Jack Reacher Certified Fresh Lads!

Even with the scientology haters and muh diversity """critics""" who were going to give it a bad review before even seeing it, Jack Reacher 2 sitll manages to rank above 60%, is there anything based Tom Kino Cruise can't do?

You lads going to see it in imax or standard?

Saw it 2 nights ago AMA. 62% seems about 15% too lowtb,h

It's actually pretty bad ass.

I wouldn't recommend missing it

**** stars imo

Any questions?


is there any scene as good as the "fight" in the first one with the two thugs in the bathroom?


so not a huge drop desu

gotta save money for rogue 1

it takes you months to save up 20 dollars?

Oh who gives a fuck, he's old, get the fuck over it

>top critics
>action movie


>talk about JR2
>post picture of the first one
really make you think

If it's like the first one, I'm gonna enjoy this one.


>a few critics out of hundreds mention their SJW nonsense in their reviews
>screenshot them and edit them together to give the appearance that there's a significant presence of it
>circle jerk it as a fact
>now have free victim points for all future movie reviews, mention it at every possible opportunity for muh opreshun

Someone please remind me what the difference in psychology between Cred Forums and tumblr is

well this isn't ether so helloReddit

What's so special about Jack Reacher?

he gives reach-arounds

Tom Cruise is literally the last movie star on the planet and he's also based

he Reaches into your heart and warms it up

So he plays the character like Vincent only working for the good guys?

his movies are a reach, but manage to still be good

Isn't this based off that book series?
If so, I liked the books though he's the biggest mary sue ever.

back to weddit mr marketing man

>Jason Bourne Scientology edition.

Jack Reacher? More like Jack Reach-Around

this. i just want badass action with a slighty mysterious plot.


Pic related has a higher rating than the new Jack Reacher on Rotten Tomatoes.

IMAX 3D with HFR and a large popcorn and soda with luxury seats costs about $90. Triple for my wife and our son.

Reminder: scientology has sea org members on Cred Forums 24/7


I like to reward filmmakers and the industry. It keeps it alive.


>sea org
The fuck is that?

Scientology slave labor kept in Hemet California. If they try to escape a squad hunts them down to bring them back in.

You just know they'll drop all the humor.

anytime i tom cruise movie from the last 5 years is rated on rotten tomaters double the score at minimum


in for 2 tix

>mfw I only have to pay 7 bucks for a ticket
They do overcharge the food though.

I still don't understand how rotten tomatoes system works

This hurts to look at. Was considering IMAX. Why Cruise???

The earliest reviews are always the SJWs furiously smashing f5 to get their chance. As 48 hours passes you'll see it rise to above 50% and if its anything like The Accountant (a fun cinema) then this is the final straw where I DROP rotten tomatoes. They dont even try to hide their bias.

Over 50% by Friday at 8pm showing. cap this

>our son

user, I...

My last 2 digits reverse is the true rating of this movie.

If dubs, 90% or higher

>trusting Rotten Tomemes

Saw this Monday night and it was better than the first. Best gril too. Didn't see IMAX, but now I'm wishing I did.

Expect a full theatere



I hope that this film spawns a bunch of smulders posters

is that markiplier?


Already on the climb. Rotten Tomacucks BTFO.

Comfy Cruise back in theaters, feels good lads.

Her face needs a load so bad. Did Tom smash??

>no werner



itll still be cinema

Every ticket you buy allows you one pump inside Cobie.

How many tickets do you need to finish user?

I'll be buying 30 minus 24

THANKS! Seeing IMAX then.
Wish they got Godard.

The first one was decent, but my biggest complaint was how little trouble Reacher had with basically anyone until the end, and even then not very much.
I think he only took a punch like once in the entire film.
I don't know the source material and I've read articles that indicate the character is just really-fucking-good at everything, but still. I know it's a movie and the good guy is going to win but still felt like he didn't need to be THAT badass.
Love Cruise tho and don't give a fuck how wacky he is IRL.

20 pumps if I'm being honest with my family.
Unless of course Tom is watching then probably 5 pumps or so :^)

They picked a weird book to make a second movie out of.

>crazed little person get certified fresh
>shin godzilla doesn't because of lack of reviews


this post a funny

I saw you here yesterday. I like the way you post.

I liked the first one but have been pretty solidly turned off by the trailers for this one.

>What's so special about Jack Reacher?

Everything. He's a Mary Sue

The next movie should be a crossover with John Wick

John Wick is literally Reddit:the flick
not sure based Cruise can be seen in such a vehicle :