Call a movie "pretty woman" and that's the prettiest they could come up with?

call a movie "pretty woman" and that's the prettiest they could come up with?


It's "pretty woman" not "prettiest woman"
lmaoing @ ur life

literally 9/10

curly hair is underrated, i don't know why so many girls with natural hair like that straighten it

In Ocean's 11 she also gets treated like a godlike beautiful being.

last generations Anne Hathaway

fucking spaghetti hair = 7/10 tops

get out.

she looked pretty hot when she had the bobbed, blonde wig on though


So fucking true.

Ive always had a thing for curly hair. Coincidentally I usually attract women with curly hair.

Isn't it weird Jerry never brought up George's attempted rape of a prostitute at any point?

>implying she isn't pretty
>implying it's called "a fucking beautiful bombshell woman"
fuck off faggot

>make a movie
>cast Julia Roberts


Mystic Pizza is decent user.


Hm, I'll check it out

>literally 9/10
In Westworld

You should it actually quite fun and Julie Roberts wasn't a complete bitch at the time.

>not casting eric roberts in drag

The feel good movie of the year.

this, why

>t. 250lb neckbeard

It wasn't the original casting choice.

She had pretty hairy forearms, too bad she waxed later on.

She was also famous for not shaving her pits too.