Holy mother of gawd this movie is F**KING AMAZING. I have been waiting for this moment for almost 3 years...

Holy mother of gawd this movie is F**KING AMAZING. I have been waiting for this moment for almost 3 years. Ever since i played games i've been googling Warcraft™ movie in ABSOLUTE ENVY for its release. This is a MASTERPIECE. Warcraft™ is basically everygame movie ever EXCEPT it has now been made perfect. all the kinks have been worked out to result in this. F**king awesome spears orcs, SO MANY CHARACTERS (endless rewatchability), Amazing graphics, and in the first hour of watching this i've encountered about 30 different pvp battles. And 1 more thing, is there ANY limitation on how many different story structures are in this movie?

20 bucks = totally worth it

100 / 100 stars

I get that this is a joke but this movie was actually a pretty dope.

>video game movies

so dope bro, totes dope on the real talk m'bra'brah

Yes, it's a piece of shit, but it's a fun piece of shit and I liked it.


I hope it's fun, missed seeing it in theaters though.

khadgar killed it, as did most of the orcs, really standout performance from khadgar though

the casting for the rest of the humans seemed pretty questionable, worsened by like 60% of their dialogue being plain awful

I kind of liked it.
Not great, just alright. Like something you'd watch once or twice.
I wonder how they'll keep going since China pretty much paid for the next few to get made.

I kinda want to see the scourge and Arthas.

It's fun. If you like the games you'll like the movie. It's straight up 2 hours of glorious fan service.

I agree. But it's kind of like the games are. The orcs have always been more interesting than the humans.

I liked the game and the movie was fucking terrible.

Same. I want to see Arthas's story in a movie so bad I'll pay to see any shitty sequels until we get to it.

I liked the movie and the game was fucking terrible.

It was fun.. sequel when?

I like the fucking and the movie was terrible game.

Hated Ben Foster as Medivh. I love Foster but he looks nor sounds nothing like Medivh. Fimmel was fine just wish he dropped that accent.

>china beat the meme posters
>sequel confirmed

what happened?

I like the Arthas and the Arthas was Arthas Arthas.

Holy shit that hybrid orc character was one of the worst I've ever seen and the main guy wasn't even likable.

No, it wasn't. Pleb.

But Durotan and Gul'dan made up for them anyway bitchass. Also Dominic Cooper sucked balls. Garona should've been at least part CGI

It wasn't dope but it was good enough, worth seeing for the orcs and magic alone.

I couldn't have been any better.

Both, you mouth breathers really make me sick. I wish I were living 100 years ago, and cretins like yourselves would be off getting slaughtered in Europe, or slaving away in the mines and factories

away with you reddit

only played WC3 here

I liked it

a 5 minute cut of all the fan service and magic parts are all you need to watch and all that was worth watching

>Chinese have absolute shit-tier taste in entertainment.
News at 11

yeah foster felt wasted.. maybe it was the directing, but someone possessed by a demon lord since birth should have a little charisma