Simpsons at it again: Putin and Trump HUMILIATED

EBIN, simply ebin.

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This fucking show shouldn't have lasted for THIRTY YEARS

>No fat chicks

Lmao someone at (((FOX))) got triggered hard

Stop. This isn't The Simpsons.

people still watch this show?


I tuned in last week for the first time in years and the Boston episode was one of the worst things I've ever seen.

I can't believe there are people who literally remake the same thread over and over and over and over. Why?

I guess Groening sees no irony in pretending to speak for the "average joes"

Cred Forums shills my friend, Cred Forumsshills.. the lamest saddest creatures on this site

This is one of the shows lowest moments and its had some fucking low moments

No, that would be Redditors (You)

you don't know nothing Jon Snow, I'm not a redditor

I cringed reading this

- tips fedora -

Simpsons have even stopped making fun of Homers weight which used to be the go to joke.

It's dead

when will this show die

>EBIN, simply ebin.
Who the fuck says that?

Isn't Homer supposed to be retarded? Why would they have him be a Clinton supporter?

Wow. This is amazing. I had no idea people still actually watch The Simpsons.

>season 28
>that flash animation

what was the joke?

Trump ever becoming President

Make America Great Again mother fucker



What's wrong with allying with Russia again?

I can't wait to drink your delicious tears
republicans will never win an election again, this was your last chance
demographic curves speaks clearly

what's wrong with allying with a nation hostage of religious bigots, on the wrong side of history?

holy fuck this is some ww2 level shit

Demographic curve hasn't happened yet retard
Trump is winning this shit in a fucking landslide

You're candidate is Crooked Hillary Clinton, she had to RIG THE PRIMARY to win against some retarded jewish socialist independent, that never even attacked her!

But why would you celebrate that? It means your death.

Russia massacring Syrian civilians or siding with Gaddafi is "some ww2 level shit" bro

are you talking about Saudi Arabia or Russia?

Love this meme. Gaddafi had the support of the vast majority of his population, as does Assad.

> Russia
> religious bigots

meme all you want piece of shit
you will live long enough to not recognize your precious 'merica anymore, you'll see churches getting empty, customs and tradition disappear
and there is nothing you can do
stay mad, memes won't save you.

I actually started watching again recently, did a binge of everything up to the newest episode.

It was kind of shit in the middle, but it's had a surprising upturn.
Oddly enough, around the point where they switched to Flash. The animation isn't nearly as amusing, but I've found myself laughing more than I did around that dark period in the middle when it just felt like something to have on in the background.

>all that bait in one sentence

the animation looks so awful what the fuck

>oh fuck an argument
>quick, calling him a religious nazi
>stay mad
nice save, you almost needed to have a logical thought


Russian government is against gay marriage, LGBT rights and spends lot of efforts against the right of abortion
it is also strongly tied with russian church

western civilization chose a path, the one of progress, equality, they chose another, the opposite one
they are against EVERYTHING we defend, no TRUE american sides with Russia

your "logical thought" can't do anything against reality you know, think about how much changed american society from the 50's (or do you want to deny that?).. well, that's nothing

but so is Saudi Arabia who is giving fuck loads of money to Hillary. What are you getting at here? Oil baron bigots are ok but Russian ones aren't?

You're completely fucking delusional
The "values" you are talking about are JEWISH subversive "values", designed to destroy the nation/country/civilization. Not the stuff that built the west.

What about those Islamic dictatorships donating to the ((Clinton Foundation))

I'd imagine you'd agree that they are even further against these American values than Russia yet they've probably donated over 100 million that we actually know about

>The "values" you are talking about are JEWISH subversive "values", designed to destroy the nation/country/civilization. Not the stuff that built the west.

>on the wrong side of history
What does this even mean? Are gays on the wrong side of history in the middle east?

>not answering the other two posters
The bait stops here


this is not Cred Forums related, keep Cred Forums in Cred Forums
make the mods delete this shit

this is some pretty lame propaganda

I reported this too, let's delete Cred Forums propaganda bros

well done, let's do this

compare this to a joke they made 20 fucking years ago

>Kodos: It's a two party system! You have to vote for one of us!
>Man: He's right, this is a two-party system.
>Man 2: Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate.
>Kang: Go ahead, throw your vote away.

>I got about 23 notes
I once got over a 100 (You)s to a single post imperial, my ancestors are smiling at me
Can you say the same?


whats hilarious about these claims of russia is that if it were true they could use it with evidence provided to completely destroy trumps campaign.
Instead there is no evidence and it's just a claim and you know it's complete bullshit. Otherwise if it were true they would destroy trump with evidence provided.

So the russia claim is just sad and pathetic and obviously false.

holy shit that was awful, has simpsons been this fucking god awful for years now? i stopped watching a long time ago

It's a very hard thing to prove. It's not like Trump hits record on his iPhone when he gets on a call with Putin and literally says "Hello, master. I am your puppet. Tell me your bidding."

>muh degeneracy

even the slightest sliver of evidence would prove them right. At this moment in time they've just blindly yelled russia and thats about it.

If there is zero evidence to prove it then there isn't a basis for claim.

The claim is thus bullshit.

It has as much weigh to it to me claiming hillary is working for new zealand for the sole cause of world power and dominance.

>religious bigots
Just like the USA and Saudi then. It's all the same shit.

>that fucking generic hail to the chief looping twice

Jesus Christ they keep managing to get worse with each piece of shit cartoon they excrete.

wtf I want ww3 now
crimea must be retaken!!!

its a meme you dip

When the former head of the CIA yells "Russia." I tend to take that seriously. When the current heads of the NSA and FBI say Russia is behind it I take that seriously. This isn't just random claims by random people. These are the leaders of the American intelligence community who have more knowledge of it than anybody.


not saying I disagree but

>citing the US intelligence community as a source


they routinely lie to the public


RT and random Kremlin shills are a much more reliable source

>there is no evidence
Hmmm that looks familiar

sorry, no (you)'s for (you) today

>being this triggered over Putin joke

Paid Kremlin shill pls go.

t. paid Russian shill

Wow its just like just like Cred Forums, but with the nouns changed.

>we're not allowed to mock SJWs anymore because Cred Forums is just as obnoxious

Why does the left need cartoons and celebrities to tell them how to think? I see it in some European counties but American leftists seem to need it to form any kind of opinion.

>the worst is yet to come
oh dear

This is such low-effort humor, jesus christ. They really think that people are stupid as fuck.

yeah, the republicans are celebrity free
except that one guy

Did I say that?

I wanted to mock both.

I don't know what is sadder that clip or the fact that it will work on a large number of americans.


I can't wait for this election to be over. Whoever wins, at least these fucking niggers will stop infesting every board.

Well, at least after the first few weeks when the banter ends. Still hoping for Trump since I'm tired of these faggots celebrities and YouTube WHO? pushing their shit.

I want Trump to win simply because Im sick of smug, well off lefties lauding their progressive bullshit like only their views are valid.

>le fat meme

also thats ironic given how much tumblr hates john green

Yeah because people weren't the most smug under Bush.

I hope you loved the "The president is stupid I am smarter than the president of the United states" jokes. Because they will return if trump gets elected.

thats a very reddit thing to say user

>Vladimir Putin?! President of Russia!?
I don't know why this annoyed me so much. The way they spell it out is so obnoxious

>tumblr hates john green
You are crazy.
He is tumblr - the author.

man you guys love talking about tumblr and reddit

I'd rather that then the far left getting a bigger foothold in the west. You think everything will go away under Hillary? We got the worst shit under Obama, imagine how bad it would be under her.

because it is always the same delivery when a celebrity appears in a cartoon.

nobody talks like that and it is either condescending to the audience because it implies you are too stupid to know who that is or they have no confidence that the impression is good and/or the likeness is good.

I am not black or middle class. Life only got really worse for black people under more government.

If you have any money and you are white you are retarded voting for republicans.

same here
Homer Simpson? Employee at the Nuclear power plant? Homeowner in Springfield, Husband to Marge, Father to Lisa, Bart and Maggie? Fancy meeting you here!

user!? User of Cred Forums!?

Anyone who still watches the Simpsons is retarded, they have to spell it out for their audience.

>or they have no confidence that the impression is good and/or the likeness is good.
I always thought it was funny how South Park did a better job drawing celebs with their shitty art style than simpsons or family guy ever did.

You yanks are so fucked it's not even funny


Prepare for personal JUSTice, cuckoo. Prepare to be fucked pretty badly. Meme Magick punishes pretty brutal.

You know it's bad when even the YouTube comments are calling out how butt fucking this was.

Regardless of your political affiliation, it wasn't funny, it was obnoxious as hell, the propaganda was blantant and unsubtle, and the animation looks like crap

Like Israel?

"Vvvladimir Putin!!"
lol get it?

Is there anything more tragic than the downfall of the simpsons in television history? Pretty sure there are many more bad episodes than good ones

Like Ben Garrison?

kek nope a lot of people hate him in fact theres apost and video somewhere of him whining about hows hes the victim of scaremongering because someone apparently called him a pedo.

You got that backwards. Under the dems, life got worse for black people, which in turn got worse for us. Obama promised change but his inauguration was the beginning of a nasty streak among the black community. They thought that because a black guy was in charge, they could kick up a fuss and get what they want. Instead the dems used them as political leverage to preach about progression without actually progressing.

The community went full chimp out over Zimmerman and BLM was born. They have done nothing but burn down their neighbourhoods while the culture delved into a PC hellhole becauae people were angry, some thought being more leftist will help, some thought being full Cred Forums will help, and our current election demonstrates that in spades.

A win for Hillary is a win for far left politics, and as Im not black or well off, I think I will take the side that won't ask me to check my privilege or be called racist for being concerned with growing Islamic terrorism.

>Taking Ben Garrison 100% seriously

He's a man going against the sociopolitcal norms, I find his comics funny but I don't always agree with them...sometimes.

>went bankrupt 6 times
Wasn't it 4, and wasn't it standalone companies that he chapter 11'd?

When did the simpsons become such low brow political fodder?

>Under the dems, life got worse for black people
That was what I was saying.
>which in turn got worse for us.
How? You just explained how it got worse for them. How is them burning down their neighborhoods and them having a civil war with the police in any way bad for me?

Im sorry, I should have made myself clearer. It got worse for us BECAUSE of them, at least when Bush was president, we could all unite under a hatred for our leadership, now it's all whiteys fault even though they unanimously elected Obama in the name of progress. You may not have personally experienced a lot of shit but this country is more divisive than ever and it was because of the Obama years. It affected us too.

I don't need to get along with black people though.

Thin skin sufferer here.

Can Cred Forums please come up with a type of trigger warning system? I really don't want to be exposed to anything that questions my political beliefs.

Anybody else excited for the ever relevant Pokémon go episode?

>These are the leaders of the American intelligence community who have more knowledge of it than anybody.
The same leaders that said "Hilary committed 6 billion crimes regarding emails, lied about it 6 billion times under oath, but we're not doing anything about it because she said it was a mistake so it's all good now"?

Looks like it could be up to 6, but he might not have been involved in a couple when they folded. 4 is the figure I've heard a few times.

It's also pretty dodgy to say that "he" went bankrupt, because that's different to losing a business. I suppose they can pretend it's just Homer being dumb.

>and spends lot of efforts against the right of abortion
abortion is literally killing babies. why do you allow teenagers to kill millions of babies?

>a literal retard gets convinced to vote for hillary with a few memes
how do they always manage to mock themselves when they try to mock trump

>I suppose they can pretend it's just Homer being dumb.
They're not even pretending though
They're clearly just projecting their own political views onto homer because they are so passionately anti-trump

they're outbreeding you and will soon outnumber you. you do need to get along with them.

That is generations down the line.

Don't really give a fuck.

yes what possible reason could such people have for accusing Russia truly a mystery

Good god I thought people were being dramatic when they said the Simpsons was shit now, the animation, sound and pacing is incredibly poor quality

the absolute STATE of that animation

I just can't wait for Hillary to win
you Cred Forumsbastards need to suffer

>Liberals are to this day still bitching about Joe McCarthy
>"Drumpf is a KGB plant hired by Putin! We need to go to war with Russia!"

Was that real? It looked and sort of sounded like something some fan made with Flash.

>The Washington Post
>putting out any credible information about Trump

They're just butthurt he revoked their press passes

I believe simpsons use toonboom now
They haven't resorted to tween puppets but there's so few frames of motion between poses that it's actually kind of worse


>"hurr you'll see your entire WHITE RACE die off before your every eyes!!!!!!"

Is anyone else bored? It will truly be funny when 20 more years go by and you're still sitting there waiting for this glorious day to happen.

>"ANY DAY NOW, white oppressors!!!"

Also, don't forget that history has proven that McCarthy was right and the democrats really are communists



You do realize that Russia literally collapsed 20 years ago, right ?

>my daughters son

wow holy shit that was bad

i haven't seen any simpsons past like season 9 or something and don't give a fuck about politics but the lines were terribly delivered

it was just awkward to watch

>People hate Trump because he said mean things about women and wants to keep immigrants out
>People love Hillary who's a bigger suit than Trump and is the most corrupt person between them
Trump might be bad, but Hillary is evil

I don't think the Gary Johnson can win, but I think I'll get enough votes for the Libertarians to reserve Federal money for campaigning and also get on the Ballot in 2020.

How do you reckon? I don't recall many polls published from Benghazi or Aleppo.

>conveniently ignoring the sources they cite, or the three other links provided in the post
Nice killing the messenger anyway. Trumpster argumentation.

This didn't surprise me

James L.Brooks and by extension Gracie Films have contributed about 1 million dollars to Hillary's campaign

Not even part of some conspiracy, this election is fucking rigged

Can someone explain to me what exactly are they getting in return?

I mean, you'd think that the politician would pay the media to advertise for them, not have the media pay them to advertise for them.

Is this just a way to launder money somehow?


These words mean nothing, you faggot.

(((They))) get a President they can control.

>some guy and a production company gave money to a political candidate
>"this election is fucking rigged"

McCarthy died for our sins

Literally nobody watches this """show"""

simpsoms has been reddit the animated show for years now

Why does James L. Brooks need to control the president.

I'm talking about specific donations like this. Are they made in the name of someone else to hide who they're really from? Because I don't see why people involved in creation of Simpsons would need Hillary in power enough to give her a shitload of money IN ADDITION TO giving her free propaganda in the show.

Meh, it's not funny, but I get the feeling most of the people in this thread are just retarded Trump cucks.

The guest characters don't even look like they belong in the same show as everyone else anymore. Not that they have in over a decade but they somehow make keep making em look worse and worse.

How has the simpsons not died? Every time they post a promo on facebook every single comment trashes it. It's been zombie garbage for so long

Green hair person is too nice and friendly for the average tumblrcunt

is that fucking hank scorpio?