Why is Carmella so loved and Skyler so hated?

Why is Carmella so loved and Skyler so hated?

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>Carmela is awakened by home security system, immediately grabs Kalashnikov
>Skyler pisses and moans about every single thing for the entirety of the series

Gee, who should I choose...?

Carmela was cuddly and would make gabagool when Tony was sick, Skyler forced Walt to raise a cripple rather than give him up for adoption and made him fucking soy bacon or some shit for his birthday.

If the writers were trying to make Skyler insufferable and make me want to kill her, congrats, they succeeded insanely well. So well that when the same actress showed up in Deadwood she practically ruined the show for me I already hated her so much.

What's wrong with Carmela? She was never too naggy or obnoxious despite being treated like shit constantly.

Because Edie Falco is cute and a good actor

Skyler had Walt believe that Ted's son was actually his through the whole series.

>happy birthday, here's a handjob I find less appealing than auctioning off a piece of shit for $12.

Reminder that smoking during a pregnancy can cause the child to be born with cerebral palsy.

>warm and caring
>only tried to cheat after Tony's multiple whoar adventures
>cute milf with nice ass
>makes good food

>cold and bitchy
>smokes while pregnant, gets cripple kids
>fucked Ted
>makes shitty food

Did you not watch season 4 and 5?

Camela is Human
Skylar is hellspawn from satan

Humans tend to relate to other humans


I rewatched breaking bad on netflix and have to constantly skip ahead whenever Skylar opens her mouth

>hire friend to do her job
>treat her like hired paid help during the job
holy shit what a bitch

people defend Skyler here a lot, present thread excluded.

I'm rewatching now, and I usually form new opinions when I rewatch something.

Nope, probably hate her even more now, didn't know it was possible. It's clear she never respected her husband from the beginning. She liked wearing the pants and reacted like a spoiled child whenever she started to feel less in charge.

Carmella is married to a monster, but understands that her position in life is thanks to him being who he is.

Skyler treats her cancer ridden husband condescendingly, and then tries to leave him because she doesn't know how to deal with him being a criminal, and even when she gets on board with helping to launder the money, she acts like she's above it all.

birthday blowjobs>birthday handjobs

I forget why carmela acted like that, it just seems out of character for her

Carmella was a good wife and Skyler wasnt and this resonates with everyone on a deep and instinctual level.

only fat ugly feminist and numale would like Skyler and her "you go girl!" bullshit

>its a "based flynn tells of skyler for being a bitch" episode

because carmela is a better character you redditor

yep, Carmela > Skyler
Flynn > AJ

I really think that Skyler is hated because Anna Gunn is just a shit actress. I think if they had chosen literally anyone else to depict her, she would have been more relatable. Her character was well written. Her choices and actions do make sense for the circumstances.

People jump on the Skyler is a Bitch meme without really thinking about it beyond that.

They both behave like that
Carmella just has a more realistic internal conflict over it. She's distinctly human and thus the viewer empathizes with her.
Skyler is written to withdraw from the viewer, becoming cold, distant and alien. This is more unreliable narration, aligned to Walt's perspective from inside the marriage.

The two are more similar, objectively, than most people admit. The striking difference in how they're recieved is if anything a testament to effective writing. Both shows were clearly aiming for - and hitting - different targets altogether.

Because Walter did nothing wrong.

For some reason skylar just makes me diamond hard... there's just something about her that makes me want to fuck her missionary position with he sole purpose of procreation

Because Carmella was never presented to the audience as a saint. That's the difference.

Skyler on the other hand is presented to us as being correct, even when she really wasn't.

Skylar was a jerk to Walter before he even turned to crime. Carmela was a gold digger that loved her children.

same here

I can't handle her scenes, can't resist the urge to fast-forward

You mean when she had a sexual awakening after putting up with her husbands cheating antics? Yeah, what a fucking slut.

Carmela had a right to kick Tony out and she owned herself. She only realized that what she really needed to survive, was Tony.
That's the beauty of Sopranos. It didn't go for some commentary issue and make a gray point like BrBa. It was simple. You have your family and you learn to accept that.

Flynn had no development. He was just some crip kid who became a breakfast meme.
AJ had some development. We knew he wasn't right to fill Tony's shoes but we knew he wanted to be in that business.
Sure he even fucked up his own suicide but at least he did something more than stutter.

And anything is better than that emo shit kid.

Sounds like an Italian beauty with dignity and self respect.

Sound like some American meth skank.

She is better written.

i want to ride on mercys broom!