Fuck you guys and this gay ass world. You people disgust me and personify everything I hate about this world...

Fuck you guys and this gay ass world. You people disgust me and personify everything I hate about this world. I'm now going to kill myself, in the hopes that they shut this site down. For my picture in this thread, I give you my slashed wrists.

Attached: Wrist.jpg (1214x2157, 363K)

I feel like personify is the wrong word here, but the right one isn't leaping out at me. Anybody have any ideas?

Paint your nails first?

Your supposed to do it straight down the middle retard

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

lol okay gay bait whats your problem lol like why be such an emo faggot when you can like go outside and fuk sluts and be an alpha dude LOL but no not you here you are all like 'EVERYTHING I KNOW IS BLACK' LOL like theres some shit wrong with you lol like why are you such gay bait lol

You missed a couple veins to kill yourself bro!



That will stain. Get the fake blood off that carpet before mom gets home

ok cool can you now suck my balls

yo nice trips

wasted trips

or you can just log off and go live

Hey OP. I work at one of the plants that actually makes that fake blood. It's one factory and we package it for about 12 different companies in different packaging.

That shit causes cancer, like allowing it to seep in through the skin has a chance to increase your risk of getting cancer. It's also made with industrial red dye (anything else would look like shit after sitting around for 3 years before a fucking idiot buys it at his local spencers). That won't come out of fabric. You fucked your carpet faggot.

NO this is the only way to show you assholes! UGGGGGHHHHHHHH I'M DYING!

Jesus, the absolute state of Cred Forums

What a faggot

Represent maybe?

You go down the road not across

personify would work, it's just a really faggy way of saying

"you embody all the traits/ perform all the actions that I hate in the world"

What OP could have said was something along the lines of

>ghurr ghurrr spluge gurgle gurgle swallow
at least then he would sound like less of a faggot

Slice UP along your arm so you open an artery, not sideways so all you do is wake up in a hospital psyc ward with cut tendons and an immobile useless hand.

This. Based dubs. Horizontal is for attention, vertical for results. OP is a giant faggot with a smelly pussy.

Keep on going
Cut deeper down your wrist

its oil based, he's fucked.