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No, it's this.


what is this autism


>All hail the dark lord of the twin moons
>All animals can scream

what the fuck?

The answer to your question is Don Hertzfeldt.

This. Simultaneously a tribute and acknowledgment of the state Simpsons is in. That other one is just embarrassing, something an amateur animator might do in his spare time.


Depends if you count things "the simpsons" made, or things that guest animators made

Ja oder nein? Kam doch gerade auf pro7.

How does this make you feel?

Getting real sick of the 80s meme

Like this? It's an hommage to Kung Fury and the synthwave culture in general.

>parodies are easy!
they're literally bragging about the lack of effort they put into this shit
It's not even a parody, it's just an extended reference with no joke

Ja natürlich


>shilling a shameless danger 5 ripoff
absolutely disgusting

>a show that started in the 80's has lived long enough to make a retro homage to the era

simpsons was never good. you just stopped being 10.

I'm aware.

You mean Manborg rip-off.

>all that shitty green screen with modern special effects
>trying to be an 80s movie

t. 19 year old redditor

That's because it isn't being done right.
Too many kids with no real connection to the 80s media they're "parodying" involved with it, unlike something more genuine like Darkplace, Look Around You or Italian Spider-Man.
With that said, I liked Stranger Things and Turbo Kid. Those were made by people who had clear love for the form and not just Synthwave, even though they failed to replicate it somewhat.

t. mcfarlane


Exactly. And Kung Fury ripped that off.
Only thing it did right was hiring Hasselhoff.

t. manchild samefag

Stranger Things was fine, it pulled off homage without obnoxiousness. I enjoyed Ashes to Ashes too. I'm just sick of the wave of retards who watched Drive and played Hotline Miami who feel the need to shove their epic memes into everything.

Also, wasn't Darkplace meant to be more 70s than 80s?

*pulls out spork*


Is that by the My Spoon is Too Big guy!?!?!

they even left a little snarky message to all the people who hate what simpsons has become at the end of "homer votes" clip

Sucks they ruined the joke with that terrible Maggie gag at the end.

you're absolutely right


Wait wtf, that animation at the beginning and end, is that what the Simpsons looks like now? It's literally like a flash animation Simpsons parody from Newgrounds.

You're not tired of 80's tributes but rather you're tired of what 90's kids think the 80's were. Stranger Things wasn't a tribute to 80's but rather than movies in that era which is why it didn't feel forced like Kung Fury.

Southpark did it
Song wise

They pulled the same stunt 100 episodes ago

A lot of shows and movies did something with push it to the limit

In the states Darkplace would have been parodying the 70s, in Britain we still had legit shows of that level of piss poor quality into the 90s

I like the animation in this one

I don't get it.
Is this just randumb humor or am I missing something?

ST tried so hard it made me drop the series, same with Super 8. Look Around You is fantastic.

It's randumb humor before it went mainstream

This. From what... early 2000's?

Wasn't Kung Fury supposed to be forced?

That's not a good thing
The over exaggerated everything plus the usage of modern CGI completely killed any artistic authenticity so you're just left with a shitty meme video

Kung Fury was kind of amusing on first watch, but painful on repeat viewings. For 80's done right, I think Hobo With A Shotgun is still the apex.

I couldn't even enjoy it on a first sitting because of all of the jokes they literally just stole from danger 5

I love this. It's weird and out there but retains and satirizes some of the best elements of the Simpsons. The last part was oddly touching.

They were supposed to be rejected comercials, Hertzfeldt tries to include his existential views on his works. This is the equivalent of the incredible amount of videos/images that protray the humans enslaved to consumerism with a more cynical approach.

I do agree tho, the wave of lol so randumb that Rejected inspired is awful.

>it pulled off homage without obnoxiousness.
I agree for the most part, what irked me were the "on the nose" shout outs, such as The Thing and Evil Dead posters no kid would have had hanging in their bedrooms during the era, and just the overall pop culture trope awareness of the characters.
Just a minor annoyance which probably would have been avoided if the Duffer brothers where a bit older themselves, but far from something to ruin the series.

what is this supposed to be a parody of? like which film precisely?

I mean it's literally Scarface

Scarface and Miami Vice mostly.

I dress like Sonny Crockett

Is that bad?


If you're ugly, yes

My mother said I'm handsome

>Catch 'Em If You Can
>the 24 episode (better than the x-files episode)
>Linguo episode

this was brilliant

Wow that actually is pretty funny

What does your wifes boyfriend think?

Exactly. Stuff like Kung Fury seems like it was made by 20-somethings who didn't even actually live through the 80s.

Kung Fury was a mess and had nothing to do with the 80s at all. It was basically a CGI demo showcase for the director to land an actual job. The only good thing that came out of that was the David Hasselhoff song.