Fuck you I'm pissed off. Make a statement and I will argue with you

Fuck you I'm pissed off. Make a statement and I will argue with you.

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black people aren't human
gas kikes

I feel ill

I love you dude.

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Tony hawk underground 1 was better than the sequel

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You're pissed off

that's a true pro gamer move right there

pedophilia is bad

I agree.

OP isn't a faggot

Go back faggot

Fable was an objectively generic, forgettable series that was accidentally really fun and thus memorable. Those that remember false promises by lionheart will know

>black people aren't human
People and human mean the same thing so you fucked yourself there

You feel fine.
You don't even know me. Love is a complex term and also impossible to apply to someone you do not know. You do not love me.

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The sequel objectively added more features and improved the graphics. Logically the only reason anyone would prefer the first is a nostalgia factor

Features and graphics are always nice but I enjoyed the story over the typical gimmicky stuff. It wasn't S tier writing by any means but coming up as a no name skater and making it big was fun. I also really enjoyed the little neighborhood level you start out in.

Haha clever guy here.
I was pissed off. Now I have this thread and some fresh Burger King and I'm in a better mood.
By "bad" we usually mean harmful to others. It is not bad unless acted upon. Basically, when someone annoys you and you want to punch them but don't, that doesn't make you a bad person and arguably makes you a good one. Pedophiles who don't harm anyone are not bad.

Also some nostalgia though you're definitely not wrong. I miss all the old THPS games. It pretty much started falling apart at project 8 imo.

I am an OP. Therefore I am a faggot.
Although it was nothing groundbreaking Fable was a brilliant game artistically and it's storytelling was excellent. The gameplay and customization was fun as well.

Aquamarine blue holds greater historical and cultural significance than ultramarine blue.

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Wake up with the king.

Shitting is an unpleasant activity, but the feeling afterwards makes it tolerable.

Children should not be diddled.

I played those games too and agree, they were a lot of fun.

Checked, you may be a faggot but you are lucky op.

Ultramarine is used more commonly and has a more powerful effect on humans, this is why it has a greater cultural influence.
Ever had to hold in a diarrhea for awhile? The feeling afterwards is quite pleasant, but so is sitting down and letting it rip.

You like your ass burning?

Being a faggot is a best thing you could be hehe

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Checkmate. You got me. Asshole.
Lol sometimes. I got two 777 posts in the same thread last week, it was pretty crazy. I didn't even notice until you brought that up. I am pretty lucky today. Only when I'm not trying though

For me it's millhouse

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Why do you go on Cred Forums op

Some people are stupid

Most people's ass doesn't burn when they shit. You may want to consider seeing a doctor.
False. As a faggot you are unable to procreate thereby failing in you basic biological function. According to Darwin organisms that cannot effectively reproduce die out. Faggots have the advantage of being propped up by normal, straight humans and their societies which, coincidentally, effectively displays their inferiority to normal humans.

Those trips are pretty neat

This character by the culture of this website will never be a meme.
Because I like to talk to random people sometimes about stupid shit.
No one is truly stupid. This implies a lack of intelligence. Some people are simply better at other things than others. For example a plumber vs a doctor. Can a plumber do a heart surgery? No. Can a doctor plumb in an entire house from the ground up? No. They simply have different skill sets. Either could do the others job under the right circumstances.

I will go ahead and agree with this statement.

I didnt mean lack of skills, as everyone lack some skills someone else has, i meant intelligence

For example flat earthers

Also why do you think that skills = intelligence? It was a sudden and unexpected change

The uninspired story mode ala viva la bam meets destruction tour is inferior compared to underground 1's rookie to pro with the evil ERIC SPARROW

But being fucked feels soo good

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you are a wonderful person, OP!

The best modern invention is the transistor

Best modern invention is the internet

It requires at least some intelligence to learn a skill. Everything we do can be considered a skill. Therefore, since everyone has some skill in something, no one can be considered truly stupid. (disregarding the mentally ill, elderly, and babies)

Homosexuals are gay

While this may be true it, that alone does not make one better than the other. Unless you played this game for the story mode.
This is an opinion and so cannot be debated. I for one do not enjoy being fucked.

Asian woman look way better than most other woman from other ethnicities.
Of course some are ugly as fuck but most of them are p average if we're looking at a global scale.

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In my mind in order for someone to be a "wonderful person" they must not have hurt anyone else intentionally. I have said some mean things to someone who (rightfully, at least in my mind) deserved it. Even if they deserved it a wonderful person would've kept their mouth shut therefore I am not a wonderful person.

Wasn't me but that is what I would've said.

> (You)
> I for one do not enjoy being fucked.
You're missing out so much fun user

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No you won't

Jews are the big evil

Some homosexuals still have heterosexual relationships. Therefore not all homosexuals can be considered strictly gay.

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OP BTFO by irrefutable argument and excellent taste.

If the majority of males in the world believed Asian women to be more attractive than other women their presence in the media and fetish pornography would increase. As it stands, white women dominate both these areas and because males consume entertainment media and at an equal rate and pornography at a much higher rate than females it's safe to assume that white females are statistically the most desired type of woman.

The reason most important artists and scientists are men is due to the increased variance of male iq, compared to women

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Haha I've done this a handful of times and that is the first time someone has hit me with that one. That is the cleverest response I've seen so far. I enjoyed that one.

The biggest evil in the world is humans themselves. Jews are humans. So are Africans, Chinese, and white people. All have committed atrocities.

vroom vroom

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Damn you right
Chekt, how you gonna argue against trips OP?

Fuck the other dude I laughed

is that cat reading a book titled naked chicks?

So you think simply because they are not represented in the media man don't love them as much?
And you're only talking about western media. What about actual large countries with over one billion citizens like India? All woman represented in their media are asian and thus a country of one billion people (1/8 of the world) and thus 1/8 of the male population. And then what about China with almost 1.5 billion people there? Almost full represented Asian media so that gives us 2/8 of the population prefering Asians. Then again Africa with almost pure black media. 1/3 out of the question and thus not going to white people. Then after these 2 cuntries comes US with let's say all for white woman. After that comes indonesia, again full represented by asians. After Brazil represented by south americans. And all the countries after are non-western countries. You think western media is the only media in the world but that is not such the case. In the top 10 biggest countries right now only one has a white majority.
Thus even IF i would follow that non-coherent argument you would say i'm right. And pornography is not really relatable source. There is not a lot of information overall about pornography presence of whites and/or asians BUT the pornographies that are really important from the biggest countries in the world don't give any information. You're not gonna tell me. Everyone uses the same pornsites.

Pornography is good for your mind, and your mental health doesn't suffer when you watch it

The reason is because women are encouraged to become mothers and wives and also biologically inclined to do so. It has nothing to do with IQ. If it did there wouldn't be any talented female artists or scientists.
Not on the right side of the road. Can't drive effectively. Get the fuck out of the vehicle.

Holy fuckin shit this is the luckiest day of my life. I'm gonna go play the lotto this afternoon

I explicitly said variance you double nigger

Pornography is possibly the best source for determining the racial identity of the most desired woman because the consumer can choose exactly what he wants to see. White women are, globally, the most searched for type of women in porn.

Pornography damages your mental health because it creates an idea of what a sexual encounter should be like in your head. When you come to the realization that normal intercourse is nothing like pornography you either become depressed or addicted to porn and may even choose masturbation over making love to your partner. Obviously this is not healthy behavior.

Doesn't matter. I said it has nothing to do with IQ

Raw sex feels so much better than using a condom

>there's no relation between success and IQ

For women and fags a ribbed condom can feel better than a raw dick.
Never said that for one. If that is the argument you want to make then STATE IT NIGGA

Marriage is bullshit

You're retarded if you argue with me.

Animals can consent

Marriage has been the cornerstone of every civilization to rise out of the stone ages since basically forever. The concept developed independently around the world. It's natural, normal human behavior and creates the best environment for raising children.

Get your islamic bullshit out of here ahmed, this is a christian board

Actually arguing, or exchanging ideas, is am example of higher intelligence. For example, animals and children cannot do this.

Christians animals can consent

Animals are not capable of the higher thought processes required to understand the concept of consent. If they were, they would be able to do simpler tasks like communicate more effectively with us.

the world is tackling problems when effect of the cause has already happening, efficiently like putting a plaster on a stab wound but with the tri bladed knife

although the thread is pretty wicked atm with
trips to start
trips as a troll
then again as the only necessary rebuttal needed
if i may interject at the instance here, that's because men are supported in their formative years and most girls are treated like their only purpose is to eventually be bred.

at the crux of it anyway, it's why society is so lit now because women are like HOW DARE YOU ONLY SEE ME FOR WHAT MY LITERAL BIOLOGICAL PURPOSE IS.

go figure, society has conditioned itself that furthering your bloodline is bad. i guess due to the non-sequitur within the 'powerful, evil, greedy bloodlines rule the world, so i can't create a dynasty, in case it happens in the future with them' (plausible backward 'logic' due to the amalgamation of ethos, pathos and logos due to PC culture madness)

all conjecture though, what do it know.

>has already happening...
is already happening
or has already happened
got mixed up in my brain, well done me

this girl is kinda hot

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What other option do we have? Most of these problems cannot be foreseen so a reaction is the only option.

Shoulders too broad in comparison to waist. Eyes too far apart. Large nose. Generally large head for a female. That woman is not attractive.

Can you disprove it, really?

7/22 does not equal 3.

7/22 is not pi either!

Fucking children is wrong
Especially toddlers

Then why are u alive

Haha you just proved you're retarded.

I thought it did. My bad. Lemme try again. You can multiply 3 by 7 and get 21. You cannot multiply 7 by pi and get 21. Therefore 3 =/= pi.

How do you figure that?