asap eh bitchboy?

I want it
I need it

>Is this the work of Hiro?

What the fuck is her problem?
Why is she making that look at the end there?

Am I the only one who gets a semi when i see a ksmith thread now?

a semiautomatic?

It's called disgust at the sight of a blading fat manbaby so close

>at one point Kevin Smith/Tarintino were the suppose to be the future of American film making

That's so cute. She's probably a fan and wanted to dork out, he too nervous around a bombshell like that and/or afraid what his wife would think.
Little awkward humanity seeping trough the cracks, we've all been there in similar situation.

lol u mad as fuck

After Yoga Hosers nobody should fund his shit again. Hes become so lazy.

bwhahah trips

>How many stories can you tell in the setting of a mall anyway

probably hundreds of 22 minute eps.

>how many stories can you set in a coffee shop
>how many stories can you set in a boston bar

Id watch it.

More importantly....what is best Christina?

>thicc christina
>cokedout nosering pony hat christina

Well Kevin Smith can drop dead

i vote thiqqq

not the thickest she's been but when she's on the voice and shit

Who's attacking her, the Elephant Man?

how can someone have an ass like that and at the same time have such a thigh gap?

After Yoga Hosers bombed THIS hard, I doubt he will get anymore deals

My town still has a mall. And inside the mall is a fucking arcade.

Her weight goes up and down like a yo yo but she is aging like wine, bitch is the next salma hayek

that's what you would think after tusk. he still be making shit whether we like it or not

>Strangers Things cashed in the whole 80s nostalgia for quick bucks
Then couldn't it be said Mad Men cashed in the whole 60s nostalgia for quick bucks?
I mean, most the people who have seen both series are 30ish and under, too young too have experienced either decade

Tbh they feel more like period pieces than nostalgia cash ins

>disgustingly obese
He's dropped a lot of weight recently
Now he's just obese

holy shit
i wonder how the girls response was to this

Eh, he's making that money back by directing Flash and Supergirl episodes as well as that Buckaroo Banzai thing for Amazon.
And beyond that he runs a podcast network and produces Comic Book Men, with live gigs and comic book projects on the side.
It's not like the man is hurting for work or cash.

I think it'd be a good idea, as long as he doesn't write the material.