Where can I buy a gun without a loicense

Where can I buy a gun without a loicense

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What'a a loicense?

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I can't speak for other countries, but no states in the USA require you to have a loicense

>go to the shittiest part of the nearest city
>ask the local basketball americans about guns
>follow them down the dark alley
>the'll show you their merchandise by pointing it at you

how do they confirm you're not underage?

Why would you need a license?

there are guys out there

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you show them that you posted on Cred Forums because you aren't allowed to do that if you are underage

gun show

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A Cred Forums screenshot would be the worst possible thing you could show a firearms seller.

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As someone who just bought a shotgun last weekend I can confirm this is bullshit. I had to have a state issued form of ID. Even a passport wouldn’t work.

Thete is a guy in Kosovo selling old yugoslav AKs from the 90' dirt cheap,like 70€ a piece.

Jokes like this are funny until the ATF firebombs your house.

dude I said it didn't require a loicense not a licence. It was a play on OPs typo

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you can buy many rifles or shotguns without a license in most states

licenses are primary for concealed carry and hand guns

birth certificate would have worked
they just need some way of doing a background check on you

The black market

This is not a license. This is proof of id for a criminal background check.
All gun purchases must be verified by the NICS system before a sale is completed by an FFL but it is illegal for the federal government to have a registry of the transactions.

Buy an 80% kit and build one.

buy from a private seller or go to a gun show

Go to the deep web and buy from domestic vendor. Done.

You need a license in Illinois and a permit in Hawaii

any of the 50 US states