Am infected with novel corona virus, currently staying at nearest quarantine clinic from airport, AMA

Am infected with novel corona virus, currently staying at nearest quarantine clinic from airport, AMA

Also post corona-chans

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Will china die?

what does it feel like to be dead soon?

nigga it is basically the flu if you live in a first world country, calm down and stop letting the media freak you out

get well soon then i guess

how big is ur pp?

That's the problem with this shit. The media under reports it and is not freaking us out. While it is common knowledge that China's lying about the numbers (again). Does anyone else feel this is different from ebola, sars or swine and bird flu? I never care about this shit, but this time, there's something that compels me to find as much info as possible.

how/where did you get it from?

Things are way too convenient for this virus and its timing.

Then look at motivations. Every nation on the planet cannot avoid a massive reset and slowdown of their economies. So along comes this virus that will have everything shutdown and the population scared into doing pretty much whatever the government wants. If they announced a major recession, like a tuned chorus every nation's leaders and financial guys: Coronavirus did it. Now stop protesting and get back into your home. Notice how nobody is dogging China about this? Don't you find that suspect?

>Don't you find that suspect?

You've got the gonorrhea!

nearly 800 people died from SARS Coronavirus in 2003-2004 "outbreak". Only 44 people died outside of China in that outbreak.

Third-world china can have all the deaths it wants. Doesn't change anything for first world countries.

Look at me, im OP, im a faggot, and i have the sniffles. Im going to make a thread on Cred Forums about it. So exciting!

Take your Robitussin or your DayQuil and fuck right off.

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China is the origin point of half these fucking weirdo "outbreaks", probably because of "traditional medicine" where they eat fucking bat soup and make "medicine" out of shit like bear bile

Its worse than the Flu. Dr.s and nurses have dropped dead. China is absolutely under reporting it and information is being blocked. It doesn't feel right at all. I'm with you, this shit is way more spread than the official numbers claim.

How many dicks do you eat in a daily basis, Brian?

I sure hope you are right. The thing that puts me off is how insanely fast this virus spreads. That, coupled with the (likely) high lethality levels that China keeps secret unnerves me. And because of the lies of China, I'm afraid the virus will not get the attention it deserves in the Western world.

it's only spreading quickly because no one has any antibodies to fight it off without the person noticing. And media in pretty much any hotbead of chinese travellers are talking about it, because it's a concern for those specific areas, and that's it.

hotbed* fuckin fat fingers.

5 million people fled Wuhan before the quarantine. You're right, it's spreading very quickly. It wouldn't be spread all over the planet already if it was only the few thousand people they claimed

The problem with china is that they give literal horse-medicine and even so-called "drugs of last resort" (DoLR) on a regular basis to their livestock, so viruses and bacteria have a proving ground in which to develop resistances to our most effective medicines.
China created the first Colistin (i.i.r.c.) resistant bacteria a while back because the DoLR was fed to their pigs as part of their daily diet..

Hope you're right man. I have my doubts.

The numbers are doubling every couple days


She Jing Ping said it was a demon virus.

ur such a little bitch

Not sure why being wary constitutes being a little bitch, so okay I guess. Remember that when you get the Wuhan caughs. I just have a nice future ahead of me and I'd hate to see it get fucked, by the fucking Chinese at that

REEEEEEEE give me that sauce!

wuhan nurse claims 90,000 cases, government is underreporting the numbers

expert claims virus could be infecting anywhere between 30,000 and 200,000, vice and guardian reports

they say that each infected person could infect on average up to 3 people. its in the same family as SARS, and i'm no biologist. but if methamphetamine, ritaline and MDMA can all have such vastly different effects on humans, even though chemically they are almost identical, i could imagine slight mutations might lead to large differences in outcomes among viruses.

correct me if i'm wrong.

i believe that the chinese government is hugely under-reporting the severity of the outbreak.

You are all fucking retarded newfags. Post a selfie with timestamp otherwise fuck off

Yeah, they are. We should just fucking nuke China, nothing good ever came out of that country.


35,000 people died of the normal flu last year in the US. Once we get to those numbers, in a first world country, then I'll start loading ammo and eating my neighbors

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dont go full prepper on us here, thats like going full retard. you never go full retard

it's still significant because no one quarantines millions of people over the flu. this is highly infectious and intense enough to lead quickly to pneumonia and bronchitis, which can be deadly, especially for the very young and old

Well.. Millions had the flu. Imagine if millions had the virus and there is no vaccine. It would be different. And what you are forgetting is that the virus still has the potential to mutate to become very lethal.

Sorry for late reply fags, I just got transported to another room

Thats not how the virus works, the throat is itchy as fuck while my eyes are so fucking vivid

Some fucking asian who fucking coughed in the restroom

nigger please

am in 3rd world country

> coughed in the restroom
fucker is lying. ZERO confirmed reports of corona being airborne

>Things are way too convenient for this virus and its timing.

name a time when you wouldn't have said that.

Could you timestamp a pic? Selfie with face covered, background showing. It's bold to claim being infected while not providing proof

>Fucking retard not knowing how coughing works

youre a dumbass man. its widely suspected its airborne. everyone working in the quarantine area wears a suit or a mask. everyone is forced to stay inside.

cant really, using my left arm to type i cant lift up phone im currently to weak

never since i was cought up in the scanner

am i fucked? please tell me im going to be fine

Then take a pic of the room, the ceiling, whatever. Anything to substantiate your claims. Otherwise, you might just be fearmongering

can no longer pic that, am far away now, have no idea where they took me

sorry, upload fail

Attached: IMG_20200129_181227.jpg (1536x3264, 1.16M)

see i cant lift up my phone

>KONY 2012
Go eat a bag of dicks kike, no one gives a shit about your fake so called "news" about a normal fucking flu

I think all the artists have died or will only do anything for money.
sorry bro.

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you look young and healthy youre probably fine. just be careful and prepare for what could be a really really bad flu

Whats your favorite Queen song ?

Don't they put you in gowns in china?

Nurse will take away my possessions, have a nice life lads

i wanna see her when i die

not sure man throats killing me

not in china rn, am in shitty 3rd world clinic

Dude exactly this, I used these exact words when I was talking about it with a friend yesterday. It may be irrational, but I feel that something is different about this one and it makes me feel uneasy

It's suspected to be airborne, but not yet proven. It's just precautions to get masks. It's definitely spreading via drop infections

>everyone working in the quarantine area wears a suit or a mask.
Of course, because it also protects you from other means of transportation

This virus is like playing plague inc on the super easy difficulty

so its like a bad sore throat?
do you have any other symptoms?

In 2 weeks patients in Europe will suddenly start popping up. The numbers will climb into hundreds in a few days after that. That's when the panic will begin and that's when it's too late.

Good I hope everyone fucking dies.

there's already confirmed infected in France and Germany i believe

Death toll just exceeded that of SARS

we got it on the west coast of the US



My bad, i guess i misheard.

yeah there's also a confirmed case in Chicago, Illinois.


I, for one, appreciate your level of knowledge and furthermore I wish to add that I am grateful for you taking the time to share it with us.

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Which country ffs

We can hope a bunch of their government officials do.

>No geolocation exif
>Pic related

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There's never been a lethal deadly virus since the black plaque.

All i hear about is strains of flu, tb and parasites that can fuck with you but its nothing medicine and rest cant fix for the average younger human being.

We need a strain of flesh eating bacteria that can penetrate the skin externally and is airbourne.

Imagine the worldwide panic lol.

>There's never been a lethal deadly virus since the black plaque.
What is Bacteria
>All i hear about is strains of flu, tb and parasites that can fuck with you but its nothing medicine and rest cant fix for the average younger human being.
What is HIV

I guess you never heard of “Spanish Influenza” of 1919.


Just desserts for all those probings! I would have checked to see if it had an asshole, too.


On which day and full blown pneumonia or somewhere between heavy cold and flu or about where?

spanish influenza but then again the bubonic plague was also not that lethal as is understood by most, not that it matters

fun fact, every plague to ever grace us was zoonotic and came from the old world

nowadays a few societies have reached a point of living together that is very similar to the kind that made the plagues of the old world possible, even if it's just temporary, it'll be decades or even a century and more until that way of living will have ended and doesn't spring up from squalor or other necessities and so we might see a rise in such minor plagues or even a major

one of the bigger risks is recombination of two similar strains while they both infect someone, that initially came from different species/hosts tho not all that recombination makes them worse

for the curious there's also MERS, SARS, NL1, UHK63 to just name a few of the global epidemics of corona strains the past two decades, there are however many more and a majority of all pneumonia since corona infected us has been caused by it, so in those hundreds of thousands of years and those to come, millions to billions are going to die

I don't think you guys are "feeling different" about this one for any bad reason. In my case, I do feel particularly interested in this one compared to the others because I'm not a teenager anymore. You care for different things as you grow up. I started caring about politics, for instance, in the past couple of years, as well as world news. Maybe it's a similar thing for you guys; you're growing up.


The WHO reports state it can contaminate other humans not through air (if it was airborne, it would contaminate everyone in a 10-meter radius the second an infected person spoke, like tuberculosis), but through droplet transmission. Coughing and sneezing leaves droplets with the virus suspended in the air for a few minutes in a 2-meter radius, tops. So exposing your eyes/nose/mouth to droplets OR having some on your hands/clothes and then touching your eyes/nose/mouth will get you fucked.

We have been graced the mongoloid nostradamus!

Are You nigger?

Why is everyone is such a panic over this

everything is going according to plan
CIA is paying off the Rioters in Hong Kong to destabilize them

This virus was cooked up in a bio lab as part of a black project. now it's distraction from any impeachment trial going on and a war cry against the damage China is doing to USA

it would be more likely that this may be a china black project to study how a new global pandemic would affect various nation states and the global economic/trade system.