Why are y'all so obsessed with feet (even the boy ones)?

Why are y'all so obsessed with feet (even the boy ones)?

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For me it’s not the feet being centralised, it’s the position and smug.

Feet is the most arbitrary "just because" fetish i've seen.

Except maybe that woman who literally wanted to fuck the statue of liberty. Not a person dressed as the statue of liberty. The actual fucking copper statue.

I'm asking bcs I wanted to boast about my painted toe nails because I'm a femboy. And I ended up sending feet pics for 2 hours.

I like boy feet

boy's feet are made for sex

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Why do ya have a neat little emblem my friend?

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Almost nobody has Cred Forums pass, muchless displays the thing like an attention whore. Which i am.

I mean I got my attention, but not for the thing that I wanted (nails)

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I remember you from yesterday. Nice nails.

Also nice soles, balls, and ass.

Thanks hehe

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Few hundred years ago ancles were sexy..Ladies would flirt by lifting their skirt 5 inches off the ground

Hide any body part for a few generations and it eventually becomes sexual I guess.

Face fetish in 100 years UwU

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Cool learn something new~

show your soles you slut


Hehe thank you for calling me slut UwU~~ but I'm too lazy today archived.moe/b/thread/819454735/#819454735 here's my yesterday thread

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Das a man I've seen da thread! A cute man!

Thank you!

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Do you keep yourself caged?


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That’s cute as heck

Fuck edging to this now
Saving all these, thanks in advance for making me cum

r-really?~~ (。・・。)

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Mhm, they're really cute, I'm kinda close...