Was Oliver Stone serious with this one?

Was Oliver Stone serious with this one?

How am I going to torrent this shit if the title consists of only one letter?!

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I only ever managed to pirate a DVD rip. Don't think it even exists on Bluray.


Maybe add Oliver Stone to the search?

and the year is always a good start..


Adding the year of release

I really liked this movie, saw it in theatres.

I haven't watched too many other Oliver Stone movies, but I found this film did a good job of portraying W. as the unqualified heir to the Bush legacy. He's not a bad guy, just woefully ignorant.

What's your favorite bushism? This will always be mine:


>Was Oliver Stone serious with this one?
This question applies to all Oliver Stone movies.


I'm surprised Stone never went full 9/11 Truther considering how fucking awful his JFK movie was.


JFK, Nixon, W, Alexander and Savages are my favorite Stone movies

Nixon was amazing.
Nixon films in general are very good.

Trying to open a door.

JFK could be a good movie if it was fiction.

Fool me once....shame on...shame on you......You fool me can't get fooled again

>if it was fiction

It literally is fiction for the most part. Stone made up tons of shit for dramatic purposes.

>yfw Garrison was extremely homophobic and saw the entire conspiracy as basically a bunch of faggots acting it up

Fuck I miss dubya

Jim Garrison was a crazy crackpot IRL.

The thing that kills me is how he created the Magic Bullet myth because his model the car was inaccurate.
That fucking meme is still unkillable to this day.
Oswald was the lone shooter; deal with it.

I miss him as much as I miss George Lucas.

I really really hated dubya...

But now I think I hate Obama more... what a failure.

The one where W solidified himself as a man and not some bitch ass pussy who isn't even American at heart.


Terrible president, but still infinitely more likable than Obama or the two clowns running now

This movie was brilliant and ahead of its time. I dont know how old you guys were when it came out but at the time it was dismissed as conjecture. Time has come to prove that yeah most of the accusations against the bush administration were true.

And its detractors also forget that it takes a very sympathetic POV with George Bush...and even Cheney to some extent. Dick is a villain here beyond doubt, but he's a man who is simply serving a nation by looking decades ahead, seeing that the USA will be in peril if he doesn't wrestle control of the global infrastructure.

W was a real human bean, or at least made an effort to act like one.

Pleb detected

Holy shit nigger I had the exact same problem. I tried to download this movie many times years ago and was completely unable to find a torrent and ended up giving up

Fucking muzzie should have been shot by the SS

He was an economy crashing war criminal, your opinion is that of a pleb

It extracts the tragic essence of GWB as a character in a way that hasn't been done anywhere. He's probably going to have a few biopics about him once the dust settles.

>economy crashing
To say that a president alone is in charge of an economy the size of a US is like attributing rain and drought to the virtue or vice of king in ancient societies.

>war criminal
Absolutely not.

Oswald was not the lone shooter. Just him and a couple of Cuban dudes. No government conspiracy though.


It's easier to believe the government organize a team to kill him than 3 random guys who met, shared the same passion to kill the president, and had the skills to accomplish it

to be fair, it IS stupid to have a "president of Europe"

>more likable than Obama
what's it like being a holdout racist 20 years past your kind's last days of relevance?

I think the only people that say stupid shit like this were kids during Bush's presidency and only know him for the memes and how pitiable he always seems

W was JFK compared to Obama

bush was a dipshit neocon deregulator. Obama actually got some things done at least, we're better off now than 8 years ago by every indicator


Based Bush

The site is still up, don't understand why wthefilm.com/index2.html

>I saw his sole
Classic Dubya

Kill yourself.

Maybe not according to the letter of the law, but certainly in spirit. No matter how you spin it, incarcerating people indefinitely and torturing them run contrary to everything this country is supposed to stand for. You can use as many "enemy combatant" and "enhanced interrogation" weasel-words as you like, it's still wrong in essence.

Wait until Trump or Hillary ruin America


George W Bush ran on a platform of military non-intervention.

Please remind leftists of this fact when they claim a Gore presidency would have not started any wars. The machine is too powerful and the president is a mere figurehead.

I think 9/11 put a set of extenuating circumstances on the presidency that sort of relieves them of what they said they were for before it happened

This. Expected it to be Oliver stone shitting on Bush for 2hrs but it was actually very sweet and endearing at times.

>Please remind leftists of this fact when they claim a Gore presidency would have not started any wars. The machine is too powerful and the president is a mere figurehead.

Gore would probably have not gone into Iraq. The neocons that Bush unwittingly got into power are not an inherent part of the State Department, no matter how hard Hillary tries.

Seriously, Hillary is a fucking bitch. There's a reason we're not at war in Ukraine or Syria, and that's because Obama is based as fuck.

every country leads the European Union symbolically for 6 months. The prime minister or president of the current presiding country is the 'president'.

This guy is a niggerlover

well only time has created the illusion that gore would have been much better.

If you were old enough in 2000 you would have remembered that democratic voters always knew this. al gore had run on a lesser evil campaign much like hillary's and lost because ralph nader sucked votes from him.

Unless al gore's CIA had a much keener eye for saudi agents (unlikely), 9/11 still would have happened and we'd still be in Afganistan or some country that isn't Saudi Arabia.

Now what would not have happened was Iraq. The invasion of Afganistan was a direct response to the attack but Iraq was 110% the work of Cheney and Rumsfield, both of whom had developed plans for Iraq decades earlier and were simply striking while the iron was hot as most Americans didn't care what brown people we were bombing if you reminded them of the towers

Now could Al Gore have also pushed us into a tertiary war in the middle east in 2003? Yes he could have. But would he have done that? Unlikely--he didn't really have the kind of vision. Neither did H.W. and that's why he ended the invasions he'd started, so it's safe to assume Iraq would not have happened under Gore.

I'm Asian, so why the fuck do you care about what races or ethnicities I may or may not like?

Savages was fucking trash tho senpai

kill yourself

t. upset niggerlovers

>I'm Asian, so why the fuck do you care about what races or ethnicities I may or may not like?
Being a soulless chink, all of them are hated by your type of ((people))

> There's a reason we're not at war in Ukraine or Syria, and that's because Obama is based as fuck.

If Obama had 2 more years in office war against Russia would be inevitable.

duckin' dubiya

Nah, misunderstood film.

So what if the guy threw a shoe at me?

I disagree


Gotta respect his athleticism, close range too

godamn what a madman

no wonder the marxists hates him, he's got balls

Shut the fuck up Ahmed

>meanwhile obama


throws like a grill

Dubya was objectively more likable than Obongo. And I voted Obongo in 08.

kek what a bitch

Yeah man, chinks don't have souls and lack empathy. That's why white people are responsible for such empathy-spreading events such as the Holocaust and genocide of native Americans.

>the most popular 'holocaust'
>Redskins getting swept up

But on the point, yes they weren't empathetic events, but on the whole whitey is- unfortunately, it must be said- the most generous, benevolent, caring race around.

Yes it does, it's on my shelf right now

Same problem senpai, I went on a Josh Brolin spree but could not find a quallity (or any, for a long while) torrent of W. anywhere.

Settled with some 720 file, but it was alright. Expected shills, was surprised.

>this is what trumpfags really believe

>8 years ago we were in such a bad economic state everyone thought we were on the verge of a 2nd great depression

>8 years later the economy, for once, isn't a major factor in a presidential election

you're a dumb ass bitch if you think we aren't batter off now than we were 8 years ago,

search for something like "W 2008 720p" or whatever

you're fucking retarded

Economically yes, socially fuck no.

Me personally, I browsed r/news and r/worldnews for a few months but never posted.
I just feel like a lot of the comments here are eerily similar to those on that site.

Reply to me if you browse or post on the R boogyman, no judgement.. I just wana know if I'm crazy or not.

Why don't you explain how you think Obama accomplished that for us, then?

And by socially, it must be easily understood that the prospects for the future are at best grim.
The fruits of that shall come of the sjw generation, oh boy.

>the president controls the economy meme

i didnt think Cred Forums was literal facebook normie tier stupid

I have legitimately never been there in my life and don't even know what it looks like or how it works.
I think I am the only person here that applies to

i bet they think the president sets gas prices as well

but how do u feel about dubya?

Pakistani here ( in London recently), why do americans call the guy Dubya?

bush and cheney is probably the most effective prez + vp combo in the history of america politic
but for the wrong reason, president being a kluz and draw attention while the vp scheming shit behind the scene. it worked out for them in the end i guess

look at the movie poster in OP post
what do you see?

Josh Brolin with a wig

the big letter above his head

You should be able to search by imdb #.

Reminder he put on redneck airs to get elected in Texas which disables his already limited speaking ability and he has a confirmed by Yale IQ of 136

We already had a president called George Bush so we always had to say George W. Bush to differentiate. So then you shorten that to W.

Funny ways of saying the name of a letter.

Southern Dialect

A Bush presidency without 9/11

what would that have been like?

probably still some other shit that happen so uncle cheney can finally finish his job in middle east

should have been called Dubya

What, some other false flag? Nothing substantial would have changed.

>a bush presidency without the reason they made him the president in the first place

How would that even work?

>bush was a dipshit neocon deregulator.
All the major deregulations that led to the 2008 collapse happened in the 80s and 90s. W didn't do anything.
>we're better off now than 8 years ago
Yes. That's what happens when your starting point is the deepest part of the biggest depression since the Great Depression.

Seinfeld's parody with Kramer and Newman getting spat on at a baseball game ruined the movie's reputation forever

The most difficult kino I tried to find a torrent for was American Movie.

>The man's name is Guy
>"Who is this guy?"

was Bush a secret genius fucking with everyone the whole time? Was he just Andy Kaufman?

because he doesn't suck Putin's cock? Is that what you want? Because that's all Putin wants, and he knows he ain't getting any with Hillary and he knows all he has to do is flatter Trump a little bit and he gets the all clear to grease up those old cogs in the Soviet machine

I don't like bush because he was too liberal of a republican for how everyone tries to act about him. he should have been the one rounding up all the muslims and putting them in interment camps 16 years ago.

>wean Americans off their obsession with the motor car

fucking belgians, not every country is so mall you can sleepwalk your through way through 3 borders in 10 minutes

Putin wants NATO to adhere to its assurance that they would not push their borders closer to Russia. But NATO has been ignoring that since 1999. Putin wants the US to stand by the ABM treaty which W started the wheels of abandoning it. Putin wants the US to stop fucking up its backyard (the Middle East and Ukraine).

Think of how the US would act if Russia was a significantly superior country in terms of military and economy. Then imagine that uber Russia was posturing troops in Mexico, the Caribbean, and Canada while carrying out military toppling of regimes in Central America.

The US has absolutely no moral high ground against Russia. They're the big bully on the playground and no one except the bully's minions are upset when he gets his comeuppance.

this is hilarious

>people are actually being nostalgic about the Bush years
Don't let the current circus distract toy, the man was one of the worst presidents the country has ever had