I need help guys. My life is going to shit because of some bitch at my college

I need help guys. My life is going to shit because of some bitch at my college.

> Be me
> Hang out with friend at her birthday party
> Her friend, for absolutely no reason, begins to make fun of me, calling me a fag and other shit.
> I call the bitch what she is and she gets mad telling me to apologize
> I tell her to fuck off and I think that’s the end of it
> 4 days later I get a knock at my door
> 3 Black dudes are there and ask me to step outside
> Unfortunately I get my ass beat
> My parents don’t entirely know what’s going on and I don’t want to scare my mom or worry them
> She texts me and begins to harass me, saying that I deserved it and have more coming my way
> She threatens my family

Cred Forums I want to ruin this bitches life. I want her to suffer for all of eternity, her and her brothers. What can I do? What’s the easiest thing I can do to ruin a high schoolers life and her deadbeat brothers? I want to watch the world burn.

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Just take the law approach. Or if you have friends isolate her socially.

>gets jumped by 3 dudes
>doesnt call police
call the fucking cops you absolute mongoloid. you may not be a fag but you are an idiot.

well, now you know why some women dont report rapes.

Clear terroristic threatening in text confirming her part in your assault.

You have everything you need to fuck her life up.

No no, she's right about me being a fag. It's the principle of the thing.

Court is always there.
Dont make a retard mistake and dont take it there, their main protection is people fear of getting a lawsuit.

>Ruin her life
Keep letting her talk shit, then fake a freak out over text. She'll send her dipshit brothers back and you'll have them beating you up on camera.

They go to jail, or at least on trial, and cunt gets fucked up. You could even go after her if she threatens your family.

who gives a shit. don't ruin your life for some ghetto bitch you moron. go to the police and ruin their lives.

But they beat my ass so nicely~

fuck. you are just as stupid as OP.
>someone threatens you
>3 dudes jump you
>threatens you again
>here officer is a record of the messages and as you can see my face is fucked up
what do you think they are gonna do? they are gonna arrest that bitch and whoever the fuck beat him up.

by the way you need to be 18 to use this website.


Fuck them. Post their shit on Cred Forums, they'll have random trolls screwing with them for shits and giggles.

>he took the bait

Sounds like you deserved it, next time don't be such a fag.

What i meant...

Then you've got her on hate crime, that's some fun federal level shit for her and her friends


I’m 18. She’s 17

Why don't we all just prank these faggots.

To everyone saying go to the police. I can’t. They got a lot of friends willing to fuck my shit up. Some of which are gang affiliated. I’m really not trying to get shot

dont fkn talk to me like that. got it?

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so this is the reality? fuck

Go to her house try to get creep pic or thing like this, tell her to suck your cock or you share pics, film the BJ where she swallow and share all the thing

You could legally shoot 3 niggers next time. I literally only got charged with improper exhibition of a firearm when something similar happened to me. It was a fucking misdemeanor and I fuckin hit him with a .357 in the left calf. It's better for you though cause there niggers. Prob wont even catch a charge

Put her pgone number on craiglist saying she has a free 1996 honda civic

M8 stfu you're not hardcore

I don't think iv ever told someone to fuck off. Why do you live like that? Don't

this is america no one cares about dead thugs shoot them first

Won’t work. I’m not white

Makes sense honestly. They probably wouldn’t have jumped a white guy to begin with. Get a gun.

Why did you step outside? Should have slammed the door and gotten a gun.

Someone who isn't me says don't post her name and age in NATO photonic alphabet because there's nothing else to do tonight.

i can tell just from that one word you are a fuckin pussy

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You've been assaulted and cell phone records prove she orchestrated it and is threatening further harm. It's open and shut, sure to fuck up her college ambitions and any chances at a job that isn't wage slavery.

This story doesn't make any sense.
Makes me think you're leaving out details or its fake altogether.
Either way you're a dumb fuck.

you have a tide pod gif saved on your computer

you should think twice about slinging shit when you're that much of a fag

And a fag

its fuckin funny fuck you

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blast those dumb niggers head off with a shotgun

File harassment and assault charges you fucking wimp

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This. This is exactly what I needed to hear. There’s even a video with her voice in it recording them harassing me. I’m gonna send it along with screenshots to her highschool and see what happens. I’m only a lil scared of retaliation but at this point I might as well call the police.

Call the cops retard

>not white
>dumb as fuck
checks out tbh

You can sue them and get money from a civil trial