Dumping my comfy folder because I'm bored as fuck

Dumping my comfy folder because I'm bored as fuck.

Attached: 1554599145496.jpg (768x960, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1560060566192.jpg (3000x2006, 1.27M)

Nice picture. Nice digits

Attached: 8719526.gif (1200x810, 1.55M)

Attached: 489678472365.png (750x750, 493K)

Attached: 1558910465763.gif (540x810, 480K)

Reminder that City Pop is the Official genre of comfy threads


Attached: 0085626ad1d940ca7558e545649e96f5.jpg (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Attached: 1558910117181.jpg (1920x1080, 598K)

Got any physically comfy stuff like chairs, beds, couches, laziness devices?

Attached: 1568785621787.jpg (600x602, 359K)

This is my go to comfy desire room

Attached: couch_room.jpg (640x422, 31K)

these sooo need City Pop


Attached: 1568256789972.jpg (1600x1200, 460K)

Attached: dogfort (2).jpg (500x426, 46K)

No, not really.
I have lots of buildings, like cabins and stuff.
Looks comfy to me.

Attached: 2138241553153.png (850x1100, 1.68M)


Attached: aaa.jpg (1999x749, 303K)

Attached: bda84471702b2a77e93694b81fd6889e.jpg (1000x1000, 251K)

Hey guys whats going on in here?

Attached: b6c292f28deafac7b739dd46d3079b1f.jpg (612x612, 65K)

i would live here with my dog forever alone

this too

Attached: 8242037.jpg (800x800, 70K)


Attached: Animegirldriving.jpg (1920x1112, 884K)

Attached: jgvcjhrtc.jpg (1024x1407, 143K)

Attached: mhv ,jvjhcg.jpg (1801x1373, 343K)

Attached: 1561172129698.jpg (1024x830, 442K)

Super comfy sempai!


Attached: 1524997069229.jpg (1600x1050, 922K)

Attached: 171110-.jpg (1000x1000, 1.12M)

Fucking sweet. Comfydump incoming.

Attached: 44196201_p0.jpg (1800x1031, 1.04M)

Attached: 1579565793340.jpg (2048x1362, 1.02M)

Attached: Comfy3.jpg (1397x1000, 987K)

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Attached: 53735935_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x829, 831K)

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Attached: 53895958485894.jpg (1600x1070, 555K)

Attached: 1578893563812.jpg (1512x1080, 200K)

pls delete & upgrade

Attached: 1a5b192cc2e432396b21a37dd13f1c89.jpg (2880x1620, 1.63M)

Going to post my comfy snow images because it's cold outside but no snow to make it nice.

Attached: 1578890604058.jpg (1024x683, 138K)

Attached: 1578714934117.jpg (1024x683, 113K)

Attached: 1569205262277.jpg (1000x1000, 297K)

Attached: 1565313023892.jpg (604x905, 91K)

If this is well tensioned I think I'd love it. Mattresses are good for obvious reasons, but I'm always hot so having better airflow would be really comfy.

Attached: couch (5).jpg (432x768, 42K)

Thanks for the better quality image.

Attached: 23496358603476.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Attached: 1565311910645.jpg (1920x1080, 1.17M)

I dunno, that doesn't look safe enough to be comfy.

Okay, I don't actually have that many snowy images. Sorry.

Attached: 1578714571135.jpg (700x547, 54K)

Thanks anyways, cabin type stuff is my favorite, both inside and out.

Attached: winter_cabin (37).jpg (3200x2380, 1.68M)

Attached: ENIqUGYXsAUh5pZ.jpg (961x1200, 367K)

Room of pillows and blankets and rugs sounds very nice.

Eh, I'd try it, but I know I couldn't sleep on it. I have to sleep on my side or face down or sleep apnea, and you pretty much have to be on your back with that thing, it looks like.

Attached: 1578710059539.jpg (700x525, 73K)

Attached: jhg ugvyg.jpg (2000x2066, 612K)

Attached: 1578717339018.jpg (937x1171, 204K)

It does, doesn't it?

Attached: 1564801995169.jpg (640x795, 120K)

Attached: comfy.jpg (850x680, 750K)

Attached: 47916545_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x426, 337K)

Ha, yes! I have that one too.

Attached: 45214088_p0.jpg (800x541, 572K)

Maybe okay for a nap or just hanging out.

This makes me wonder what the most ornate shitter looks like.

Cabin stuff for you.

Attached: 1568509703352.jpg (2000x1333, 1.02M)

Holy damn that skirt looks comfy!

Attached: Comfy2.jpg (1169x827, 732K)

Attached: 1577988266473.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

Even better with fluffy frens.

Attached: cats_comfy.png (540x542, 486K)

How about a city of cabins?

Attached: 1559874114731.jpg (1980x1400, 596K)

Attached: 1578712823212.jpg (1600x900, 400K)

Can't tell if sarcastic.

Attached: 1578712226365.jpg (1000x1192, 210K)

Attached: 1579574666747.jpg (1080x1080, 76K)

Attached: 9204902_p0.jpg (440x600, 153K)

But... Where's the bathroom?
I mean, I'd just shit in the forest but I had to ask.

Attached: 733785_1920.jpg (1920x1275, 959K)

A day of heavy rain there sounds perfect. Listen to it hitting the trees and roof.

Attached: rain (13).jpg (3064x1487, 1.71M)

Err... Sorry about this one. It doesn't belong in the comfy folder.

Attached: 1577583563556.jpg (1200x1355, 365K)

Oh, forget it. I see it, it's in Spanish

Attached: mgd1301.jpg (564x501, 77K)

I always assumed it was behind the door under the stairs.

Attached: 4867567283456236478353.png (877x624, 560K)

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Attached: 1576993621847.jpg (2560x1536, 657K)

Attached: 1569887571483.jpg (1010x650, 128K)

Building tunnels are nice

Attached: diag (2).jpg (360x540, 25K)

Attached: 1569881711972.jpg (500x375, 183K)

Attached: 1572064964017.jpg (1242x1548, 208K)

It is, it says "baño"

Not sarcastic at all, quilt skirt looks comfy

Attached: AnimeVW.jpg (4133x2480, 908K)

better than crap like this that appears every time

Attached: 21..jpg (986x647, 251K)

Midcentury Modern is always comfy

Attached: MCM2.jpg (900x600, 170K)

I agree.

Attached: 1569564050095.jpg (2048x1357, 1.23M)

Attached: UK_CHT_BI_621513X.jpg (756x917, 277K)

:( I posted the guy on the street too. Sorry.

Attached: 1565312248431.jpg (6481x3361, 1.42M)

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Attached: 4646806_p0.jpg (772x600, 499K)

Attached: 11701153_p0.jpg (800x577, 255K)

Attached: 1418762998929liljestrand.jpg (1680x1207, 371K)

Attached: eb65ff8a-490e-4f92-9f40-d057859df064.jpg (877x1200, 884K)

Sounds good to me, as long as it's a comfy city of comfy cabins.

Attached: 1565411310609.jpg (1440x960, 329K)

Attached: 37260024_p0.jpg (1500x1091, 1.09M)

Attached: 38159983_p0.jpg (1453x810, 673K)

Attached: 44060941_p0.jpg (800x1055, 651K)

Attached: 48635411_p0 (1).jpg (1071x861, 593K)

That’s the Lake District.
Beautiful part of the world.
I’ve rowed a boat around that wee island

you the one posting that one every comfy thread too? And the rained-out suburban street?

Attached: xdfbdbSDvRs.jpg (1680x1050, 432K)

Attached: 48691868_p0.jpg (1300x1192, 1.01M)

yup, about as comfy as 2-week old iceberg lettuce

Attached: 16 (1).jpg (640x810, 135K)

It's in Norway, isn't it?
I want to see Scandinavia before I die.

Attached: 1550961878406.jpg (1280x960, 417K)

No, that is actually the first time I have posted the guy lying on cardboard watching anime on the street. I'm probably not the one who posts the rained-out pic because for me it would be urban, not suburban.

Attached: nikolai-lockertsen-img-8991.jpg (1920x1280, 552K)

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Attached: 1568517480631.jpg (1074x895, 129K)

Attached: 1462039033712.jpg (1600x1006, 357K)

Attached: room-1265950_1280.jpg (1280x850, 374K)

RIP in peace

Is this the rained out street you mean? I'll take it out of my folder if it bugs you that much.

Attached: 1569564012857.jpg (3264x2448, 1.98M)

Attached: christmasmorn_card.jpg (925x562, 195K)

Pictures from this era always make me think of The Godfather.

Attached: 1549435576538.jpg (1400x935, 807K)

Attached: 1568512259926.jpg (1200x900, 268K)

don't go to Denmark, they're drunken racist hooligans who run around naked half the year; even the Poles are afraid of them.

Attached: 1568228318749.jpg (2048x1365, 1.07M)

I hadn't known these things about Denmark. Thank you.

Attached: 1568079075800.jpg (1000x666, 97K)

city pop is stupid

Attached: 1567219946647.jpg (3072x2304, 1.55M)

got anything ocean? I need the ocean.

Attached: 1567219496097.jpg (640x640, 68K)

Attached: 835738975.gif (1280x536, 461K)

Attached: 1567218247588.jpg (960x960, 146K)

nope, tilted with volvo, & not asia. Even more dismal than that one. Pls don't concern, it's awful.

Attached: maxresdefault (5).jpg (1280x720, 264K)

Attached: 1566704349052.jpg (1334x2000, 428K)

Attached: 1464920247756.jpg (1920x1080, 471K)

Norway and Sweden are beautiful, though.

I only have a few pictures with water in them.

Attached: 1283742978564.jpg (1920x1080, 748K)

That is actually 1951 I think, so Godfather Part II

This is also Godfather Part II, the flashback part

Attached: 1469336050199.jpg (1920x1080, 613K)

Attached: 57481523085.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

thnx brah.. that is soul soothing.

Attached: 710889106.jpg (2400x1600, 338K)

much appreciated

Now I'm curious to see it so I know what's so terrible about it.

Attached: 1566701480154.jpg (1024x768, 197K)

Attached: drgaergbe.gif (500x717, 1.04M)


That needs this


Attached: 1565488567935.jpg (604x452, 65K)

oh, yes.. that's beautiful

Attached: 1565398747270.jpg (1280x854, 182K)

Attached: readingtothe.jpg (720x1080, 88K)

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Attached: 32431358_p0.jpg (1000x712, 327K)

Attached: 64557607_p0.jpg (1300x782, 338K)

very nice

Attached: ob_a608d4-12.jpg (1600x900, 383K)

Attached: 60001005_p0.png (1400x935, 1.98M)

Attached: file (6).jpg (1326x1175, 492K)

Perfect see the pics while listening this:


Attached: 59311907_p0.jpg (1200x799, 307K)


Attached: Villa_Ephrussi_de_Rothschilda.jpg (1280x960, 258K)

Attached: 1578261880779.jpg (3000x1075, 248K)


Attached: kjfgjyh.jpg (1000x1189, 312K)

Thanks, I make an effort.

Attached: 15855362_p0_master1200.jpg (1200x992, 1.47M)

Attached: 268ac16b9d669ac9382f1085c30fc204d484091482c187a265a8e97a6941c191.jpg (4470x2751, 1.31M)

Attached: 25340935_p0.jpg (1415x796, 420K)

too funny

Attached: jvukfva.jpg (1088x906, 434K)

Attached: 1564699796561.jpg (1080x1330, 223K)

Attached: 71425694_p0.jpg (1180x844, 386K)

wow a color filter to upgrade tint from bile green would make such a difference

Attached: bfd53d1edad20ff9b246dba00473b1d8.jpg (600x900, 179K)

Dam almost

"You'd better not drop that, Lorraine! Don't make me get out my belt in front of the children!"

Attached: sfSFGVs.jpg (1254x773, 1.15M)

Attached: 1564699689295.jpg (465x700, 314K)

Attached: 61131440_p0.jpg (800x1140, 865K)

Attached: 164597.jpg (1200x1600, 845K)

Attached: 59198923_p0.jpg (500x648, 182K)

We're approaching the image limit Cred Forumsoys
this has been a much more successful thread than I thought it would be tonight.

Attached: 1547615781401.jpg (1920x1080, 326K)

Attached: 60090616_p0~2.jpg (1234x914, 328K)

imagine how beautiful that place must be when the fields are in bloom

Why have the middle floor if there's nothing on it, take the bedroom down to the second floor. I'd want this for when I'm old and retire, just in the middle of nowhere, by myself, alone.

I agree. Thanks, OP.

Attached: 1569638816692.jpg (697x960, 156K)

Attached: 66150863_p0.jpg (1264x662, 301K)

Attached: 6cc0765e75e7e177291f9667dd8440c0.jpg (1024x420, 121K)

Attached: 67334024_p0.jpg (1300x1127, 650K)

Yeah, especially since the earlier one cratered

I think old Las Vegas is more comfy, but don't have good images

Attached: 1523321252606.jpg (2962x1659, 1.44M)

Maybe next time, friend!

Looks like I had the last image.

Would fucking LOVE to see some vintage neon in the next Comfy thread

greenland :)


One of the cold places I have always wanted to visit.

very niice