Introverted as fuck

>introverted as fuck
>posts on ig for attention
Can this bitch fuck off already?

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Thots gonna be thots so i dont think she will ever disapear

introverted doesn't make a difference online, imbecile. It's not an aversion to taking or posting pictures, just talking to people. Are you fucking retarded?

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I have a BS in Psychology and i think youre a faggot whos too mesmorized by this chick to realize shes falsely labeling herself

Says the one posting daily obsession threads

This. She's just labeling herself as an introvert as another hook to get guys to pay to see an average thot

introversion is just another way to say "submissive"

>college boy
oh yeah?
Name every course

No it's fucking not you dumb faggot

yes it is

No its not. Is almost equivalent to asocial you retard


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a woman claiming to be introvert is her saying she's submissive.
It also works on men, men who claim to be introverted are beta-male submissives.

I'm on Cred Forums less than once a week, and every time someone (obviously the same weirdo) posts a thread about this random camgirl.

Jesus christ get a life you humongous faggot.

>people actually take this image seriously

Youre an idiot.
Go back to eating her anal and pussy gummybears that you paid like $200 for you lonely cuck

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>angry and name-calling
Feeling personally attacked over your ignorant view of the world?
introverted women are submissives.
I'm guessing a chad fucked your introverted girl making you a cuck by definition and now you want to deflect that truth by calling me one.

So you wasted your time doing a non-STEM degree because you could get past 3rd grade math?

>introverted women are submissives
No theyre not you dumbass.
I met an actual introverted girl in college and she legit just wanted to be left alone.

In all 4 years she never had a bf, maybe 1 or 2 friends max plus me and was never the center of attention.
But even then she wouldnt hang out with us much. She really wanted to be alone most of the time

> she legit just wanted to be left alone.
Because you're a lonely cringe beta-male, she knows your genes are weak.
Plus this only goes to show how little you understand women.
You think when I say submissive you think i mean to lonely cringe betas, LMAO.

>non-STEM degree
>Bachelor of Science in Psychology
>bachelor of science

Yup. Im an unmarketable SJW gender studies person

Bachelor of science you retard

Obviously you didn't get past 3rd grade english because you dont know what a BS degree is

Kek she told me her lab partner asked her out one time and he was was more confident and good looking than me.
She said no and showed me the text then told me he wont leave her alone and move on

Kek youre a faggot for refusing to believe what introverted actually means

What do you plan on doing with your bs in psych?

some more personal anecdotes.
I'm explaining colors to an always-blind man at this point.

>non-STEM degree

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Are you talking about what they say or what they are? I would agree that people might incorrectly misuse the term introvert to indicate submissive posturing as with the e-thot in OP post.

If you are talking about what they are then I would disagree. In fact it commonly works the other way around. People who are into being the sub in bondage play are often extroverted, serious power play types in their daily life.

No youre just trying to assume that you know what introverted means.
Im trying to tell you ive met someone who was actually introverted and never succumbed to any influence

But of course im sure you know what youre talking about. Youre an expert on this subject after all

Youre a dumbass

not real terms and not scientifically sound to ever defend the terms. They're effectively on par with chad/beta/submissive type terms.