I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

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I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

I came here thinking this was gonna be some ragebait about how millenials dropped TWD because it got too complicated for them.

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

This is exactly right, any show with an ounce of intelligence, or complex plot, they turn off. The only thing millennials like to watch are memes. Think about how everything in the last year has gone viral. deadpool. stranger things, black mirror, swiss army man. These are all things that can be resorted down into bite sized memes.

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

>This is exactly right, any show with an ounce of intelligence, or complex plot, they turn off.

that's literally not what the article is about at all but nice knee-jerk Cred Forums

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.


Makes perfect sense.
Watch it all in order so you know whats going on. Might as well spend your time on something worth while.

I found the Stranger Things fan
>muh 80s

this thread is too hard

why even bother when there are other threads I could read

nice reading ability

Is this a real article? It's like the Cred Forums equivalent of that Cred Forums pasta about Kanye West fans having no honour.

I'm definitely guilty of that. If I have to download each episode weekly I always start to fall behind and take weeks or months to catch up. But bulk downloads or instant streaming on a network's site, netflix, etc will make me watch just for how simple it is

>An entire generation of people raised on free media is unwilling to start paying for it
I'm amazed there are people who still don't understand this.

That's not what the article says, dipshit. The fact you came in eager to spout your opinion - as if you've something insightful to share - makes you no different from the self-absorbed millenials you imagine haunting the corridors.


Most people browsing here are millenials. Just saying. We're the problem.

Wow nice opinion you fucking millenial

>generation raised on add-inducing television shows and assorted internet garbage, largely composed of dumb brown people, doesn't like anything that requires an attention span to understand
really surprising, my man

Illiterate alert! Illiterate alert!

>tfw to inteligent to watch shows behind paywalls

So when it costs something millenials are not interested? Interesting.

We're in the mid-stages of TV/Movie companies turning against the consumer and actively blaming/insulting them.
Have fun dealing with the same shit people who play video games have been dealing with for the last half decade.

>the problem

what problem? Young people can't be arsed to stay up to date with crappio tv? I don't see that as *a problem*

>I came here thinking this was gonna be some ragebait about how millenials dropped TWD because it got too complicated for them.
Same. Blood pressure spiked and plummeted in a second.

why are we called that stupid name

also, why pay for something i can get for free and without 10 minute ads? it's their fault, they dont realize we now have a choice.

lmao, good

television and movies are hot garbage and I will witness the death of the industry with satisfaction

How is a show behind a paywall not a legitimate excuse for not watching a show? I would just torrent it but normalfags can't do anything that isn't on an app.


wew Dodged a bullet

Seems fair enough. It's like what Gabe Newell says - people pay for games on Steam rather than pirating them because Steam offers a convenient service, that's why people are willing to pay. The stubbornness of media outlets that refuse to adapt to the internet is just retarded.

Post-millenials are worse though.

Sounds like a bullshit excuse not to admit that the walking meme and Game of thrones are shit tier shows

In other news, millennials have the attention span of a fly


>Make your viewer jump through hoops to watch something
>People start to stop watching
Oh wow guys who could've imagined it?

This is good... isn't it?

Not surprising.

The average person goes full retard when trying to torrent. They either

1)Can't figure out how

2)Figure out how but don't do basic shit like reading comments or uploader profiles and then get a virus and claim "torrenting is dangerous"

I for one crave complex intelligent movies, games, and shows that don't hold your hand. They are just extremely hard to find. Then again I'm not a millennial. I really can't imagine people thinking most of anything out is "not easy to watch" but I may be missing what that means exactly I guess.

Maybe it is hard to watch on their shitphones between texts?

At least bother to read the OP

Half the posters in this thread got triggered upon seeing the screencap and revved up those shitposts

TV is free though...

There's a cut every 2 seconds in the fucking Roots reboot. It truly boggles my mind to think that people have problems paying attention to tv shows.


>2)Figure out how but don't do basic shit like reading comments or uploader profiles and then get a virus and claim "torrenting is dangerous"
That never ceases to amaze me.
If quality doesn't matter much to you, all you need to do is go to the pirate bay, search for "show name s00e00", organize by seeds and download the first one.
People are fucking dumb.

Well, you kinda shoot yourself in the foot right there 'cause you obviously didn't read the OP since it isn't talking about them being hard to understand but hard to access to them.
I guess it's hard to read on your shitphone between texts.

thats because youre jealous that you*re not working in the industry and earning hundreds of thousands of dollars being creative and creating fun characters and story ideas. Instead youre a wage slave in a boring meaningless job. this frustrates you so you hate the entertainment industry.

It says nothing of the kind.

enjoy your 25 minutes per hour watching commercials.
That's not exactly my idea of free.
Also, don't you pay for cable?

Compared to the previous generation that watched/taped free shows on TV?

Honestly, I don't know anyone (myself included) rushing out to buy whole series on VHS.

>these people pretending to be superior to millenials because they don't give on "hard to understand" shows
>not even what the OP is about
10/10 smart people

This is great news right? Basically means that with streaming services/cable providers starting to tighten the noose and bleed out consumers, consumers are choosing to just say fuck it and find something else?

I think it will take a few years still, but hopefully.

> mfw i thought this was about normieshit like TWD / GoT being 'too deep' for people.

Honestly expected it sooner or later.

I can hardly wait until the TV networks and the entire industry model to die a slow, painful death.

sweet irony

>Those who started watching a series on a service like Netflix grew frustrated after hitting the limit of episodes easily available to them.
This is why I torrent. The content is too fucking slow and limited on netflix and other streaming services. Not only that but as the article states the shit isn't centralized at all. I'm not paying 5 different services $20 a month to watch everything 2 years after it's been released.

I HATE it when movies and tv do this shit. Christ, it's so fucking distracting and it fucks with the pacing of the scene so much.

I can't remember the name of it, but there was a tv show I was watching, one of those generic modern CSI shows, and there was a jump cut just about every second. Not even an exaggeration. There wasn't a cut that lasted more than maybe 3 seconds. I think it was the first time I ever noticed that sort of thing because even then, I saw it and recognized how terrible it was.

I bet you feel embarrassed right now.

They abandon or do they acquire them by means that isn't well tracked?

>when you don't even read the article

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

no...i havnt had a TV in 8 years. I just have the internet. Everything is on youtube or free streamers.

this for you too:

Sorry what, I stopped reading halfway. Can you tl;dr?

creates unnecessary tension
handlheld camera, constant zooms in and out, and frequent cutting... """"TENSION""""

Death to the cable box.

the problem is that you cant have one global planetary platform with everything ever filmed on it, because then you would have no industry. The industry lives from there being multiple platforms which compete for the best licenses and rights to shows. Thats how show producers and creators and actors make money.


There's already been many series I started to watch on Netflix, only to later realize that it lacks the last seasons or half of final season. It's fucking ridiculous.

Or maybe those shows aren't worth the effort?

I hate Gen Z as much as anyone but this is entirely the distributor's fault. Why should I have to create 10 different accounts across 10 different platforms across 10 different paywalls just to watch something to used to get on TV for free?

If the mighty internet can't make things easier to access than flipping the old channel switch then people are RIGHT to look for alternatives.

There's no way this is unique to millennials

The worst is when it's absolutely unnecessary. You can watch a terribly edited action scene or even the Roots clip that you posted and tell what you were going for. There is action in something like this, at least:


As fucking awful as that was, it's even worse when everyone is just standing there talking and the editing is all over the place, just like that. It's just a bullshit way of creating tension.

I've never seen a thread I was less interested in.

...so if there was just one global platform with everything, that platform would nit have to pay a lot to have shows, which would mean that production companies would not earn enough to make shows...see how this works? its actually a big dilema for the industry, because no-one wants to have to pay for 3 or 4 seperate platform subscriptions. But then...how can the industry function?

I stopped watching a couple of shows this season because they stopped showing up next day on Hulu. No shame whatsoever.

Eh, finally something else I can thank Millennials for other than millennial-aged girls hungry for my superior dick because all "men" their age are some kind of soft numale

>consuming visual media in 2016

All the steaming shit on the Apple TV in my house

>Amazon Prime
>HBO Now
>FX Now
>USA Now

Plus a ton of random shit I've never heard of

The new NCIS episodes have this out of the ass along with five thousand quips per minute

Proof millennials are headline readers

No streaming service has even close to a fll range of conent.

Torrents are the same as streaming, it's free and you can watch literally anything available on any other platform, ever, for free, with no ads. How could any service ever hope to match that. There's no way in hell I'm spending 20 minutes on ads per episode of a show.

Gee, one good reason to stop torrenting might be that it's ILLEGAL

>people don't watch shows they can't watch

... uh

So is traveling at a speed 1 mph over the speed limit.

lol at describing any tv show as intelligent


Millennials years are considered between 1980 – 2000

Millenials are retards who think Bush killed more people than Stalin

They can watch it's just a bitch to get to them

>Call your cable provider and they'll give you a password so you can register your FX Go app!
>I'll pass.

Yes, everything is our fault and totally not the boomers fault.

There are no intellectually challenging TV shows, and few movies.

>point out a very specific flaw in our generation


political correctness and the self esteem movement were a mistake

>mfw reading the comments on the website

Sounds like some boomers are getting triggered as fuck

>show is good for a few seasons
>gets boring and repetive
>want to make some time to watch other shows

Stop making shitty shows


That's not even a "flaw", that's an issue with distribution

>A streaming service backed by every network/studio that had literally everything that wasn't in theaters.

How much would you pay monthly?

Man fuck you. I was generation X for the first 10 years of my life, then Y for 10 years once they shifted the cutoff, then suddenly the term "millennial" starts trending, I think they're talking about people born after 95, as they'll spend their entire development in the nightmare that is the post-millennium, knowing nothing but iphones and internet, then suddenly people are like "no, you are the millennials."

20+ year generation gaps are idiotic considering how drastically everything has changed in the last 30 years.

about 80 or so

almost as much as cable companies expect me to pay for something that's 30% ads

>show is behind paywall
>torrent it

I have netflix, but if its not on there, its torrent time.

0, which is what I pay now.

millennials don't eat cereal cause washing a bowl is too hard the world is fucked

More like it's an issue with cable company customer service.


Millenials = the result of the Soccer Mom Generation

> Don't know what it takes to win
> Don't know the pain of losing
> Only knows how to "participate"

yet they still think they're all special little snowflakes


just stream it you nigger

>how much will you pay for what you currently get free

could Millenials handle the show Millennium?

At most, $20. No more, no less. If they even remotely hinted at increasing fees beyond that, I'd drop it immediately. Also, it needs to be completely free of adverts because I'm not paying for that shit. As soon as the stuff hits DVD/BR It better be up on the service.

Otherwise, I will continue doing what I've been doing for over a decade and getting my content with all of those requirements met, for free.

>those programmers may start to see diminishing audiences that no longer translate into big financial returns for their series.

Most television shows are utter dog shit though.

I mean can anyone really name a really well crafted and intelligent television show in the last decade?

>Not eating it dry out of teh box

A little part of me dies every time I remember that hulu exists, has commercials, and people pay for it.

>> Don't know what it takes to win
>> Don't know the pain of losing
>> Only knows how to "participate"


Competitive spirit is what made american workers and american corporations great.

Millenial "hug box/safe place" kids severely lack competitive spirit and drive.

This is why immigrants and immigrant kids are usually more successful.

>Put your show on netflix
>it becomes a hit
>decide to start your own streaming service for no reason
>no one wants
If your show isnt on netflix or hulu im glad its dying. HBO is the only network with an excuse to have its own streaming service and its still a badly formatted mess only propped up by its content catalogue.

do old fucks really browse Cred Forums ?

Yes. You're here forever.

>I watch a show
>therefore I am an intellectual

We need a culling


No shows are worth even that slight inconvenience


been browsing since 2005, im 29 now...how the years have gone by

These shows have become a massive fucking commitment. You essentially have to commit to watching for so many hours that it seems like a massive fucking hassle. Way too many shows like this now that people will get burned eventually.

based Eichhorst

Man, Hollywood is entitled as fuck.

Someone doesn't watch their tripe and they call the consumer lazy?

Does the maker of Peach flavored soda call their consumers lazy when they realize their products sells in low numbers?

Hollywood needs to be wiped off the Earth. They have gotten too big for their britches.

Well obviously

millennial detected

>They think their show has any value

Do we need to start killing artfags again? If you unimportant show even slightly inconveniences me, I'm not watching it. I'm not sacrificing anything to satiate a millionaire.


I want to be the one that deals with Lena Dunham.

>Someone doesn't watch their tripe and they call the consumer lazy?

Copy and paste the segments from the article where any of this stuff is mentioned.

>do this
>if paranoid, get a VPN
>if even more paranoid, get another separate pc to do this so it won't get """viruses"""
>if you have a data limit, get a new isp, or download low quality video
>most flicks aren't worth keeping, anyways
>you will most likely stop due to nothing being worth watching

such is life

Selena Gomez is so beautiful . Why can't she be my wife?

yeah i am, still his question was if any old fucks still browse...compared to the age group that this site is targeted it im pretty sure im old as fuck.

Oh wow, these fags really think millions of people owe them something.

Is your TV show providing a genuine service? No. Is it just a soapbox so you and your friends can spout your political views? Yes.

Film fags, actors, and creators need a real reason to be upset. A nice mini holocaust would do wonders, help them prioritize.

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

I dont understand why people do this.
>tfw I turned 30 yesterday
>tfw I started browsing almost 10 years ago
You're here forever lad

People just want quipzzzzzzz and memes

Why should I inconvenience my self for you, TV industry? You whiny fucks.

Just because the baby boomers and Gen Xers suck Hollywood's dick doesn't mean everyone else will.

You don't matter. Either I can pick up the show and watch it easy peasy or its not a part of my schedule.

Easy as that. I need to start dropping more shows. You eat up enough of my time as is.

Why is YouTube Red a thing?

Wouldn't all their original shows make more through ad revenue if they were free to watch?

Holy fucking shit, Hollywood cannot stop complaining. They genuinely believe they have the same amount of power of the average joe as they did in the 1950s

I thought you film enthusiasts loved that shit.
>no I'm high brow. I only like high brow TV
You sit in front of a screen and call it a hobby, you fat faggot.

>shit tv shows that require subscription and waiting weekly getting dropped
>millennials must be the cause

most of them would have watch these for free from internet in the first place

The few good things I like about millennials
They are tight wads

Hollywood complaining again

Day of The Rope when?

i read your entire post in PSH voice
god, just think about how we will never get to see him in any movies ever again made me a bit sad

That is one heavy Cred Forums tier sperg out. The one digit IQ is real. Even funnier that it all starts with a complaint over something that wasn't even in the article.


whose house will you visit first?

These faggots have gotten too bold.

>Why aren't you goys paying for more access?

And I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

Poor millionaire won't be able to replace his gold toilet with a platinum one since less people are watching whatever viral marketed show currently being thrown in our face.

How could you let this happen?

>mfw this gonna be the real future of the united states


corporate suing people and make it mandatory for people to watch their shit

blaim Paul Greengrass and his terrible Bourne sequels

Easiest (you)s you'll ever make.

that one spin off was ok.

One actor at a time my friend. All it takes.

They have fallen in love with themselves and believe the commoners owe them something.

DAE hate Millenials?

I can hear your shrieking whiny voice from here.

You actually believe sitting in front of your TV is an achievement, you fat cunt.

include me in the subreddit f a m

Why is anyone mad about this. What, people don't want to watch content that doesn't interest them? I find it positive that people don't feel the need to stick around a truly uninteresting show like the walking dead just so they can be apart of the water cooler talk

>being a pleb

>not a flaw

What's there to be mad about? The article didn't even make a judgment on the issue, it was literally just an observation.

I can't believe that's real.

Simple. Allow for 3rd party clients that can easily manage multiple services within a single program. The same way people use email clients to manage work and personal email addresses.

Hollywood keeps asking for the Day of The Rope don't they. They want it to happen.

streaming is garbage quality

Most shows are garbage content, so it works out.


The camera and editing were actually competent.

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

not an excuse.

Nigga thats not what the article is saying. Shows need streaming options that are easy to access and are willing to pay for them. I'm a millenial and haven't used a torrent in 5 years because it's a pain in the ass to stream to my tv.

Same thing with vidya, if it isn't on Steam, its too much work to get going

I just wish I wasn't too stupid to use usenet, private trackers are a pain to upkeep and the alternatives are horrible.

I hate that fucking picture so much. The media made so much of a goddamn deal out of it for the longest.

You feeling ok?

I don't recommend watching upstream color then


Idiocracy here we come.

>the media
No. Very specific channels and publications.

Who also have film divisions.

Shut the fuck up.

15 shots in 7 seconds. I think we've hit a new low here, folks.

>You have to watch my shows! It's not a choice!
It is a choice, actually. You guys can fuck yourselves. I'm not watching TV to think. I'm watching TV for a quick laugh or whatever before I wake up and go to work again.

TV shouldn't be a second job.

Sounds like bullshit to me.

>Millenials are all suburban White manchild NEETS

>Cred Forums

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

Suck it jews

What the hell is so bad about Stranger Things?

>only way to watch most good shows in Australia is with exorbitantly priced cable TV packages that offer little else
>They expect you to pay $50-100/mo over a 1/2 year contract for one episode a week of one show you watch for a few months a year
>No pay per view/VOD options

>because it's a pain in the ass to stream to my tv
Are you retarded or poor?

>Make a television show
>Have a good plot to start with
>Writers know where to end the show
>Show gets successful
>Gets near the end of the pre-imagined plot by the original writers
>Producers want to keep the show going
>75% of the original writers leave
>the last 25% are just there for money
>The plot gets stupidly specific and follows a retarded path
>The core of the fan base leaves seeing how shit the story got
>Somehow it's the fan's fault

Referring to people ITT

TWD is on Netflix though. Stupid cuck author.

>brad in the light
>angie in the dark
>the last time they spoke as friends

Honestly, it makes sense. With how much OVERABUNDANCE of TV shows we have now, including movies, anime, docs, etc., there's just no time in wasting on trying to get through a paywall or put up with bullshit. You can move on to another program, dozens upon dozens of them. Shows still need to fight for audiences.

sounds like lost

Is Cred Forums your go to boogeyman for everything?

When a show gets moved or rescheduled to an inopportune time for me, I just drop it, maybe wait for the dvd release.

I'm a bit old for a "millennial" but I guess that's what they're talking about. I won't sub to your premium streaming service or jump through other hoops when I can just wait.

Not him, but I can't torrent now because my laptop is broken and I'm waiting until black friday/cyber monday to buy a new one.

What's a millenial?

>50 billion shows on tv
>get surprised when they drop them because the schedules are erratic or it changes networks

40. Gladly 100 if it was theaters too.

But GoT and TWD are complete shit?

Both shows have been declining in quality since their first season, i completely abandoned TWD and still watch GoT

>x is a problem
>blame millennials
Thanks Globalist Media we're the only problem apparently

Any young person that triggers boomers

Old media needs to die already if only for the fact that I'm tired of hearing them bitch about millennials not being exactly like their parents.

TWD was always garbage.

I was gonna participate but I already saw this thread had over a hundred replies so it wasn't worth it.

I wish Supernatural stopped after season 5...

A strawman that >le old for my age contrarians like to beat up.

>mfw strayan and streaming services are so bad here its still easier to pirate via p2p.
Netflix clearly dont get the message nobody wants to sub to 100x fucking different stream providers, alot of them dont even service us anyway
1st season was alrite.

swiftly went downhill fast

Mad Men you faggot.

>Showtime's business plan

As noted by Jackie Chan in America they rather wrap it up as soon as they can, but having so many cuts, does it not take more time?

Literally every show becomes available for free after like a year, either you find it online or it gets dropped to a streaming service.

If you don't have cable and it isn't available on a streaming service, you have to buy the episodes individually for like 2 bucks each for SD episodes. That can be like 30 bucks for 1 season. No one is going to pay that when they can just wait. It's like asking to buy an album when you know it'll be free online within the week of the release if not the day of or even before.

This would be funny if it wasn't so true

next you will say board walk empire was intelligent television.

Oh no people don't care for our jewish bullshit better blame it on [buzzword]

It's just a fucking tv show.

Meanwhile the Generation X is currently experimenting midlife crisis like saying:"i feel like i'm 18 all over again."

There is no such thing as millenials.

>mfw I pay like 65 € monthly for SKY
>big cinema movies take a year to come or never do
>they put them in a preview where you have to pay like 3- 5 euros and you can only watch them within 48 hours.

So many free streamers. Now in HD.

Mad Men. Another that suits what you said.

me with The Wire

>shows degrade to being piece of shit shadows of themselves
>oy vey its those millenials thats wrong with the world

What is it with mediocre skits that just go on forever?

Millennials use TiVo? This still the early 00s?

The only non-retarded answer in this shit thread advertising clickbait shit.
Everyone reading this, just kindly die.

This. I would love a Steam-like service for movies and tv shows. It would let you have a backlog of movies and stuff that you own without having to store it on your hard drive all the time.

Provide the first 3 episodes of every tv show for free and let them buy the season. For old shows that have been around for a while, offer deals. $10 for all of Stargate SG-1 for instance.

And let people actually download the files to their hard drives with no DRM or streaming bullshit. Having the actual files is a huge part of why piracy is more convenient than everything else. And they need to get it through their heads that it doesn't matter that you give them the files, because their shit was going to get pirated anyways.

A 20something

But For some reason, 20somethings are fucktards and think that children and teens today are Millennials (for example, I hear complaining about how "hurry sure Millennials don't know what a VHS is"). They bash Millennials without realizing that they themselves are Millennials.

The children and teens now aren't Millennials. They're Gen Z.

The people you're complaining about are Gen Z, not Millennials you fucking idiot


Well most of the time the reason why a show becomes a hit, it's because word of mouth, this often happens soon after the first season ends, so it's pretty easy to catch up on a show one is just one season in (especially when the first season is shorter than the rest of the seasons). After that it becomes a weekly chore, and sometimes you might miss one episode or two.
Now having to watch something like sopranos, br-ba, the wire, lost, from episode one to series finale that's right now.. That's just insane.
I wish more shows would make their format as a mini series, or as anthologies.

Nothing. Hes just a massive faggot user.

Not willing to pay for shitty Jewish programming
Fuck your ads you can starve kikes


>Want to watch some Xena episodes legally like a good little goy
>Go to amazon video
>They only have season 1, 2, 4, and 6
>Can only get third season by buying it from some random asshole second hand

You're right

Haha, nice try. I'm a NEET baby ;)

To be fair, it is just entertainment media.

Is it really so important that it's worth going through any effort to watch?

Its systematic of how they approach everything in life.

Why do underage post-2000s think it is cool to label themselves Millennials?

I mean it's the Dahak season so you're not missing much....

Well the article clearly doesnt take into account the ones that dont want to spend money on jewish shit, like me


Thank God I'm not counted among these people


I can make up bullshit sociology definitions too. Just saying because I'm not a millenial

I'm sorry millenial, but millenials are those who were literally born during the millenium shift

>A 20something
even up to late 30s

>dropping Walking Dead and Game of Thrones

But that's actually smart.

They're most likely counting "pirated" as "dropped."

Kill yourself reddit pedo fag

>le le
Shitpost in hell, retard

are you the same guy? your in every thread saying kill yourself pedo whenever anyone mentions the show. why are you so obsessed about children?

Yeah no shit.

>new show comes out
>its behind a paywall for some shitty propriety service some half-rate channel set up because they want to be the new netflix.
>this (((service))) costs 15 bucks a month and has fuck all else on it
>the show has 12 episodes which they release weekly except there's a week gap between episode ten and eleven meaning that you have to pay for 4 months of this crappy service, or 60 bucks, to watch a show that wasn't even that great to begin with.

You'd have to be full blown retarded to go along with that, which is apparently the majority of Gen X and the Baby Boomers.

>scrolling through your channels
>wow look at all of these channels and content that i'm not subscribed to, but i'm forced to see!
>turn them off in the options
>you can't save the options and are forced to do it each time

That's fucked up though. Pirated isn't "dropped", it's just pirates pirating because they dont want to get jewed

Who /PLEX/ + /Sonarr/ + /Jackett/ Masterrace here?

>add program/film I want
>it airs
>Sonarr/Jackett auto snatches it
>Downloads to 24tb server
>refreshes Plex
>Can watch it anywhere on anything

This is the best way. Prove me wrong.

>media industries and distributors controlled by older generations can't properly adjust to the evolving services they also created
>they still blame the newer generation

The the most popular shows have always been dramas filled with ever-growing contrivances that try to fool their audiences with artificial tension while still maintaining the status quo and unnecessarily elongating a series.

People who aren't middle-aged nerds or boring couch potatoes have a variety of other options nowadays, and wisely make use of their modern resources to give attention to more direct and focused media.

>acts superior
>fails at reading two sentences.

it's 1980-1996 you dumb retard

The millenials want more hands-on entertainment, which was first started by hands-on teaching in elementary school. We're trained to look at something, break it down, process it, analyze it and reconstruct it. Just watching a TV show for me is impossible, I have to focus on the technical aspects or else I get bored. At least that's what I do.

What's really going on is that people substituted mindless TV watching for mindless information absorption. Instead of watching the new season of survivor, people watch cute cat videos. TV as a whole cannot compete with a medium that allows the amount of interactivity that the Internet does.

I honestly dropped twd because of the half seasons shit. I would always plan to just watch them all at once but I never really knew when each season ended and eventually I stopped caring

you can dance around it all you want but it wont change the fact that the millennial generation is generally set between ~1984 - 2000

>Half of Millennials Drop Rage Posts over Clickbaity, Inaccurate Article Titles And Don't Read the Articles Themselves

It's true though.

I dropped Roadies because it wasn't 30 minutes. It went on too long.

This probably says more about the quality of your show than anything else if a large amount of people are dropping it over some inconveniences. That being said I hate paywalls as a concept so generally I won't bother doing much if it requires a subscription. Some exceptions but I try to avoid subscriptions. Especially since so many of them work in weird ways that do their best to make it so you can't cancel among other things.

Maybe it's because I don't pay attention to popular culture, but I'm pretty sure I haven't heard the term 'millennial' used before last year. And I've only ever seen it in the pejorative sense

Unless Nielsen's is monitoring streamers and torrenters, those viewers just disappear.

The problem is, TV as a whole has become "harder" to watch.

Used to be, television was an entirely passive activity. Even the commercials were rote and expected, and you could ignore them. Even if you paid for cable, it was just something that kinda happened, without any real input on your part.

Now, using Hulu as a perfect example, they have comercial breaks in a service you pay for monthly AND those commercials can take the form of a "Quiz", or a captcha where you have to type "Coca-Cola is the Fresh Maker" or whatever shit. It's bullshit.

Of course we turn away when something is "difficult" to watch. Shit used to be easy as fuck, and they had to fuck with it.

no one in the generation before me in my family watches anything "difficult"

>those commercials can take the form of a "Quiz", or a captcha where you have to type "Coca-Cola is the Fresh Maker"
Surely, you're not serious.

Is this real? Do you have interactive ads now?!

I have Hulu and these things don't happen.

Maybe if you're poor as fuck and can't afford the subscription.

>according to new research from TiVo

It's real.

I honestly believe this will push piracy up.

>Watching a dramatic moment with the family on television
>Interactive Coca-Cola advert pops up
>You have to play a 'game' before you can return to your film.

Unless you're chips ahoy, you don't do this.

>no DRM
GOG's trying that with their movie service but unfortunately none of the major studios are biting (yet).

Basically this.

Used to be
>Pop movie into VCR/DVD player
>Play a couple ads, away you go

Now it's
>Look for movie through several streaming service's spotty at best libraries
>Lament that Netflix has the two shitty sequels, but not the one you're looking for
>Hulu has it behind a paywall, and ANOTHER, premium paywall (WTF)
>Amazon has it for a one time fee
>Pay the fee
>Watch the movie
>It's blocky and low-rez as shit
>Turns out they won't stream it in HD on your PC because it's not a tablet or set-top box, as an anti-piracy measure
>Pirate the shit like you should've done in the first place
>even that doesn't guarantee quality

People have cracked the Widevine protection used by Amazon
People can also losslessly capture any amazon source.

I don't know why they bother.

reminds me of videodrome long live the new flesh and all taht stuffs hmmm

Television has literally always been the dumb box.

I am serious, and dont call me Shirley

Was hoping for this.

>people get mad when i tell them i illegally stream my videos and illegally download vidya

if i can have that shit for free, why wouldn't i

Who gets mad?

you and me brother

This isn't the fucking 1970s, there's not 6 TV channels and nothing else to do at 6:00 on a Wednesday night. They are competing with the internet, on-demand streaming of movies, with video games on all kinds of platforms. If you put a roadblock in my path to accessing your content then why would I bother to get over it when there's like a dozen other interesting things I could be doing that require less effort?


Older gen x siblings who still own cds and dvds.


Just cause they could probably. I mean if you're going to pirate then pirate a blu-ray rip.

Not when a lot of content isn't being released or the Amazon master is wildly better than the BD

I had a weird experience with this.
>parents disapprove of my pirating movies and TV shows
>eventually TV technology becomes so confusing and frustrating to my parents they start relying on computer streams because they just have to click play
>Netflix library loses a bunch of its titles and now they can hardly find anything to watch
>begrudgingly ask me to find movies or shows for them
>now they think nothing of it when I had them a thumb drive full of movies
It's not even just millennials, boomers are getting sick of the run around too.

>tfw films will never be as good as the classics
>tfw literally every show or film must have ham-fisted diversity
>tfw everything has become so edgy, generic and cliche that no one wants to takes risks.
I want to go back

>companies are now only just realizing this

of course, add another middle man service. Don't forget the 3rd party client sales companies.

>as a teenager think it's stupid that most anime are only one season
>now I realize how much more convenient it is

My desire to watch 50 hours of the same show has dropped. Not because it's too complicated, but because after that long a show will inevitably start getting predictable.

you realize companies won't give a single shit as long as they make profit? apparantly this business model is still ok to make mad dosh.

don't worry, movies are gonna be great again when trump becomes president.

so what the fuck is post 1996? Cool Squadron?

>the Amazon master is wildly better than the BD

i refuse to believe this

>Read through thread of first world problem as someone who lives in what is effectively the 3rd world, even if not officially
>Realize that as a movie enthusiast, I'm better off in a shithole, because in shitholes at least streaming services, tablets and so on are such a niche thing that they haven't completely massacred the movie industry yet
I am so confused
Is this the singularity?

That's probably why you're not on HDB ;^)

a show can be easy to watch and still be intelligent
t. westworld

>when trump becomes president.


probably because most normies still pay for every piece of media they watch due to convenience

I mean Amazon nerfing the PC stream because it's PC.

just like the media of 2000 to 08, edgy as fuck and jokes and humor didn't have safe spaces to protect the easily offended mentally deficient portion of society

I think it has something to do with the source or licensing.

Your family sounds like a bunch of faggots.

>le epic private tracker and their smug cunt members
I'd rather not be a faggot if it's the price for getting 'better' content

No need to get all salty, poo in loo. You clearly have no knowledge about how masters work.

Excellent bait my friend

I know a guy like that who's 3 or 4 years younger than me and is obsessed with owning physical copies of every piece of media he watches even after I've thoroughly explained to him how easily available and free it is online, I gave up on the faggot a long time ago.


This, but I don't die, just am a little confused. I guess people pay a premium for convenience and can probably afford it.

>tfw they have commercial free now for the same price of netflix

>not watching everything at 1.5 speed to fit more content in your schedule

Going on a midlife crisis.

I've never seen a thread here I was less interested in.

"Millennials" is a recent term. I was born in 84, and pre Millenium I would have thought I was in Gen Z as we were loosely called that, although that itself was not that well known. It's only in the past half decade or so that usage of "Millenial" has taken off and it has been defined as 1980-2000 generation. So anyone in my cohort would not necessarily know what the hell a Millenial was or that they were one.

I mean, logically, without knowing any definition, you would think that a Millennial was someone born after the year 2000, not someone born up to 20 years before it.

The Media fucked up the proper terminology.

Correction, we were loosely called Gen Y, I completely forgot about a letter, half my post is wrong now. Yea, Gen Z as post 2000 makes sense.

The reality is that there's just too much choice. The second you make something slightly more annoying to access, half your audience just switches off and watches something else.

I see where you're coming, but there is a logic to it.

The 1980-2000 definition treats it as a cultural term, rather than a direct generational/age term.
"Millennial" in the original sense was supposed to mean the people who will define the new millennium, around whom the new millennium is centred.

It's a silly term in that, since of course 20 years won't define 1000, but it was supposed to be about how they'll start things off, since of course there was that big mystical undertone to the millennium, as if suddenly the world was supposed to turn on its head.

>make watching a TV show or, god forbid, a movie, "legitimately", a huge ballache where you have to wait a week (or more if there's some sporting event on) for a new episode, sit through annoying commercials that have never sold anything to you in your entire life every 7 minutes and be there at the right time/spend shit loads of money to go to a shitty theater full of noisy retards if it's even out in your country yet or wait for the bluray or DVD or whatever we call it now adays that doesnt play half the time so you can sit through mandatory FBI warnings and trailers and menu animations that spoil the movie
>durrr why do people pirate?!?!?



Where else can you go?
Once you've seen things go in and out of fashion and the entire culture of the internet change because of things YOU'VE contributed to and seen first, where can you go?

it's literally Cred Forums for morons who want instant gratification and for their retardation to be celebrated
owned and ran by morons
there are some good channels but the comment system is so hecked that there's no community there

This website is the best thing that's ever happened to the internet. There is nothing that can or will ever compare.

I've seen rage comics go from hilarious to cringe inducing, image macros go from being clever to being stale and dumb and called "memes" for mass consumption on an industrial scale.

I miss ROW ROW FIGHT DAH POWA and Caturday and niggertonguemyanus and synchtube and GALGALGALGAL and nyancat and never being sure if the next thread would contain CP and typing "noko" in the email field and being called a newfag and ETCETCETC.

We're here because we've witnessed all of this and know that occasionally we get to relive those old days with threads that are 10/10. Or maybe we just want a discussion with masses of hyperbole and retardation because it's funny.

Nothing can compare.



twitter is fucking suck for a mean of communication
i think of it more like a billboard which suit for shilling your shit or quick and short meme, how popular you are is how big the billboard and where it is located

Pretty much. There's no escape since this is one of the only places left that's actually different from the rest of the internet due to the nature of both being anonymous and very active. This place can also be the absolute worst of the internet a lot of the time also, but it would not surprise me at all if I wasn't here for another 10 god damned years.

all of my THIS

>watching tv shows

>caring about the fucking bullshit labels
>identifying with age groups made up almost entirely of plebs