I went to the military school when I was 12 and still have nightmares about it 10 years later AMA!

I went to the military school when I was 12 and still have nightmares about it 10 years later AMA!

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stop being a cuck and fuck that asian chick

I would But I dont even know any aisian chicks ):

Get off my board Michael and post a video

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Out of all the things to lie about, why choose this?

What am I lying about?
The photo is not me and most people know that since Michael reves is like as popular as pewdiepie by now

Obviously the military school part. Are you always this stupid?

What let you to the conclusion that I was Lying?
I just kinna want to talk threw the trama..ya know

how big is your pp?

A good size

Yea well as a licensed psychologist I’d recommend suicide for being such a pussy.

small dick confirmed

>I went to the military school when I was 12..AMA
Do you worry you'll end up a total fuckup like Trump in 50 years?

YOU have big pp power

do u have a small pp? and thats why you want attention?

smol is gud


were you molested or something?


oh, tell me more!

You have to ask a question!

lol, ok.
what happened?

What the fuck? Just fucking tell us stop doing this gay bullshit. "Hurrrr you're basically already asking me what happened but I won't tell you unless you SPECIFICALLY ask it!" What are you, some kind of fag roleplaying as a cryptid or some shit? Christ OP I hope you die soon.

My roommate would consistently try to kill me in my sleep.
The kids there were back.
Then my parents sent me back a second year and told me that it was my fault if someone tried to harm me.
Who hurt you!

The kinds there were BAD not BACK.
My bad anons

>My roommate would consistently try to kill me in my sleep.
Why? Did you refused to suck his dick or what?

I think it has todo more with the fact I was white. PPL there were not that fond of white people

pics or gtfo


just how soft was your butt?

I dont like using that word.
If I say that word it makes me just as bad as them


get off of Cred Forums, and especially Cred Forums then, nigger. this aint the site for you

I know. If a place is not for me then thats where I want to be

wow, rude

anyway user, did these melanin-enhanced beings bully you for your smol pp?

please just kill yourselves

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so niggers...
be glad u still alive and moreover, be glad you didn't get raped and infected with aids.

Who hurt you

Just remember: you chose to be here.