How does Based Ben keep doing it?

How does Based Ben keep doing it?

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He brags about raping her you know...

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George Washington would not be saying that. You meme isn't based on anything except your own fantasy. Here's an example of a meme based on fact ...

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Alexander Hamilton owned slaves. Do we listen to his opinion on that as well?
Cherry pick much?

For.. my dick.

True. Anyone can make a cartoon about George Washington saying anything to anyone. That doesn't make any of it true.

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>thinking Hamilton would call someone a moron for being against foreign interference in our democracy

Do you know about his opposition to the British?

Fuck, you people are stupid.


Which makes that meme invalid

If you must know, it's because he mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby.

Fox news didnt mention that, so none of the TrumpTards know it.

I know you’re shitposting but beyond a leftist talking point I’ve never seen proof of that & posting shit like it without a verified source “IE lying” only strengthens the right.

Only because you want it too

bappity bappity bappity

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Ben “Six million More” Garrison has a point, this impeachment trial makes Trump look strong.

I think Ben Garrison has a crush on the president.

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Comrad, is very good job you are doing. Helping mr trump is helping
Mother Russia

it's going to be fucking hilarious when that orange sack of shit loses in 2020

You know trump is fat right, why are you fetishisting a man who cant pick up a golf ball without help?

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Well he raped your whole party and he’s your daddy too?
Whats your point?

>He brags about raping her you know...

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Ben Garrison creeps me the fuck out. One of the weirdest obsessions with the president I’ve ever seen.

Cred Forums exists for a reason nerds

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You should never assume. You know what happens when you assume. You make an ass out of you and me because that's how it's spelled.

Reddit does too faggot

Who's top right, middle right and bottom left?

triggered nerd

>trump is fat right
lol wut?

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Pathetic Nazis lmfao

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ITT: jewish Commie shills trade poor quality memes. Guess what snowflakes? you've got another term coming in 2020, prepare your anuses, we await your skyscreams


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